
Jie Wu

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317EEJie Wu, Jiong Shen, Yi-Guo Li: The Design of the Superheated-Steam temperature Immune Control System and its BIBO Stability Analysis. Cybernetics and Systems 40(4): 310-325 (2009)
316EEMingming Lu, Jie Wu, Mihaela Cardei, Minglu Li: Energy-efficient connected coverage of discrete targets in wireless sensor networks. IJAHUC 4(3/4): 137-147 (2009)
315EEQuan Yuan, Jie Wu, Ionut Cardei: SMRS: A scalable multi-path routing scheme. IJPEDS 24(1): 69-84 (2009)
314EEJie Wu, W. F. Skip Poehlman, Michael D. Noseworthy, Markad V. Kamath: Texture Feature based Automated Seeded Region Growing in Abdominal MRI Segmentation. BMEI (2) 2008: 263-267
313EEZaiwu Gong, Jie Wu, Weijun Cui: Group Decision Making Methods for Different Fuzzy Preferences with Uncertainty Number. FSKD (1) 2008: 296-300
312EEZhiHui Lv, You Li, Jie Wu, Shiyong Zhang, YiPing Zhong: MultiPeerCast: A Tree-Mesh-Hybrid P2P Live Streaming Scheme Design and Implementation Based on PeerCast. HPCC 2008: 714-719
311EEMingming Lu, Jie Wu: Utility-Based Data-Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks with Unstable Links. ICDCN 2008: 13-24
310EEJie Wu, Mingming Lu, Feng Li: Utility-Based Opportunistic Routing in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. ICDCS 2008: 470-477
309EEYun Wang, Jie Wu: A Nonblocking Approach for Reaching an Agreement on Request Total Orders. ICDCS 2008: 494-501
308EEYifeng Shao, Jie Wu: Understanding the Tolerance of Dynamic Networks: A Routing-Oriented Approach. ICDCS Workshops 2008: 180-185
307EEZhen Jiang, Jie Wu, Robert Kline, Jennifer Krantz: Mobility Control for Complete Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2008: 291-296
306EEAvinash Srinivasan, Feng Li, Jie Wu: A Novel CDS-Based Reputation Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2008: 364-369
305EELianzhi Yu, Guozheng Yan, Chunyang Wang, Wenlong Yang, Peng Zan, Jie Wu: A Miniature Robot System with Fuzzy Wavelet Basis Neural Network Controller. ICIC (2) 2008: 1-8
304EEJie Wu, Xinge You, Yuan Yan Tang, Yiu-ming Cheung: Palmprint identification based on non-separable wavelet filter banks. ICPR 2008: 1-4
303EEZhiHui Lv, Yong Li, Jie Wu, Shiyong Zhang, YiPing Zhong: SOAMS: A Novel SOA-based System and Network Management Model and Scheme. IEEE SCC (2) 2008: 479-480
302EEShuhui Yang, Jie Wu, Mihaela Cardei: Efficient Broadcast in MANETs Using Network Coding and Directional Antennas. INFOCOM 2008: 1499-1507
301EEQuan Yuan, Jie Wu: DRIP: A Dynamic VoRonoi RegIons-Based Publish/Subscribe Protocol in Mobile Networks. INFOCOM 2008: 2110-2118
300EEJie Wu, Shuhui Yang, Mihaela Cardei: On Maintaining Sensor-Actor Connectivity in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks. INFOCOM 2008: 286-290
299EEZhen Jiang, Junchao Ma, Wei Lou, Jie Wu: An Information Model for Geographic Greedy Forwarding in Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks. INFOCOM 2008: 825-833
298EEXiao Chen, Zhen Jiang, Jie Wu: Mobility control schemes with quick convergence in wireless sensor networks. IPDPS 2008: 1-7
297EESiqing Xue, Jie Wu: Gene Expression Programming Based on Subexpression Library and Clonal Selection. ISICA 2008: 45-57
296EECong Liu, Jie Wu: Routing in a cyclic mobispace. MobiHoc 2008: 351-360
295EECong Liu, Jie Wu: Poster abstract: force-based geometric routing. MobiHoc 2008: 453-454
294EEFeng Li, Jie Wu: Hit and Run: A Bayesian Game Between Malicious and Regular Nodes in MANETs. SECON 2008: 432-440
293EEJie Wu: A Utility-Based Routing Scheme in Ad Hoc Networks. WASA 2008: 3
292EEIonut Cardei, Cong Liu, Jie Wu, Quan Yuan: DTN Routing with Probabilistic Trajectory Prediction. WASA 2008: 40-51
291EECong Liu, Jie Wu: Adaptive Routing in Dynamic Ad Hoc Networks. WCNC 2008: 2603-2608
290EEMihaela Cardei, Yinying Yang, Jie Wu: Non-uniform sensor deployment in mobile wireless sensor networks. WOWMOM 2008: 1-8
289 Fei Dai, Jie Wu: Control Frame Shaping in Power Controlled and Directional MAC Protocols? Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 5(1-2): 1-26 (2008)
288EEJie Wu, Douglas H. Sieglaff, Joshua Gervin, Xiaohui S. Xie: Discovering regulatory motifs in the Plasmodium genome using comparative genomics. Bioinformatics 24(17): 1843-1849 (2008)
287EEBing Xiong, Ke Liu, Jie Wu, David L. Burk, Hualiang Jiang, Jingkang Shen: DrugViz: a Cytoscape plugin for visualizing and analyzing small molecule drugs in biological networks. Bioinformatics 24(18): 2117-2118 (2008)
286EEJie Wu, Fei Dai, Shuhui Yang: Iterative Local Solutions for Connected Dominating Set in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 57(5): 702-715 (2008)
285EEShuhui Yang, Jie Wu, Fei Dai: Efficient Directional Network Backbone Construction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(12): 1601-1613 (2008)
284EEMihaela Cardei, Shuhui Yang, Jie Wu: Algorithms for Fault-Tolerant Topology in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(4): 545-558 (2008)
