2009 |
223 | EE | Xin Fu,
Tao Li,
José A. B. Fortes:
Soft error vulnerability aware process variation mitigation.
HPCA 2009: 93-104 |
222 | EE | Chang-Burm Cho,
Wangyuan Zhang,
Tao Li:
Thermal Design Space Exploration of 3D Die Stacked Multi-core Processors Using Geospatial-Based Predictive Models.
SPEC Benchmark Workshop 2009: 102-120 |
221 | EE | Jin Yang,
XiaoJie Liu,
Tao Li,
Gang Liang,
SunJun Liu:
Distributed agents model for intrusion detection based on AIS.
Knowl.-Based Syst. 22(2): 115-119 (2009) |
220 | EE | Qing Zhu,
Tianping Zhang,
Shumin Fei,
Kan-Jian Zhang,
Tao Li:
Adaptive neural control for a class of output feedback time delay nonlinear systems.
Neurocomputing 72(7-9): 1985-1992 (2009) |
2008 |
219 | | Fei Wang,
Tao Li,
Gang Wang,
Changshui Zhang:
Semi-supervised Classification Using Local and Global Regularization.
AAAI 2008: 726-731 |
218 | | Dan Zhang,
Fei Wang,
Changshui Zhang,
Tao Li:
Multi-View Local Learning.
AAAI 2008: 752-757 |
217 | EE | Yanxiong Li,
Qianhua He,
Tao Li:
A Novel Detection Method of Filled Pause in Mandarin Spontaneous Speech.
ACIS-ICIS 2008: 217-222 |
216 | EE | Yu Zhang,
Tao Li,
Jia Sun,
Renchao Qin:
A Novel Immune Based Approach for Detection of Windows PE Virus.
ADMA 2008: 250-259 |
215 | EE | Shiping Chen,
Yuan Li,
Kaihua Rao,
Lei Zhao,
Tao Li,
Shigang Chen:
Building a Scalable P2P Network with Small Routing Delay.
APWeb 2008: 456-467 |
214 | EE | Wangyuan Zhang,
Tao Li:
Managing multi-core soft-error reliability through utility-driven cross domain optimization.
ASAP 2008: 132-137 |
213 | EE | Tao Li,
Yang Zhang:
Improving Transductive Support Vector Machine by Ensembling.
Australasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2008: 226-235 |
212 | EE | Dingding Wang,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Tao Li,
Yun Chi,
Yihong Gong:
Integrating clustering and multi-document summarization to improve document understanding.
CIKM 2008: 1435-1436 |
211 | EE | Fei Wang,
Shouchun Chen,
Changshui Zhang,
Tao Li:
Semi-supervised metric learning by maximizing constraint margin.
CIKM 2008: 1457-1458 |
210 | EE | Wei Peng,
Tao Li,
Bo Shao:
Clustering multi-way data via adaptive subspace iteration.
CIKM 2008: 1519-1520 |
209 | EE | Tao Li,
Wenjun Zhang,
Zhiping Yu:
Full-chip leakage analysis in nano-scale technologies: mechanisms, variation sources, and verification.
DAC 2008: 594-599 |
208 | EE | Khalid Saleem,
Steven Luis,
Yi Deng,
Shu-Ching Chen,
Vagelis Hristidis,
Tao Li:
Towards a business continuity information network for rapid disaster recovery.
DG.O 2008: 107-116 |
207 | | Tao Li,
Sarabjot S. Anand:
Automated Taxonomy Generation for Summarizing Multi-Type Relational Datasets.
DMIN 2008: 571-577 |
206 | EE | Xin Fu,
Tao Li,
José A. B. Fortes:
Combined circuit and microarchitecture techniques for effective soft error robustness in SMT processors.
DSN 2008: 137-146 |
205 | EE | Tao Li,
Sarabjot S. Anand:
Labeling Nodes of Automatically Generated Taxonomy for Multi-type Relational Datasets.
DaWaK 2008: 317-326 |
204 | EE | Yanqing Yang,
Zhenhong Jia,
Chun Chang,
Xizhong Qin,
Tao Li,
Hao Wang,
Junkai Zhao:
An Efficient Fuzzy Kohonen Clustering Network Algorithm.
FSKD (1) 2008: 510-513 |
203 | EE | Tao Li,
Min Song,
Mansoor Alam:
Compromised Sensor Nodes Detection: A Quantitative Approach.
ICDCS Workshops 2008: 352-357 |
202 | EE | Chris Ding,
Tao Li,
Michael I. Jordan:
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Combinatorial Optimization: Spectral Clustering, Graph Matching, and Clique Finding.
ICDM 2008: 183-192 |
201 | EE | Tao Li,
Sarabjot S. Anand:
HIREL: An Incremental Clustering Algorithm for Relational Datasets.
ICDM 2008: 887-892 |
200 | EE | Yu Zhang,
Tao Li,
Jia Sun,
Renchao Qin:
An FSM-Based Approach for Malicious Code Detection Using the Self-Relocation Gene.
ICIC (1) 2008: 364-371 |
199 | EE | Yu Zhang,
Tao Li,
Renchao Qin:
Computer Virus Evolution Model Inspired by Biological DNA.
ICIC (2) 2008: 943-950 |
198 | EE | Xin Fu,
Wangyuan Zhang,
Tao Li,
José A. B. Fortes:
Optimizing Issue Queue Reliability to Soft Errors on Simultaneous Multithreaded Architectures.
ICPP 2008: 190-197 |
197 | EE | Clay Hughes,
Tao Li:
Accelerating multi-core processor design space evaluation using automatic multi-threaded workload synthesis.
