
Rajesh Raina

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18EETakahiro J. Yamaguchi, Mani Soma, Jim Nissen, David Halter, Rajesh Raina, Masahiro Ishida: Skew measurements in clock distribution circuits using an analytic signal method. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 23(7): 997-1009 (2004)
17EEJohn Gatej, Lee Song, Carol Pyron, Rajesh Raina, Tom Munns: valuating ATE Features in Terms of Test Escape Rates and Other Cost of Test Culprits. ITC 2002: 1040-1049
16EEDawit Belete, Ashutosh Razdan, William Schwarz, Rajesh Raina, Christopher Hawkins, Jeff Morehead: Use of DFT Techniques In Speed Grading a 1GHz+ Microprocessor . ITC 2002: 1111-1119
15EEMani Soma, Welela Haileselassie, Jessica Yan, Rajesh Raina: A Wavelet-Based Timing Parameter Extraction Method. ITC 2002: 120-128
14EEB. Bailey, A. Metayer, B. Svrcek, Nandu Tendolkar, E. Wolf, Eric Fiene, Mike Alexander, Rick Woltenberg, Rajesh Raina: Test Methodology for Motorola's High Performance e500 Core Based on PowerPC Instruction Set Architecture. ITC 2002: 574-583
13EENandu Tendolkar, Rajesh Raina, Rick Woltenberg, Xijiang Lin, Bruce Swanson, Greg Aldrich: Novel Techniques for Achieving High At-Speed Transition Fault Test Coverage for Motorola's Microprocessors Based on PowerPC(tm) Instruction Set Architecture. VTS 2002: 3-8
12EETakahiro J. Yamaguchi, Mani Soma, Jim Nissen, David Halter, Rajesh Raina, Masahiro Ishida: Testing clock distribution circuits using an analytic signal method. ITC 2001: 323-331
11EETakahiro J. Yamaguchi, Masahiro Ishida, Mani Soma, David Halter, Rajesh Raina, Jim Nissen: A Method for Measuring the Cycle-to-Cycle Period Jitter of High-Frequency Clock Signals. VTS 2001: 102-110
10EEJay Bedsole, Rajesh Raina, Al Crouch, Magdy S. Abadir: Very Low Cost Testers: Opportunities and Challenges. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 18(5): 60-69 (2001)
9 Rajesh Raina, Robert Bailey, Dawit Belete, Vikram Khosa, Robert F. Molyneaux, Javier Prado, Ashutosh Razdan: DFT advances in Motorola's Next-Generation 74xx PowerPCTM microprocessor. ITC 2000: 131-140
8 Takahiro J. Yamaguchi, Mani Soma, David Halter, Jim Nissen, Rajesh Raina, Masahiro Ishida, Toshifumi Watanabe: Jitter measurements of a PowerPCTM microprocessor using an analytic signal method. ITC 2000: 955-964
7EENandu Tendolkar, Robert F. Molyneaux, Carol Pyron, Rajesh Raina: At-Speed Testing of Delay Faults for Motorola's MPC7400, a PowerPC(tm) Microprocessor. VTS 2000: 3-8
6 Carol Pyron, Mike Alexander, James Golab, George Joos, Bruce Long, Robert F. Molyneaux, Rajesh Raina, Nandu Tendolkar: DFT advances in the Motorola's MPC7400, a PowerPC G4 microprocessor. ITC 1999: 137-146
5 Magdy S. Abadir, Rajesh Raina: Design-for-test methodology for Motorola PowerPC microprocessors. ITC 1999: 810-819
4EERajesh Raina, Robert F. Molyneaux: Random Self-Test Method - Applications on PowerPC (tm) Microprocessor Caches. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1998: 222-229
3EERajesh Raina, Robert Bailey, Charles Njinda, Robert F. Molyneaux, Charlie Beh: Efficient Testing of Clock Regenerator Circuits in Scan Designs. DAC 1997: 95-100
2 Rajesh Raina, Charles Njinda, Robert F. Molyneaux: How Seriously Do You Take Your Possible-Detect Faults? ITC 1997: 819-828
1EEJames Monaco, David Holloway, Rajesh Raina: Functional Verification Methodology for the PowerPC 604 Microprocessor. DAC 1996: 319-324

Coauthor Index

1Magdy S. Abadir [5] [10]
2Greg Aldrich [13]
3Mike Alexander [6] [14]
4B. Bailey [14]
5Robert Bailey [3] [9]
6Jay Bedsole [10]
7Charlie Beh [3]
8Dawit Belete [9] [16]
9Al Crouch [10]
10Eric Fiene [14]
11John Gatej [17]
12James Golab [6]
13Welela Haileselassie [15]
14David Halter [8] [11] [12] [18]
15Christopher Hawkins [16]
16David Holloway [1]
17Masahiro Ishida [8] [11] [12] [18]
18George Joos [6]
19Vikram Khosa [9]
20Xijiang Lin [13]
21Bruce Long [6]
22A. Metayer [14]
23Robert F. Molyneaux [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [9]
24James Monaco [1]
25Jeff Morehead [16]
26Tom Munns [17]
27Jim Nissen [8] [11] [12] [18]
28Charles Njinda [2] [3]
29Javier Prado [9]
30Carol Pyron [6] [7] [17]
31Ashutosh Razdan [9] [16]
32William Schwarz [16]
33Mani Soma [8] [11] [12] [15] [18]
34Lee Song [17]
35B. Svrcek [14]
36Bruce Swanson [13]
37Nandu Tendolkar [6] [7] [13] [14]
38Toshifumi Watanabe [8]
39E. Wolf [14]
40Rick Woltenberg [13] [14]
41Takahiro J. Yamaguchi [8] [11] [12] [18]
42Jessica Yan [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)