
Javier Prado

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3 Rajesh Raina, Robert Bailey, Dawit Belete, Vikram Khosa, Robert F. Molyneaux, Javier Prado, Ashutosh Razdan: DFT advances in Motorola's Next-Generation 74xx PowerPCTM microprocessor. ITC 2000: 131-140
2EECarol Pyron, Javier Prado, James Golab: Test Strategy for the PowerPC 750 Microprocessor. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 15(3): 90-97 (1998)
1 Carol Pyron, Javier Prado, James Golab: Next-Generation PowerPCTM Microprocessor Test Strategy Improvements. ITC 1997: 414-423

Coauthor Index

1Robert Bailey [3]
2Dawit Belete [3]
3James Golab [1] [2]
4Vikram Khosa [3]
5Robert F. Molyneaux [3]
6Carol Pyron [1] [2]
7Rajesh Raina [3]
8Ashutosh Razdan [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)