IISWC 2008: 163-172 |
196 | EE | Tao Li,
Dongbin Zhao,
Jianqiang Yi:
Adaptive dynamic neuro-fuzzy system for traffic signal control.
IJCNN 2008: 1840-1846 |
195 | EE | Wenhua Xu,
Qianhua He,
Yanxiong Li,
Tao Li:
Cancelable Voiceprint Templates Based on Knowledge Signatures.
ISECS 2008: 412-415 |
194 | EE | Diangang Wang,
Tao Li,
SunJun Liu,
Gang Liang,
Kui Zhao:
An Immune Multi-agent System for Network Intrusion Detection.
ISICA 2008: 436-445 |
193 | EE | Renchao Qin,
Tao Li,
Yu Zhang:
A Novel Biology-Inspired Virus Detection Model with RVNS.
ISICA 2008: 446-453 |
192 | EE | Yu Zhang,
Tao Li,
Renchao Qin:
A Dynamic Immunity-Based Model for Computer Virus Detection.
ISIP 2008: 515-519 |
191 | EE | Tao Li,
Xiaoling Ye,
Yingchao Zhang:
Stability Criteria with Less Variables for Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delay.
ISNN (1) 2008: 330-337 |
190 | EE | Tao Li,
Zhiping Yu:
Full-Chip Leakage Verification for Manufacturing Considering Process Variations.
ISQED 2008: 220-223 |
189 | EE | Heng Huang,
Chris Ding,
Dijun Luo,
Tao Li:
Simultaneous tensor subspace selection and clustering: the equivalence of high order svd and k-means clustering.
KDD 2008: 327-335 |
188 | | Chang-Burm Cho,
Wangyuan Zhang,
Tao Li:
Modeling and Analyzing the Effect of Microarchitecture Design Parameters on Microprocessor Soft Error Vulnerability.
MASCOTS 2008: 247-256 |
187 | EE | Xin Fu,
Tao Li,
José A. B. Fortes:
NBTI tolerant microarchitecture design in the presence of process variation.
MICRO 2008: 399-410 |
186 | EE | Wangyuan Zhang,
Tao Li:
Microarchitecture soft error vulnerability characterization and mitigation under 3D integration technology.
MICRO 2008: 435-446 |
185 | EE | Fei Wang,
Tao Li,
Changshui Zhang:
Semi-Supervised Clustering via Matrix Factorization.
SDM 2008: 1-12 |
184 | EE | Tao Li,
Chris Ding:
Weighted Consensus Clustering.
SDM 2008: 798-809 |
183 | EE | Tao Li,
Chris Ding,
Yi Zhang,
Bo Shao:
Knowledge transformation from word space to document space.
SIGIR 2008: 187-194 |
182 | EE | Dingding Wang,
Tao Li,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Chris Ding:
Multi-document summarization via sentence-level semantic analysis and symmetric matrix factorization.
SIGIR 2008: 307-314 |
181 | EE | Wei Peng,
Tao Li:
Author-topic evolution analysis using three-way non-negative Paratucker.
SIGIR 2008: 819-820 |
180 | EE | Chris Ding,
Tao Li,
Dijun Luo,
Wei Peng:
Posterior probabilistic clustering using NMF.
SIGIR 2008: 831-832 |
179 | EE | Bo Shao,
Tao Li,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Quantify music artist similarity based on style and mood.
WIDM 2008: 119-124 |
178 | EE | Jianjiang Yu,
Kan-Jian Zhang,
Shumin Fei,
Tao Li:
Simplified exponential stability analysis for recurrent neural networks with discrete and distributed time-varying delays.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 205(1): 465-474 (2008) |
177 | EE | Tao Li,
Ji-Feng Zhang:
Decentralized tracking-type games for multi-agent systems with coupled ARX models: Asymptotic Nash equilibria.
Automatica 44(3): 713-725 (2008) |
176 | EE | Renato J. O. Figueiredo,
P. Oscar Boykin,
José A. B. Fortes,
Tao Li,
Jie-Kwon Peir,
David Wolinsky,
Lizy Kurian John,
David R. Kaeli,
David J. Lilja,
Sally A. McKee,
Gokhan Memik,
Alain Roy,
Gary S. Tyson:
Archer: A Community Distributed Computing Infrastructure for Computer Architecture Research and Education
CoRR abs/0807.1765: (2008) |
175 | EE | Chris Ding,
Tao Li,
Wei Peng:
On the equivalence between Non-negative Matrix Factorization and Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52(8): 3913-3927 (2008) |
174 | EE | Tao Li,
Chang-Shing Perng,
Sheng Ma:
Guest editorial: special issue on temporal data mining: theory, algorithms and applications.
Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 16(1): 1-3 (2008) |
173 | EE | Ramakrishna Varadarajan,
Vagelis Hristidis,
Tao Li:
Beyond Single-Page Web Search Results.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20(3): 411-424 (2008) |
172 | EE | Tao Li,
Wai Ho Mow,
Manhung Siu:
Joint Erasure Marking and List Viterbi Algorithm for Decoding in Unknown Non-Gaussian Noise.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(3): 787-792 (2008) |
171 | EE | Tao Li,
Wai Ho Mow,
Manhung Siu:
Joint Erasure Marking and Viterbi Decoding Algorithm for Unknown Impulsive Noise Channels.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(9): 3407-3416 (2008) |
170 | EE | Tao Li,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Text categorization via generalized discriminant analysis.
Inf. Process. Manage. 44(5): 1684-1697 (2008) |
169 | EE | Tao Li,
Changyin Sun,
Xianlin Zhao,
Chong Lin:
Lmi-Based asymptotic Stability Analysis of Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays.
