
Peter C. Y. Chen

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6EEZhe Lu, Peter C. Y. Chen, Joo Hoo Nam, Ruowen Ge, Wei Lin: A Micromanipulation System for Automatic Batch Microinjection. ICRA 2007: 3134-3135
5EEPeter C. Y. Chen: A Discrete-Event Approach to Transcription Control with Dynamic Event-Controllability. Journal of Computational Biology 13(9): 1532-1545 (2006)
4EEPeter F. Sturm, Z. L. Cheng, Peter C. Y. Chen, A. N. Poo: Focal length calibration from two views: method and analysis of singular cases. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 99(1): 58-95 (2005)
3EEXiongfeng Feng, Peter C. Y. Chen, A. N. Poo, Javier Ibanez Guzman, Chun Wah Chan: Enhanced supervisory control system design of an unmanned ground vehicle. SMC (2) 2004: 1864-1869
2 Peter C. Y. Chen, W. Murray Wonham: Real-Time Supervisory Control of a Processor for Non-Preemptive Execution of Periodic Tasks. Real-Time Systems 23(3): 183-208 (2002)
1 Peter C. Y. Chen, James K. Mills, Kenneth C. Smith: Performance Improvement of Robot Continuous-Path Operation through Iterative Learning Using Neural Networks. Machine Learning 23(2-3): 191-220 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Chun Wah Chan [3]
2Z. L. Cheng [4]
3Xiongfeng Feng [3]
4Ruowen Ge [6]
5Javier Ibanez Guzman [3]
6Wei Lin [6]
7Zhe Lu [6]
8James K. Mills [1]
9Joo Hoo Nam [6]
10A. N. Poo [3] [4]
11Kenneth C. Smith [1]
12Peter F. Sturm [4]
13W. Murray Wonham [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)