2009 |
61 | EE | Major Bhadauria,
Vincent M. Weaver,
Sally A. McKee:
Accomodating Diversity in CMPs with Heterogeneous Frequencies.
HiPEAC 2009: 248-262 |
60 | EE | Matthew A. Watkins,
Sally A. McKee,
Lambert Schaelicke:
Revisiting Cache Block Superloading.
HiPEAC 2009: 339-354 |
59 | EE | Major Bhadauria,
Sally A. McKee,
Karan Singh,
Gary S. Tyson:
Data Cache Techniques to Save Power and Deliver High Performance in Embedded Systems.
T. HiPEAC 2: 65-84 (2009) |
2008 |
58 | EE | Major Bhadauria,
Sally A. McKee:
Optimizing thread throughput for multithreaded workloads on memory constrained CMPs.
Conf. Computing Frontiers 2008: 119-128 |
57 | EE | Pedro A. Castillo,
Antonio Miguel Mora,
Juan Julián Merelo Guervós,
Juan Luís Jiménez Laredo,
Miquel Moretó,
Francisco J. Cazorla,
Mateo Valero,
Sally A. McKee:
Architecture Performance Prediction Using Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks.
EvoWorkshops 2008: 175-183 |
56 | EE | Vincent M. Weaver,
Sally A. McKee:
Using Dynamic Binary Instrumentation to Generate Multi-platform SimPoints: Methodology and Accuracy.
HiPEAC 2008: 305-319 |
55 | EE | Brian S. White,
Sally A. McKee,
Daniel J. Quinlan:
A projection-based optimization framework for abstractions with application to the unstructured mesh domain.
ICS 2008: 104-113 |
54 | EE | Pedro A. Castillo Valdivieso,
Juan Julián Merelo Guervós,
Miquel Moretó,
Francisco J. Cazorla,
Mateo Valero,
Antonio Miguel Mora,
Juan Luís Jiménez Laredo,
Sally A. McKee:
Evolutionary system for prediction and optimization of hardware architecture performance.
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 1941-1948 |
53 | EE | Vincent M. Weaver,
Sally A. McKee:
Can hardware performance counters be trusted?
IISWC 2008: 141-150 |
52 | EE | Greg Bronevetsky,
Daniel Marques,
Keshav Pingali,
Radu Rugina,
Sally A. McKee:
Compiler-enhanced incremental checkpointing for OpenMP applications.
PPOPP 2008: 275-276 |
51 | EE | Renato J. O. Figueiredo,
P. Oscar Boykin,
José A. B. Fortes,
Tao Li,
Jie-Kwon Peir,
David Wolinsky,
Lizy Kurian John,
David R. Kaeli,
David J. Lilja,
Sally A. McKee,
Gokhan Memik,
Alain Roy,
Gary S. Tyson:
Archer: A Community Distributed Computing Infrastructure for Computer Architecture Research and Education
CoRR abs/0807.1765: (2008) |
50 | EE | Ningxiong Xu,
Sally A. McKee,
Linda K. Nozick,
Ruke Ufomata:
Augmenting priority rule heuristics with justification and rollout to solve the resource-constrained project scheduling problem.
Computers & OR 35(10): 3284-3297 (2008) |
49 | EE | Engin Ipek,
Sally A. McKee,
Karan Singh,
Rich Caruana,
Bronis R. de Supinski,
Martin Schulz:
Efficient architectural design space exploration via predictive modeling.
TACO 4(4): (2008) |
2007 |
48 | | Per Stenström,
Michael F. P. O'Boyle,
François Bodin,
Marcelo Cintra,
Sally A. McKee:
Transactions on High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers I
Springer 2007 |
47 | EE | Matthew Curtis-Maury,
Karan Singh,
Sally A. McKee,
Filip Blagojevic,
Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos,
Bronis R. de Supinski,
Martin Schulz:
Identifying energy-efficient concurrency levels using machine learning.
CLUSTER 2007: 488-495 |
46 | EE | Major Bhadauria,
Sally A. McKee,
Karan Singh,
Gary S. Tyson:
Leveraging High Performance Data Cache Techniques to Save Power in Embedded Systems.
HiPEAC 2007: 23-37 |
45 | EE | Matthew A. Watkins,
Sally A. McKee,
Lambert Schaelicke:
A Phase-Adaptive Approach to Increasing Cache Performance.
PACT 2007: 432 |
44 | EE | Benjamin C. Lee,
David M. Brooks,
Bronis R. de Supinski,
Martin Schulz,
Karan Singh,
Sally A. McKee:
Methods of inference and learning for performance modeling of parallel applications.