Int. J. Neural Syst. 18(3): 257-265 (2008) |
168 | EE | Yanfang Ye,
Dingding Wang,
Tao Li,
Dongyi Ye,
Qingshan Jiang:
An intelligent PE-malware detection system based on association mining.
Journal in Computer Virology 4(4): 323-334 (2008) |
167 | EE | Tao Li:
Clustering based on matrix approximation: a unifying view.
Knowl. Inf. Syst. 17(1): 1-15 (2008) |
166 | EE | Tao Li,
Yang Yi,
Lei Guo,
Hong Wang:
Delay-dependent fault detection and diagnosis using B-spline neural networks and nonlinear filters for time-delay stochastic systems.
Neural Computing and Applications 17(4): 405-411 (2008) |
165 | EE | Tao Li,
Shumin Fei:
Stability analysis of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with time-varying and distributed delays.
Neurocomputing 71(4-6): 1069-1081 (2008) |
164 | EE | Tao Li,
Shumin Fei:
Corrigendum to "Exponential state estimation for recurrent neural networks with distributed delays" [Neurocomputing 71(1-3) (2007) 428-438].
Neurocomputing 71(7-9): 1753-1758 (2008) |
163 | EE | Shenghuo Zhu,
Tao Li,
Zhiyuan Chen,
Dingding Wang,
Yihong Gong:
Dynamic active probing of helpdesk databases.
PVLDB 1(1): 748-760 (2008) |
162 | EE | Tao Li:
Dynamic detection for computer virus based on immune system.
Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 51(10): 1475-1486 (2008) |
2007 |
161 | | Fei Wang,
Changshui Zhang,
Tao Li:
Clustering with Local and Global Regularization.
AAAI 2007: 657-662 |
160 | EE | Fei Wang,
Tao Li:
Gene Selection via Matrix Factorization.
BIBE 2007: 1046-1050 |
159 | EE | Yi Zhang,
Chris H. Q. Ding,
Tao Li:
A Two-Stage Gene Selection Algorithm by Combining ReliefF and mRMR.
BIBE 2007: 164-171 |
158 | EE | Erliang Zeng,
Chengyong Yang,
Tao Li,
Giri Narasimhan:
On the Effectiveness of Constraints Sets in Clustering Genes.
BIBE 2007: 79-86 |
157 | EE | Tao Li,
Sarabjot S. Anand:
Diva: a variance-based clustering approach for multi-type relational data.
CIKM 2007: 147-156 |
156 | EE | Tao Li,
Zhiping Yu:
Statistical Analysis of Full-Chip Leakage Power Considering Junction Tunneling Leakage.
DAC 2007: 99-102 |
155 | EE | Yujuan Sun,
Yilei Wang,
Tao Li,
Peng Liu:
A New BP Neural Network Model Based on the Random Fuzzy Theory.
FSKD (1) 2007: 42-45 |
154 | EE | Caiming Liu,
Tao Li,
Hui Zhao,
Lingxi Peng,
Jinquan Zeng,
Yan Zhang:
Exploration of Network Security Information Hid in Web Pages Based on Immunology.
FSKD (1) 2007: 587-591 |
153 | EE | Xiangfei Zhu,
Mark E. McGinley,
Tao Li,
Malathi Veeraraghavan:
An Analytical Model for a Book-Ahead Bandwidth Scheduler.
GLOBECOM 2007: 2280-2285 |
152 | EE | Malathi Veeraraghavan,
Tao Li:
Signaling Transport Options in GMPLS Networks: In-band or Out-of-band.
ICCCN 2007: 503-509 |
151 | EE | Zhongyuan Zhang,
Tao Li,
Chris Ding,
Xiangsun Zhang:
Binary Matrix Factorization with Applications.
ICDM 2007: 391-400 |
150 | EE | Tao Li,
Chris Ding,
Michael I. Jordan:
Solving Consensus and Semi-supervised Clustering Problems Using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.
ICDM 2007: 577-582 |
149 | EE | Tao Li,
Xiao Ciyuan:
Research of Group Decision Consensus Degree Based on Extended Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set.
ICFIE 2007: 768-772 |
148 | EE | Chris H. Q. Ding,
Tao Li:
Adaptive dimension reduction using discriminant analysis and K-means clustering.
ICML 2007: 521-528 |
147 | EE | Wei Peng,
Chris H. Q. Ding,
Tao Li,
Tong Sun:
Finding Hotspots in Document Collection.
ICTAI (1) 2007: 313-320 |
146 | EE | Tao Li,
Dongbin Zhao,
Jianqiang Yi:
Application of ADP to Intersection Signal Control.
ISNN (1) 2007: 374-379 |
145 | EE | Qing Zhu,
Shumin Fei,
Tao Li,
Tianping Zhang:
Robust Neural Networks Control for Uncertain Systems with Time-Varying Delays and Sector Bounded Perturbations.
ISNN (1) 2007: 81-86 |
144 | EE | Yang Yi,
Tao Li,
Lei Guo,
Hong Wang:
Adaptive Tracking Control for the Output PDFs Based on Dynamic Neural Networks.
ISNN (1) 2007: 93-101 |
143 | EE | Xianyong Wu,
Zhi-Hong Guan,
Tao Li:
Chaos Synchronization Between Unified Chaotic System and Genesio System.
ISNN (2) 2007: 8-15 |
142 | EE | Chang-Burm Cho,
Tao Li:
Using Wavelet Domain Workload Execution Characteristics to Improve Accuracy, Scalability and Robustness in Program Phase Analysis.
