2009 |
296 | EE | Christian Wolter,
Philip Miseldine,
Christoph Meinel:
Verification of Business Process Entailment Constraints Using SPIN.
ESSoS 2009: 1-15 |
295 | EE | Feng Cheng,
Sebastian Roschke,
Christoph Meinel:
Implementing IDS Management on Lock-Keeper.
ISPEC 2009: 360-371 |
294 | EE | Long Wang,
Christoph Meinel:
X-Tracking the Changes of Web Navigation Patterns.
PAKDD 2009: 772-779 |
2008 |
293 | EE | Ge Zhang,
Feng Cheng,
Christoph Meinel:
SIMPA: A SIP-Based Mobile Payment Architecture.
ACIS-ICIS 2008: 287-292 |
292 | EE | Michael Menzel,
Christian Wolter,
Christoph Meinel:
Towards the Aggregation of Security Requirements in Cross-Organisational Service Compositions.
BIS 2008: 297-308 |
291 | | Stephan Repp,
Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel:
Automatische Erzeugung Semantischer Annotationen für Vorlesungsvideos.
DeLFI 2008: 149-160 |
290 | | Stephan Repp,
Andreas Groß,
Christoph Meinel:
Webbasierte Suche in Vorlesungsvideos auf Basis der Transkripte eines Spracherkenners.
DeLFI 2008: 427-428 |
289 | EE | Ge Zhang,
Feng Cheng,
Christoph Meinel:
Towards Secure Mobile Payment Based on SIP.
ECBS 2008: 96-104 |
288 | EE | Dirk Cordel,
Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Repp,
Christian Willems:
Explorative Learning of Wireless Network Security with Tele-Lab IT-Security.
ICHL 2008: 213-224 |
287 | EE | Matthias Quasthoff,
Harald Sack,
Christoph Meinel:
Who Reads and Writes the Social Web? A Security Architecture for Web 2.0 Applications.
ICIW 2008: 576-582 |
286 | EE | Stephan Repp,
Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel:
Question Answering from Lecture Videos Based on Automatically-Generated Learning Objects.
ICWL 2008: 509-520 |
285 | EE | Wei Zhou,
Christoph Meinel:
Enforcing Information Flow Constraints in RBAC Environments.
ISECS 2008: 159-164 |
284 | EE | Stephan Repp,
Christoph Meinel:
Segmentation of Lecture Videos Based on Spontaneous Speech Recognition.
ISM 2008: 692-697 |
283 | EE | Stephan Repp,
Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel:
Question answering from lecture videos based on an automatic semantic annotation.
ITiCSE 2008: 17-21 |
282 | EE | Stephan Repp,
Christoph Meinel,
Sevil Yakhyayeva:
Motivation of the students in game development projects.
ITiCSE 2008: 368 |
281 | EE | Stephan Repp,
Andreas Groß,
Christoph Meinel:
Dynamic Browsing of Audiovisual Lecture Recordings Based on Automated Speech Recognition.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 662-664 |
280 | | Christian Wolter,
Michael Menzel,
Christoph Meinel:
Modelling Security Goals in Business Processes.
Modellierung 2008: 197-212 |
279 | EE | Reinhard Keil,
Christoph Meinel,
Tom Sommerlatte,
Udo Winand:
Vorwort: Alltagstauglichkeit von Anwendungssystemen und Infrastrukturen.
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008 |
278 | EE | Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel:
Applications of description logics to improve multimedia information retrieval for efficient educational tools.
Multimedia Information Retrieval 2008: 321-328 |
277 | EE | Michael G. Noll,
Christoph Meinel:
Exploring social annotations for web document classification.
SAC 2008: 2315-2320 |
276 | EE | Christian Wolter,
Andreas Schaad,
Christoph Meinel:
Task-based entailment constraints for basic workflow patterns.
SACMAT 2008: 51-60 |
275 | EE | Feng Cheng,
Christoph Meinel:
Strong Authentication over Lock-Keeper.
SOFSEM 2008: 572-584 |
274 | EE | Ivonne Thomas,
Michael Menzel,
Christoph Meinel:
Using quantified trust levels to describe authentication requirements in federated identity management.
SWS 2008: 71-80 |
273 | | Christian Willems,
Christoph Meinel:
Awareness Creation mit Tele-Lab IT-Security: Praktisches Sicherheitstraining im virtuellen Labor am Beispiel Trojanischer Pferde.
Sicherheit 2008: 513-532 |
272 | EE | Michael G. Noll,
Christoph Meinel:
The Metadata Triumvirate: Social Annotations, Anchor Texts and Search Queries.
Web Intelligence 2008: 640-647 |
271 | EE | Stephan Repp,
Andreas Groß,
Christoph Meinel:
Browsing within Lecture Videos Based on the Chain Index of Speech Transcription.
TLT 1(3): 145-156 (2008) |
2007 |
270 | | Jan van Leeuwen,
Giuseppe F. Italiano,
Wiebe van der Hoek,
Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack,
Frantisek Plasil,
Mária Bieliková:
SOFSEM 2007: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 33rd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 20-26, 2007, Proceedings Volume II
Institute of Computer Science AS CR, Prague 2007 |
269 | | Jan van Leeuwen,
Giuseppe F. Italiano,
Wiebe van der Hoek,
Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack,
Frantisek Plasil:
SOFSEM 2007: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 33rd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 20-26, 2007, Proceedings
Springer 2007 |
268 | EE | Stephan Repp,
Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel:
Towards to an automatic semantic annotation for multimedia learning objects.
ACM Multimedia EMME Workshop 2007: 19-26 |
267 | EE | Michael G. Noll,
Christoph Meinel:
Authors vs. readers: a comparative study of document metadata and content in the www.
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2007: 177-186 |
266 | EE | Feng Cheng,
Michael Menzel,
Christoph Meinel:
A Secure Web Services Providing Framework Based on Lock-Keeper.
APNOMS 2007: 375-384 |
265 | | Matthias Quasthoff,
Christoph Meinel:
User Centricity in Healthcare Infrastructures.
BIOSIG 2007: 141-152 |
264 | EE | Long Wang,
Christoph Meinel:
Mining the Students' Learning Interest in Browsing Web-Streaming Lectures.
CIDM 2007: 194-201 |
263 | | Serge Linckels,
Carole Dording,
Christoph Meinel:
Bessere Schulnoten mit MatES, dem e-Bibliothekardienst für den Mathematikunterricht.
