
Horst D. Simon

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56EEChris H. Q. Ding, Rong Jin, Tao Li, Horst D. Simon: A learning framework using Green's function and kernel regularization with application to recommender system. KDD 2007: 260-269
55EEChris H. Q. Ding, Xiaofeng He, Horst D. Simon: Nonnegative Lagrangian Relaxation of K-Means and Spectral Clustering. ECML 2005: 530-538
54EEParry Husbands, Horst D. Simon, Chris H. Q. Ding: Term norm distribution and its effects on Latent Semantic Indexing. Inf. Process. Manage. 41(4): 777-787 (2005)
53EEErich Strohmaier, Jack Dongarra, Hans Werner Meuer, Horst D. Simon: Recent trends in the marketplace of high performance computing. Parallel Computing 31(3-4): 261-273 (2005)
52EEChris H. Q. Ding, Xiaofeng He, Parry Husbands, Hongyuan Zha, Horst D. Simon: PageRank: HITS and a Unified Framework for Link Analysis. SDM 2003
51EEChris H. Q. Ding, Xiaofeng He, Hongyuan Zha, Horst D. Simon: Adaptive dimension reduction for clustering high dimensional data. ICDM 2002: 147-154
50EEChris H. Q. Ding, Xiaofeng He, Hongyuan Zha, Horst D. Simon: Unsupervised Learning: Self-aggregation in Scaled Principal Component Space. PKDD 2002: 112-124
49EEChris H. Q. Ding, Xiaofeng He, Parry Husbands, Hongyuan Zha, Horst D. Simon: PageRank, HITS and a unified framework for link analysis. SIGIR 2002: 353-354
48EEXiaofeng He, Hongyuan Zha, Chris H. Q. Ding, Horst D. Simon: Web document clustering using hyperlink structures. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 41(1): 19-45 (2002)
47 Hongyuan Zha, Xiaofeng He, Chris H. Q. Ding, Ming Gu, Horst D. Simon: Bipartite Graph Partitioning and Data Clustering. CIKM 2001: 25-32
46EEChris H. Q. Ding, Xiaofeng He, Hongyuan Zha, Ming Gu, Horst D. Simon: A Min-max Cut Algorithm for Graph Partitioning and Data Clustering. ICDM 2001: 107-114
45EEXiaofeng He, Chris H. Q. Ding, Hongyuan Zha, Horst D. Simon: Automatic Topic Identification Using Webpage Clustering. ICDM 2001: 195-202
44EEHongyuan Zha, Xiaofeng He, Chris H. Q. Ding, Ming Gu, Horst D. Simon: Spectral Relaxation for K-means Clustering. NIPS 2001: 1057-1064
43EEHongyuan Zha, Xiaofeng He, Chris H. Q. Ding, Ming Gu, Horst D. Simon: Bipartite graph partitioning and data clustering CoRR cs.IR/0108018: (2001)
42EEHorst D. Simon, William T. C. Kramer, Robert F. Lucas: Building the Teraflops/Petabytes Production Supercomputing Center. Euro-Par 1999: 61-77
41 Kesheng Wu, Horst D. Simon: An Evaluation of the Parallel Shift-and-Invert Lanczos Method. PDPTA 1999: 2913-2919
40 Kesheng Wu, Horst D. Simon: Parallel Efficiency of the Lanczos Method for Eigenvalue Problems. PPSC 1999
39 Erich Strohmaier, Jack Dongarra, Hans Werner Meuer, Horst D. Simon: The marketplace of high-performance computing. Parallel Computing 25(13-14): 1517-1544 (1999)
38 Afonso Ferreira, José D. P. Rolim, Horst D. Simon, Shang-Hua Teng: Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, 5th International Symposium, IRREGULAR '98, Berkeley, California, USA, August 9-11, 1998, Proceedings Springer 1998
37 Hongyuan Zha, Osni Marques, Horst D. Simon: Large-Scale SVD and Subspace-Based Methods for Information Retrieval. IRREGULAR 1998: 29-42