PPOPP 2007: 249-258 |
43 | EE | Jaydeep Marathe,
Frank Mueller,
Tushar Mohan,
Sally A. McKee,
Bronis R. de Supinski,
Andy Yoo:
METRIC: Memory tracing via dynamic binary rewriting to identify cache inefficiencies.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 29(2): (2007) |
42 | EE | Karan Singh,
Engin Ipek,
Sally A. McKee,
Bronis R. de Supinski,
Martin Schulz,
Rich Caruana:
Predicting parallel application performance via machine learning approaches.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(17): 2219-2235 (2007) |
41 | EE | Sally A. McKee:
Guest Editor's Introduction.
International Journal of Parallel Programming 35(3): 179-180 (2007) |
40 | EE | Sally A. McKee:
Editorial to special issue on reliable computing.
JETC 3(2): (2007) |
39 | EE | Sally A. McKee:
Introduction to Part 3.
T. HiPEAC 1: 237-238 (2007) |
38 | EE | Michael J. Geiger,
Sally A. McKee,
Gary S. Tyson:
Specializing Cache Structures for High Performance and Energy Conservation in Embedded Systems.
T. HiPEAC 1: 54-73 (2007) |
2006 |
37 | EE | Engin Ipek,
Sally A. McKee,
Rich Caruana,
Bronis R. de Supinski,
Martin Schulz:
Efficiently exploring architectural design spaces via predictive modeling.
ASPLOS 2006: 195-206 |
36 | EE | Engin Ipek,
José F. Martínez,
Bronis R. de Supinski,
Sally A. McKee,
Martin Schulz:
Dynamic program phase detection in distributed shared-memory multiprocessors.
IPDPS 2006 |
2005 |
35 | EE | Martin Schulz,
Brian S. White,
Sally A. McKee,
Hsien-Hsin S. Lee,
Jürgen Jeitner:
Owl: next generation system monitoring.
Conf. Computing Frontiers 2005: 116-124 |
34 | EE | Michael J. Geiger,
Sally A. McKee,
Gary S. Tyson:
Drowsy region-based caches: minimizing both dynamic and static power dissipation.
Conf. Computing Frontiers 2005: 378-384 |
33 | EE | Engin Ipek,
Bronis R. de Supinski,
Martin Schulz,
Sally A. McKee:
An Approach to Performance Prediction for Parallel Applications.
Euro-Par 2005: 196-205 |
32 | EE | Michael J. Geiger,
Sally A. McKee,
Gary S. Tyson:
Beyond Basic Region Caching: Specializing Cache Structures for High Performance and Energy Conservation.
HiPEAC 2005: 102-115 |
31 | EE | Brian S. White,
Sally A. McKee,
Bronis R. de Supinski,
Brian Miller,
Daniel J. Quinlan,
Martin Schulz:
Improving the computational intensity of unstructured mesh applications.
ICS 2005: 341-350 |
2004 |
30 | EE | Sally A. McKee:
Reflections on the memory wall.
Conf. Computing Frontiers 2004: 162 |
29 | EE | Peter K. Szwed,
Daniel Marques,
Robert M. Buels,
Sally A. McKee,
Martin Schulz:
SimSnap: Fast-Forwarding via Native Execution and Application-Level Checkpointing.
Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures 2004: 65-74 |
28 | EE | Annette Bunker,
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan,
Sally A. McKee:
Formal hardware specification languages for protocol compliance verification.
ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 9(1): 1-32 (2004) |
2003 |
27 | EE | Jaydeep Marathe,
Frank Mueller,
Tushar Mohan,
Bronis R. de Supinski,
Sally A. McKee,
Andy Yoo:
METRIC: Tracking Down Inefficiencies in the Memory Hierarchy via Binary Rewriting.
CGO 2003: 289-300 |
26 | EE | Martin Schulz,
Sally A. McKee:
A Framework for Portable Shared Memory Programming.
IPDPS 2003: 54 |
25 | EE | Sally A. McKee,
Zhen Fang,
Mateo Valero:
An MPEG-4 performance study for non-SIMD, general purpose architectures.
ISPASS 2003: 49-57 |
24 | EE | Tushar Mohan,
Bronis R. de Supinski,
Sally A. McKee,
Frank Mueller,
Andy Yoo,
Martin Schulz:
Identifying and Exploiting Spatial Regularity in Data Memory References.
SC 2003: 49 |
23 | | Tao Mu,
Jie Tao,
Martin Schulz,
Sally A. McKee:
Interactive Locality Optimization on NUMA Architectures.
SOFTVIS 2003: 133-141 |
22 | EE | Venkata K. Pingali,
Sally A. McKee,
Wilson C. Hsieh,
John B. Carter:
Restructuring Computations for Temporal Data Cache Locality.
International Journal of Parallel Programming 31(4): 305-338 (2003) |
21 | EE | Bharat Chandramouli,
Wilson C. Hsieh,
John B. Carter,
Sally A. McKee:
A Cost Model For Integrated Restructuring Optimizations.