ISPASS 2007: 136-145 |
141 | EE | Wangyuan Zhang,
Xin Fu,
Tao Li,
José A. B. Fortes:
An Analysis of Microarchitecture Vulnerability to Soft Errors on Simultaneous Multithreaded Architectures.
ISPASS 2007: 169-178 |
140 | EE | Caiming Liu,
XiaoJie Liu,
Tao Li,
Lingxi Peng,
Jinquan Zeng,
Hui Zhao:
Artificial Immunity-Based Discovery for Popular Information in WEB Pages.
International Conference on Computational Science (4) 2007: 166-169 |
139 | EE | Wei Peng,
Charles Perng,
Tao Li,
Haixun Wang:
Event summarization for system management.
KDD 2007: 1028-1032 |
138 | EE | Yanfang Ye,
Dingding Wang,
Tao Li,
Dongyi Ye:
IMDS: intelligent malware detection system.
KDD 2007: 1043-1047 |
137 | EE | Chris H. Q. Ding,
Rong Jin,
Tao Li,
Horst D. Simon:
A learning framework using Green's function and kernel regularization with application to recommender system.
KDD 2007: 260-269 |
136 | EE | Chang-Burm Cho,
Wangyuan Zhang,
Tao Li:
Informed Microarchitecture Design Space Exploration Using Workload Dynamics.
MICRO 2007: 274-285 |
135 | EE | Fei Wang,
Changshui Zhang,
Tao Li:
Regularized clustering for documents.
SIGIR 2007: 95-102 |
134 | EE | Zhiyuan Chen,
Tao Li:
Addressing diverse user preferences in SQL-query-result navigation.
SIGMOD Conference 2007: 641-652 |
133 | EE | Tao Li,
Xiaoming Zhang,
Zhigang Sun:
DynaNP - A Coarse-grain Dataflow Network Processor Architecture with Dynamic Configurable Processing Path.
SNPD (3) 2007: 182-187 |
132 | EE | Yi-Cheng Zhang,
Matus Medo,
Jie Ren,
Tao Zhou,
Tao Li,
Fan Yang:
Recommendation model based on opinion diffusion
CoRR abs/0710.2228: (2007) |
131 | EE | Tao Li,
Zhihong Guan,
Xianyong Wu:
Modeling and analyzing the spread of active worms based on P2P systems.
Computers & Security 26(3): 213-218 (2007) |
130 | EE | Tao Li,
Wai Ho Mow,
Vincent K. N. Lau,
Manhung Siu,
Roger S. Cheng,
Ross D. Murch:
Robust joint interference detection and decoding for OFDM-based cognitive radio systems with unknown interference.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(3): 566-575 (2007) |
129 | EE | Tao Li,
Lizy Kurian John,
Anand Sivasubramaniam,
Narayanan Vijaykrishnan,
Juan Rubio:
OS-Aware Branch Prediction: Improving Microprocessor Control Flow Prediction for Operating Systems.
IEEE Trans. Computers 56(1): 2-17 (2007) |
128 | EE | Yun-Feng Chen,
Tao Li,
Dong-Ni Gao,
Xiaoqin Hu,
Xiao-Ping Zhang,
Jin Liu:
A secure mobile communication approach based on information hiding.
IJAHUC 2(3): 134-139 (2007) |
127 | EE | Li Zhang,
Tao Li,
Shixia Liu,
Yue Pan:
An integrated system for building enterprise taxonomies.
Inf. Retr. 10(4-5): 365-391 (2007) |
126 | EE | Baoyong Zhang,
Shaosheng Zhou,
Tao Li:
A new approach to robust and non-fragile Hinfinity control for uncertain fuzzy systems.
Inf. Sci. 177(22): 5118-5133 (2007) |
125 | EE | Tao Li,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Hierarchical document classification using automatically generated hierarchy.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 29(2): 211-230 (2007) |
124 | EE | Jin Yang,
Tao Li,
SunJun Liu,
Tiefang Wang,
Diangang Wang,
Gang Liang:
Computer Forensics System Based on Artificial Immune Systems.
J. UCS 13(9): 1354-1365 (2007) |
123 | EE | Zhengping Wu,
Zhihong Guan,
Xianyong Wu,
Tao Li:
Consensus Based Formation Control and Trajectory Tracing of Multi-Agent Robot Systems.
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 48(3): 397-410 (2007) |
122 | EE | Tao Li,
Lei Guo,
Changyin Sun:
Robust stability for neural networks with time-varying delays and linear fractional uncertainties.
Neurocomputing 71(1-3): 421-427 (2007) |
121 | EE | Tao Li,
Shumin Fei:
Exponential state estimation for recurrent neural networks with distributed delays.
Neurocomputing 71(1-3): 428-438 (2007) |
120 | EE | Tao Li,
Lei Guo,
Changyin Sun:
Further result on asymptotic stability criterion of neural networks with time-varying delays.
Neurocomputing 71(1-3): 439-447 (2007) |
2006 |
119 | | Chris H. Q. Ding,
Tao Li,
Wei Peng:
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing: Equivalence Chi-Square Statistic, and a Hybrid Method.
AAAI 2006 |
118 | | Wei Peng,
Tao Li:
IntClust: A Software Package for Clustering Replicated Microarray Data.
BIBE 2006: 103-109 |
117 | | Wei Peng,
Tao Li,
Giri Narasimhan:
Mining the Database of Transcription Binding Sites.
