
Ernst Georg Haffner

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20 Uwe Roth, Ernst Georg Haffner, Christoph Meinel: The Internal Workflow of the Smart-Data-Server. ICWI 2002: 572-576
19 Ernst Georg Haffner, Uwe Roth, Christoph Meinel: A Hyperlink-Proposal Mechanism to Exemplify Cognitive Algorithms for Web-Applications. JCIS 2002: 517-520
18 Ernst Georg Haffner: A User Modeling Approach for Server Request Prediction. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 21(1): (2002)
17 Uwe Roth, Kais Louizi, Ernst Georg Haffner, Christoph Meinel: How Much Middle-Tier Do You Need? WebNet 2001: 1052-1056
16 Ernst Georg Haffner, Uwe Roth, Andreas Heuer, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel: Managing Distributed Personal Firewalls with Smart Data Servers. WebNet 2001: 466-471
15EEErnst Georg Haffner: Request-Prediction and Hyperlink-Proposals Univ. Trier, FB 4, Informatik 2001
14EEErnst Georg Haffner, Uwe Roth, Andreas Heuer, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel: What Do Hyperlink-Proposals and Request-Prediction Have in Common? ADVIS 2000: 285-293
13EEErnst Georg Haffner, Andreas Heuer, Uwe Roth, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel: Advanced Studies on Link Proposals and Knowledge Retrieval of Hypertexts with CBR. EC-Web 2000: 369-378
12 Andreas Heuer, Ernst Georg Haffner, Zhongdong Zhang, Christoph Meinel: Role-based Web Authoring and Web-Site Management for Commercial Sites. International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 359-364
11 Ernst Georg Haffner, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel: Techniques for Securing Networks Against Criminal Attacks. International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 365-370
10 Ernst Georg Haffner, Uwe Roth, Andreas Heuer, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel: Advanced Techniques for Analyzing Web Server Logs. International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 71-78
9 Andreas Heuer, Ernst Georg Haffner, Uwe Roth, Christoph Meinel: A Hyperlink Focused Browse Assistant for the World Wide Web. International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 79-84
8 Ernst Georg Haffner, Uwe Roth, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel: Modeling of Time and Document Aging for Request Prediction - One Step Further. SAC (2) 2000: 984-990
7 Ernst Georg Haffner, Andreas Heuer, Uwe Roth, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel: Link Proposals with Case-Based Reasoning Techniques. WebNet 2000: 233-239
6 Uwe Roth, Andreas Heuer, Ernst Georg Haffner, Christoph Meinel: A Search-Engine-Topologie to Improve Document Retrieval on the Web. WebNet 2000: 470-475
5 Uwe Roth, Ernst Georg Haffner, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel: The Smart Data Server: A New Kind of Middle-Tier. IMSA 1999: 361-365
4EEZhongdong Zhang, Ernst Georg Haffner, Andreas Heuer, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel: Role-based access control in online authoring and publishing systems vs. document hierarchy. SIGDOC 1999: 193-198
3 Ernst Georg Haffner, Andreas Heuer, Uwe Roth, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel: The Importance of Link-Transformation and Link-Proposals for Hyperlink-Management Systems. WebNet 1999: 1538-1539
2 Uwe Roth, Ernst Georg Haffner, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel: An Approach to Distributed Functionality - The Smart Data Server. WebNet 1999: 931-936
1 Ernst Georg Haffner, Thomas Engel, Christoph Meinel: The flood-gate principle - a hybrid approach to a high security solution. ICISC 1998: 147-160

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Engel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [10] [11] [13] [14] [16]
2Andreas Heuer [3] [4] [6] [7] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [16]
3Kais Louizi [17]
4Christoph Meinel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [19] [20]
5Uwe Roth [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [13] [14] [16] [17] [19] [20]
6Zhongdong Zhang [4] [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)