
Wei Lin

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53EEGuoping Long, Dongrui Fan, Junchao Zhang, Fenglong Song, Nan Yuan, Wei Lin: A Performance Model of Dense Matrix Operations on Many-Core Architectures. Euro-Par 2008: 120-129
52EEWei Lin, Gang Wu, Lei Zhang, Shaoqian Li: Performance Analysis of Cooperative Networks with Random Decode-and-Forward Relaying. HPCC 2008: 526-531
51EEYi-Xian Qin, Yi Xia, Wei Lin, Erik Mittra, Clint Rubin, Barry Gruber: Noninvasive Ultrasound Imaging for Bone Quality Assessment Using Scanning Confocal Acoustic Diagnosis, muCT, DXA Measurements, and Mechanical Testing. ICMB 2008: 216-223
50EEWei Lin, Bin Liu: Pipelined Parallel AC-Based Approach for Multi-String Matching. ICPADS 2008: 665-672
49EEMustafa Shabbir Kurbanhusen, Guilin Yang, Song Huat Yeo, Wei Lin: Kinematic calibration of a 7-DOF self-calibrated modular cable-driven robotic arm. ICRA 2008: 1288-1293
48EELei Jiao, Yanyuan Zhang, Wei Lin: Journal-based Block Images for Flash Memory Storage Systems. ICYCS 2008: 1331-1336
47EELiang Yan, I-Ming Chen, Chee Kian Lim, Guilin Yang, Wei Lin, Kok-Meng Lee: Magnetic Field Analysis of Spherical Actuators with Iron Stator. RAM 2008: 1050-1055
46EEXiaoli Z. Fern, Wei Lin: Cluster Ensemble Selection. SDM 2008: 787-797
45EEYanlong Wang, Zhanhuai Li, Wei Lin: RWAR: A Resilient Window-consistent Asynchronous Replication Protocol. ARES 2007: 499-505
44EEYanlong Wang, Zhanhuai Li, Wei Lin: A Fast Disaster Recovery Mechanism for Volume Replication Systems. HPCC 2007: 732-743
43EEYanlong Wang, Zhanhuai Li, Wei Lin, Minglei Hei, Jianhua Hao: The Design of Finite State Machine for Asynchronous Replication Protocol. ICIC (2) 2007: 1042-1053
42EETat Joo Teo, I-Ming Chen, Guilin Yang, Wei Lin: A Novel Actuator for High-Precision Alignment in a Nano-Imprint Multi-Layers-Interconnection Fabrication. ICRA 2007: 1419-1424
41EEZhe Lu, Peter C. Y. Chen, Joo Hoo Nam, Ruowen Ge, Wei Lin: A Micromanipulation System for Automatic Batch Microinjection. ICRA 2007: 3134-3135
40EEMustafa Shabbir Kurbanhusen, Guilin Yang, Song Huat Yeo, Wei Lin: Self-Identification of the Joint Centre of a Cable-Driven Shoulder Rehabilitator. ICRA 2007: 3767-3772
39EEAndrew P. Shacklock, Matthew C. Pritchard, Hong Luo, Etienne Burdet, Wei Lin: Intuitive Command of Manipulators in Micro-scale Tasks. ICRA 2007: 846-851
38EEXuezheng Liu, Wei Lin, Aimin Pan, Zheng Zhang: WiDS Checker: Combating Bugs in Distributed Systems. NSDI 2007
37EEWenyong Zhong, Wei Lin, Jiong Ruan: The generalized invariance principle for dynamic equations on time scales. Applied Mathematics and Computation 184(2): 557-565 (2007)
36EEWei Lin, Bin Liu, Yi Tang: Traffic Distribution over Equal-Cost-Multi-Paths using LRU-based Caching with Counting Scheme. AINA (1) 2006: 579-584
35EEWen-Jong Lin, Jitendra Prasad Khatait, Wei Lin, Huaizhong Li: Modellingof an Orifice-type Aerostatic Thrust Bearing. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
34 Yuan Ping Li, Teresa Zielinska, Marcelo H. Ang Jr., Wei Lin: Wheel-ground Interaction Modelling and Torque Distribution for a Redundant Mobile Robot. ICRA 2006: 3362-3367
33EELiang Yan, I-Ming Chen, Chee Kian Lim, Guilin Yang, Wei Lin, Kok-Meng Lee: Torque Modeling of Spherical Actuators with Double-layer Poles. IROS 2006: 5447-5452
32EEYoujian Shen, Wei Lin: Collocation method for the natural boundary integral equation. Appl. Math. Lett. 19(11): 1278-1285 (2006)
