Volume 10,
Number 1,
March 1989
Volume 10,
Number 2,
April 1989
Volume 10,
Number 3,
May 1989
- James J. Hack:
On the promise of general-purpose parallel computing.
261-275 BibTeX
- Roger W. Hockney, I. J. Curington:
f1/2: a parameter to characterize memory and communication bottlenecks.
277-286 BibTeX
- Alan George, Joseph W. H. Liu, Esmond G. Ng:
Communication results for parallel sparse Cholesky factorization on a hypercube.
287-298 BibTeX
- Robert M. Hyatt, Bruce W. Suter, Harry L. Nelson:
A parallel alpha/beta tree searching algorithm.
299-308 BibTeX
- Tao Li:
Parallel implementation of rule-based expert systems for interactive applications.
309-318 BibTeX
- Miroslaw Malek, Eli Opper:
The cylindrical banyan multicomputer: a reconfigurable systolic architecture.
319-327 BibTeX
- Christopher M. Holt, Alan Stewart:
A parallel thinning algorithm with fine grain subtasking.
329-334 BibTeX
- James R. A. Allwright, D. B. Carpenter:
A distributed implementation of simulated annealing for the travelling salesman problem.
335-338 BibTeX
- Giuseppe A. De Biase, P. Ciucci, M. Cottone:
Vectorized algorithms for astronomical image processing.
339-346 BibTeX
- Jong-Chuang Tsay, Yodung-Chang Hou:
Generating function and equivalent transformation for systolic arrays.
347-356 BibTeX
- M. P. Bekakos, David J. Evans:
Relative performance comparisons for the group explicit class of methods on MIMD, SIMD and pipelined vector computers.
357-364 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:16:18 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)