283EEMinglu Li, Jiadi Yu, Jie Wu: Free-Riding on BitTorrent-Like Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Systems: Modeling Analysis and Improvement. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(7): 954-966 (2008)
282EEZhen Jiang, Jie Wu, Dajin Wang: A New Fault-Information Model for Adaptive & Minimal Routing in 3-D Meshes. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 57(1): 149-162 (2008)
281EEKevin Ho, Jie Wu, John Sum: On the session lifetime distribution of Gnutella. IJPEDS 23(1): 1-15 (2008)
280EEXiuqi Li, Jie Wu, Shi Zhong: Isrl: Intelligent Search by Reinforcement Learning in Unstructured Peer-to-peer Networks. IJPEDS 23(1): 17-44 (2008)
279EEFeng Li, Avinash Srinivasan, Jie Wu: PVFS: A Probabilistic Voting-based Filtering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks. IJSN 3(3): 173-182 (2008)
278EEAvinash Srinivasan, Feng Li, Jie Wu, Minglu Li: Clique-based group key assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks. IJSN 3(4): 226-239 (2008)
277EEZhen Jiang, Jie Wu: On Achieving the Shortest-Path Routing in 2-d Meshes. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 19(6): 1279-1297 (2008)
276EEJie Wu, Shuhui Yang: SmallWorld Model-Based Polylogarithmic Routing Using Mobile Nodes. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 23(3): 327-342 (2008)
275EEJie Wu, ZhengDing Qiu, Dongmei Sun: A hierarchical identification method based on improved hand geometry and regional content feature for low-resolution hand images. Signal Processing 88(6): 1447-1460 (2008)
274EEJuncheng Huang, Xiuqi Li, Jie Wu: A Class-Based Search System in Unstructured P2P Networks. AINA 2007: 76-83
273EEJie Wu, Bisheng Liu, Shiyong Zhang, ZhiHui Lv, YiPing Zhong: KadStreaming: A Novel Kademlia P2P Network-Based VoD Streaming Scheme. CIT 2007: 405-410
272EEZhiHui Lv, Shiyong Zhang, Jie Wu, Weiming Fu, YiPing Zhong: Design and Implementation of a Novel P2P-Based VOD System Using Media File Segments Selecting Algorithm. CIT 2007: 599-604
271EEZhiHui Lv, Shiyong Zhang, Jie Wu, Weiming Fu, YiPing Zhong: A Novel WSRF and Multi-Agent based Distributed System Resource Management Scheme. GCC 2007: 189-196
270EEYanni Ellen Liu, Jie Wu: Admission Control for Multimedia Delivery Over Deadline-Based Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 2058-2063
269EEFeng Li, Avinash Srinivasan, Mingming Lu, Jie Wu: Uncertainty Mitigation for Utility-Oriented Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 427-431
268EEAvinash Srinivasan, Jie Wu: A Novel k-Parent Flooding Tree for Secure and Reliable Broadcasting in Sensor Networks. ICC 2007: 1497-1502
267EETiranuch Anantvalee, Jie Wu: Reputation-Based System for Encouraging the Cooperation of Nodes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICC 2007: 3383-3388
266EEMingming Lu, Jie Wu: Utility-Based Routing in Communication Networks with Unstable Links. ICCCN 2007: 436-441
265EEShuhui Yang, Jie Wu, Fei Dai: Efficient Backbone Construction Methods in MANETs Using Directional Antennas. ICDCS 2007: 45
264EETinghui Xu, Jie Wu: Quorum Based IP Address Autoconfiguration in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2007: 1
263EEJie Wu, Dong Wang, Huanye Sheng: Design an OSGi Extension Service for Mobile RFID Applications. ICEBE 2007: 323-326
262EEXiaohu Ma, Jie Wu, Xiangjun Shen: A New Progressive Mesh with Adaptive Subdivision for LOD Models. ICEC 2007: 115-120
261EEJing Zhao, Hongliang Yu, Kun Zhang, Weimin Zheng, Jie Wu, Jinfeng Hu: Achieving Reliability through Replication in a Wide-Area Network DHT Storage System. ICPP 2007: 29
260EEDong Xiang, Yueli Zhang, Yi Pan, Jie Wu: Deadlock-Free Adaptive Routing in Meshes Based on Cost-Effective Deadlock Avoidance Schemes. ICPP 2007: 41
259EEJinling Wang, Jiannong Cao, Jing Li, Jie Wu: MHH: A Novel Protocol for Mobility Management in Publish/Subscribe Systems. ICPP 2007: 54
258EEJiadi Yu, Minglu Li, Jie Wu: Modeling Analysis and Improvement for Free-Riding on BitTorrent-like File Sharing Systems. ICPP Workshops 2007: 53
257EEVictor Ponce, Jie Wu, Xiuqi Li: Improve Peer Cooperation Using Social Networks. ICPP Workshops 2007: 59
256EEZhiHui Lv, Jie Wu, YiPing Zhong, Weiming Fu, Shiyong Zhang: MCSAMS: A Novel WSRF and Multi-agent based Distributed Multimedia Content Service Alliance and Management Scheme. IEEE SCW 2007: 348-355
255 Anna Wang, Yu Chen, Xinhua Zhang, Jie Wu: Iris Recognition Based on Wavelet Neural Network Transform System. IMECS 2007: 115-120
254 Anna Wang, Jie Wu, Yu Chen, Peiying Yang: The Application of Orthogonal Wavelet Packets Based on 2v-SVM to Medical Image Fusion. IMECS 2007: 1983-1987
253EEFeng Li, Jie Wu: Mobility Reduces Uncertainty in MANETs. INFOCOM 2007: 1946-1954
252EEDeke Guo, Jie Wu, Honghui Chen, Xueshan Luo: Moore: An Extendable Peer-to-Peer Network Based on Incomplete Kautz Digraph with Constant Degree. INFOCOM 2007: 821-829
251EEZhen Jiang, Jie Wu: On Achieving the Shortest-Path Routing in 2-D Meshes. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