36 Andrew Sohn, Horst D. Simon: S-HARP: A Parallel Dynamic Spectral Partitioner (A short summary). IRREGULAR 1998: 376-385
35 Kesheng Wu, Horst D. Simon: Thick-Restart Lanczos Method for Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems. IRREGULAR 1998: 43-55
34 Horst D. Simon, Andrew Sohn, Rupak Biswas: HARP: A Dynamic Spectral Partitioner. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 50(1/2): 83-103 (1998)
33 Erich Strohmaier, Jack Dongarra, Hans Werner Meuer, Horst D. Simon: Industrial Application Areas of High-Performance Computing. HPCN Europe 1997: 3-10
32 Bernd G. Pfrommer, Steven G. Louie, Horst D. Simon: Conjugate-Gradient Based Electronic Structure Calculations on the Cray T3E and SGI PowerChallenge. PPSC 1997
31EEHorst D. Simon, Andrew Sohn, Rupak Biswas: HARP: A Fast Spectral Partitioner. SPAA 1997: 43-52
30 Jack Dongarra, Hans Werner Meuer, Horst D. Simon, Erich Strohmaier: Changing Technologies of HPC. HPCN Europe 1996: 875-879
29 Horst D. Simon, Andrew Sohn: Dynamic Spectral Partitioning (Abstract). IRREGULAR 1996: 87
28 Andrew Sohn, Rupak Biswas, Horst D. Simon: A Dynamic Load Balancing Framework for Unstructured Adaptive Computations on Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors. SPAA 1996: 189-192
27 Andrew Sohn, Rupak Biswas, Horst D. Simon: Impact Of Load Balancing On Unstructured Adaptive Grid Computations For Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors. SPDP 1996: 0-
26 Horst D. Simon, Erich Strohmaier: Statistical analysis of NAS parallel benchmarks and LINPACK results. HPCN Europe 1995: 626-633
25 Eddy Pramono, Horst D. Simon, Andrew Sohn: Dynamic Load Balancing for Finite Element Calculations on Parallel Computers. PPSC 1995: 599-604
24 Stephen T. Barnard, Horst D. Simon: A Parallel Implementation of Multilevel Recursive Spectral Besection for Application to Adaptive Unstructured Meshes. PPSC 1995: 627-632
23 Alan H. Karp, Michael Heath, Don Heller, Horst D. Simon: 1994 Gordon Bell Prize Winners: Judges' Summary. IEEE Computer 28(1): 68-74 (1995)
22 Subhash Saini, Horst D. Simon: Applications Performance on Intel Paragon XP/S-15. HPCN 1994: 493-498
21EESubhash Saini, Horst D. Simon: Applications performance under OSF/1 AD and SUNMOS on Intel Paragon XP/S-15. SC 1994: 580-589
20EEStephen T. Barnard, Horst D. Simon: Fast multilevel implementation of recursive spectral bisection for partitioning unstructured problems. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 6(2): 101-117 (1994)
19 Alan H. Karp, Don Heller, Horst D. Simon: 1993 Gordon Bell Prize Winners: Judges' Summary. IEEE Computer 27(1): 69-75 (1994)
18 Marcus J. Grote, Horst D. Simon: Parallel Preconditioning and Approximate Inverses on the Connection Machine. PPSC 1993: 519-523
17 Horst D. Simon, A. Yeremin: A New Approach to Construction of Efficient Iterative Schemes for Massively Parallel Applications: Variable Block CG and BiCG Methods and Variable Block Arnoldi Procedure. PPSC 1993: 57-60
16 Stephen T. Barnard, Horst D. Simon: A Fast Multilevel Implementation of Recursive Spectral Bisection for Partitioning Unstructured Problems. PPSC 1993: 711-718
15EEStephen T. Barnard, Alex Pothen, Horst D. Simon: A spectral algorithm for envelope reduction of sparse matrices. SC 1993: 493-502
