
James A. Reggia

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56EEJae-Yoon Jung, James A. Reggia: Nested evolution of an autonomous agent using descriptive encoding. GECCO 2008: 285-286
55EEJudy K. Frels, Debra Heisler, James A. Reggia: Predicting the Effects of Alternative Pricing Strategies in an Artificial Society Undergoing Technology Adoption. Soft Computing Applications in Business 2008: 35-55
54EEAlexander Grushin, James A. Reggia: Automated design of distributed control rules for the self-assembly of prespecified artificial structures. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(4): 334-359 (2008)
53EEJae-Yoon Jung, James A. Reggia: Evolutionary Design of Neural Network Architectures Using a Descriptive Encoding Language. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 10(6): 676-688 (2006)
52EEJudy K. Frels, Debra Heisler, James A. Reggia, Hans-Joachim Schuetze: A Cellular Automata Model of Competition in Technology Markets with Network Externalities. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 378-385
51EEZhijian Pan, James A. Reggia: Evolutionary Discovery of Arbitrary Self-replicating Structures. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 404-411
50EEReiner Schulz, James A. Reggia: Mirror Symmetric Topographic Maps Can Arise from Activity-Dependent Synaptic Changes. Neural Computation 17(5): 1059-1083 (2005)
49EEAlexander Grushin, James A. Reggia: Evolving processing speed asymmetries and hemispheric interactions in a neural network model. Neurocomputing 65-66: 47-53 (2005)
48EEJae-Yoon Jung, James A. Reggia: A Descriptive Encoding Language for Evolving Modular Neural Networks. GECCO (2) 2004: 519-530
47EEAlejandro Rodríguez, James A. Reggia: Extending Self-Organizing Particle Systems to Problem Solving. Artificial Life 10(4): 379-395 (2004)
46EER. Winder, James A. Reggia: Using distributed partial memories to improve self-organizing collective movements. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 34(4): 1697-1707 (2004)
45EEReiner Schulz, James A. Reggia: Temporally Asymmetric Learning Supports Sequence Processing in Multi-Winner Self-Organizing Maps. Neural Computation 16(3): 535-561 (2004)
44 Reiner Schulz, James A. Reggia: Predicting Nearest Agent Distances in Artificial Worlds. Artificial Life 8(3): 247-264 (2002)
43EEJames A. Reggia, Yuri Shkuro, Natalia Shevtsova: Computational Investigation of Hemispheric Specialization and Interactions. Emergent Neural Computational Architectures Based on Neuroscience 2001: 68-82
42 James A. Reggia, Reiner Schulz, Gerald Wilkinson, Juan Uriagereka: Conditions Enabling the Evolution of Inter-Agent Signaling in an Artificial World. Artificial Life 7(1): 3-32 (2001)
41EEYinong Chen, James A. Reggia: The temporal correlation hypothesis for self-organizing feature maps. Int. J. System Science 31(7): 911-921 (2000)
40 Svetlana Levitan, James A. Reggia: A Computational Model of Lateralization and Asymmetries in Cortical Maps. Neural Computation 12(9): 2037-2062 (2000)
39 Svetlana Levitan, James A. Reggia: Interhemispheric effects on map organization following simulated cortical lesions. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 17(1): 59-85 (1999)
38EENatalia Shevtsova, James A. Reggia: Lateralization in a bihemispheric neural model of letter identification. Neurocomputing 26-27: 875-880 (1999)
37 James A. Reggia, Hui-Hsien Chou, Jason D. Lohn: Cellular Automata Models of Self-Replicating Systems. Advances in Computers 47: 142-185 (1998)
36 Eytan Ruppin, James A. Reggia: Seeking order in disorder: computational studies of neurologic and psychiatric diseases. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 13(1-2): 1-12 (1998)
35 Linglan Edwards, Yun Peng, James A. Reggia: Computational Models for the Formation of Protocell Structures. Artificial Life 4(1): 61-77 (1998)
34 James A. Reggia, Jason D. Lohn, Hui-Hsien Chou: Self-Replicating Structures: Evolution, Emergence and Computation. Artificial Life 4(3): 283-302 (1998)
33 James A. Reggia, Sharon Goodall, Yuri Shkuro: Computational Studies of Lateralization of Phoneme Sequence Generation. Neural Computation 10(5): 1277-1297 (1998)
32EECarol S. Whitney, James A. Reggia, Sungzoon Cho: Does Rotation of Neuronal Population Vectors Equal Mental Rotation? Connect. Sci. 9(3): 253-268 (1997)
31 Jason D. Lohn, James A. Reggia: Automatic discovery of self-replicating structures in cellular automata. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 1(3): 165-178 (1997)
30EERegev Levi, Eytan Ruppin, Yossi Matias, James A. Reggia: Frequency-Spatial Transformation: A Proposal for Parsimonious Intra-Cortical Communication. Int. J. Neural Syst. 7(5): 591-598 (1996)
29 Yinong Chen, James A. Reggia: Alignment of coexisting cortical maps in a motor control model. Neural Computation 8(4): 731-755 (1996)
28 Sungzoon Cho, Min Jang, James A. Reggia: Effects of Varying Parameters on Properties of Self-Organizing Feature Maps. Neural Processing Letters 4(1): 53-59 (1996)
27EEEytan Ruppin, James A. Reggia: Patterns of functional damage in neural network models of associative memory. Neural Computation 7(5): 1105-1127 (1995)
