2008 |
59 | EE | Qin Jiang,
Sheng Ma:
Periodic and Subharmonic Solutions for a Class of Local Nonquadratic Second-Order Hamiltonian Systems.
CSSE (2) 2008: 818-821 |
58 | EE | Tao Li,
Chang-Shing Perng,
Sheng Ma:
Guest editorial: special issue on temporal data mining: theory, algorithms and applications.
Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 16(1): 1-3 (2008) |
57 | EE | Hui Xiong,
Wenjun Zhou,
Mark Brodie,
Sheng Ma:
Top-k Correlation Computation.
INFORMS Journal on Computing 20(4): 539-552 (2008) |
2007 |
56 | EE | Carlotta Domeniconi,
Dimitrios Gunopulos,
Sheng Ma,
Bojun Yan,
Muna Al-Razgan,
Dimitris Papadopoulos:
Locally adaptive metrics for clustering high dimensional data.
Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 14(1): 63-97 (2007) |
2006 |
55 | EE | Chang-Shing Perng,
Haixun Wang,
Sheng Ma:
Fast Relevance Discovery in Time Series.
ICDM 2006: 1016-1020 |
54 | EE | Fei Wang,
Sheng Ma,
Liuzhong Yang,
Tao Li:
Recommendation on Item Graphs.
ICDM 2006: 1119-1123 |
53 | EE | Hui Xiong,
Mark Brodie,
Sheng Ma:
TOP-COP: Mining TOP-K Strongly Correlated Pairs in Large Databases.
ICDM 2006: 1162-1166 |
2005 |
52 | EE | Mark Brodie,
Sheng Ma,
Guy M. Lohman,
Laurent Mignet,
Natwar Modani,
Mark Wilding,
Jon Champlin,
Peter Sohn:
Quickly Finding Known Software Problems via Automated Symptom Matching.
ICAC 2005: 101-110 |
51 | EE | Wei Peng,
Tao Li,
Sheng Ma:
Mining Logs Files for Computing System Management.
ICAC 2005: 309-310 |
50 | EE | David Loewenstern,
Sheng Ma,
Abdi Salahshour:
PICCIL: Interactive Learning to Support Log File Categorization.
ICAC 2005: 311-312 |
49 | EE | Alina Beygelzimer,
Mark Brodie,
Sheng Ma,
Irina Rish:
Test-based diagnosis: tree and matrix representations.
Integrated Network Management 2005: 529-542 |
48 | EE | Chang-Shing Perng,
Sheng Ma,
S. Lin,
David Thoenen:
Data-driven monitoring design of service level and resource utilization.
Integrated Network Management 2005: 89-101 |
47 | EE | Tao Li,
Feng Liang,
Sheng Ma,
Wei Peng:
An integrated framework on mining logs files for computing system management.
KDD 2005: 776-781 |
46 | | Alina Beygelzimer,
Emre Erdogan,
Sheng Ma,
Irina Rish:
Statictical Models for Unequally Spaced Time Series.
SDM 2005 |
45 | | Tao Li,
Sheng Ma,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Wavelet Methods in Data Mining.
The Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook 2005: 603-626 |
44 | | Mark Brodie,
Sheng Ma,
Leonid Rachevsky,
Jon Champlin:
Automated Problem Determination using Call-Stack Matching.
J. Network Syst. Manage. 13(2): (2005) |
43 | EE | Haixun Wang,
Chang-Shing Perng,
Sheng Ma,
Philip S. Yu:
Demand-driven frequent itemset mining using pattern structures.
Knowl. Inf. Syst. 8(1): 82-102 (2005) |
42 | EE | Wei Peng,
Tao Li,
Sheng Ma:
Mining logs files for data-driven system management.
SIGKDD Explorations 7(1): 44-51 (2005) |
2004 |
41 | EE | Tao Li,
Mitsunori Ogihara,
Sheng Ma:
On combining multiple clusterings.
