3. IMSA 1999:
The Bahamas
Borko Furht (Ed.):
Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA'99),
October 18-21,
The Bahamas. IASTED/ACTA Press,
ISBN 0-88986-269-9
Image and Video Coding and Compression
- Wen-Shyong Hsieh, Lung-Jen Wang:
A Fast Algorithm of Cubic Convolution Spline Interpolation for Image Compression.
1-5 BibTeX
- Marco Conti, Silvia Ghezzi, Enrico Gregori:
Characterization of MPEG Scalable Sources.
6-10 BibTeX
- Guido Falkemeier, Gerhard R. Joubert, Odej Kao:
Internet Supported Analysis of MPEG Compressed Newsfeeds.
11-15 BibTeX
- Hyungchul Kim, Changun Jeong:
Scalable Media Object for QoS Adaptive Delivery of MPEG-2 Video.
16-20 BibTeX
- Jolon Faichney, Ruben Gonzalez:
Video Coding for Mobile Handheld Conferencing.
21-25 BibTeX
- S. R. Subramanya, Abdou Youssef:
Evaluation of DCT Coding of Images Under Various Block Sizes, Coefficient Selections, and Quantizers.
26-28 BibTeX
Multimedia Search,
and Retrieval
Tools and Applications
- Axel Hunger, Frank Schwarz, Stefan Werner:
A CSCL-Tool to Conduct a Practical Training in Software-Engineering over the Internet.
63-68 BibTeX
- Ming Hou, Hussein T. Mouftah:
QUIPS: A Simulation Tool for QoS Management Over the Internet.
69-73 BibTeX
- Simon P. Yip, Ronnie C. Cheung, J. M. Ng:
A Study on Different Approaches of Providing Labor Ordinance Information on the Internet.
74-77 BibTeX
- Andreas Heuer, Christoph Meinel:
Database based History Browse Assistant.
78-82 BibTeX
- Grey Desmond II, Paul Haynes, Richard Owens, Mohammad H. N. Tabrizi:
Use of the Internet Tools in Development of the Virtual University System.
83-87 BibTeX
- Jens F. Jensen:
Trends in Interactive Content & Services over Multimedia Networks.
88-93 BibTeX
- Chris Dobbyn, David Shrimpton, Tom Casey:
Models of Convergence between the World Wide Web and Interactive Television using MHEG-5.
94-99 BibTeX
- Simon P. Yip:
A Platform Independent Internet Expert System Prototype on Dermatology with Multimedia Interfaces.
100-103 BibTeX
- Axel Hunger, Frank Schwarz, Stefan Werner:
CONGA: Tools for Supporting the Structure of International Studies.
104-106 BibTeX
- Veijo Lappalainen, Mikko Hyytinen, Veli Möttönen, Kalevi Piira:
Multimedia Based Guidance System for Operation and Maintenance of the Building Services Systems.
107-111 BibTeX
- Wilfried Sihn, Erik Rein:
Multimedia Applications in the Manufacturing Area : Scope and Limits of Technology.
112-116 BibTeX
- Luigi Colazzo, Nicola De Nardis:
Mines of Pictures.
117-121 BibTeX
- Kiumi Akingbehin:
Alternative Modes for Computer-Assisted Animation.
122-125 BibTeX
Server Design and Architectures
- Yaoshuang Qu, Neal Pillavin, Alma Langley:
Web Server Cost Optimization Model and Its NP-Completeness.
127-130 BibTeX
- Martin Maierhofer, Christopher Bailey:
An Assessment of Shared Local Memory Buffering for Enhanced Multimedia Server Scalability.
131-135 BibTeX
- Chow-Sing Lin, Min-You Wu, Wei Shu:
Efficient Algorithms for Slot-Scheduling and Cycle-Scheduling of Video Streams on Parallel Video Servers.
136-140 BibTeX
- Dimitris Lioupis, Andreas Pipis, Maria Smirli, Nikos Kanellopoulos:
A Dependable Parallel VoD Server for Video Services on the Web.
141-145 BibTeX
- Babak Hamidzadeh, Tsun-Ping J. To:
Improving User Perceived Performance of Interactive VOD Servers by Prioritized Admission Strategies.
146-150 BibTeX
- Dimitris Lioupis, Andreas Pipis, Michael Stefanidakis:
A Run-Time Support System for a Parallel Multimedia Server.
151-156 BibTeX
- Oh-Young Kwon, Young-Sung Son, Tae-Geun Kim:
A High Performance VOD Server by Using PC-Clustering Techniques.
157-162 BibTeX
- Keun-Hyung Kim, Seog Park:
Efficient Storage and Retrieval Scheme of Video Streams in VOD Server.
163-169 BibTeX
Applications in Education and Learning
- Tatjana Vasileva, Vladimir Trajkovic, Danco Davcev:
Expert Level Estimation of the Users in a Distance Learning System.
171-175 BibTeX
- Garry Patterson, Maureen Murphy:
Evolving Multimedia Systems in Education.
176-181 BibTeX
- Christos Bouras, Apostolos Gkamas, Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos:
Distributed Learning Environment Using Advanced Services over the Internet.
182-186 BibTeX
- Ury Szewcow, Varuni Witana:
Web Based Courses with Multimedia and the Need for QOS.
187-191 BibTeX
- Peter Manhart, Heiko Ziegler:
Continuous Cooperative Learning in Organizations.
