14. MFCS 1989:
Antoni Kreczmar, Grazyna Mirkowska (Eds.):
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1989, MFCS'89, Porabka-Kozubnik, Poland, August 28 - September 1, 1989, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 379 Springer 1989, ISBN 3-540-51486-4 BibTeX
editor = {Antoni Kreczmar and
Grazyna Mirkowska},
title = {Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1989, MFCS'89, Porabka-Kozubnik,
Poland, August 28 - September 1, 1989, Proceedings},
booktitle = {MFCS},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {379},
year = {1989},
isbn = {3-540-51486-4},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Lectures
- Hajnal Andréka, István Németi, Ildikó Sain:
On the Strength of Temporal Proofs.
135-144 BibTeX
- James H. Andrews:
Proof-Theoretic Characterisations of Logic Programs.
145-154 BibTeX
- Eric Badouel:
Algebraic Closed Theories.
155-164 BibTeX
- Frank S. de Boer, Joost N. Kok, Catuscia Palamidessi, Jan J. M. M. Rutten:
Control Flow versus Logic: A Denotational and a Declarative Model for Guarded Horn Clauses.
165-176 BibTeX
- Cristian Calude, Dragos Vaida:
Ehrenfeucht Test Set Theorem and Hilbert Basis Theorem: A Constructive Glimpse.
177-184 BibTeX
- Bogdan S. Chlebus, Krzysztof Diks, Wojciech Rytter, Tomasz Szymacha:
Parallel Complexity of Lexicographically First Order Problems for Tree-Structured Graphs (Extended Abstract).
185-195 BibTeX
- Jürgen Dassow, Juraj Hromkovic, Juhani Karhumäki, Branislav Rovan, Anna Slobodová:
On the Power of Synchronization in Parallel Computations.
196-206 BibTeX
- Krzysztof Diks, Torben Hagerup, Wojciech Rytter:
Optimal Parallel Algorithms For The Recognition And Colouring Outerplanar Graphs (Extended Abstract).
207-217 BibTeX
- Charles Elkan:
Logical Characterizations of Nonmonotonic TMSs.
218-224 BibTeX
- Jordi Farrés-Casals:
Proving Correctness of Constructor Implementations.
225-235 BibTeX
- Rob J. van Glabbeek, Ursula Goltz:
Equivalence Notions for Concurrent Systems and Refinement of Actions (Extended Abstract).
237-248 BibTeX
- Mohamed G. Gouda, Rodney R. Howell, Louis E. Rosier:
System Simulation and the Sensitivity of Self-Stabilization.
249-258 BibTeX
- Lane A. Hemachandra, Albrecht Hoene, Dirk Siefkes:
Polynomial-Time Functions Generate SAT: On P-Splinters.
259-269 BibTeX
- Uschi Heuter:
Generalized Definite Tree Languages.
270-280 BibTeX
- Robert Holte, Louis E. Rosier, Igor Tulchinsky, Donald A. Varvel:
Pinwheel Scheduling With Tow Distinct Numbers.
281-290 BibTeX
- Sebastian Iwanowski:
Testing Approximate Symmetry in the Plane is NP-hard.
291-304 BibTeX
- C. Jousselin, J.-P. Moskowitz:
Memory and Algebra.
305-313 BibTeX
- Bettina Just:
Integer Relations Among Algebraic Numbers.
314-320 BibTeX
- Joost N. Kok:
An Iterative Metric Fully Abstract Semantics for Nondeterministic Dataflow (Extended Abstract).
321-330 BibTeX
- Wojciech Kowalczyk:
Complexity of Decision Problems Under Incomplete Information.
331-337 BibTeX
- Vincenzo Manca, Antonino Salibra, Giuseppe Scollo:
On the Nature of TELLUS (a Typed Equational Logic Look over Uniform Specification).
338-349 BibTeX
- Christoph Meinel:
Switching Graphs and Their Complexity.
350-359 BibTeX
- John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Erik P. de Vink:
Pomset Semantics for True Concurrency with Synchronization and Recursion (Extended Abstract).
360-369 BibTeX
- David A. Mix Barrington, Pierre McKenzie:
Oracle Branching Programs and Logspace versus P.
370-379 BibTeX
- David T. H. Ng, B. John Oommen:
Generalizing Singly-Linked List Reorganizing Heuristics for Doubly-Linked Lists.
380-389 BibTeX
- Vladimir Palko, Ondrej Sýkora, Imrich Vrto:
Area Complexity of Merging.
390-396 BibTeX
- Pierre Péladeau:
Logically Defined Subsets of Nk.
397-407 BibTeX
- Uwe Petermann:
An Extended Herbrand Theorem for First-Order Theories with Equality Interpreted in Partial Algebras.
408-417 BibTeX
- Antoine Petit:
Characterization of Recognizable Trace Languages by Distributed Automata (Extended Abstract).
418-430 BibTeX
- Mireille Régnier:
Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm: An Analysis.
431-444 BibTeX
- Ahmed Saoudi:
Pushdown Automata on Infinite Trees and Omega-Kleene closure of Context-Free Tree Sets.
445-457 BibTeX
- Erik Meineche Schmidt, Michael I. Schwartzbach:
An Imperative Type Hierarchy with Partial Products.
458-470 BibTeX
- Maciej Slusarek:
A Coloring Algorithm for Interval Graphs.
471-480 BibTeX
- Bernhard Steffen, Jens Knoop:
Finite Constants: Characterizations of a New Decidable Set of Constants.
481-491 BibTeX
- Bernhard Steffen:
Optimal Data Flow Analysis via Observational Equivalence.
492-502 BibTeX
- Vladimir Stetsenko:
One More Method For Proving Lower Bounds on the Formula Complexity of Boolean Functions.
503-510 BibTeX
- Danuta Szczepanska:
The Hoare-Like Verification System for a Language with an Exception Handling Mechanism.
511-522 BibTeX
- Andreas Weber:
On the Length of Values in a Finite Transducer.
523-533 BibTeX
- Pascal Weil:
On Varieties of Languages Closed Under Products with Counter.
534-544 BibTeX
- Juraj Wiedermann:
On the Computational Efficiency of Symmetric Neural Networks.
545-552 BibTeX
- Serge Yoccoz:
Constructive Aspects of the Omega-Rule: Application to Proof Systems in Computer Science and Algorithmic Logic.
553-565 BibTeX
- Marek Zaionc:
How to Define Functionals of Free Structures in Typed Lambda Calculus.
566-576 BibTeX
Late Papers
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:29:33 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)