
Brion L. Keller

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18EEHiroyuki Nakamura, Akio Shirokane, Yoshihito Nishizaki, Anis Uzzaman, Vivek Chickermane, Brion L. Keller, Tsutomu Ube, Yoshihiko Terauchi: Low Cost Delay Testing of Nanometer SoCs Using On-Chip Clocking and Test Compression. Asian Test Symposium 2005: 156-161
17EEVivek Chickermane, Brion L. Keller, Kevin McCauley, Anis Uzzaman: Practical Aspects of Delay Testing for Nanometer Chips. Asian Test Symposium 2005: 470
16EEVivek Chickermane, Brian Foutz, Brion L. Keller: Channel Masking Synthesis for Efficient On-Chip Test Compression. ITC 2004: 452-461
15EEBrion L. Keller, Mick Tegethoff, Thomas Bartenstein, Vivek Chickermane: An Economic Analysis and ROI Model for Nanometer Test. ITC 2004: 518-524
14EECarl Barnhart, Vanessa Brunkhorst, Frank Distler, Owen Farnsworth, Andrew Ferko, Brion L. Keller, David Scott, Bernd Könemann, Takeshi Onodera: Extending OPMISR beyond 10x Scan Test Efficiency. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 19(5): 65-72 (2002)
13EEBernd Könemann, Carl Barnhart, Brion L. Keller, Thomas J. Snethen, Owen Farnsworth, Donald L. Wheater: A SmartBIST Variant with Guaranteed Encoding. Asian Test Symposium 2001: 325-
12 Amit K. Varshney, Bapiraju Vinnakota, Eric Skuldt, Brion L. Keller: High Performance Parallel Fault Simulation. ICCD 2001: 308-313
11 Rohit Kapur, Maurice Lousberg, Tony Taylor, Brion L. Keller, Paul Reuter, Douglas Kay: CTL the language for describing core-based test. ITC 2001: 131-139
10 Carl Barnhart, Vanessa Brunkhorst, Frank Distler, Owen Farnsworth, Brion L. Keller, Bernd Könemann, Andrej Ferko: OPMISR: the foundation for compressed ATPG vectors. ITC 2001: 748-757
9EEPaul Chang, Brion L. Keller, Sarala Paliwal: Effective parallel processing techniques for the generation of test data for a logic built-in self test system. Asian Test Symposium 2000: 374-379
8 Robert Butler, Brion L. Keller, Sarala Paliwal, Richard Schoonover, Joseph Swenton: Design and implementation of a parallel automatic test pattern generation algorithm with low test vector count. ITC 2000: 530-537
7EEPaul Chang, Brion L. Keller, Sarala Paliwal: Design and Implementation of a Parallel Weighted Random Pattern and Logic Built in Self Test Algorithm. ICCD 1999: 175-
6 Brion L. Keller: Using STIL to describe embedded core test requirements. ITC 1999: 1150
5EEBrion L. Keller, Kevin McCauley, Joseph Swenton, James Youngs: ATPG in practical and non-traditional applications. ITC 1998: 632-640
4 Pamela S. Gillis, Tom S. Guzowski, Brion L. Keller, Randal H. Kerr: Test methodologies and design automation for IBM ASICs. IBM Journal of Research and Development 40(4): 461-474 (1996)
3 Bernd Könemann, J. Barlow, Paul Chang, R. Gabrielson, C. Goertz, Brion L. Keller, Kevin McCauley, J. Tischer, Vijay S. Iyengar, Barry K. Rosen, T. Williams: Delay Test: The Next Frontier for LSSD Test Systems. ITC 1992: 578-587
2 Brion L. Keller, David A. Haynes: Design Automation of Test for the EX/9000TM Series Processors. ICCD 1991: 550-553
1EEBrion L. Keller, David P. Carlson, William Maloney: The Compiled Logic Simulator. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 8(1): 21-34 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1J. Barlow [3]
2Carl Barnhart [10] [13] [14]
3Thomas Bartenstein [15]
4Vanessa Brunkhorst [10] [14]
5Robert Butler [8]
6David P. Carlson [1]
7Paul Chang [3] [7] [9]
8Vivek Chickermane [15] [16] [17] [18]
9Frank Distler [10] [14]
10Owen Farnsworth [10] [13] [14]
11Andrej Ferko [10]
12Andrew Ferko [14]
13Brian Foutz [16]
14R. Gabrielson [3]
15Pamela S. Gillis [4]
16C. Goertz [3]
17Tom S. Guzowski [4]
18David A. Haynes [2]
19Vijay S. Iyengar [3]
20Rohit Kapur [11]
21Douglas Kay [11]
22Randal H. Kerr [4]
23Bernd Könemann [3] [10] [13] [14]
24Maurice Lousberg [11]
25William Maloney [1]
26Kevin McCauley [3] [5] [17]
27Hiroyuki Nakamura [18]
28Yoshihito Nishizaki [18]
29Takeshi Onodera [14]
30Sarala Paliwal [7] [8] [9]
31Paul Reuter [11]
32Barry K. Rosen [3]
33Richard Schoonover [8]
34David Scott [14]
35Akio Shirokane [18]
36Eric Skuldt [12]
37Thomas J. Snethen [13]
38Joseph Swenton [5] [8]
39Tony Taylor [11]
40Mick Tegethoff [15]
41Yoshihiko Terauchi [18]
42J. Tischer [3]
43Tsutomu Ube [18]
44Anis Uzzaman [17] [18]
45Amit K. Varshney [12]
46Bapiraju Vinnakota [12]
47Donald L. Wheater [13]
48T. Williams [3]
49James Youngs [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)