250EEWei Tang, Hui Xiong, Shi Zhong, Jie Wu: Enhancing semi-supervised clustering: a feature projection perspective. KDD 2007: 707-716
249EECong Liu, Jie Wu: Scalable routing in delay tolerant networks. MobiHoc 2007: 51-60
248EEJie Wu: Dynamic Carrier-Assisted Routing in Mobile Networks. PerCom Workshops 2007: 606-609
247 Mao Ye, Chengfa Li, Guihai Chen, Jie Wu: An Energy Efficient Clustering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 3(2-3): 99-119 (2007)
246EENing Zhang, Jishou Ruan, Jie Wu, Tao Zhang: SHEETSPAIR: A Database of Amino Acid Pairs in Protein Sheet Structures. Data Science Journal 6: 589-595 (2007)
245EEQingHong Yan, Ning Zhang, Jie Wu, Tao Zhang: ERPDB: An Integrated Database of ERP Data for Neuroinformatics Research. Data Science Journal 6: 743-748 (2007)
244EEWei Lou, Jie Wu: Toward Broadcast Reliability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Double Coverage. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 6(2): 148-163 (2007)
243EEJie Wu, Shuhui Yang, Fei Dai: Logarithmic Store-Carry-Forward Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(6): 735-748 (2007)
242EEShuhui Yang, Minglu Li, Jie Wu: Scan-Based Movement-Assisted Sensor Deployment Methods in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(8): 1108-1121 (2007)
241EEXiuqi Li, Jie Wu: A hybrid searching scheme in unstructured P2P networks. IJPEDS 22(1): 15-38 (2007)
240EEJohn Sum, Jie Wu, Kevin Ho: Analysis on a Localized Pruning Method for Connected Dominating Sets. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 23(4): 1073-1086 (2007)
239EEBing Wu, Jie Wu, Eduardo B. Fernández, Mohammad Ilyas, Spyros S. Magliveras: Secure and efficient key management in mobile ad hoc networks. J. Network and Computer Applications 30(3): 937-954 (2007)
238EEJie Wu, Shuhui Yang: Optimal movement-assisted sensor deployment and its extensions in wireless sensor networks. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 15(4): 383-399 (2007)
237EEAvinash Srinivasan, Joshua Teitelbaum, Jie Wu: DRBTS: Distributed Reputation-based Beacon Trust System. DASC 2006: 277-283
236EEZhiHui Lv, Jie Wu, Weiming Fu, YiPing Zhong: A Novel WSDM-based Content Service Status Monitoring Scheme in Content Federation Architecture. GCC Workshops 2006: 549-556
235EECong Liu, Jie Wu: Position-based Routing using Virtual Small World in MANETs. GLOBECOM 2006
234EEXiuqi Li, Jie Wu: Improve Searching by Reinforcement Learning in Unstructured P2Ps. ICDCS Workshops 2006: 75
233EEMao Ye, Edward Chan, Guihai Chen, Jie Wu: Energy Efficient Fractional Coverage Schemes for Low Cost Wireless Sensor Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2006: 79
232EEZhen Jiang, Robert Kline, Jie Wu, Fei Dai: A Practical Method to Form Energy Efficient Connected -Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2006: 81
231EEJie Wu, Shuhui Yang: Optimal Movement-Assisted Sensor Deployment and Its Extensions in WirelessSensor Networks. ICPADS (1) 2006: 261-270
230EEJianying Zhang, Jie Wu: XYZ: A Scalable, Partially Centralized Lookup Service for Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Systems. ICPADS (1) 2006: 421-430
229EEMingming Lu, Feng Li, Jie Wu: Incentive Compatible Cost- and Stability-Based Routing in Ad Hoc Networks. ICPADS (1) 2006: 495-500
228EEMingming Lu, Jie Wu: Social Welfare Based Routing in Ad hoc Networks. ICPP 2006: 211-218
227EEJinling Wang, Jiannong Cao, Jing Li, Jie Wu: Achieving Bounded Delay on Message Delivery in Publish/Subscribe Systems. ICPP 2006: 407-416
226EEChune Zhang, ZhengDing Qiu, Dongmei Sun, Jie Wu: Euclidean Quality Assessment for Binary Images. ICPR (2) 2006: 300-303
225EEJigang Xie, ZhengDing Qiu, Jie Wu: Bootstrap Methods for Reject Rules of Fisher LDA. ICPR (3) 2006: 425-428
224EEJie Wu, ZhengDing Qiu: A Hierarchical Palmprint Identification Method Using Hand Geometry and Grayscale Distribution Features. ICPR (4) 2006: 409-412
223EEDeke Guo, Jie Wu, Honghui Chen, Xueshan Luo: Theory and Network Applications of Dynamic Bloom Filters. INFOCOM 2006
222EEBing Wu, Jie Wu: k-anycast routing schemes for mobile ad hoc networks. IPDPS 2006
221EEFeng Li, Jie Wu: A probabilistic voting-based filtering scheme in wireless sensor networks. IWCMC 2006: 27-32
220EEXiuqi Li, Jie Wu, Jun (Jim) Xu: Hint-based Routing in WSNs using Scope Decay Bloom Filters. IWNAS 2006: 111-118
219EEZhen Jiang, Jie Wu, Robert Kline: Mobility Control with Local Views of Neighborhood in Mobile Networks. IWNAS 2006: 9-14
218EEImad Jawhar, Jie Wu: Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks Using Directional Antennas. PerCom 2006: 318-327
217 Jie Wu, Markad V. Kamath, W. F. Skip Poehlman: Detecting Differences between Photographs and Computer Generated Images. SPPRA 2006: 268-273
216EEJie Wu, Zhenjun Hu, Charles DeLisi: Gene annotation and network inference by phylogenetic profiling. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 80 (2006)