DeLFI 2007: 91-102 |
262 | EE | Naouel Karam,
Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel:
Semantic Composition of Lecture Subparts for a Personalized e-Learning.
ESWC 2007: 716-728 |
261 | | Wei Zhou,
Christoph Meinel:
A Policy Language for Integrating Heterogeneous Authorization Policies.
GSEM 2007: 9-23 |
260 | EE | Wei Zhou,
Christoph Meinel:
Function-Based Authorization Constraints Specification and Enforcement.
IAS 2007: 119-124 |
259 | EE | Stephan Repp,
Jörg Waitelonis,
Harald Sack,
Christoph Meinel:
Segmentation and Annotation of Audiovisual Recordings Based on Automated Speech Recognition.
IDEAL 2007: 620-629 |
258 | | Stephan Repp,
Ralf Ziegler,
Christoph Meinel:
Lernortkooperation in der IT-Ausbildung - Kompetenzentwicklung in Projekten.
INFOS 2007: 135-146 |
257 | EE | Michael G. Noll,
Christoph Meinel:
Web Search Personalization Via Social Bookmarking and Tagging.
ISWC/ASWC 2007: 367-380 |
256 | EE | Feng Cheng,
Christian Wolter,
Christoph Meinel:
A Simple, Smart and Extensible Framework for Network Security Measurement.
Inscrypt 2007: 517-531 |
255 | EE | Wei Zhou,
Christoph Meinel:
Team and Task Based RBAC Access Control Model.
LANOMS 2007: 84-94 |
254 | EE | Serge Linckels,
Stephan Repp,
Naouel Karam,
Christoph Meinel:
The virtual tele-tASK professor: semantic search in recorded lectures.
SIGCSE 2007: 50-54 |
253 | EE | Katrin Wolf,
Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel:
Teleteaching anywhere solution kit (Tele-TASK) goes mobile.
SIGUCCS 2007: 366-371 |
252 | EE | Serge Linckels,
Harald Sack,
Christoph Meinel:
Optimizing the Retrieval of Pertinent Answers for NL Questions with the E-Librarian Service.
SMRR 2007 |
251 | EE | Christian Wolter,
Andreas Schaad,
Christoph Meinel:
Deriving XACML Policies from Business Process Models.
WISE Workshops 2007: 142-153 |
250 | EE | Long Wang,
Christoph Meinel:
Detecting the Changes ofWeb Students' Learning Interest.
Web Intelligence 2007: 816-819 |
249 | EE | Matthias Quasthoff,
Harald Sack,
Christoph Meinel:
Why HTTPS Is Not Enough - A Signature-Based Architecture for Trusted Content on the Social Web.
Web Intelligence 2007: 820-824 |
248 | EE | Christoph Meinel:
Physikalische Trennung als Ultima Ratio im Hochsicherheitsbereich.
Informatik Spektrum 30(3): 170-174 (2007) |
247 | EE | Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel:
Semantic Interpretation of Natural Language User Input to Improve Search in Multimedia Knowledge Base (Semantische Interpretation einer Benutzer-Eingabe in natürlicher Sprache für eine verbesserte Suche in einer multimedialen Wissensdatenbank).
it - Information Technology 49(1): 40- (2007) |
246 | EE | Christoph Meinel:
Vom ersten nationalen IT-Gipfel der Bundesregierung.
it - Information Technology 49(5): 328-331 (2007) |
2006 |
245 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Long Wang:
Building Content Clusters Based on Modelling Page Pairs.
APWeb 2006: 856-861 |
244 | EE | Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel,
Thomas Engel:
An e-Librarian Service that Understands Natural Language Questions from Students.
CAiSE Forum 2006 |
243 | EE | Ji Hu,
Dirk Cordel,
Christoph Meinel:
New Media for Teaching Applied Cryptography and Network Security.
EC-TEL 2006: 488-493 |
242 | EE | Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel:
Resolving Ambiguities in the Semantic Interpretation of Natural Language Questions.
IDEAL 2006: 612-619 |
241 | EE | Stephan Repp,
Christoph Meinel:
Semantic Indexing for Recorded Educational Lecture Videos.
PerCom Workshops 2006: 240-245 |
240 | EE | Serge Linckels,
Carole Dording,
Christoph Meinel:
Better results in mathematics lessons with a virtual personal teacher.
SIGUCCS 2006: 201-209 |
239 | EE | Wei Zhou,
Vinesh H. Raja,
Christoph Meinel,
Munir Ahmad:
Label-Based Access Control Policy Enforcement and Management.
SNPD 2006: 395-400 |
238 | EE | Feng Cheng,
Christoph Meinel:
Deployment of Virtual Machines in Lock-Keeper.
WISA 2006: 147-159 |
237 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Volker Klotz:
The first 10 years of the ECCC digital library.
Commun. ACM 49(1): 131-134 (2006) |
2005 |
236 | EE | Xinhua Zhang,
Chunyan Jiang,
Wanjun Huang,
Christoph Meinel:
A XML format secure protocol - OpenSST.
AICCSA 2005: 89 |
235 | EE | Chunyan Jiang,
Xinhua Zhang,
Christoph Meinel:
Hybrid Framework for Medical Image Segmentation.
CAIP 2005: 264-271 |
234 | | Monique Reichert,
Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel,
Thomas Engel:
Student's Perception of a Semantic Search Engine.
CELDA 2005: 139-147 |
233 | | Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel,
Thomas Engel:
Teaching in the Cyber-Age: Technologies, Experiments, and Realizations.
DeLFI 2005: 225-236 |
232 | | Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel:
A simple application of description logics for a semantic search engine.
IADIS AC 2005: 306-311 |
231 | | Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel:
A simple solution for an intelligent librarian system.
IADIS AC 2005: 495-503 |
230 | EE | Wanjun Huang,
Xiaohua Fan,
Christoph Meinel:
A CORBA-Based Dynamic Reconfigurable Middleware.
ICCNMC 2005: 1208-1217 |
229 | EE | Wei Zhou,
Christoph Meinel,
Vinesh H. Raja:
A Framework for Supporting Distributed Access Control Policies.
ISCC 2005: 442-447 |
228 | EE | Ji Hu,
Dirk Cordel,
Christoph Meinel:
Virtual Machine Management for Tele-Lab "IT-Security" Server.