14EED. E. Heller, Alan H. Karp, Horst D. Simon: Gordon Bell prize lectures 1993. SC 1993: 514-515
13 Alan H. Karp, Ken Miura, Horst D. Simon: 1992 Gordon Bell Prize Winners. IEEE Computer 26(1): 77-82 (1993)
12 David H. Bailey, Leonardo Dagum, E. Barszcz, Horst D. Simon: NAS Parallel Benchmark Results. SC 1992: 386-393
11 Alex Pothen, Horst D. Simon, Lie Wang, Stephen T. Barnard: Towards a Fast Implementation of Spectral Nested Dissection. SC 1992: 42-51
10 Alan H. Karp, Ken Miura, Horst D. Simon: Gordon Bell Prize Lectures 1992. SC 1992: 536-537
9 Horst D. Simon: Experience with Massive Parallelism for CFD Applications at NASA Ames Research Center. Supercomputer 1992: 122-136
8 Christian H. Bischof, Horst D. Simon: The Implementation of the U.S. High Performance Computing and Communications Program. Supercomputer 1992: 198-212
7 V. Venkatakrishnan, Horst D. Simon, Timothy J. Barth: A MIMD Implementation of a Parallel Euler Solver for Unstructured Grids. PPSC 1991: 253-256
6EEDavid H. Bailey, E. Barszcz, J. T. Barton, D. S. Browning, Robert L. Carter, Leonardo Dagum, Rod Fatoohi, Paul O. Frederickson, T. A. Lasinski, Robert Schreiber, Horst D. Simon, V. Venkatakrishnan, Sisira Weeratunga: The NAS parallel benchmarks - summary and preliminary results. SC 1991: 158-165
5EEJack Dongarra, Alan H. Karp, Ken Miura, Horst D. Simon: Gordon Bell prize lectures. SC 1991: 328-337
4 Jack Dongarra, Alan H. Karp, Ken Miura, Horst D. Simon: 1990 Gordon Bell Prize Winners. IEEE Software 8(3): 92-97 (1991)
3 Alex Pothen, Horst D. Simon: Spectral Algorithms for Ordering Sparse Matrices in Parallel. PPSC 1989: 120-121
2 Horst D. Simon: Parallel Preconditioners for the Connection Machine. PPSC 1989: 389-390
1 John G. Lewis, Horst D. Simon: The Impact of Hardware Gather/Scatter on Sparse Gaussian Elimination. ICPP 1986: 366-368

Coauthor Index

1David H. Bailey [6] [12]
2Stephen T. Barnard [11] [15] [16] [20] [24]
3E. Barszcz [6] [12]
4Timothy J. Barth [7]
5J. T. Barton [6]
6Christian H. Bischof [8]
7Rupak Biswas [27] [28] [31] [34]
8D. S. Browning [6]
9Robert L. Carter [6]
10Leonardo Dagum [6] [12]
11Chris H. Q. Ding (Hong Q. Ding) [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [54] [55] [56]
12Jack Dongarra [4] [5] [30] [33] [39] [53]
13Rod Fatoohi [6]
14Afonso Ferreira [38]
15Paul O. Frederickson [6]
16Marcus J. Grote [18]
17Ming Gu [43] [44] [46] [47]
18Xiaofeng He [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [55]
19Michael Heath [23]
20D. E. Heller [14]
21Don Heller [19] [23]
22Parry Husbands [49] [52] [54]
23Rong Jin [56]
24Alan H. Karp [4] [5] [10] [13] [14] [19] [23]
25William T. C. Kramer [42]
26T. A. Lasinski [6]
27John G. Lewis [1]
28Tao Li [56]
29Steven G. Louie [32]
30Robert F. Lucas [42]
31Osni Marques [37]
32Hans Werner Meuer [30] [33] [39] [53]
33Ken Miura [4] [5] [10] [13]
34Bernd G. Pfrommer [32]
35Alex Pothen [3] [11] [15]
36Eddy Pramono [25]
37José D. P. Rolim [38]
38Subhash Saini [21] [22]
39Robert Schreiber [6]
40Andrew Sohn [25] [27] [28] [29] [31] [34] [36]
41Erich Strohmaier [26] [30] [33] [39] [53]
42Shang-Hua Teng [38]
43V. Venkatakrishnan [6] [7]
44Lie Wang [11]
45Sisira Weeratunga [6]
46Kesheng Wu [35] [40] [41]
47A. Yeremin [17]
48Hongyuan Zha [37] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)