31EEChen Wu, Jiong Ruan, Wei Lin: On the existence and stability of the periodic solution in the Cohen-Grossberg neural network with time delay and high-order terms. Applied Mathematics and Computation 177(1): 194-210 (2006)
30EEHao Lei, Wei Lin: Universal adaptive control of nonlinear systems with unknown growth rate by output feedback. Automatica 42(10): 1783-1789 (2006)
29EEBo Yang, Wei Lin: On semi-global stabilizability of MIMO nonlinear systems by output feedback. Automatica 42(6): 1049-1054 (2006)
28EEWei Lin, Guanrong Chen: Heteroclinical Repellers Imply Chaos. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 16(5): 1471-1489 (2006)
27EEWei Lin, Tianping Chen: Analysis of two restart algorithms. Neurocomputing 69(16-18): 2301-2308 (2006)
26EEJun Xian, Shi-Ping Luo, Wei Lin: Weighted sampling and signal reconstruction in spline subspaces. Signal Processing 86(2): 331-340 (2006)
25EEWei Lin, Yongtian Yang, Shuqin Zhang: A Computational Reputation Model in P2P Networks Based on Trust and Distrust. ICCNMC 2005: 501-508
24 Liang Yan, I-Ming Chen, Chee Kian Lim, Guilin Yang, Wei Lin, Kok-Meng Lee: Torque Modeling of a Spherical Actuator Based on Lorentz Force Law. ICRA 2005: 3646-3651
23EEJian Ji, Tian Zheng, Wei Lin, Yanwei Ju: The SAR Image Compression with Projection Pursuit Neural Networks. ISNN (2) 2005: 730-734
22EEKok Kiong Tan, Sunan Huang, Ser Yong Lim, Wei Lin: Intelligent Precision Motion Control. Innovations in Robot Mobility and Control 2005: 273-306
21EEXianqing Huang, Wei Lin, Bo Yang: Global finite-time stabilization of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems. Automatica 41(5): 881-888 (2005)
20EEWei Lin, Tianping Chen: Controlling Chaos in a Chaotic Neuron Model. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 15(8): 2611-2621 (2005)
19EEWei Lin, Felix W. Wehrli, Hee Kwon Song: Correcting bulk in-plane motion artifacts in MRI using the point spread function. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 24(9): 1170-1176 (2005)
18EEWei Lin, Tian Zheng, Fan He, Xian-Bin Wen: The Cook Projection Index Estimation Using the Wavelet Kernel Function. ISNN (1) 2004: 822-827
17EEJun Xian, Yongjin Li, Wei Lin: Reconstruction of Signal from Samples of Its Integral in Spline Subspaces. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 574-577
16EEGuilin Yang, Edwin Hui Leong Ho, Weihai Chen, Wei Lin, Song Huat Yeo, Mustafa Shabbir Kurbanhusen: A haptic device wearable on a human arm. RAM 2004: 243-247
15EELiang Yan, Chee Kian Lim, I-Ming Chen, Guilin Yang, Wei Lin: A hybrid approach for magnetic field analysis. RAM 2004: 530-535
14EEChee Kian Lim, Liang Yan, I-Ming Chen, Guilin Yang, Wei Lin: Mechanical design & numerical electromagnetic analysis of a DC spherical actuator. RAM 2004: 536-541
13EEWeihai Chen, Tat Joo Teo, Wei Lin, Guilin Yang, Edwin Hui Leong Ho: Development of embedded integrated servo-controllers. RAM 2004: 89-94
12EEEn-Guo Gu, Jiong Ruan, Wei Lin: Algorithm for Estimation of the Stable Basin in Controlling Chaotic Discrete Dynamics. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 14(5): 1885-1899 (2004)
11EEChunyan Li, Wei Lin, Yongtian Yang: Packet Filtering Using a Decision Tree Classifier. IDEAL 2003: 801-805
10EEWei Lin, Jiong Ruan, Weirui Zhao: On the Mathematical Clarification of the SNAP-Back-Repeller in High-Dimensional Systems and Chaos in a Discrete Neural Network Model. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 12(5): 1129-1139 (2002)