ISCC 2005: 448-453 |
227 | EE | Long Wang,
Christoph Meinel,
Chunnian Liu:
Discovering Characteristic Individual Accessing Behaviors in Web Environment.
RSFDGrC (2) 2005: 466-476 |
226 | | Long Wang,
Christoph Meinel:
Recovering Individual Accessing Behaviour from Web Logs.
SEKE 2005: 590-595 |
225 | | Chunyan Jiang,
Xinhua Zhang,
Christoph Meinel:
Medical Image Segmentation Using a Combined Approach.
VISION 2005: 84-92 |
2004 |
224 | EE | Ji Hu,
Christoph Meinel:
Tele-Lab IT Security: A Means to Build Security Laboratories on the Web.
AINA (2) 2004: 285-288 |
223 | EE | Mohammad GhasemZadeh,
Volker Klotz,
Christoph Meinel:
Embedding Memoization to the Semantic Tree Search for Deciding QBFs.
Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004: 681-693 |
222 | | Christoph Meinel,
Tongbo Chen,
Volker Schillings:
tele-TASK - Teleteaching praxistauglich für den Universitätsalltag.
EMISA 2004: 35-47 |
221 | | Ji Hu,
Dirk Cordel,
Christoph Meinel:
A Virtual Laboratory for IT Security Education.
EMISA 2004: 60-71 |
220 | EE | Serge Linckels,
Christoph Meinel:
Automatic Interpretation of Natural Language for a Multimedia E-learning Tool.
ICWE 2004: 435-439 |
219 | EE | Long Wang,
Christoph Meinel:
Behaviour Recovery and Complicated Pattern Definition in Web Usage Mining.
ICWE 2004: 531-543 |
218 | EE | Wanjun Huang,
Xinhua Zhang,
Uwe Roth,
Christoph Meinel:
Routing based workflow for construction of distributed applications.
ISCC 2004: 80-85 |
217 | EE | Ji Hu,
Christoph Meinel,
Michael Schmitt II:
Tele-lab IT security: an architecture for interactive lessons for security education.
SIGCSE 2004: 412-416 |
216 | EE | Ji Hu,
Christoph Meinel:
Tele-Lab "IT-Security" on CD: portable, reliable and safe IT security training.
Computers & Security 23(4): 282-289 (2004) |
215 | EE | Carsten Damm,
Matthias Krause,
Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
On relations between counting communication complexity classes.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 69(2): 259-280 (2004) |
214 | | Mikail Gevantmakher,
Christoph Meinel:
Medizinische Bildverarbeitung - eine Übersicht
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 04-03: (2004) |
213 | | Mikail Gevantmakher,
Christoph Meinel:
TI-jPACS - eine frei verfügbare leistungsfähige Plattform zur medizinischen Bildverarbeitung und -visualisierung
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 04-04: (2004) |
212 | | Volker Klotz,
Christoph Meinel:
10 Jahre ECCC - Eine Digitale Bibliothek in weltweiter Benutzung
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 04-05: (2004) |
2003 |
211 | | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack:
WWW - Kommunikation, Internetworking, Web-Technologien
Springer 2003 |
210 | | Xinhua Zhang,
Alexandre Dulaunoy,
Christoph Meinel:
Enhance Opensst Protocol's Security with Smart Card.
ICWI 2003: 565-571 |
209 | EE | Wanjun Huang,
Uwe Roth,
Christoph Meinel:
A Flexible Middleware Platform with Piped Workflow.
OTM Workshops 2003: 950-959 |
208 | | Feng Cheng,
Paul Ferring,
Christoph Meinel,
Gerhard Müllenheim,
Jochen Bern:
The DualGate Lock-Keeper: A Highly Efficient, Flexible and Applicable Network Security Solution.
SNPD 2003: 152-159 |
207 | | Ji Hu,
Michael Schmitt II,
Christian Willems,
Christoph Meinel:
A Tutoring System for IT Security.
World Conference on Information Security Education 2003: 51-60 |
206 | | Wei Zhou,
Christoph Meinel:
Implement Role-Based Access Control with Attribute Certificates
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 03-03: (2003) |
205 | | Christoph Meinel,
Volker Schillings:
tele-TASK - Teleteaching praxistauglich für den Universitätsalltag
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 03-04: (2003) |
204 | | Feng Cheng,
Paul Ferring,
Christoph Meinel:
Lock-Keeper Technology - A New Network Security Solution
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 03-05: (2003) |
203 | | Michael Schmitt II,
Christoph Meinel:
Design and Implementation of a PHP-based Web Server for the Tele-Lab IT Security
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 03-06: (2003) |
2002 |
202 | | Christoph Meinel,
Martin Mundhenk:
Mathematische Grundlagen der Informatik - Mathematisches Denken und Beweisen, Eine Einführung, 2. Auflage
Teubner 2002 |
201 | | Uwe Roth,
Ernst Georg Haffner,
Christoph Meinel:
The Internal Workflow of the Smart-Data-Server.
ICWI 2002: 572-576 |
200 | | Mingchao Ma,
Christoph Meinel:
A Proposal for Trust Model: Independent Trust Intermediary Service (ITIS).
ICWI 2002: 785-790 |
199 | | Lutz Vorwerk,
Chunyan Jiang,
Christoph Meinel:
Application for Repairing and Presenting DICOM Objects.
IMSA 2002: 318-323 |
198 | | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack,
Volker Schillings:
VisBDD - A Web-based Visualization Framework for OBDD Algorithms.
IWLS 2002: 385-390 |
197 | | Christoph Meinel,
Christian Stangier:
Modular Partitioning and Dynamic Conjunction Scheduling in Image Computation.
IWLS 2002: 391-396 |
196 | | Ernst Georg Haffner,
Uwe Roth,
Christoph Meinel:
A Hyperlink-Proposal Mechanism to Exemplify Cognitive Algorithms for Web-Applications.
JCIS 2002: 517-520 |
195 | EE | Volker Schillings,
Christoph Meinel:
tele-TASK: teleteaching anywhere solution kit.
SIGUCCS 2002: 130-133 |
194 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack,
Volker Schillings:
Course management in the twinkle of an eye - LCMS: a professional course management system.
SIGUCCS 2002: 281-283 |
193 | | Randal E. Bryant,
Christoph Meinel:
Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams in Electronic Design Automation
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 02-20: (2002) |
192 | | Christoph Meinel,
Volker Schillings:
tele-TASK - Teleteaching Anywhere Solution Kit
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 02-21: (2002) |
2001 |
191 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Christian Stangier:
A new partitioning scheme for improvement of image computation.
