
Frantisek Plasil

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35 Andreas Rausch, Ralf Reussner, Raffaela Mirandola, Frantisek Plasil: The Common Component Modeling Example: Comparing Software Component Models [result from the Dagstuhl research seminar for CoCoME, August 1-3, 2007] Springer 2008
34 Steffen Becker, Frantisek Plasil, Ralf Reussner: Quality of Software Architectures. Models and Architectures, 4th International Conference on the Quality of Software-Architectures, QoSA 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 14-17, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
33EEPavel Parizek, Frantisek Plasil: Modeling of Component Environment in Presence of Callbacks and Autonomous Activities. TOOLS (46) 2008: 2-21
32 Jan van Leeuwen, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Wiebe van der Hoek, Christoph Meinel, Harald Sack, Frantisek Plasil, Mária Bieliková: SOFSEM 2007: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 33rd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 20-26, 2007, Proceedings Volume II Institute of Computer Science AS CR, Prague 2007
31 Jan van Leeuwen, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Wiebe van der Hoek, Christoph Meinel, Harald Sack, Frantisek Plasil: SOFSEM 2007: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 33rd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 20-26, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
30EEOndrej Sery, Frantisek Plasil: Slicing of Component Behavior Specification with Respect to Their Composition. CBSE 2007: 189-202
29EEAndreas Rausch, Ralf Reussner, Raffaela Mirandola, Frantisek Plasil: Introduction. CoCoME 2007: 1-3
28EELubomír Bulej, Tomás Bures, Thierry Coupaye, Martin Decký, Pavel Jezek, Pavel Parizek, Frantisek Plasil, Tomás Poch, Nicolas Rivierre, Ondrej Sery, Petr Tuma: CoCoME in Fractal. CoCoME 2007: 357-387
27EETomás Bures, Martin Decký, Petr Hnetynka, Jan Kofron, Pavel Parizek, Frantisek Plasil, Tomás Poch, Ondrej Sery, Petr Tuma: CoCoME in SOFA. CoCoME 2007: 388-417
26EERaffaela Mirandola, Frantisek Plasil: CoCoTA - Common Component Task. CoCoME 2007: 4-15
25EEPavel Parizek, Frantisek Plasil: Partial Verification of Software Components: Heuristics for Environment Construction. EUROMICRO-SEAA 2007: 75-82
24EEViliam Holub, Frantisek Plasil: Reducing Component Systems' Behavior Specification. SCCC 2007: 63-72
23EETomás Bures, Petr Hnetynka, Frantisek Plasil, Jan Klesnil, Ondrej Kmoch, Tomas Kohan, Pavel Kotrc: Runtime Support for Advanced Component Concepts. SERA 2007: 337-345
22EEPavel Parizek, Frantisek Plasil: Specification and Generation of Environment for Model Checking of Software Components. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 176(2): 143-154 (2007)
21EEPavel Parizek, Frantisek Plasil: Modeling Environment for Component Model Checking from Hierarchical Architecture. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 182: 139-153 (2007)
20EEPetr Hnetynka, Frantisek Plasil: Dynamic Reconfiguration and Access to Services in Hierarchical Component Models. CBSE 2006: 352-359
19EETomás Bures, Petr Hnetynka, Frantisek Plasil: SOFA 2.0: Balancing Advanced Features in a Hierarchical Component Model. SERA 2006: 40-48
18EEPavel Parizek, Frantisek Plasil, Jan Kofron: Model Checking of Software Components: Combining Java PathFinder and Behavior Protocol Model Checker. SEW 2006: 133-141
17EEPavel Jezek, Jan Kofron, Frantisek Plasil: Model Checking of Component Behavior Specification: A Real Life Experience. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 160: 197-210 (2006)
16 Vladimir Mencl, Frantisek Plasil, Jirí Adámek: Behavior Assembly and Composition of Use Cases - UML 2.0 Perspective. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2005: 193-201
15EEJirí Adámek, Frantisek Plasil: Component composition errors and update atomicity: static analysis. Journal of Software Maintenance 17(5): 363-377 (2005)
14EEJirí Adámek, Frantisek Plasil: Partial Bindings of Components - Any Harm?. APSEC 2004: 632-639
13EEFrantisek Plasil, Viliam Holub: Exceptions in Component Interaction Protocols - Necessity. Architecting Systems with Trustworthy Components 2004: 227-244
12 Jirí Adámek, Frantisek Plasil: Erroneous architecture is a relative concept. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications 2004: 715-720
11 Martin Mach, Frantisek Plasil: Addressing State Explosion in Behavior Protocol Verification. SNPD 2004: 327-333
10 William I. Grosky, Frantisek Plasil: SOFSEM 2002: Theory and Practice of Informatics, 29th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, Milovy, Czech Republic, November 22-29, 2002, Proceedings Springer 2002
9EEFrantisek Plasil, Stanislav Visnovsky: Behavior Protocols for Software Components. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 28(11): 1056-1076 (2002)
8 Dusan Bálek, Frantisek Plasil: Software Connectors and their Role in Component Deployment. DAIS 2001: 69-84
7EEFrantisek Plasil, Milos Besta, Stanislav Visnovsky: Bounding Component Behavior via Protocols. TOOLS (30) 1999: 387-398
6EEFrantisek Plasil, Michael Stal: An architectural view of distributed objects and components in CORBA, Java RMI and COM/DCOM. Software - Concepts and Tools 19(1): 14-28 (1998)
5EEManfred Broy, Anton Deimel, Juergen Henn, Kai Koskimies, Frantisek Plasil, Gustav Pomberger, Wolfgang Pree, Michael Stal, Clemens A. Szyperski: What characterizes a (software) component? Software - Concepts and Tools 19(1): 49-56 (1998)
4 Frantisek Plasil, Keith G. Jeffery: SOFSEM '97: Theory and Practice of Informatics, 24th Seminar on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, Milovy, Czech Republic, November 22-29, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997
3 Frantisek Plasil, Daniel Mikusík: Inheriting Synchronization Protocols via Sound Enrichment Rules. JMLC 1997: 267-281
2 Jan Kleindienst, Frantisek Plasil, Petr Tuma: Lessons Learned from Implementing the CORBA Persistent Object Service. OOPSLA 1996: 150-167
1 Jan Kleindienst, Frantisek Plasil, Petr Tuma: CORBA and Object Services. SOFSEM 1996: 74-93