9EEDing Huang, Wei Lin, Hong Yan: Modeling of Facial Expressions Using NURBS Curves. Active Media Technology 2001: 216-223
8 Guilin Yang, I-Ming Chen, Wei Lin, Jorge Angeles: Singularity Analysis of Three-legged Parallel Robots Based on Passive-joint Velocities. ICRA 2001: 2407-2412
7EEYoujian Shen, Wei Lin: Wavelet Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of Plane Elasticity Problem. WAA 2001: 139-144
6 Marcelo H. Ang, Wei Lin, Ser Yong Lim: An Industrial Application of Control of Dynamic Behavior of Robots A Walk-Through Programmed Welding Robot. ICRA 2000: 2352-2357
5EEWei Lin, Rong Zheng, Jennifer C. Hou: How to Make Assured Service More Assured. ICNP 1999: 182-
4EELi Fan, Pei Cao, Wei Lin, Quinn Jacobson: Web Prefetching Between Low-Bandwidth Clients and Proxies: Potential and Performance. SIGMETRICS 1999: 178-187
3EEChien-Ying Lu, José G. Delgado-Frias, Wei Lin: A Clustering and Genetic Scheme for Large Tsp Optimization Problems. Cybernetics and Systems 29(2): 137-157 (1998)
2 Aaron B. Kiely, Sam Dolinar, Robert J. McEliece, Laura Ekroot, Wei Lin: Trellis decoding complexity of linear block codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(6): 1687-1697 (1996)
1 Robert J. McEliece, Wei Lin: The trellis complexity of convolutional codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(6): 1855-1864 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Marcelo H. Ang Jr. (Marcelo H. Ang) [6] [34]
2Jorge Angeles [8]
3Etienne Burdet [39]
4Pei Cao [4]
5Guanrong Chen [28]
6I-Ming Chen [8] [14] [15] [24] [33] [42] [47]
7Peter C. Y. Chen [41]
8Tianping Chen [20] [27]
9Weihai Chen [13] [16]
10José G. Delgado-Frias [3]
11Sam Dolinar [2]
12Laura Ekroot [2]
13Dongrui Fan [53]
14Li Fan [4]
15Xiaoli Z. Fern [46]
16Ruowen Ge [41]
17Barry Gruber [51]
18En-Guo Gu [12]
19Jianhua Hao [43]
20Fan He [18]
21Minglei Hei [43]
22Edwin Hui Leong Ho [13] [16]
23Jennifer C. Hou (Chao-Ju Hou) [5]
24Ding Huang [9]
25Sunan Huang [22]
26Xianqing Huang [21]
27Quinn Jacobson [4]
28Jian Ji [23]
29Lei Jiao [48]
30Yanwei Ju [23]
31Jitendra Prasad Khatait [35]
32Aaron B. Kiely [2]
33Mustafa Shabbir Kurbanhusen [16] [40] [49]
34Kok-Meng Lee [24] [33] [47]
35Hao Lei [30]
36Chunyan Li [11]
37Huaizhong Li [35]
38Shaoqian Li [52]
39Yongjin Li [17]
40Yuan Ping Li [34]
41Zhanhuai Li [43] [44] [45]
42Chee Kian Lim [14] [15] [24] [33] [47]
43Ser Yong Lim [6] [22]
44Wen-Jong Lin [35]
45Bin Liu [36] [50]
46Xuezheng Liu [38]
47Guoping Long [53]
48Chien-Ying Lu [3]
49Zhe Lu [41]
50Hong Luo [39]
51Shi-Ping Luo [26]
52Robert J. McEliece [1] [2]
53Erik Mittra [51]
54Joo Hoo Nam [41]
55Aimin Pan [38]
56Matthew C. Pritchard [39]
57Yi-Xian Qin [51]
58Jiong Ruan [10] [12] [31] [37]
59Clint Rubin [51]
60Andrew P. Shacklock [39]
61Youjian Shen [7] [32]
62Fenglong Song [53]
63Hee Kwon Song [19]
64Kok Kiong Tan [22]
65Yi Tang [36]
66Tat Joo Teo [13] [42]
67Yanlong Wang [43] [44] [45]
68Felix W. Wehrli [19]
69Xian-Bin Wen [18]
70Chen Wu [31]
71Gang Wu [52]
72Yi Xia [51]
73Jun Xian [17] [26]
74Hong Yan [9]
75Liang Yan [14] [15] [24] [33] [47]
76Bo Yang [21] [29]
77Guilin Yang [8] [13] [14] [15] [16] [24] [33] [40] [42] [47] [49]
78Yongtian Yang [11] [25]
79Song Huat Yeo [16] [40] [49]
80Nan Yuan [53]
81Junchao Zhang [53]
82Lei Zhang [52]
83Shuqin Zhang [25]
84Yanyuan Zhang [48]
85Zheng Zhang [38]
86Weirui Zhao [10]
87Rong Zheng [5]
88Tian Zheng [18] [23]
89Wenyong Zhong [37]
90Teresa Zielinska [34]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)