ASP-DAC 2001: 97-102 |
190 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Christian Stangier:
Data Structures for Boolean Functions.
Computational Discrete Mathematics 2001: 61-78 |
189 | | Christoph Meinel,
Christian Stangier:
Hierarchical Image Computation with Dynamic Conjunction Scheduling.
ICCD 2001: 354-359 |
188 | | Christoph Meinel:
Electronic publishing, science portals and virtual universities - the scientific community is well-established in the World Wide Web.
IuK 2001 |
187 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack,
Volker Schillings:
IDDS: an interactive decentralized documentation system.
SIGDOC 2001: 165-171 |
186 | | Uwe Roth,
Kais Louizi,
Ernst Georg Haffner,
Christoph Meinel:
How Much Middle-Tier Do You Need?
WebNet 2001: 1052-1056 |
185 | | Ernst Georg Haffner,
Uwe Roth,
Andreas Heuer,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Managing Distributed Personal Firewalls with Smart Data Servers.
WebNet 2001: 466-471 |
184 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
The "log rank" conjecture for modular communication complexity.
Computational Complexity 10(1): 70-91 (2001) |
183 | | Christoph Meinel,
Thorsten Theobald:
Local Encoding Transformations for Optimizing OBDD-Representations of Finite State Machines.
Formal Methods in System Design 18(3): 285-301 (2001) |
182 | | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack:
A Heuristic for (+)-OBDD Minimization
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 01-06: (2001) |
181 | | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack:
Improving XOR-Node Placement for (+)-OBDDs
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 01-07: (2001) |
180 | | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack,
Arno Wagner:
WWW.BDD-PORTAL.ORG: An Experimentation Platform for Binary Decision Diagram Algorithms
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 01-09: (2001) |
179 | | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack,
Volker Schillings:
IDDS: An Interactive Decentallzed Documentation System
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 01-15: (2001) |
178 | | Christoph Meinel,
Christian Stangier:
Modular Partitioning for Improvement of Image Computation
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 01-16: (2001) |
177 | | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack,
Volker Schillings:
VisBDD - A Webbased Visualization Framework for OBDD Algorithms
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 01-21: (2001) |
2000 |
176 | | Christoph Meinel,
Martin Mundhenk:
Mathematische Grundlagen der Informatik - Mathematisches Denken und Beweisen, Eine Einführung
Teubner 2000 |
175 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Christian Stangier:
Speeding up symbolic model checking by accelerating dynamic variable reordering.
ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2000: 39-42 |
174 | EE | Ernst Georg Haffner,
Uwe Roth,
Andreas Heuer,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
What Do Hyperlink-Proposals and Request-Prediction Have in Common?
ADVIS 2000: 285-293 |
173 | EE | Sergey Khludov,
Lutz Vorwerk,
Christoph Meinel:
Internet-Orientated Medical Information System for Dicom-Data Transfer, Visualization and Revision.
CBMS 2000: 293-296 |
172 | EE | Lutz Vorwerk,
Christoph Meinel:
A Multimedia-Editor for Making Findings in Radiology.
CBMS 2000: 297- |
171 | EE | Olivier Coudert,
Igor L. Markov,
Christoph Meinel,
Ellen Sentovich:
Web-based frameworks to enable CAD RD (abstract).
DAC 2000: 711 |
170 | EE | Ernst Georg Haffner,
Andreas Heuer,
Uwe Roth,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Advanced Studies on Link Proposals and Knowledge Retrieval of Hypertexts with CBR.
EC-Web 2000: 369-378 |
169 | EE | B. Lapken,
Frank Losemann,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Functional Integration Test of Mass Processes with Electronic Signatures in Public Administration.
ECIS 2000 |
168 | EE | Changtao Qu,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Implementation of an Enterprise-Level Groupware System Based on J2EE Platform and WebDAV Protocol.
EDOC 2000: 160-169 |
167 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack,
Arno Wagner:
WWW.BDD-Portal.ORG: An Experimentation Platform for Binary Decision Diagram Algorithms.
Experimental Algorithmics 2000: 127-138 |
166 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Christian Stangier:
Algorithms and Heuristics in VLSI Design.
Experimental Algorithmics 2000: 139-162 |
165 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Christian Stangier:
Speeding Up Image Computation by Using RTL Information.
FMCAD 2000: 443-454 |
164 | EE | Harald Sack,
Elena Dubrova,
Christoph Meinel:
Mod-p Decision Diagrams: A Data Structure for Multiple-Valued Functions.
ISMVL 2000: 233-238 |
163 | | Zhongdong Zhang,
Uwe Roth,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Web Site Design Using a Web-Based Authoring and Publishing System.
International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 113-118 |
162 | | Frank Losemann,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Proprietary versus Interoperable User Certificates in E-Commerce via Internet.
International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 337-342 |
161 | | Bernd Dusemund,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Smart Cards - the Personal Safe in an E-Commerce World.
International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 343-346 |
160 | | Andreas Heuer,
Frank Losemann,
Christoph Meinel:
Advanced Reliability for Internet Transactions by Signed Bills.
International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 347-352 |
159 | | Uwe Roth,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Improving the Quality of Information-Flow with the Smart Data Server.
International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 353-358 |
158 | | Andreas Heuer,
Ernst Georg Haffner,
Zhongdong Zhang,
Christoph Meinel:
Role-based Web Authoring and Web-Site Management for Commercial Sites.
International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 359-364 |
157 | | Ernst Georg Haffner,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Techniques for Securing Networks Against Criminal Attacks.
International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 365-370 |
156 | | Ernst Georg Haffner,
Uwe Roth,
Andreas Heuer,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Advanced Techniques for Analyzing Web Server Logs.
International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 71-78 |
155 | | Andreas Heuer,
Ernst Georg Haffner,
Uwe Roth,
Christoph Meinel:
A Hyperlink Focused Browse Assistant for the World Wide Web.
International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 79-84 |
154 | | Ernst Georg Haffner,
Uwe Roth,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Modeling of Time and Document Aging for Request Prediction - One Step Further.
SAC (2) 2000: 984-990 |
153 | | Changtao Qu,
Christoph Meinel,
Thomas Engel:
Implementation of a WebDAV-based Collaborative Distance Learning Environment.