26EEEytan Ruppin, James A. Reggia, David Horn: A Neural Model of Delusions and Hallucinations in Schizophrenia. NIPS 1994: 149-156
25EEEytan Ruppin, James A. Reggia: Patterns of damage in neural networks: The effects of lesion area, shape and number. NIPS 1994: 35-42
24 Steven L. Armentrout, James A. Reggia, M. Weinrich: A neural model of cortical map reorganization following a focal lesion. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 6(5): 383-400 (1994)
23 Stanley Tuhrim, James A. Reggia, Yun Peng: High-specificity neurological localization using a connectionist model. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 6(6): 521-532 (1994)
22EEHui-Hsien Chou, James A. Reggia, Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez, Jayoung Wu: An Extended Cellular Space Method for Simulating Autocatalytic Oligonucleotides. Computers & Chemistry 18(1): 33-43 (1994)
21EESungzoon Cho, James A. Reggia: Map Formation in Proprioceptive Cortex. Int. J. Neural Syst. 5(2): 87-101 (1994)
20 James A. Reggia, Hui-Hsien Chou, Steven L. Armentrout, Yun Peng: Minimizing Complexity in Cellular Automata Models of Self-Replication. ISMB 1993: 337-344
19 James A. Reggia: Neural computation in medicine. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 5(2): 143-157 (1993)
18 Sungzoon Cho, James A. Reggia: Multiple disorder diagnosis with adaptive competitive neural networks. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 5(6): 469-487 (1993)
17EEJames A. Reggia, Yun Peng, Stanley Tuhrim: A connectionist approach to diagnostic problem solving using causal networks. Inf. Sci. 70(1-2): 27-48 (1993)
16EEFrank E. McFadden, Yun Peng, James A. Reggia: Local conditions for phase transitions in neural networks with variable connection strengths. Neural Networks 6(5): 667-676 (1993)
15EEYun Peng, James A. Reggia, Tao Li: A Connectionist Approach to Vertex Covering Problems. Int. J. Neural Syst. 3(1): 43-56 (1992)
14EEYun Peng, James A. Reggia: A comfort measure for diagnostic problem solving. Inf. Sci. 47(2): 149-184 (1989)
13 Malle A. Tagamets, James A. Reggia: A Data Flow Implementation of a Competition-Based Connectionist Model. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 6(3): 704-714 (1989)
12 Pearl Y. Wang, Stephen B. Seidman, James A. Reggia: Analysis of Competition-Based Spreading Activation in Connectionist Models. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 28(1): 77-97 (1988)
11EEC. Lynne D'Autrechy, James A. Reggia: The MIRRORS/II simulator. Annual Simulation Symposium 1987: 121-132
10 Yun Peng, James A. Reggia: Plausibility of Diagnostic Hypotheses: The Nature of Simplicity. AAAI 1986: 140-147
9EEJames A. Reggia, Sanjeev B. Ahuja: Selecting an approach to knowledge processing. Computers & OR 13(2-3): 329-331 (1986)
8 Connie Loggia Ramsey, James A. Reggia, Dana S. Nau, Andrew Ferrentino: A Comparative Analysis of Methods for Expert Systems. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 24(5): 475-499 (1986)
7 James A. Reggia: Virtual Lateral Inhibition in Parallel Activation Models of Associative Memory. IJCAI 1985: 244-248
6EEJames A. Reggia, Dana S. Nau, Pearl Y. Wang: A formal model of diagnostic inference. I. Problem formulation and decomposition. Inf. Sci. 37(1-3): 227-256 (1985)
5EEJames A. Reggia, Dana S. Nau, Pearl Y. Wang, Yun Peng: A formal model of diagnostic inference, II. Algorithmic solution and application. Inf. Sci. 37(1-3): 257-285 (1985)
4 Dana S. Nau, James A. Reggia: Relationships Between Deductive and Abductive Inference in Knowledge-Based Diagnostic Problem Solving. Expert Database Workshop 1984: 549-558
3 James A. Reggia, Dana S. Nau: An Abductive Non-Monotonic Logic. NMR 1984: 385-395
2 James A. Reggia, Dana S. Nau, Pearl Y. Wang: A New Inference Method for Frame-Based Expert Systems. AAAI 1983: 333-337
1 James A. Reggia, Dana S. Nau, Pearl Y. Wang: Diagnostic Expert Systems Based on a Set Covering Model. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 19(5): 437-460 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Sanjeev B. Ahuja [9]
2Steven L. Armentrout [20] [24]
3Yinong Chen [29] [41]
4Sungzoon Cho [18] [21] [28] [32]
5Hui-Hsien Chou [20] [22] [34] [37]
6C. Lynne D'Autrechy [11]
7Linglan Edwards [35]
8Andrew Ferrentino [8]
9Judy K. Frels [52] [55]
10Sharon Goodall [33]
11Alexander Grushin [49] [54]
12Debra Heisler [52] [55]
13David Horn [26]
14Min Jang [28]
15Jae-Yoon Jung [48] [53] [56]
16Regev Levi [30]
17Svetlana Levitan [39] [40]
18Tao Li [15]
19Jason D. Lohn [31] [34] [37]
20Yossi Matias [30]
21Frank E. McFadden [16]
22Dana S. Nau [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
23Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez [22]
24Zhijian Pan [51]
25Yun Peng [5] [10] [14] [15] [16] [17] [20] [23] [35]
26Connie Loggia Ramsey [8]
27Alejandro Rodríguez [47]
28Eytan Ruppin [25] [26] [27] [30] [36]
29Hans-Joachim Schuetze [52]
30Reiner Schulz [42] [44] [45] [50]
31Stephen B. Seidman [12]
32Natalia Shevtsova [38] [43]
33Yuri Shkuro [33] [43]
34Malle A. Tagamets [13]
35Stanley Tuhrim [17] [23]
36Juan Uriagereka [42]
37Pearl Y. Wang [1] [2] [5] [6] [12]
38M. Weinrich [24]
39Carol S. Whitney [32]
40Gerald Wilkinson [42]
41R. Winder [46]
42Jayoung Wu [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)