192-196 BibTeX
- Theodore K. Apostolopoulos, Anna S. Kefala:
Developing Distant Learning Services over Broadband Networks: Concepts and Alternatives.
197-202 BibTeX
- Christian Langenbach, Freimut Bodendorf:
Transaction Support in an Electronic Education Market.
203-207 BibTeX
- Manny C. Aniebonam:
A Survey of Distance Learning Applicability and Adaptation at American Universities.
208-212 BibTeX
- Xiuqi Li, Borko Furht:
Design and Implementation of Digital Libraries.
213-217 BibTeX
- Mario Allegra, Giuseppe Chiazzese, Maria Rita Laganà:
An Internet Service to Develop Cooperative Learning Environments.
218-223 BibTeX
- Mok-Dong Chung, Sang-Woo Ban, Suk-Min Kang, An-Na Kim:
Multiagent-Based Distance Learning Framework Using CORBA.
224-228 BibTeX
Distributed and Networked Multimedia Systems
and Java
- John Waldron:
Analysis of Virtual Machine Stack Frame Usage by Java Methods.
271-274 BibTeX
- Giovanni Pacifici, Alaa Youssef:
Synchronous Annotation of Shared HTML Documents.
275-279 BibTeX
- Teresa Chambel, Nuno Correia, Nuno Guimarães:
Towards Hypervideo on the Web.
280-287 BibTeX
- Nicola Frega, Antonio Volpentesta, Maurizio Muzzupappa, Sergio Rizzuti:
Product Design Review on the Web.
288-295 BibTeX
- Uffe Kock Wiil:
Implications of Open Hypermedia Systems Research for the World Wide Web.
296-304 BibTeX
- Juntae Kim, Junggee Han, Minkyu Park, Taemyung Yoo, Jungseob Kim, Sukmin Choi:
BookmarkFeeder: A Web Agent with Implicit Feedback and URL-Based Recommendation.
305-309 BibTeX
Collaborative Systems and Communications
- Oliver Brand, W. Mahalek, D. Sturzebecher, Martina Zitterbart:
MACS - A Modular Collaboration Environment.
311-315 BibTeX
- Weicong Wang, Bogdan Dorohonceanu, Ivan Marsic:
Design of the DISCIPLE Synchronous Collaboration Framework.
316-324 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Appelt:
The CESAR Project: Collaboration Environments and Service Architectures for Researchers.
325-329 BibTeX
- SeungGeun Lee, SeiHoon Lee, ChangJong Wang:
Framework for Collaborative Multimedia Application Based on CORBA.
330-334 BibTeX
- Wonjun Lee, Jaideep Srivastava:
An Analytical QoS-based Resource Management Model for Multimedia Applications.
335-339 BibTeX
- Siti Salwa Salim, Linda A. Macaulay:
Groupware for Role Support in Team Projects.
340-344 BibTeX
- Grigoris Antoniou, Fumihiro Maruyama, Ryusuke Masuoka, Hironobu Kitajima:
Issues in Intelligent Information Integration.
345-349 BibTeX
Internet Architectures
- Jiang B. Liu, Claudio Jose Abud:
A 3-Tier Internet Application Using JAVA Networking Protocols.
351-355 BibTeX
- Usha Chandra, Jinyu Shi, Namas Chandra:
Design and Implementation of IBIDS - An Internet Based Integrated Design System.
356-360 BibTeX
- Uwe Roth, Ernst Georg Haffner, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel:
The Smart Data Server: A New Kind of Middle-Tier.
361-365 BibTeX
- Mark Evered:
A Two-Level Architecture for Persistent Distributed Java Objects with Semantic Protection.
366-370 BibTeX
- Jim Gemmell, Eve M. Schooler, Jim Gray:
Fcast Multicast File Distribution: "Tune in, Download, and Drop Out".
371-377 BibTeX
- David Ruetsch, Stewart B. Carpenter, Nelson L. Passos:
A Study on Multimedia Over IP and Multicast Routing Protocols.
378-382 BibTeX
Internet and Web Applications
Internet and Communications
- Alan Marshall, Sakir Sezer:
The Influence of Cumulative Switch Delay in Multiple Service Class Networks.
409-414 BibTeX
- Carla Gonçalves da Silva, César A. C. Teixeira, Célio Estevan Morón:
Continuous Media Objects Scheduling Based on Temporal Requirements and Quality of Service.
415-419 BibTeX
- Piergiorgio Cremonese, S. Giordano:
An Example of Dynamic QoS Negotiation.
420-425 BibTeX
- Zheng Cui, Ahmed Karmouch, Roger Impey:
Approaching Secure Communications in a Distributed Mobile Computing Environment.
426-430 BibTeX
- Xavier Hesselbach, Sebastià Sallent:
Dimensioning the Input Buffers in a Fair Rate Access Node with Source Traffic Control Using Prediction Methods.
431-435 BibTeX
- Sastri Kota, Mukul Goyal, Rohit Goyal, Raj Jain:
Multimedia Satellite Networks and TCP/IP Traffic Transport.
436-443 BibTeX
- Marc Bechler, Hartmut Ritter, Jochen H. Schiller, Jochen Seitz:
Research in the Unique Environment: Mobile Multimedia Services.
444-448 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:23:48 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)