CIKM 2004: 294-303 |
40 | EE | Genady Grabarnik,
Abdi Salahshour,
Balan Subramanian,
Sheng Ma:
Generic Adapter Logging Toolkit.
ICAC 2004: 308-309 |
39 | EE | Tao Li,
Sheng Ma:
Mining Temporal Patterns Without Predefined Time Windows.
ICDM 2004: 451-454 |
38 | EE | Tao Li,
Sheng Ma,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Entropy-based criterion in categorical clustering.
ICML 2004 |
37 | EE | Irina Rish,
Mark Brodie,
Natalia Odintsova,
Sheng Ma,
Genady Grabarnik:
Real-time problem determination in distributed systems using active probing.
NOMS (1) 2004: 133-146 |
36 | EE | Tao Li,
Sheng Ma:
IFD: Iterative Feature and Data Clustering.
SDM 2004 |
35 | EE | Carlotta Domeniconi,
Dimitris Papadopoulos,
Dimitrios Gunopulos,
Sheng Ma:
Subspace Clustering of High Dimensional Data.
SDM 2004 |
34 | EE | Tao Li,
Sheng Ma,
Mitsunori Ogihara:
Document clustering via adaptive subspace iteration.
SIGIR 2004: 218-225 |
2003 |
33 | EE | Dimitris Papadopoulos,
Carlotta Domeniconi,
Dimitrios Gunopulos,
Sheng Ma:
Clustering gene expression data in SQL using locally adaptive metrics.
DMKD 2003: 35-41 |
32 | EE | Wei Fan,
Haixun Wang,
Philip S. Yu,
Sheng Ma:
Is random model better? On its accuracy and efficiency.
ICDM 2003: 51-58 |
31 | | Mark Brodie,
Irina Rish,
Sheng Ma,
Natalia Odintsova:
Active Probing Strategies for Problem Diagnosis in Distributed Systems.
IJCAI 2003: 1337-1338 |
30 | EE | Ramendra K. Sahoo,
Adam J. Oliner,
Irina Rish,
Manish Gupta,
José E. Moreira,
Sheng Ma,
Ricardo Vilalta,
Anand Sivasubramaniam:
Critical event prediction for proactive management in large-scale computer clusters.
KDD 2003: 426-435 |
29 | EE | Chang-Shing Perng,
David Thoenen,
Genady Grabarnik,
Sheng Ma,
Joseph L. Hellerstein:
Data-driven validation, completion and construction of event relationship networks.
KDD 2003: 729-734 |
2002 |
28 | | Irina Rish,
Mark Brodie,
Sheng Ma:
Accuracy vs. Efficiency Trade-offs in Probabilistic Diagnosis.
AAAI/IAAI 2002: 560-566 |
27 | EE | Chang-Shing Perng,
Haixun Wang,
Sheng Ma,
Joseph L. Hellerstein:
User-directed Exploration of Mining Space with Multiple Attributes.
ICDM 2002: 394-401 |
26 | EE | Ricardo Vilalta,
Sheng Ma:
Predicting Rare Events In Temporal Domains.
ICDM 2002: 474-481 |
25 | EE | Haixun Wang,
Chang-Shing Perng,
Sheng Ma,
Philip S. Yu:
Mining Associations by Pattern Structure in Large Relational Tables.
ICDM 2002: 482-489 |
24 | EE | Sheng Ma,
Joseph L. Hellerstein,
Chang-Shing Perng,
Genady Grabarnik:
Progressive and Interactive Analysis of Event Data Using Event Miner.
ICDM 2002: 661-664 |
23 | | Mark M. Maccabee,
Sheng Ma:
Web Application Performance: Realistic Work Load for Stress Test.
Int. CMG Conference 2002: 353-362 |
22 | EE | Carlotta Domeniconi,
Chang-Shing Perng,
Ricardo Vilalta,
Sheng Ma:
A Classification Approach for Prediction of Target Events in Temporal Sequences.
PKDD 2002: 125-137 |
21 | EE | Feng Liang,
Sheng Ma,
Joseph L. Hellerstein:
Discovering Fully Dependent Patterns.