215EEMihaela Cardei, Jie Wu: Energy-efficient coverage problems in wireless ad-hoc sensor networks. Computer Communications 29(4): 413-420 (2006)
214EEJie Wu, Wei Lou, Fei Dai: Extended Multipoint Relays to Determine Connected Dominating Sets in MANETs. IEEE Trans. Computers 55(3): 334-347 (2006)
213EEMihaela Cardei, Jie Wu, Shuhui Yang: Topology Control in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Using Cooperative Communication. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 5(6): 711-724 (2006)
212EEJie Wu, Fai Dai: Virtual Backbone Construction in MANETs Using Adjustable Transmission Ranges. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 5(9): 1188-1200 (2006)
211EEFei Dai, Jie Wu: Efficient Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Using Directional Antennas. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(4): 335-347 (2006)
210EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: Mobility-Sensitive Topology Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(6): 522-535 (2006)
209EEJie Wu, Mihaela Cardei, Fei Dai, Shuhui Yang: Extended Dominating Set and Its Applications in Ad Hoc Networks Using Cooperative Communication. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(8): 851-864 (2006)
208EEWeijia Jia, Wanqing Tu, Jie Wu: Distributed Hierarchical Multicast Tree Algorithms for Application Layer Mesh Networks. IEICE Transactions 89-D(2): 654-662 (2006)
207EEZhen Jiang, Jie Wu: A limited-global information model for fault-tolerant routing in dual-cube. IJPEDS 21(1): 61-77 (2006)
206EEMihaela Cardei, Jie Wu, Mingming Lu: Improving network lifetime using sensors with adjustable sensing ranges. IJSNet 1(1/2): 41-49 (2006)
205EEShuhui Yang, Fei Dai, Mihaela Cardei, Jie Wu, Floyd Patterson: On Connected Multiple Point Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks. IJWIN 13(4): 289-301 (2006)
204EEFei Dai, Jie Wu: On constructing k-connected k-dominating set in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(7): 947-958 (2006)
203EEBoris Roussev, Jie Wu: Distributed computing using Java: A comparison of two server designs. Journal of Systems Architecture 52(7): 432-440 (2006)
202 Xiaohua Jia, Jie Wu, Yanxiang He: Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, First International Conference, MSN 2005, Wuhan, China, December 13-15, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
201EEImad Jawhar, Jie Wu: A dynamic range resource reservation protocol for QoS support in wireless networks. AICCSA 2005: 65
200EEJie Wu, ZhiHui Lv, YiPing Zhong, Shiyong Zhang: WS-CABroker: A Novel Web Services-based Multimedia Content Alliance Broker Scheme. CIT 2005: 389-395
199EEKarl Aberer, Jie Wu: Towards a Common Framework for Peer-to-Peer Web Retrieval. From Integrated Publication and Information Systems to Virtual Information and Knowledge Environments 2005: 138-151
198EEMingming Lu, Jie Wu, Mihaela Cardei, Minglu Li: Energy-Efficient Connected Coverage of Discrete Targets in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICCNMC 2005: 43-52
197EEWeijia Jia, Wanqing Tu, Jie Wu: Hierarchical Multicast Tree Algorithms for Application Layer Mesh Networks. ICCNMC 2005: 549-559
196EEJie Wu, Karl Aberer: Using a Layered Markov Model for Distributed Web Ranking Computation. ICDCS 2005: 533-542
195EEJie Wu: Mobility in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: A Villain or a Friend?. ICDCS Workshops 2005: 547
194EEXiuqi Li, Jie Wu: Cluster-Based Intelligent Searching in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2005: 642-645
193EEFang Qi, Weijia Jia, Jie Wu: Available Bandwidth Detection with Improved Transport Control Algorithm for Heterogeneous Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2005: 656-659
192EEJie Wu, Dong Wang, Huanye Sheng: Public RFID Service Platform Based on ASP Model. ICEBE 2005: 553-557
191EEXiuqi Li, Jie Wu: A Hybrid Searching Scheme in Unstructured P2P Networks. ICPP 2005: 277-284
190EEShuhui Yang, Jie Wu, Jiannong Cao: Connected k-Hop Clustering in Ad Hoc Networks. ICPP 2005: 373-380
189EEZhen Jiang, Jie Wu, Dajin Wang: A New Fault Information Model for Fault-Tolerant Adaptive and Minimal Routing in 3-D Meshes. ICPP 2005: 500-507
188EEDong Xiang, Jia-Guang Sun, Jie Wu, Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman: Fault-Tolerant Routing in Meshes/Tori Using Planarly Constructed Fault Blocks. ICPP 2005: 577-584
187 Shiyong Zhang, ZhiHui Lv, Jie Wu: mdGrid: A Novel Broadband Multimedia Content Delivery Service Grid Model. IMSA 2005: 389-393
186EEDongsheng Li, Xicheng Lu, Jie Wu: FISSIONE: a scalable constant degree and low congestion DHT scheme based on Kautz graphs. INFOCOM 2005: 1677-1688
185EEJie Wu, Shuhui Yang: SMART: a scan-based movement-assisted sensor deployment method in wireless sensor networks. INFOCOM 2005: 2313-2324
184EEMao Ye, Chengfa Li, Guihai Chen, Jie Wu: EECS: an energy efficient clustering scheme in wireless sensor networks. IPCCC 2005: 535-540
183EEGuojun Wang, Jiannong Cao, Lifan Zhang, Keith C. C. Chan, Jie Wu: A Novel QoS Multicast Model in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. IPDPS 2005