SIGUCCS 2000: 258-265 |
152 | | Lutz Vorwerk,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Proposal for a combination of compression and encryption.
VCIP 2000: 694-703 |
151 | | Andreas Heuer,
Frank Losemann,
Christoph Meinel:
Logging and Signing Document-Transfers on the WWW-A Trusted Third Party Gateway.
WISE 2000: 146-152 |
150 | EE | Lutz Vorwerk,
Sergey Khludov,
Christoph Meinel:
Concept for Increased Security for Internet/Intranet - Based Administration of Patient Data.
WSCG 2000 |
149 | | Ernst Georg Haffner,
Andreas Heuer,
Uwe Roth,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Link Proposals with Case-Based Reasoning Techniques.
WebNet 2000: 233-239 |
148 | | Andreas Heuer,
Frank Losemann,
Christoph Meinel:
Signed Preservation Of Online References.
WebNet 2000: 247-251 |
147 | | Uwe Roth,
Andreas Heuer,
Ernst Georg Haffner,
Christoph Meinel:
A Search-Engine-Topologie to Improve Document Retrieval on the Web.
WebNet 2000: 470-475 |
146 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Fabio Somenzi,
Thorsten Theobald:
Linear sifting of decision diagrams and its application insynthesis.
IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 19(5): 521-533 (2000) |
1999 |
145 | | Christoph Meinel,
Sophie Tison:
STACS 99, 16th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Trier, Germany, March 4-6, 1999, Proceedings
Springer 1999 |
144 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Klaus Schwettmann,
Anna Slobodová:
Application Driven Variable Reordering and an Example Implementation in Reachability Analysis.
ASP-DAC 1999: 327-330 |
143 | | Sergei Hludov,
Christoph Meinel,
Thomas Engel:
Flächen- und Volumenmessung lokaler Objekte in DICOM-Bildern und -Bildfolgen.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1999: 292-296 |
142 | | Sergei Hludov,
Christoph Meinel:
LZW-JPEG Kompression radiologischer Bilder.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1999: 297-301 |
141 | EE | Sergei Hludov,
Christoph Meinel:
DICOM - Image Compression.
CBMS 1999: 282- |
140 | EE | Sergei Hludov,
Christoph Meinel,
Guido Noelle,
Frank Warda:
PACS for Teleradiology.
CBMS 1999: 6-11 |
139 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Christian Stangier:
Increasing Efficiency of Symbolic Model Checking by Accelerating Dynamic Variable Reordering.
DATE 1999: 760-761 |
138 | | Uwe Roth,
Ernst Georg Haffner,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
The Smart Data Server: A New Kind of Middle-Tier.
IMSA 1999: 361-365 |
137 | | Andreas Heuer,
Christoph Meinel:
Database based History Browse Assistant.
IMSA 1999: 78-82 |
136 | EE | Zhongdong Zhang,
Ernst Georg Haffner,
Andreas Heuer,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Role-based access control in online authoring and publishing systems vs. document hierarchy.
SIGDOC 1999: 193-198 |
135 | EE | Jochen Bern,
Christoph Meinel:
One step further: extending electronic submission into the reviewing process.
SIGDOC 1999: 65-69 |
134 | | Sergei Hludov,
Christoph Meinel:
Compression of Medical Images.
SIP 1999: 275-278 |
133 | | Ernst Georg Haffner,
Andreas Heuer,
Uwe Roth,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
The Importance of Link-Transformation and Link-Proposals for Hyperlink-Management Systems.
WebNet 1999: 1538-1539 |
132 | | Andreas Heuer,
Christoph Meinel:
Database based Navigation Assistant.
WebNet 1999: 505-510 |
131 | | Uwe Roth,
Ernst Georg Haffner,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
An Approach to Distributed Functionality - The Smart Data Server.
WebNet 1999: 931-936 |
130 | | Daniel Krob,
Christoph Meinel,
Michel Morvan:
Editors foreword - Selected papers from STACS 1998.
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 3(3): 71-72 (1999) |
129 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack:
Parity-OBDDs - a BDD structure for Probabilistic Verification.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 22: (1999) |
128 | | Christoph Meinel,
Thorsten Theobald:
On the Influence of the State Encoding on OBDD-Representations of Finite State Machines.
ITA 33(1): 21-32 (1999) |
127 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Thorsten Theobald:
Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams and their Significance in Computer-Aided Design of VLSI Circuits.
Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 9(3-4): 181-198 (1999) |
126 | | Jochen Bern,
Christoph Meinel:
One Step Further: Integrating Electronic Submission and the Reviewing Process
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 99-16: (1999) |
125 | | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack:
Algorithmic Considerations for +-OBDD Reordering
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 99-19: (1999) |
124 | | Harald Sack,
Elena Dubrova,
Christoph Meinel:
Mod-p Decision Diagrams: A Data Structure for Multiple-Valued Functions.
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 99-27: (1999) |
123 | | Christoph Meinel,
Christian Stangier:
Speeding Up Symbolic Model Checking by Accelerating Dynamic Variable Reordering
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 99-28: (1999) |
1998 |
122 | | Christoph Meinel,
Thorsten Theobald:
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen im VLSI-Design: OBDD - Grundlagen und Anwendungen
Springer 1998 |
121 | | Christoph Meinel,
Thorsten Theobald:
Algorithms and Data Structures in VLSI Design: OBDD - Foundations and Applications
Springer 1998 |
120 | | Michel Morvan,
Christoph Meinel,
Daniel Krob:
STACS 98, 15th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Paris, France, February 25-27, 1998, Proceedings
Springer 1998 |
119 | | Christoph Meinel,
Fabio Somenzi,
Thorsten Theobald:
Function Decomposition and Synthesis Using Linear Sifting.
ASP-DAC 1998: 81-86 |
118 | EE | Jochen Bern,
Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack:
The STACS Electronic Submission Service.
ECDL 1998: 639-640 |
117 | | Sergei Hludov,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Adaptive compression of DICOM-image data.
Electronic Imaging 1998: 260-266 |
116 | | Ernst Georg Haffner,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
The flood-gate principle - a hybrid approach to a high security solution.
ICISC 1998: 147-160 |
115 | | Andreas Heuer,
K. Siemonsen,
Thomas Engel,
Christoph Meinel:
Interface for Navigation and Database - Querying via WWW.
