
Ravi Bhargava

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8EERavi Bhargava, Ben Serebrin, Francesco Spadini, Srilatha Manne: Accelerating two-dimensional page walks for virtualized systems. ASPLOS 2008: 26-35
7EETao Li, Ravi Bhargava, Lizy Kurian John: Adapting branch-target buffer to improve the target predictability of java code. TACO 2(2): 109-130 (2005)
6EERavi Bhargava, Lizy Kurian John: Improving Dynamic Cluster Assignment for Clustered Trace Cache Processors. ISCA 2003: 264-274
5EEShiwen Hu, Ravi Bhargava, Lizy Kurian John: The Role of Return Value Prediction in Exploiting Speculative Method-Level Parallelism. J. Instruction-Level Parallelism 5: (2003)
4EETao Li, Ravi Bhargava, Lizy Kurian John: Rehashable BTB: An Adaptive Branch Target Buffer to Improve the Target Predictability of Java Code. HiPC 2002: 597-608
3EERavi Bhargava, Lizy Kurian John: Latency and energy aware value prediction for high-frequency processors. ICS 2002: 45-56
2EERamesh Radhakrishnan, Ravi Bhargava, Lizy Kurian John: Improving Java performance using hardware translation. ICS 2001: 427-439
1EERavi Bhargava, Lizy Kurian John, Brian L. Evans, Ramesh Radhakrishnan: Evaluating MMX Technology Using DSP and Multimedia Applications. MICRO 1998: 37-46

Coauthor Index

1Brian L. Evans [1]
2Shiwen Hu [5]
3Lizy Kurian John (Lizy K. John) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Tao Li [4] [7]
5Srilatha Manne [8]
6Ramesh Radhakrishnan [1] [2]
7Ben Serebrin [8]
8Francesco Spadini [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)