182EEFei Dai, Jie Wu: On Constructing k-Connected k-Dominating Set in Wireless Networks. IPDPS 2005
181EEBing Wu, Jie Wu, Eduardo B. Fernández, Spyros S. Magliveras: Secure and Efficient Key Management in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. IPDPS 2005
180EEJie Wu, Mihaela Cardei, Fei Dai, Shuhui Yang: Extended Dominating Set in Ad Hoc Networks Using Cooperative Communication. NETWORKING 2005: 1393-1396
179EEFei Dai, Jie Wu: Efficient Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Networks Using Directional Antennas. NETWORKING 2005: 499-510
178EEYifeng Chen, Yanxiang He, Jiannong Cao, Jie Wu: A Greedy Algorithm for Capacity-Constrained Surrogate Placement in CDNs. NPC 2005: 180-188
177 Imad Jawhar, Jie Wu: Race-Free Resource Allocation for QoS Support in Wireless Networks. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 1(3): (2005)
176EEFei Dai, Qing Dai, Jie Wu: Power efficient routing trees for ad hoc wireless networks using directional antenna. Ad Hoc Networks 3(5): 621-628 (2005)
175EEQing Dai, Jie Wu: Computation of Minimal Uniform Transmission Range in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Cluster Computing 8(2-3): 127-133 (2005)
174EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: Efficient Broadcasting with Guaranteed Coverage in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 4(3): 259-270 (2005)
173EEJie Wu, Feng Gao, Zhongcheng Li, Yinghua Min: Optimal, and reliable communication in hypercubes using extended safety vectors. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 54(3): 402-411 (2005)
172EEJie Wu, Zhen Jiang: On constructing the minimum orthogonal convex polygon for the fault-tolerant routing in 2-D faulty meshes. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 54(3): 449-458 (2005)
171EEJie Wu, Shuhui Yang: Energy-Efficient Node Scheduling Models In Sensor Networks With Adjustable Ranges. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 16(1): 3-17 (2005)
170EEImad Jawhar, Jie Wu: QoS Support in TDMA-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 20(6): 797-810 (2005)
169EEJie Wu, Mihaela Cardei: Guest editors' introduction. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(2): 95-97 (2005)
168EEManish Agarwal, Lixin Gao, Joon Ho Cho, Jie Wu: Energy Efficient Broadcast in Wireless Ad hoc Networks with Hitch-hiking. MONET 10(6): 897-910 (2005)
167EEZhenjun Hu, Joe Mellor, Jie Wu, Takuji Yamada, Dustin T. Holloway, Charles DeLisi: VisANT: data-integrating visual framework for biological networks and modules. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Web-Server-Issue): 352-357 (2005)
166EEJie Wu, Dajin Wang: Fault-tolerant and deadlock-free routing in 2-D meshes using rectilinear-monotone polygonal fault blocks. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 20(2): 99-111 (2005)
165EEFei Dai, Jie Wu: A highly reliable multi-path routing scheme for ad hoc wireless networks. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 20(3-4): 205-219 (2005)
164EEJie Wu, Li Sheng: Deadlock-Free Multicasting in Irregular Networks Using Prefix Routing. The Journal of Supercomputing 31(1): 63-78 (2005)
163EEJie Wu, Karl Aberer: Using SiteRank for Decentralized Computation of Web Document Ranking. AH 2004: 265-274
162EESajal K. Das, Jiannong Cao, Jie Wu, Gian Luigi Ferrari: Topic 15: Mobile Computing. Euro-Par 2004: 916
161EEImad Jawhar, Jie Wu: A Race-Free Bandwidth Reservation Protocol for QoS Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. HICSS 2004
160EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: A Distributed Formation of a Virtual Backbone in MANETs Using Adjustable Transmission Ranges. ICDCS 2004: 372-379
159EEQing Dai, Jie Wu: Construction of Power Efficient Routing Tree for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Using Directional Antenna. ICDCS Workshops 2004: 718-722
158EEChun Huang, Fei Dai, Jie Wu: On-Demand Location-Aided QoS Routing in Ad Hoc Networks. ICPP 2004: 502-509
157EEJie Wu, Shuhui Yang: Coverage Issue in Sensor Networks with Adjustable Ranges. ICPP Workshops 2004: 61-68
156EEWei Lou, Jie Wu: Double-Covered Broadcast (DCB): A Simple Reliable Broadcast Algorithm in MANETs. INFOCOM 2004
155EEManish Agarwal, Joon Ho Cho, Lixin Gao, Jie Wu: Energy Efficient Broadcast in Wireless Ad hoc Networks with Hitch-hiking. INFOCOM 2004
154EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: Mobility Management and Its Applications in Efficient Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. INFOCOM 2004
153EEZhen Jiang, Jie Wu: A Limited-Global Fault Information Model for Dynamic Routing in n-D Meshes. IPDPS 2004
152EEJiannong Cao, Jingyang Zhou, Daoxu Chen, Jie Wu: An Efficient Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm Based on Relative Consensus Voting. IPDPS 2004
151EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: Mobility-Sensitive Topology Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. IPDPS 2004