ISI 1998: 273-282 |
114 | EE | Jochen Bern,
Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack:
Electronic Colloquia: Idea and Practice.
SIGDOC 1998: 113-119 |
113 | EE | Anna Slobodová,
Christoph Meinel:
Sample Method for Minimization of OBDDs.
SOFSEM 1998: 419-428 |
112 | | Sergei Hludov,
Claus Schröter,
Christoph Meinel:
Adaptive compression of image data.
SYBEN 1998: 520-527 |
111 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Thorsten Theobald:
Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams and Their Significance in Computer-Aided Design of VLSI Circuits - a Survey
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 5(39): (1998) |
110 | | Christoph Meinel,
Thomas Engel:
Institut für Telematik (Trier) - angewandte Forschung nach Fraunhofer Ideal.
Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 13(2): 97-101 (1998) |
109 | | Christoph Meinel,
Thorsten Theobald:
Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams and Their Significance in Computer-Aided Design of VLSI Circuits
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 98-01: (1998) |
108 | | Gianpiero Cabodi,
Stefano Quer,
Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack,
Anna Slobodová,
Christian Stangier:
Binary Decision Diagrams and the Multiple Variable Order Problem
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 98-22: (1998) |
107 | | Christoph Meinel,
Christian Stangier:
Increasing Efficiency of Symbolic Model Checking by Accelerating Dynamic Variable Reordering
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 98-23: (1998) |
106 | | Christoph Meinel,
Klaus Schwettmann,
Anna Slobodová:
Application Driven Variable Reordering and an Example in Reachability Analysis
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 98-24: (1998) |
105 | | Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
Accelerating OBDD-Minimization by Means of Structural and Semantical Properties
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 98-25: (1998) |
104 | | Christoph Meinel,
Arno Wagner:
The WWW meets EDA: Usability evaluation of OBDD-heuristics via the Internet
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 98-27: (1998) |
103 | | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack:
Xor-OBDDs - a BDD Structure for Probabilistic Verification
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 98-28: (1998) |
102 | | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack,
Christian Stangier,
Arno Wagner:
Do We Really Need Common Variable Orders for Synthesizing OBDDs?
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 98-29: (1998) |
1997 |
101 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Fabio Somenzi,
Thorsten Theobald:
Linear Sifting of Decision Diagrams.
DAC 1997: 202-207 |
100 | | Jochen Bern,
Carsten Damm,
Christoph Meinel:
The Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC): A Digital Library in Use.
ECDL 1997: 405-421 |
99 | | Christoph Meinel,
Thorsten Theobald:
Geordnete binäre Entscheidungsgraphen und ihre Bedeutung im rechnergestützten Entwurf hochintegrierter Schaltkreise.
GI Jahrestagung 1997: 307-316 |
98 | | Christoph Meinel,
Carsten Damm,
Martin Mundhenk:
33. Workshop "Komplexitätstheorie, Datenstrukturen und Effiziente Algorithmen".
GI Jahrestagung 1997: 624-625 |
97 | | Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
Speeding up Variable Reordering of OBDDs.
ICCD 1997: 338-343 |
96 | | Christoph Meinel,
Thorsten Theobald:
On the Influence of the State Encoding on OBDD-Representations of Finite State Machines.
MFCS 1997: 408-417 |
95 | | Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
A Reducibility Concept for Problems Defined in Terms of Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams.
STACS 1997: 213-224 |
94 | | Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
A Unifying Theoretical Background for Some Bdd-based Data Structures.
Formal Methods in System Design 11(3): 223-237 (1997) |
93 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Thorsten Theobald:
Geordnete binäre Entscheidungsgraphen und ihre Bedeutung im rechnergestützten Entwurf hochintegrierter Schaltkreise.
Informatik Spektrum 20(5): 268-275 (1997) |
92 | | Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
A Reducibility Concept for Problems Defined in Terms of Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams.
Theory Comput. Syst. 30(5): 495-518 (1997) |
91 | | Christoph Meinel,
Fabio Somenzi,
Thorsten Theobald:
Function Decomposition and Synthesis Using Linear Sifting
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 97-14: (1997) |
90 | | Christoph Meinel,
Harald Sack:
Case Study: Manipulating xor-OBDDs by Means of Signatures
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 97-15: (1997) |
89 | | Jochen Bern,
Christoph Meinel:
The Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC): A Digital Library in Use
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 97-16: (1997) |
88 | | Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová,
Peter Willems:
Block-Restricted Reordering - Extended Experiments
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 97-27: (1997) |
87 | | Christoph Meinel,
Christian Stangier:
OBDD-based Verification of Communication Protocols - Methods for the Verification of Data Link Protocols
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 97-28: (1997) |
1996 |
86 | | Christoph Meinel,
Thorsten Theobald:
Local Encoding Transformations for Optimizing OBDD-Representations of Finite State Machines.
FMCAD 1996: 404-418 |
85 | | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
The "log Rank" Conjecture for Modular Communication Complexity.
STACS 1996: 619-630 |
84 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
An Adequate Reducibility Concept for Problems Defined in Terms of Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 3(10): (1996) |
83 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
The ``Log Rank'' Conjecture for Modular Communication Complexity
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 3(17): (1996) |
82 | | Jordan Gergov,
Christoph Meinel:
Mod-2-OBDDs - A Data Structure that Generalizes EXOR-Sum-of-Products and Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams.
Formal Methods in System Design 8(3): 273-282 (1996) |
81 | EE | Jochen Bern,
Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
Some heuristics for generating tree-like FBDD types.
IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(1): 127-130 (1996) |
80 | EE | Jochen Bern,
Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
Global rebuilding of OBDD's avoiding memory requirement maxima.
IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(1): 131-134 (1996) |
79 | | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Lower Bounds for the Majority Communication Complexity of Various Graph Accessibility Problems.
Mathematical Systems Theory 29(6): 649-659 (1996) |
78 | | Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
An Adequate Reducibility Concept for Problems Defined in Terms of Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 96-02: (1996) |
77 | | Thorsten Theobald,
Christoph Meinel:
State Encodings and OBDD-Sizes
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 96-04: (1996) |
76 | | Christoph Meinel,
Thorsten Theobald:
Local Encoding Transformations for Optimizing OBDD-Representations of Finite State Machines
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 96-23: (1996) |
75 | | Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
Speeding up Variable Reordering of OBDDs
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 96-40: (1996) |
74 | | Christoph Meinel,
Fabio Somenzi,
Thorsten Theobald:
Linear Sifting of Decision Diagrams
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 96-42: (1996) |
1995 |
73 | | Jochen Bern,
Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
Global rebuilding of OBDDs Avoiding Memory Requirement Maxima.