J. Instruction-Level Parallelism 5: (2003) |
2002 |
20 | EE | Venkata K. Pingali,
Sally A. McKee,
Wilson C. Hsieh,
John B. Carter:
Computation regrouping: restructuring programs for temporal data cache locality.
ICS 2002: 252-261 |
2001 |
19 | EE | Zhen Fang,
Lixin Zhang,
John B. Carter,
Wilson C. Hsieh,
Sally A. McKee:
Reevaluating Online Superpage Promotion with Hardware Support.
HPCA 2001: 63-72 |
18 | EE | Bharat Chandramouli,
John B. Carter,
Wilson C. Hsieh,
Sally A. McKee:
A Cost Framework for Evaluating Integrated Restructuring Optimizations.
IEEE PACT 2001: 131-140 |
17 | EE | Lixin Zhang,
Zhen Fang,
Michael Parker,
Binu K. Mathew,
Lambert Schaelicke,
John B. Carter,
Wilson C. Hsieh,
Sally A. McKee:
The Impulse Memory Controller.
IEEE Trans. Computers 50(11): 1117-1132 (2001) |
2000 |
16 | EE | Binu K. Mathew,
Sally A. McKee,
John B. Carter,
Al Davis:
Design of a Parallel Vector Access Unit for SDRAM Memory Systems.
HPCA 2000: 39-48 |
15 | EE | Chengqiang Zhang,
Sally A. McKee:
Hardware-only stream prefetching and dynamic access ordering.
ICS 2000: 167-175 |
14 | EE | Lambert Schaelicke,
Al Davis,
Sally A. McKee:
Profiling I/O Interrupts in Modern Architectures.
MASCOTS 2000: 115-123 |
13 | EE | Zhen Fang,
Lixin Zhang,
John B. Carter,
Sally A. McKee,
Wilson C. Hsieh:
Online superpage promotion revisited (poster).
SIGMETRICS 2000: 114-115 |
12 | EE | Binu K. Mathew,
Sally A. McKee,
John B. Carter,
Al Davis:
Algorithmic foundations for a parallel vector access memory system.
SPAA 2000: 156-165 |
11 | EE | Sally A. McKee,
William A. Wulf,
James H. Aylor,
Robert H. Klenke,
Maximo H. Salinas,
Sung I. Hong,
Dee A. B. Weikle:
Dynamic Access Ordering for Streamed Computations.
IEEE Trans. Computers 49(11): 1255-1271 (2000) |
1999 |
10 | EE | Sung I. Hong,
Sally A. McKee,
Maximo H. Salinas,
Robert H. Klenke,
James H. Aylor,
William A. Wulf:
Access Order and Effective Bandwidth for Streams on a Direct Rambus Memory.
HPCA 1999: 80-89 |
9 | EE | Lixin Zhang,
John B. Carter,
Wilson C. Hsieh,
Sally A. McKee:
Memory System Support for Image Processing.
IEEE PACT 1999: 98-107 |
1998 |
8 | EE | Dee A. B. Weikle,
Sally A. McKee,
William A. Wulf:
Caches as Filters: A New Approach to Cache Analysis.
MASCOTS 1998: 2-12 |
7 | | Sally A. McKee,
Robert H. Klenke,
Kenneth L. Wright,
William A. Wulf,
Maximo H. Salinas,
James H. Aylor,
Alan P. Baston:
Smarter Memory: Improving Bandwidth for Streamed References.
IEEE Computer 31(7): 54-63 (1998) |
1996 |
6 | EE | Sally A. McKee,
William A. Wulf:
A Memory Controller for Improved Performance of Streamed Computations on Symmetric Multiprocessors.
IPPS 1996: 159-165 |
5 | EE | Sally A. McKee,
Assaji Aluwihare,
Benjamin H. Clark,
Robert H. Klenke,
Trevor C. Landon,
Christopher W. Oliver,
Maximo H. Salinas,
Adam E. Szymkowiak,
Kenneth L. Wright,
William A. Wulf,
James H. Aylor:
Design and Evaluation of Dynamic Access Ordering Hardware.
International Conference on Supercomputing 1996: 125-132 |
1995 |
4 | | Sally A. McKee,
William A. Wulf,
Trevor C. Landon:
Bounds on Memory Bandwidth in Streamed Computations.
Euro-Par 1995: 83-99 |
3 | | Sally A. McKee,
William A. Wulf:
Access Ordering and Memory-Conscious Cache Utilization.
HPCA 1995: 253-262 |
1994 |
2 | | Sally A. McKee,
Robert H. Klenke,
Andrew J. Schwab,
William A. Wulf,
Steven A. Moyer,
James H. Aylor,
Charles Y. Hitchcock:
Experimental Implementation of Dynamic Access Ordering.
HICSS (1) 1994: 431-440 |
1 | | Sally A. McKee,
Steven A. Moyer,
William A. Wulf:
Increasing Memory Bandwidth for Vector Computations.
Programming Languages and System Architectures 1994: 87-104 |