150EEJie Wu, Zhen Jiang: On Constructing the Minimum Orthogonal Convex Polygon in 2-D Faulty Meshes. IPDPS 2004
149EEWei Lou, Jie Wu: An Enhanced Message Exchange Mechanism in Cluster-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ISPA 2004: 223-232
148EEQiang Li, ZhengDing Qiu, Dongmei Sun, Jie Wu: Personal Identification Using Knuckleprint. SINOBIOMETRICS 2004: 680-689
147EELianying Zhou, Fengyu Liu, Jie Wu: Research on co-operative computer network security technologies. SMC (2) 2004: 1164-1168
146EEJie Wu, Qiulin Ding: An approach for systems evolution. SMC (3) 2004: 2114-2118
145EEKarl Aberer, Fabius Klemm, Martin Rajman, Jie Wu: An Architecture for Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval. Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval 2004
144EEZhenjun Hu, Joseph C. Mellor, Jie Wu, Charles DeLisi: VisANT: an online visualization and analysis tool for biological interaction data. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 17 (2004)
143EEAndrew Chi-Sing Leung, John Sum, Hong Shen, Jie Wu, Gilbert H. Young: Analysis and Design of an Agent Searching Algorithm for e-Marketplaces. Cluster Computing 7(1): 85-90 (2004)
142EEJie Wu, Ivan Stojmenovic: Guest Editors' Introduction: Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Computer 37(2): 29-31 (2004)
141EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: Mobility control and its applications in mobile ad hoc networks. IEEE Network 18(4): 30-35 (2004)
140EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: A Generic Distributed Broadcast Scheme in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(10): 1343-1354 (2004)
139EEFei Dai, Jie Wu: An Extended Localized Algorithm for Connected Dominating Set Formation in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 15(10): 908-920 (2004)
138EEFei Dai, Jie Wu: Performance Analysis of Broadcast Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks Based on. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 15(11): 1027-1040 (2004)
137EEJie Wu, Zhen Jiang: Extended minimal routing in 2-D meshes with faulty blocks. IJHPCN 1(1/2/3): 140-152 (2004)
136EEKoji Nakano, Jie Wu: Preface. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 15(3): 459 (2004)
135EEJie Wu, Bo-Nan Jiang: Finite element simulation of dendritic crystal growth using a continuum approach. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 5(1): 209-224 (2004)
134EEKarl Aberer, Jie Wu: A Framework for Decentralized Ranking in Web Information Retrieval. APWeb 2003: 213-226
133EEChunlin Yang, Jie Wu: Dominating-Set-Based Searching in Peer-to-Peer Networks. GCC (1) 2003: 332-339
132EEWei Lou, Jie Wu: On Reducing Broadcast Redundancy in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. HICSS 2003: 305
131EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: A Generic Distributed Broadcast Scheme in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. ICDCS 2003: 460-467
130EEQing Dai, Jie Wu: Computation of Minimal Uniform Transmission Power in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 680-684
129EEDan Zhou, Jie Wu: Survivable Multi-Level Ad-Hoc Group Operations. ICDCS Workshops 2003: 70-75
128EEJie Wu, Karl Aberer: Swarm Intelligent Surfing in the Web. ICWE 2003: 431-440
127EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Networks Based on Self-Pruning. INFOCOM 2003
126EEZhen Jiang, Jie Wu: A Limited-Global Information Model for Fault-Tolerant Routing in Dual-Cube. IPDPS 2003: 216
125EEWei Lou, Jie Wu: A Cluster-Based Backbone Infrastructure for Broadcasting in MANET. IPDPS 2003: 221
124EEKemei Du, Jie Wu, Dan Zhou: Chain-Based Protocols for Data Broadcasting and Gathering in Sensor Networks. IPDPS 2003: 260
123EEChangfu Wu, Jie Wu: On Self-Similarity and Hamiltonicity of Dual-Cubes. IPDPS 2003: 271
122EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: A Generic Broadcast Protocol in Ad Hoc Networks Based on Self-Pruning. IPDPS 2003: 29
121EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: An Extended Link Reversal Protocol in Dynamic Networks. IPDPS 2003: 73
120EELiu Ming, Pik Wan Michelle Ho, Chi K. Michael Tse, Jie Wu: Application of wavelet transform to steady-state approximation of power electronics waveforms. ISCAS (3) 2003: 336-339
119EEJie Wu: Localized Algorithms and Their Applications in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. ISPA 2003: 1-5
118EEJamil A. Shaikh, Julio Solano, Ivan Stojmenovic, Jie Wu: New Metrics for Dominating Set Based Energy Efficient Activity Scheduling in Ad Hoc Networks. LCN 2003: 726-
117EEZhen Jiang, Jie Wu: A Limited-Global Information Model for Dynamic Fault-Tolerant Routing in Cube-Based Multicomputers. NCA 2003: 333-340
116 John Sum, Jie Wu: On Two Allocation Methods for Web Services. PDPTA 2003: 1823-1828
115 John Sum, Jie Wu: Asymptotic Analysis on an Unbounded Zero-One Knapsack with Discrete-Sized Objects. PDPTA 2003: 1829-1831