CAV 1995: 4-15 |
72 | EE | Jochen Bern,
Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
Efficient OBDD-Based Boolean Manipulation in CAD beyond Current Limits.
DAC 1995: 408-413 |
71 | | Christoph Meinel:
Die Entwicklung der Informatik braucht Theorie und Praxis. Ein Fallbeispiel aus dem CAD-Schaltkreisentwurf.
GI Jahrestagung 1995: 339-346 |
70 | | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Lower Bounds for the Modular Communication Complexity of Various Graph Accessibility Problems.
LATIN 1995: 427-435 |
69 | | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Lower Bounds for the Majority Communication Complexity of Various Graph Accessibility Problems.
MFCS 1995: 299-308 |
68 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Lower Bounds for the Majority Communication Complexity of Various Graph Accessibility Problems
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 2(34): (1995) |
67 | | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Separating Complexity Classes Related to Bounded Alternating \omega-Branching Programs.
Mathematical Systems Theory 28(1): 21-39 (1995) |
66 | | Jochen Bern,
Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
Global Rebuilding of OBDD's - Tunneling Memory Requirement Maxima
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 95-03: (1995) |
65 | | Christoph Meinel:
Die Entwicklung der Informatik braucht Theorie und Praxis: Ein Fallbeispiel aus dem CAD-Schaltkreisentwurf
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 95-21: (1995) |
1994 |
64 | | Jochen Bern,
Jordan Gergov,
Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
Boolean Manipulation with Free BDD's. First Experimental Results.
EDAC-ETC-EUROASIC 1994: 200-207 |
63 | | Jordan Gergov,
Christoph Meinel:
Boolean Manipulation with Free BDDs: An Application in Combinational Logic Verification.
IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 309-314 |
62 | | Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
On the Complexity of Constructing Optimal Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams.
MFCS 1994: 515-524 |
61 | EE | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
The Möbius Function, Variations Ranks, and Theta(n)-Bounds on the Modular Communication Complexity of the Undirected Graph Connectivity Problem
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 1(22): (1994) |
60 | | Carsten Damm,
Matthias Krause,
Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Separating Oblivious Linear Length MODp-Branching Program Classes.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 30(2): 63-75 (1994) |
59 | | Jordan Gergov,
Christoph Meinel:
Efficient Boolean Manipulation With OBDD's can be Extended to FBDD's.
IEEE Trans. Computers 43(10): 1197-1209 (1994) |
58 | | Jordan Gergov,
Christoph Meinel:
On the Complexity of Analysis and Manipulation of Boolean Functions in Terms of Decision Graphs.
Inf. Process. Lett. 50(6): 317-322 (1994) |
57 | | Jochen Bern,
Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
Some Heuristics for Generating Tree-like FBDD Types
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 94-03: (1994) |
56 | | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
The Möbius Function, Variations Ranks, and Theta(n)-Bounds on the Modular Communication Complexity of the Undirected Graph Connectivity Problem
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 94-04: (1994) |
55 | | Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
On the Complexity of Constructing Optimal OBDD's
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 94-05: (1994) |
54 | | Jochen Bern,
Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
Efficient OBDD-Based Boolean Manipulation in CAD Beyond Current Limits
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 94-16: (1994) |
53 | | Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
A Unifying Theoretical Background for Some BDD-based Data Structures
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 94-17: (1994) |
1993 |
52 | | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Separating Complexity Classes Related to Bounded Alternating omega-Branching Programs.
ISAAC 1993: 379-388 |
51 | | Jordan Gergov,
Christoph Meinel:
Frontiers of Feasible and Probabilistic Feasible Boolean Manipulation with Branching Programs.
STACS 1993: 576-585 |
50 | | Jordan Gergov,
Christoph Meinel:
Combinational Logic Verification with FBDDs
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 93-08: (1993) |
49 | | Anna Slobodová,
Christoph Meinel:
Efficient Manipulation of FBDDs by Means of a Modified OBDD-Package
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 93-09: (1993) |
48 | | Jordan Gergov,
Christoph Meinel:
Efficient Boolean Manipulation with OBDD's can be Extended to FBDD's
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 93-12: (1993) |
47 | | Jochen Bern,
Jordan Gergov,
Christoph Meinel,
Anna Slobodová:
Boolean Manipulation with Free BDD's - First Experimental Results
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 93-20: (1993) |
46 | | Jordan Gergov,
Christoph Meinel:
Mod-2-OBDD's: A Generalization of OBDD's and EXOR-Sum-of-Products
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 93-21: (1993) |
1992 |
45 | | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Upper and Lower Bounds for Certain Graph Accessibility Problems on Bounded Alternating omega-Branching Programs.
Complexity Theory: Current Research 1992: 273-290 |
44 | | Carsten Damm,
Matthias Krause,
Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Separating Counting Communication Complexity Classes.
STACS 1992: 281-292 |
43 | | Jordan Gergov,
Christoph Meinel:
Analysis and Manipulation of Boolean Functions in Terms of Decision Graphs.
WG 1992: 310-320 |
42 | | Christoph Meinel:
Branching Programs - An Efficient Data Structure for Computer-Aided Circuit Design.
Bulletin of the EATCS 46: 149-170 (1992) |
41 | | Matthias Krause,
Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Separating complexity classes related to certain input oblivious logarithmic space-bounded turing machines.
ITA 26: 345-362 (1992) |
40 | | Juraj Hromkovic,
Matthias Krause,
Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Branching Programs Provide Lower Bounds on the Areas of Multilective Deterministic and Nondeterministic VLSI-Circuits
Inf. Comput. 96(2): 168-178 (1992) |
39 | | Gerhard Buntrock,
Carsten Damm,
Ulrich Hertrampf,
Christoph Meinel:
Structure and Importance of Logspace-MOD Class.