SDM 2002 |
20 | EE | Mark Brodie,
Irina Rish,
Sheng Ma:
Intelligent probing: A cost-effective approach to fault diagnosis in computer networks.
IBM Systems Journal 41(3): 372-385 (2002) |
19 | EE | Ricardo Vilalta,
Chidanand Apté,
Joseph L. Hellerstein,
Sheng Ma,
Sholom M. Weiss:
Predictive algorithms in the management of computer systems.
IBM Systems Journal 41(3): 461-474 (2002) |
18 | EE | Joseph L. Hellerstein,
Sheng Ma,
Chang-Shing Perng:
Discovering actionable patterns in event data.
IBM Systems Journal 41(3): 475-493 (2002) |
17 | EE | Michelle X. Zhou,
Sheng Ma,
Ying Feng:
Applying machine learning to automated information graphics generation.
IBM Systems Journal 41(3): 504-523 (2002) |
16 | EE | Alina Beygelzimer,
Chang-Shing Perng,
Sheng Ma:
Fast ordering of large categorical datasets for visualization.
Intell. Data Anal. 6(4): 379-395 (2002) |
15 | EE | Chang-Shing Perng,
Haixun Wang,
Sheng Ma,
Joseph L. Hellerstein:
Discovery in multi-attribute data with user-defined constraints.
SIGKDD Explorations 4(1): 56-64 (2002) |
2001 |
14 | EE | Sheng Ma,
Joseph L. Hellerstein:
Mining Partially Periodic Event Patterns with Unknown Periods.
ICDE 2001: 205-214 |
13 | EE | Sheng Ma,
Joseph L. Hellerstein:
Mining Mutually Dependent Patterns.
ICDM 2001: 409-416 |
12 | EE | Chang-Shing Perng,
Haixun Wang,
Sheng Ma,
Joseph L. Hellerstein:
FARM: A Framework for Exploring Mining Spaces with Multiple Attributes.
ICDM 2001: 449-456 |
11 | EE | Alina Beygelzimer,
Chang-Shing Perng,
Sheng Ma:
Fast ordering of large categorical datasets for better visualization.
KDD 2001: 239-244 |
10 | EE | Sheng Ma,
Chuanyi Ji:
Modeling heterogeneous network traffic in wavelet domain.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 9(5): 634-649 (2001) |
2000 |
9 | EE | David J. Taylor,
Nagui Halim,
Joseph L. Hellerstein,
Sheng Ma:
Scalable Visualization of Event Data.
DSOM 2000: 47-58 |
8 | | Joseph L. Hellerstein,
Sheng Ma:
Mining Event Data for Actionable Patterns.
Int. CMG Conference 2000: 307-318 |
1999 |
7 | EE | Sheng Ma,
Joseph L. Hellerstein:
EventBrowser: A Flexible Tool for Scalable Analysis of Event Data.
DSOM 1999: 285-296 |
6 | | Chuanyi Ji,
Sheng Ma,
Xusheng Tian:
Approximation Capability of Independent Wavelet Models to Heterogeneous Network Traffic.
INFOCOM 1999: 170-177 |
1998 |
5 | | Sheng Ma,
Chuanyi Ji:
Modeling Video Traffic in the Wavelet Domain.
INFOCOM 1998: 201-208 |
4 | EE | Sheng Ma,
Chuanyi Ji:
Fast training of recurrent networks based on the EM algorithm.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(1): 11-26 (1998) |
1997 |
3 | | Sheng Ma,
Chuanyi Ji:
Wavelet Models for Video Time-Series.
NIPS 1997 |
2 | EE | Sheng Ma,
Chuanyi Ji,
James Farmer:
An Efficient EM-based Training Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks.
Neural Networks 10(2): 243-256 (1997) |
1996 |
1 | EE | Chuanyi Ji,
Sheng Ma:
Combinations of Weak Classifiers.
NIPS 1996: 494-500 |