114 Jie Wu, Simon Kasif, Charles DeLisi: Identification of functional links between genes using phylogenetic profiles. Bioinformatics 19(12): 1524-1530 (2003)
113EEJie Wu, Fei Dai, Xiaola Lin, Jiannong Cao, Weijia Jia: An Extended Fault-Tolerant Link-State Routing Protocol in the Internet. IEEE Trans. Computers 52(10): 1298-1311 (2003)
112EEJie Wu: A Fault-Tolerant and Deadlock-Free Routing Protocol in 2D Meshes Based on Odd-Even Turn Model. IEEE Trans. Computers 52(9): 1154-1169 (2003)
111EELi Sheng, Jie Wu: Maximum-shortest-path (MSP) is not optimal for a general N×N torus. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 52(1): 22-25 (2003)
110EEDong Xiang, Ai Chen, Jie Wu: Reliable broadcasting in wormhole-routed hypercube-connected networks using local safety information. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 52(2): 245-256 (2003)
109EEJie Wu, Stephan Olariu: On Cost-Optimal Merge of Two Intransitive Sorted Sequences. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 14(1): 99-106 (2003)
108EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Networks Based on Self-Pruning. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 14(2): 201-221 (2003)
107EEJie Wu: A Simple Fault-Tolerant Adaptive and Minimal Routing Approach in 3-D Meshes. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 18(1): 1-13 (2003)
106EEDong Xiang, Ai Chen, Jie Wu: Local-Safety-Information-Based Fault-Tolerant Broadcasting in Hypercubes. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 19(3): 467-478 (2003)
105EEJie Wu: Optimal broadcasting in injured hypercubes using directed safety levels. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 63(9): 815-826 (2003)
104EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: QoS Routing in Hypercube Multicomputers. Parallel Processing Letters 13(1): 43-52 (2003)
103EEJie Wu, Li Sheng: Deadlock-Free Routing In Irregular Networks Using Prefix Routing. Parallel Processing Letters 13(4): 705-720 (2003)
102EEJian Shen, Li Sheng, Jie Wu: Searching for Sorted Sequences of Kings in Tournaments. SIAM J. Comput. 32(5): 1201-1209 (2003)
101EEJie Wu: An Extended Dynamic Source Routing Scheme in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Telecommunication Systems 22(1-4): 61-75 (2003)
100EEJohn Sum, Hong Shen, Gilbert H. Young, Jie Wu, Chi-Sing Leung: Analysis on Extended Ant Routing Algorithms for Network Routing and Management. The Journal of Supercomputing 24(3): 327-340 (2003)
99EEZhen Jiang, Jie Wu: Fault-Tolerant Broadcasting in 2-D Wormhole-Routed Meshes. The Journal of Supercomputing 25(3): 255-275 (2003)
98EEJie Wu, Wei Lou: Forward-node-set-based broadcast in clustered mobile ad hoc networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(2): 155-173 (2003)
97EEJie Wu, Bing Wu, Ivan Stojmenovic: Power-aware broadcasting and activity scheduling in ad hoc wireless networks using connected dominating sets. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(4): 425-438 (2003)
96EEJie Wu: An Extended Dynamic Source Routing Scheme in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. HICSS 2002: 296
95 Fei Dai, Jie Wu: On Independently Finding Converging Paths in Internet. IASTED PDCS 2002: 52-57
94EEJie Wu, Zhen Jiang: Extended Minimal Routing in 2-D Meshes with Faulty Blocks. ICDCS Workshops 2002: 49-56
93EEDong Xiang, Ai Chen, Jie Wu: Fault-Tolerant Broadcasting in Hypercubes via Local Safety Information. ICPADS 2002: 31-36
92EEJie Wu, Dajin Wang: Fault-Tolerant and Deadlock-Free Routing in 2-D Meshes Using Rectilinear-Monotone Polygonal Fault Blocks. ICPP 2002: 247-
91EEJie Wu: A deterministic fault-tolerant and deadlock-free routing protocol in 2-D meshes based on odd-even turn model. ICS 2002: 67-76
90EEXusheng Tian, Jie Wu, Chuanyi Ji: A Unified Framework for Understanding Network Traffic Using Independent Wavelet Models. INFOCOM 2002
89EEZhen Jiang, Jie Wu: A Limited-Global Fault Information Model for Dynamic Routing in 2-D Meshes. IPDPS 2002
88EEJie Wu, Stephan Olariu: On Cost-Optimal Merge of Two Intransitive Sorted Sequences. IPDPS 2002
87EEOscar H. Ibarra, Stephan Olariu, Koji Nakano, Jie Wu: Workshop Introduction. IPDPS 2002
86EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: On Locality of Dominating Set in Ad Hoc Networks with Switch-On/Off Operations. ISPAN 2002: 85-90
85 Jie Wu: An Enhanced Solution for Generating Loop-Free Routes in Dynamic Networks. JCIS 2002: 261-265
84EEJiannong Cao, Xianbing Wang, Jie Wu: A Mobile Agent Enabled Fully Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm. Mobile Agents 2002: 138-153
83 Susanta Datta, Ivan Stojmenovic, Jie Wu: Internal Node and Shortcut Based Routing with Guaranteed Delivery in Wireless Networks. Cluster Computing 5(2): 169-178 (2002)
82EEJie Wu: A Fault-tolerant Adaptive and Minimal Routing Scheme in $n$-D Meshes. Comput. J. 45(3): 349-363 (2002)
81EEWei Lou, Jie Wu: On Reducing Broadcast Redundancy in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 1(2): 111-123 (2002)