Mathematical Systems Theory 25(3): 223-237 (1992) |
38 | | Carsten Damm,
Christoph Meinel:
Separating Complexity Classes Related to Omega-Decision Trees.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 106(2): 351-360 (1992) |
37 | | Carsten Damm,
Matthias Krause,
Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Separating Counting Communication Complexity Classes
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 92-01: (1992) |
36 | | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Upper and Lower Bounds for Certain Graph-Accessability-Problems on Bounded Alternating (omega)-Branching Programs
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 92-04: (1992) |
35 | | Christoph Meinel:
A Note on Möbius Functions and the Communication Complexity of the Graph-Accessability-Problem
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 92-05: (1992) |
34 | | Jordan Gergov,
Christoph Meinel:
Analysis and Manipulation of Boolean Functions in Terms of Decision Graphs
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 92-07: (1992) |
33 | | Jordan Gergov,
Christoph Meinel:
Efficient Analysis and Manipulation of OBDDs can be Extended to Read-once-only Branching Programs
Universität Trier, Mathematik/Informatik, Forschungsbericht 92-10: (1992) |
1991 |
32 | | Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Upper and Lower Bounds for Certain Graph-Accessibility Problems on Bounded Alternating Omega-Branching Programs.
MFCS 1991: 337-345 |
31 | | Gerhard Buntrock,
Carsten Damm,
Ulrich Hertrampf,
Christoph Meinel:
Structure and Importance of Logspace-MOD-Classes.
STACS 1991: 360-371 |
30 | | Matthias Krause,
Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Separating the Eraser Turing Machine Classes L_e, NL_e, co-NL_e and P_e.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 86(2): 267-275 (1991) |
1990 |
29 | | Christoph Meinel:
Restricted Branching Programs and Their Computational Power.
MFCS 1990: 61-75 |
28 | | Lothar Budach,
Ernst-Günter Giessmann,
Hubert Grassmann,
Bernd Graw,
Christoph Meinel,
Burkhard Molzan,
Uwe Schäfer,
Steffen Zahn,
Peter Zienicke:
RELACS - a Recursive Layout Computing System.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 26(5/6): 315-335 (1990) |
27 | | Christoph Meinel,
Lothar Budach,
Frank Balfanz,
Steffen Zahn,
Peter Zienicke:
Entwurfserfahrungen mit dem rekursiven Layoutentwurfssystem RELACS; I.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 26(7): 389-414 (1990) |
26 | | Christoph Meinel,
Lothar Budach,
Frank Balfanz,
Steffen Zahn,
Peter Zienicke:
Entwurfserfahrungen mit dem rekursiven Layoutentwurfssystem RELACS; II.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 26(8/9): 501-515 (1990) |
25 | | Christoph Meinel:
Polynomial Size Omega-Branching Programs and Their Computational Power
Inf. Comput. 85(2): 163-182 (1990) |
24 | | Christoph Meinel:
Logic VS. Complexity Theoretic Properties of the Graph Accessibility Problem for Directed Graphs of Bounded Degree.
Inf. Process. Lett. 34(3): 143-146 (1990) |
1989 |
23 | | Christoph Meinel:
Modified Branching Programs and Their Computational Power
Springer 1989 |
22 | | Christoph Meinel:
Omega-Branching Programs of Bounded Width.
CSL 1989: 242-253 |
21 | | Carsten Damm,
Christoph Meinel:
Separating Completely Complexity Classes Related to Polynomial Size Omega-Decision Trees.
FCT 1989: 127-136 |
20 | | Matthias Krause,
Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Separating Complexity Classes Related to Restricted Logarithmic Space-Bounded Turing Machines.
IFIP Congress 1989: 287-292 |
19 | | Christoph Meinel:
Switching Graphs and Their Complexity.
MFCS 1989: 350-359 |
18 | | Matthias Krause,
Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Seperating Complexity Classes Related to Certain Input Oblivious Logarithmic Space-Bounded Turing Machines.
Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1989: 240-249 |
17 | | Lothar Budach,
Ernst-Günter Giessmann,
Hubert Grassmann,
Bernd Graw,
Christoph Meinel,
Burkhard Molzan,
Uwe Schäfer,
Peter Zienicke:
Recursive VLSI design theory and application.
Bulletin of the EATCS 37: 131-150 (1989) |
1988 |
16 | | Matthias Krause,
Christoph Meinel,
Stephan Waack:
Separating the Eraser Turing Machine Classes Le, NLe, co-NLe and Pe.
MFCS 1988: 405-413 |
15 | | Christoph Meinel,
Peter Zienicke:
Recursive design of communication schemes for parallel computation with RELACS.
Parcella 1988: 308-310 |
14 | | Christoph Meinel:
The Power of Polynomial Size Omega-Branching Programs.
STACS 1988: 81-90 |
13 | | Christoph Meinel:
The Power of Nondeterminism in Polynomial-Size Bounded-Width Branching Programs.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 62(3): 319-325 (1988) |
1987 |
12 | | Christoph Meinel:
The Power of Nondeterminism in Polynominal-size Bounded-width Branching Programs.
FCT 1987: 302-309 |
11 | | Lothar Budach,
Ernst-Günter Giessmann,
Hubert Grassmann,
Bernd Graw,
Christoph Meinel:
RELACS - A Recursive Layout Computing System.
Parallel Algorithms and Architectures 1987: 86-88 |
10 | | Christoph Meinel:
The Nonuniform Complexity Classes NC, L and NL.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 23(10/11): 545-558 (1987) |
1986 |
9 | | Christoph Meinel:
p-Projection Reducibility and the Complexity Classes L(nonuniform) and NL(nonuniform).
MFCS 1986: 527-535 |
8 | | Christoph Meinel:
Symbolic Simulation of Synchronous Parallel Systems.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 22(7/8): 355-370 (1986) |
1985 |
7 | | Christoph Meinel:
A Functional Description of Synchronous Systems.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 21(4/5): 231-235 (1985) |
1982 |
6 | | Lothar Budach,
Christoph Meinel:
Environments and Automata I.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 18(1/2): 3-40 (1982) |
5 | | Lothar Budach,
Christoph Meinel:
Environment and Automata II.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 18(3): 115-139 (1982) |
4 | | Christoph Meinel:
Embedding of the Poset of Turing Degrees in the Poset [µ, <=].
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 18(6): 339-344 (1982) |
3 | | Christoph Meinel:
The Importance of Plane Labyrinths.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 18(7/8): 419-422 (1982) |
2 | | Christoph Meinel:
On the Structure of Endomorphism Monoids and Automorphism Groups of Group Labyrinths in the Category code.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 18(9): 501-505 (1982) |
1981 |
1 | | Christoph Meinel:
About the by Codings of Environments Induced Posets [az, <=] and [Lz, <=].
FCT 1981: 445-452 |