BIBE 2006: 61-64 |
116 | EE | Jinquan Zeng,
XiaoJie Liu,
Tao Li,
Feixian Sun,
Lingxi Peng,
Caiming Liu:
An Immune-Based Model for Service Survivability.
CANS 2006: 354-363 |
115 | EE | Bin Xu,
Tao Li,
Zhifeng Gu,
Gang Wu:
SWSDS: Quick Web Service Discovery and Composition in SEWSIP.
CEC/EEE 2006: 71 |
114 | EE | Fei Wang,
Sheng Ma,
Liuzhong Yang,
Tao Li:
Recommendation on Item Graphs.
ICDM 2006: 1119-1123 |
113 | EE | Chris H. Q. Ding,
Ya Zhang,
Tao Li,
Stephen R. Holbrook:
Biclustering Protein Complex Interactions with a Biclique Finding Algorithm.
ICDM 2006: 178-187 |
112 | EE | Tao Li,
Chris H. Q. Ding:
The Relationships Among Various Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Methods for Clustering.
ICDM 2006: 362-371 |
111 | EE | Tao Li,
Mitsunori Ogihara,
Shenghuo Zhu:
Integrating Features from Different Sources for Music Information Retrieval.
ICDM 2006: 372-381 |
110 | EE | Tao Li,
Hongbin Li:
A Big-Neuron Based Expert System.
ICIC (1) 2006: 268-273 |
109 | EE | Gang Liang,
Tao Li,
Jiancheng Ni,
Yaping Jiang,
Jin Yang,
Xun Gong:
An Immunity-Based Dynamic Multilayer Intrusion Detection System.
ICIC (3) 2006: 641-650 |
108 | EE | Xun Gong,
Tao Li,
Gang Liang,
Tiefang Wang,
Jin Yang,
Xiaoqin Hu:
Immunity and Mobile Agent Based Grid Intrusion Detection.
ICIC (3) 2006: 651-659 |
107 | EE | Gang Liang,
Tao Li,
Xun Gong,
Yaping Jiang,
Jin Yang,
Jiancheng Ni:
NASC: A Novel Approach for Spam Classification.
ICIC (3) 2006: 672-681 |
106 | EE | Tiefang Wang,
Tao Li,
Xun Gong,
Jin Yang,
Xiaoqin Hu,
Diangang Wang,
Hui Zhao:
Family Gene Based Grid Trust Model.
ICNC (2) 2006: 110-113 |
105 | EE | Xun Gong,
Tao Li,
Tiefang Wang,
Jin Yang,
Gang Liang,
Xiaoqin Hu:
Grid Intrusion Detection Based on Immune Agent.
ICNC (2) 2006: 73-82 |
104 | EE | Wei Peng,
Tao Li:
Interval Data Clustering with Applications.
ICTAI 2006: 355-362 |
103 | EE | Tao Li,
Chengliang Zhang,
Shenghuo Zhu:
Empirical Studies on Multi-label Classification.
ICTAI 2006: 86-92 |
102 | EE | Mei Huang,
Jiliu Zhou,
Kun He,
Shuhua Xiong,
Tao Li:
Local Feature Based Face Recognition.
IMSCCS (1) 2006: 274-277 |
101 | EE | Tao Li,
L. K. John:
OS-aware tuning: improving instruction cache energy efficiency on system workloads.
IPCCC 2006 |
100 | EE | JianHua Zhang,
Tao Li,
Nan Zhang,
Diangang Wang,
SunJun Liu:
An Immune Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Chaos Mutation.
ISDA (1) 2006: 925-929 |
99 | EE | Yanlai Li,
Kuanquan Wang,
Tao Li:
A Goal Programming Based Approach for Hidden Targets in Layer-by-Layer Algorithm of Multilayer Perceptron Classifiers.
ISNN (1) 2006: 889-894 |
98 | EE | Tao Li,
Ximeng Guan,
Zhiping Yu,
Wei Xue:
Computation of Si Nanowire Bandstructures on Parallel Machines Through Domain Decomposition.
International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2006: 250-257 |
97 | EE | Chris H. Q. Ding,
Tao Li,
Wei Peng,
Haesun Park:
Orthogonal nonnegative matrix t-factorizations for clustering.
KDD 2006: 126-135 |
96 | EE | Xin Fu,
James Poe,
Tao Li,
José A. B. Fortes:
Characterizing Microarchitecture Soft Error Vulnerability Phase Behavior.
MASCOTS 2006: 147-155 |
95 | EE | Chang-Burm Cho,
Tao Li:
Complexity-based program phase analysis and classification.
PACT 2006: 105-113 |
94 | EE | Xun Gong,
Tao Li,
Ji Lu,
Tiefang Wang,
Gang Liang,
Jin Yang,
Feixian Sun:
Immunity and Mobile Agent Based Intrusion Detection for Grid.
PRIMA 2006: 187-198 |
93 | EE | Ji Lu,
Tao Li,
Xun Gong:
Parameter Evolution for Quality of Service in Multimedia Networking.
PRIMA 2006: 233-244 |
92 | EE | SunJun Liu,
Tao Li,
Diangang Wang,
Kui Zhao,
Xun Gong,
Xiaoqin Hu,
Chun Xu,
Gang Liang:
Immune Multi-agent Active Defense Model for Network Intrusion.
SEAL 2006: 104-111 |
91 | EE | Xun Gong,
Tao Li,
Tiefang Wang,
Jin Yang,
SunJun Liu,
Gang Liang:
An Immune Mobile Agent Based Grid Intrusion Detection Model.
SEAL 2006: 112-119 |
90 | EE | SunJun Liu,
Tao Li,
Kui Zhao,
Jin Yang,
Xun Gong,
JianHua Zhang:
Immune-Based Dynamic Intrusion Response Model.
