Sandy Irani, Moni Naor, Ronitt Rubinfeld:
On the Time and Space Complexity of Computation Using Write-Once Memory Or Is Pen Really Much Worse Than Pencil?
141-159 BibTeX
Volume 25,
Number 3,
Raymond Greenlaw:
The Parallel Complexity of Approximation Algorithms for the Maximum Acyclic Subgraph Problem.
161-175 BibTeX
Tomoyuki Yamakami:
Structural Properties for Feasibly Computable Classes of Type Two.
177-201 BibTeX
Alan L. Selman:
A Survey of One-Way Functions in Complexity Theory.
203-221 BibTeX
Friedrich Otto:
The Problem of Deciding Confluence on a Given Congruence Class is Tractable for Finite Special String-Rewriting Systems.
241-251 BibTeX
Michael C. Loui, David R. Luginbuhl:
The Complexity of On-Line Simulations Between Multidimensional Turing Machines and Random Access Machines.
293-308 BibTeX
Siegfried Lehr:
A Result About Languages Concerning Paperfolding Sequences.
309-313 BibTeX