Coauthor Index

1Jirí Adámek [12] [14] [15] [16]
2Dusan Bálek [8]
3Steffen Becker [34]
4Milos Besta [7]
5Mária Bieliková [32]
6Manfred Broy [5]
7Lubomír Bulej [28]
8Tomás Bures [19] [23] [27] [28]
9Thierry Coupaye [28]
10Martin Decký [27] [28]
11Anton Deimel [5]
12William I. Grosky (Bill Grosky) [10]
13Juergen Henn [5]
14Petr Hnetynka [19] [20] [23] [27]
15Wiebe van der Hoek [31] [32]
16Viliam Holub [13] [24]
17Giuseppe F. Italiano [31] [32]
18Keith G. Jeffery [4]
19Pavel Jezek [17] [28]
20Jan Kleindienst [1] [2]
21Jan Klesnil [23]
22Ondrej Kmoch [23]
23Jan Kofron [17] [18] [27]
24Tomas Kohan [23]
25Kai Koskimies [5]
26Pavel Kotrc [23]
27Jan van Leeuwen [31] [32]
28Martin Mach [11]
29Christoph Meinel [31] [32]
30Vladimir Mencl [16]
31Daniel Mikusík [3]
32Raffaela Mirandola [26] [29] [35]
33Pavel Parizek [18] [21] [22] [25] [27] [28] [33]
34Tomás Poch [27] [28]
35Gustav Pomberger [5]
36Wolfgang Pree [5]
37Andreas Rausch [29] [35]
38Ralf Reussner (Ralf H. Reussner) [29] [34] [35]
39Nicolas Rivierre [28]
40Harald Sack [31] [32]
41Ondrej Sery [27] [28] [30]
42Michael Stal [5] [6]
43Clemens A. Szyperski [5]
44Petr Tuma [1] [2] [27] [28]
45Stanislav Visnovsky [7] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)