SEAL 2006: 96-103 |
89 | EE | Chris H. Q. Ding,
Tao Li,
Wei Peng:
NMF and PLSI: equivalence and a hybrid algorithm.
SIGIR 2006: 641-642 |
88 | EE | Ramakrishna Varadarajan,
Vagelis Hristidis,
Tao Li:
Searching the web using composed pages.
SIGIR 2006: 713-714 |
87 | EE | Ning Gong,
Tao Li:
Role of index bonds in an optimal dynamic asset allocation model with real subsistence consumption.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 174(1): 710-731 (2006) |
86 | EE | Rensheng Wang,
Hongbin Li,
Tao Li:
Robust multiuser detection for multicarrier CDMA systems.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(3): 673-683 (2006) |
85 | EE | Tao Li,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Toward intelligent music information retrieval.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 8(3): 564-574 (2006) |
84 | EE | Tao Li,
Dimitris Logothetis,
Malathi Veeraraghavan:
Analysis of a polling system for telephony traffic with application to wireless LANs.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(6): 1284-1293 (2006) |
83 | EE | Tao Li,
Wai Ho Mow,
Khaled Ben Letaief:
Low complexity iterative decoding for bit-interleaved coded modulation.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(8): 1966-1970 (2006) |
82 | EE | Tao Li,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Using discriminant analysis for multi-class classification: an experimental investigation.
Knowl. Inf. Syst. 10(4): 453-472 (2006) |
81 | EE | Tao Li:
A Unified View on Clustering Binary Data.
Machine Learning 62(3): 199-215 (2006) |
80 | EE | Tao Li,
Lizy Kurian John:
Operating system power minimization through run-time processor resource adaptation.
Microprocessors and Microsystems 30(4): 189-198 (2006) |
79 | EE | Tao Li,
Chang-Shing Perng:
KDD-2006 workshop report: Theory and Practice of Temporal Data Mining.
SIGKDD Explorations 8(2): 96-97 (2006) |
2005 |
78 | EE | Tao Li,
Chuanbo Chen:
PromPredictor: A Hybrid Machine Learning System for Recognition and Location of Transcription Start Sites in Human Genome.
ADMA 2005: 552-563 |
77 | EE | Tamer Kahveci,
Venkatakrishnan Ramaswamy,
Han Tao,
Tao Li:
Approximate Global Alignment of Sequences.
BIBE 2005: 81-88 |
76 | EE | Tao Li,
XiaoJie Liu,
Hongbin Li:
An Immune-Based Model for Computer Virus Detection.
CANS 2005: 59-71 |
75 | EE | Tao Li,
XiaoJie Liu,
Hongbin Li:
A New Model for Dynamic Intrusion Detection.
CANS 2005: 72-84 |
74 | EE | Chengyong Yang,
Erliang Zeng,
Tao Li,
Giri Narasimhan:
Clustering Genes Using Gene Expression and Text Literature Data.
CSB 2005: 329-340 |
73 | EE | Tao Li,
Wei Peng:
A Clustering Model Based on Matrix Approximation with Applications to Cluster System Log Files.
ECML 2005: 625-632 |
72 | EE | Wei Peng,
Tao Li,
Sheng Ma:
Mining Logs Files for Computing System Management.
ICAC 2005: 309-310 |
71 | EE | Yue Li,
Tao Li:
Bioinformatics on Embedded Systems: A Case Study of Computational Biology Applications on VLIW Architecture.
ICESS 2005: 16-29 |
70 | EE | Chunlin Xu,
Tao Li,
Xuemei Huang,
Yaping Jiang:
A Weather Forecast System Based on Artificial Immune System.
ICNC (2) 2005: 800-803 |
69 | EE | Tao Li,
Juling Ding,
XiaoJie Liu,
Pin Yang:
A New Model of Immune-Based Network Surveillance and Dynamic Computer Forensics.
ICNC (2) 2005: 804-813 |
68 | EE | Chengyong Yang,
Erliang Zeng,
Tao Li,
Giri Narasimhan:
A Knowledge-Driven Method to Evaluate Multi-source Clustering.
ISPA Workshops 2005: 196-202 |
67 | EE | Yang Yu,
Tao Li,
Yulu Yang,
Xiaoshe Dong:
Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm for RDT Structure.
ISPAN 2005: 248-255 |
66 | EE | Mei Yang,
Yingtao Jiang,
Tao Li,
Yulu Yang:
Fault-Tolerant Routing Schemes in RDT(2, 2, 1)/a-Based Interconnection Network for Networks-on-Chip Designs.
ISPAN 2005: 52-57 |
65 | EE | Tao Li:
A general model for clustering binary data.
KDD 2005: 188-197 |
64 | EE | Tao Li,
Feng Liang,
Sheng Ma,
Wei Peng:
An integrated framework on mining logs files for computing system management.
KDD 2005: 776-781 |
63 | EE | Yue Li,
Tao Li,
Tamer Kahveci,
José A. B. Fortes:
Workload Characterization of Bioinformatics Applications.
MASCOTS 2005: 15-22 |
62 | | Tao Li:
Hierarchical Document Classification Using Automatically Generated Hierarchy.
SDM 2005 |
61 | | Tao Li:
On Clustering Binary Data.
SDM 2005 |
60 | | Tao Li,
Sheng Ma,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Wavelet Methods in Data Mining.
The Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook 2005: 603-626 |
59 | EE | Shaosheng Zhou,
Tao Li:
Robust stabilization for delayed discrete-time fuzzy systems via basis-dependent Lyapunov-Krasovskii function.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 151(1): 139-153 (2005) |
58 | EE | Tao Li,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Semisupervised learning from different information sources.
Knowl. Inf. Syst. 7(3): 289-309 (2005) |
57 | EE | Wei Peng,
Tao Li,
Sheng Ma:
Mining logs files for data-driven system management.
SIGKDD Explorations 7(1): 44-51 (2005) |
56 | EE | Tao Li,
Ravi Bhargava,
Lizy Kurian John:
Adapting branch-target buffer to improve the target predictability of java code.
TACO 2(2): 109-130 (2005) |
2004 |
55 | EE | Tao Li,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Music artist style identification by semi-supervised learning from both lyrics and content.
ACM Multimedia 2004: 364-367 |
54 | EE | Tao Li,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Semi-supervised learning for music artists style identification.
CIKM 2004: 152-153 |
53 | EE | Tao Li,
Mitsunori Ogihara,
Sheng Ma:
On combining multiple clusterings.
CIKM 2004: 294-303 |
52 | EE | Tao Li,
Sheng Ma:
Mining Temporal Patterns Without Predefined Time Windows.
ICDM 2004: 451-454 |
51 | EE | Tao Li,
Sheng Ma,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Entropy-based criterion in categorical clustering.
ICML 2004 |
50 | EE | Tao Li,
Yang Yu,
Peng Li,
Jingpeng Xu,
Xirong Ma,
Yulu Yang:
Practical Routing and Torus Assignment for RDT.
ISPAN 2004: 30-36 |
49 | EE | Tao Li,
Sheng Ma:
IFD: Iterative Feature and Data Clustering.
SDM 2004 |
48 | EE | Tao Li,
Sheng Ma,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Document clustering via adaptive subspace iteration.
SIGIR 2004: 218-225 |
47 | EE | Tao Li,
Chengliang Zhang,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
A comparative study of feature selection and multiclass classification methods for tissue classification based on gene expression.
Bioinformatics 20(15): 2429-2437 (2004) |
46 | EE | Rensheng Wang,
Hongbin Li,
Tao Li:
Code-timing estimation for CDMA systems with bandlimited chip waveforms.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(4): 1338-1349 (2004) |
45 | EE | Jieping Ye,
Tao Li,
Tao Xiong,
Ravi Janardan:
Using Uncorrelated Discriminant Analysis for Tissue Classification with Gene Expression Data.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 1(4): 181-190 (2004) |
2003 |
44 | EE | Tao Li,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Efficient multi-way text categorization via generalized discriminant analysis.
CIKM 2003: 317-324 |
43 | EE | Tao Li,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Using Discriminant Analysis for Multi-class Classification.
ICDM 2003: 589-592 |
42 | EE | Tao Li,
Lizy Kurian John:
Routine based OS-aware microprocessor resource adaptation for run-time operating system power saving.
ISLPED 2003: 241-246 |
41 | EE | Tao Li,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Detecting emotion in music.
ISMIR 2003 |
40 | | Tao Li,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
A New Distributed Data Mining Model Based on Similarity.
SAC 2003: 432-436 |
39 | | Tao Li,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Qi Li,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Gene Functional Classification by Semisupervised Learning from Heterogeneous Data.
SAC 2003: 78-82 |
38 | | Qi Li,
Chris Brown,
Chandra Kambhamettu,
Tao Li,
Shenghuo Zhu:
A Framework of Individually-Focused Teleconferencing (IFT) via an Efficient 3D Reprojection Technique.
SAC 2003: 951-955 |
37 | EE | Tao Li,
Mitsunori Ogihara,
Qi Li:
A comparative study on content-based music genre classification.
SIGIR 2003: 282-289 |
36 | EE | Tao Li,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Topic hierarchy generation via linear discriminant projection.
SIGIR 2003: 421-422 |
35 | EE | Tao Li,
Lizy Kurian John:
Run-time modeling and estimation of operating system power consumption.
SIGMETRICS 2003: 160-171 |
34 | EE | Tao Li,
Mitsunori Ogihara,
Shenghuo Zhu:
Association-based similarity testing and its applications.
Intell. Data Anal. 7(3): 209-232 (2003) |
33 | EE | Tao Li,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Algorithms for clustering high dimensional and distributed data.
Intell. Data Anal. 7(4): 305-326 (2003) |
2002 |
32 | EE | Tao Li,
Lizy Kurian John,
Anand Sivasubramaniam,
Narayanan Vijaykrishnan,
Juan Rubio:
Understanding and improving operating system effects in control flow prediction.
ASPLOS 2002: 68-80 |
31 | EE | Tao Li,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Mitsunori Ogihara,
Yinhe Cheng:
Estimating Joint Probabilities from Marginal Ones.
DaWaK 2002: 31-41 |
30 | EE | Shenghuo Zhu,
Tao Li,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
CoFD : An Algorithm for Non-distance Based Clustering in High Dimensional Spaces.
DaWaK 2002: 52-62 |
29 | EE | Sudhanva Gurumurthi,
Anand Sivasubramaniam,
Mary Jane Irwin,
Narayanan Vijaykrishnan,
Mahmut T. Kandemir,
Tao Li,
Lizy Kurian John:
Using Complete Machine Simulation for Software Power Estimation: The SoftWatt Approach.
HPCA 2002: 141-150 |
28 | EE | Tao Li,
Ravi Bhargava,
Lizy Kurian John:
Rehashable BTB: An Adaptive Branch Target Buffer to Improve the Target Predictability of Java Code.
