
Vivek Chickermane

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17EEHiroyuki Nakamura, Akio Shirokane, Yoshihito Nishizaki, Anis Uzzaman, Vivek Chickermane, Brion L. Keller, Tsutomu Ube, Yoshihiko Terauchi: Low Cost Delay Testing of Nanometer SoCs Using On-Chip Clocking and Test Compression. Asian Test Symposium 2005: 156-161
16EEVivek Chickermane, Brion L. Keller, Kevin McCauley, Anis Uzzaman: Practical Aspects of Delay Testing for Nanometer Chips. Asian Test Symposium 2005: 470
15EEVivek Chickermane, Brian Foutz, Brion L. Keller: Channel Masking Synthesis for Efficient On-Chip Test Compression. ITC 2004: 452-461
14EEBrion L. Keller, Mick Tegethoff, Thomas Bartenstein, Vivek Chickermane: An Economic Analysis and ROI Model for Nanometer Test. ITC 2004: 518-524
13 Patrick R. Gallagher Jr., Vivek Chickermane, Steven Gregor, Thomas S. Pierre: A building block BIST methodology for SOC designs: a case study. ITC 2001: 111-120
12EEKamran Zarrineh, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya, Vivek Chickermane: System-on-Chip Testability Using LSSD Scan Structures. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 18(3): 83-97 (2001)
11EEVivek Chickermane, Scott Richter, Carl Barnhart: Integrating Logic BIST in VLSI Designs with Embedded Memories. VTS 2000: 157-164
10 Vivek Chickermane, Kamran Zarrineh: Addressing Early Design-For-Test Synthesis in a Production Environment. ITC 1997: 246-255
9EEKamran Zarrineh, Vivek Chickermane, Gareth Nicholls, Mike Palmer: A Design For Test Perspective on I/O Management. ICCD 1996: 46-
8EEElizabeth M. Rudnick, Vivek Chickermane, Prithviraj Banerjee, Janak H. Patel: Sequential circuit testability enhancement using a nonscan approach. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 3(2): 333-338 (1995)
7EEVivek Chickermane, Jaushin Lee, Janak H. Patel: Addressing design for testability at the architectural level. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 13(7): 920-934 (1994)
6EEElizabeth M. Rudnick, Vivek Chickermane, Janak H. Patel: An observability enhancement approach for improved testability and at-speed test. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 13(8): 1051-1056 (1994)
5EEVivek Chickermane, Elizabeth M. Rudnick, Prithviraj Banerjee, Janak H. Patel: Non-Scan Design-for-Testability Techniques for Sequential Circuits. DAC 1993: 236-241
4EESungho Kim, Prithviraj Banerjee, Vivek Chickermane, Janak H. Patel: APT: An Area-Performance-Testability Driven Placement Algorithm. DAC 1992: 141-146
3EEVivek Chickermane, Jaushin Lee, Janak H. Patel: A comparative study of design for testability methods using high-level and gate-level descriptions. ICCAD 1992: 620-624
2 Vivek Chickermane, Jaushin Lee, Janak H. Patel: Design for Testability Using Architectural Descriptions. ITC 1992: 752-761
1 Vivek Chickermane, Janak H. Patel: A Fault Oriented Partial Scan Design Approach. ICCAD 1991: 400-403

Coauthor Index

1Prithviraj Banerjee (Prith Banerjee) [4] [5] [8]
2Carl Barnhart [11]
3Thomas Bartenstein [14]
4Brian Foutz [15]
5Patrick R. Gallagher Jr. [13]
6Steven Gregor [13]
7Brion L. Keller [14] [15] [16] [17]
8Sungho Kim [4]
9Jaushin Lee [2] [3] [7]
10Kevin McCauley [16]
11Hiroyuki Nakamura [17]
12Gareth Nicholls [9]
13Yoshihito Nishizaki [17]
14Mike Palmer [9]
15Janak H. Patel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
16Thomas S. Pierre [13]
17Scott Richter [11]
18Elizabeth M. Rudnick [5] [6] [8]
19Akio Shirokane [17]
20Mick Tegethoff [14]
21Yoshihiko Terauchi [17]
22Tsutomu Ube [17]
23Shambhu J. Upadhyaya [12]
24Anis Uzzaman [16] [17]
25Kamran Zarrineh [9] [10] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)