HiPC 2002: 597-608 |
27 | EE | Qi Li,
Tao Li,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Chandra Kambhamettu:
Improving Medical/Biological Data Classification Performance by Wavelet Preprocessing.
ICDM 2002: 657-660 |
26 | EE | Tao Li,
Lizy Kurian John,
Robert H. Bell Jr.:
Modeling and Evaluation of Control Flow Prediction Schemes Using Complete System Simulation and Java Workloads.
MASCOTS 2002: 391-400 |
25 | | Zhou Yu,
Tao Li,
Jindong Zhao,
Jingchu Luo:
PGAAS: a prokaryotic genome assembly assistant system.
Bioinformatics 18(5): 661-665 (2002) |
24 | | Guangleng Xiong,
Tao Li:
Robust design based on constraint networks.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 32(5): 596-604 (2002) |
23 | EE | Tao Li,
Qi Li,
Shenghuo Zhu,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
A Survey on Wavelet Applications in Data Mining.
SIGKDD Explorations 4(2): 49-68 (2002) |
2001 |
22 | | Zhou Yu,
Tao Li,
Jindong Zhao,
Jingchu Luo:
PGAAS: A prokaryotic genome assembly assistant system.
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2001: 45 |
21 | EE | Tao Li,
Chen Ding:
Instruction Balance and Its Relation to Program Energy Consumption.
LCPC 2001: 71-85 |
20 | EE | Tao Li,
Lizy Kurian John:
ADir_pNB: A Cost-Effective Way to Implement Full Map Directory-Based Cache Coherence Protocols.
IEEE Trans. Computers 50(9): 921-934 (2001) |
19 | | Tao Li,
XiaoJie Liu:
The Denotational Semantics of NIPL.
SIGPLAN Notices 36(6): 28-37 (2001) |
2000 |
18 | | Jian-Hao Hu,
Kwan Lawrence Yeung,
Tao Li:
Routing and Re-Routing in a LEO/MEO Two-tier Mobile Satellite Communications System with Inter-Satellite Links.
ICC (1) 2000: 134-138 |
17 | EE | Tao Li,
Lizy Kurian John,
Narayanan Vijaykrishnan,
Anand Sivasubramaniam,
Jyotsna Sabarinathan,
Anupama Murthy:
Using complete system simulation to characterize SPECjvm98 benchmarks.
ICS 2000: 22-33 |
16 | | Tao Li,
XiaoJie Liu:
An Intelligent Neural Network Programming System (NNPS).
SIGPLAN Notices 35(3): 65-72 (2000) |
1998 |
15 | | Yibin Zheng,
Tao Li,
Peter C. Doerschuk,
John E. Johnson:
Low Resolution 3D Reconstructions of Viruses from X-Ray Crystal Diffraction Data.
ICIP (3) 1998: 358-360 |
14 | EE | Luyuan Fang,
Tao Li:
A multimedia-based intelligent configurator for network access equipment.
NOMS 1998: 805-814 |
13 | | Ning Wei,
Bing Zhang,
Tao Li,
Abdul Fattah,
Miyuki Yamamoto:
Holistic Approach for Problem Improvement in Health Education: A Human Centred Basis. A Case Study on AIDS Prevention and Control at a Chinese Medical School.
AI Soc. 12(4): 264-286 (1998) |
1997 |
12 | EE | Tao Li,
Ben-Wei Rong:
A Versatile Directory Scheme(Dir2NB+L) and Its Implementation on BY91-1 Multiprocessors System.
APDC 1997: 180-185 |
1995 |
11 | EE | Tao Li,
Lixin Tao:
Topological Feature Maps on Parallel Computers.
International Journal of High Speed Computing 7(4): 531-546 (1995) |
10 | EE | Tao Li,
Yuan Y. Tang,
Luyuan Fang:
A structure-parameter-adaptive (SPA) neural tree for the recognition of large character set.
Pattern Recognition 28(3): 315-329 (1995) |
9 | | Tao Li:
A Rule-based and Object-Oriented AI Programming Language.
SIGPLAN Notices 30(12): 17-24 (1995) |
1993 |
8 | | Tao Li,
Luyuan Fang,
Ken Q-Q. Li:
Hierarchical classification and vector quantization with neural trees.
Neurocomputing 5(2): 119-139 (1993) |
1992 |
7 | EE | Yun Peng,
James A. Reggia,
Tao Li:
A Connectionist Approach to Vertex Covering Problems.
Int. J. Neural Syst. 3(1): 43-56 (1992) |
1991 |
6 | EE | Tao Li:
Parallel Imprecise Iterative Deepening for Combinatorial Optimization.
International Journal of High Speed Computing 3(1): 63-76 (1991) |
1990 |
5 | EE | Tao Li,
L. Fang:
Competition and Cooperation in Analog Neural Networks for Combinatorial Optimization (Abstract).
ACM Conference on Computer Science 1990: 444 |
4 | EE | Luyuan Fang,
Tao Li:
Design of Competition-Based Neural Networks for Combinatorial Optimization.
Int. J. Neural Syst. 1(3): 221-235 (1990) |
1989 |
3 | | Tao Li,
Chris D. Marlin:
Algorithms for the Parallel Execution of Rule-Based Expert Systems.
IFIP Congress 1989: 331-336 |
2 | | Tao Li:
Parallel implementation of rule-based expert systems for interactive applications.
Parallel Computing 10(3): 309-318 (1989) |
1987 |
1 | EE | Tao Li,
Luyuan Fang:
CODAR: General purpose design tool for rule-based engineering expert systems.
AI in Engineering 2(2): 76-81 (1987) |