80EEJie Wu: Extended Dominating-Set-Based Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks with Unidirectional Links. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 13(9): 866-881 (2002)
79EEJie Wu: A Distributed Formation of Smallest Faulty Orthogonal Convex Polygons in 2-D Meshes. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 62(7): 1168-1185 (2002)
78EEJie Wu, Fei Dai: On Locality of Dominating Set in ad hoc Networks with Switch-On/Off Operations. Journal of Interconnection Networks 3(3-4): 129-147 (2002)
77 Fusen He, Jie Wu: An efficient parallel implementation of the Everglades Landscape Fire Model using checkpointing. Parallel Computing 28(1): 65-82 (2002)
76EEJie Wu: Small Worlds: the Dynamics of Networks between Order and Randomness - Book Review. SIGMOD Record 31(4): 74-75 (2002)
75EESusanta Datta, Ivan Stojmenovic, Jie Wu: Internal Node and Shortcut Based Routing with Guaranteed Delivery in Wireless Networks. ICDCS Workshops 2001: 461-466
74EEBoris Roussev, Jie Wu: Client-Server Design Alternatives: Back to Pipes but with Threads. ICN (2) 2001: 854-866
73 Jie Wu, Xiaola Lin, Jiannong Cao, Weijia Jia: An Extended Fault-Tolerant Link-State Routing Protocol in the Internet. ICPADS 2001: 331-337
72EEJie Wu, Ming Gao, Ivan Stojmenovic: On Calculating Power-Aware Connected Dominating Sets for Efficient Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. ICPP 2001: 346-356
71EEJiannong Cao, Alvin T. S. Chan, Jie Wu: Achieving Replication Consistency Using Cooperating Mobile Agents. ICPP Workshops 2001: 453-458
70 Jie Wu: A Distributed Formation of Orthogonal Convex Polygons in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers. IPDPS 2001: 70
69 Jie Wu, Li Sheng: Deadlock-Free Prefix Multicasting in Irregular Networks. ISCA PDCS 2001: 25-30
68 Jie Wu: Optimal Broadcasting in Injured Hypercubes Using Directed Safety Levels. ISCA PDCS 2001: 7-12
67EEJie Wu, Li Sheng: An efficient sorting algorithm for a sequence of kings in a tournament. Inf. Process. Lett. 79(6): 297-299 (2001)
66EEStephan Olariu, Jie Wu: Guest Editors' Introduction. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 61(9): 1145-1147 (2001)
65EELeming M. Shi, Hong Fang, Weida Tong, Jie Wu, Roger Perkins, Robert M. Blair, William S. Branham, Stacy L. Dial, Carrie L. Moland, Daniel M. Sheehan: QSAR Models Using a Large Diverse Set of Estrogens. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 41(1): 186-195 (2001)
64 Dong Xiang, Ai Chen, Jie Wu: Local-Safety-Information-Based Broadcasting in Hypercube Multicomputers with Node and Link Faults. Journal of Interconnection Networks 2(3): 365-378 (2001)
63EEJie Wu, Patrick Juliano, Elyse Rosenbaum: Breakdown and latent damage of ultra-thin gate oxides under ESD stress conditions. Microelectronics Reliability 41(11): 1771-1779 (2001)
62EEElyse Rosenbaum, Jie Wu: Trap generation and breakdown processes in very thin gate oxides. Microelectronics Reliability 41(5): 625-632 (2001)
61 Jie Wu, Hailan Li: A Dominating-Set-Based Routing Scheme in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Telecommunication Systems 18(1-3): 13-36 (2001)
60 Jie Wu, Yuanyuan Yang: The Postal Network: A Recursive Network for Parameterized Communication Model. The Journal of Supercomputing 19(2): 143-161 (2001)
59EEJie Wu: A Fault-Tolerant Adaptive and Minimal Routing Approach in 3-D Meshes. ICPADS 2000: 256-263
58EEJie Wu, Feng Gao, Zhongcheng Li, Yinghua Min: Optimal Fault-Tolerant Routing in Hypercubes Using Extended Safety Vectors. ICPADS 2000: 264-271
57EEJie Wu, Hailan Li: Domination and Its Applications in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks with Unidirectional Links. ICPP 2000: 189-
56EEJie Wu: A Fault-Tolerant Adaptive and Minimal Routing Approach in n-D Meshes. ICPP 2000: 431-438
55EEJie Wu: On Sorting an Intransitive Total Ordered Set Using Semi-Heap. IPDPS 2000: 257-262
54EELi Sheng, Jie Wu: A Note on 'A Tight Lower Bound on the Number of Channels Required for Deadlock-Free Wormhole Routing'. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(9): 1005 (2000)
53EEJie Wu: Fault-Tolerant Adaptive and Minimal Routing in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Using Extended Safety Levels. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 11(2): 149-159 (2000)
52 Si-Qing Zheng, Jie Wu: Dual of a Complete Graph as an Interconnection Network. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 60(8): 1028-1046 (2000)
51 Songluan Cang, Jie Wu: Time-Step Optimal Broadcasting in 3-D Meshes with Minimum Total Communication Distance. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 60(8): 966-997 (2000)
50EEAllen Wynn, Jie Wu: The effect of compression on performance in a demand paging operating system. Journal of Systems and Software 50(2): 151-170 (2000)
49 Jie Wu: On Finding a Hamiltonian Path in a Tournament Using Semi-Heap. Parallel Processing Letters 10(4): 279-294 (2000)
48 Fusen He, Jie Wu: A Parallel Implementation of the Everglades Landscape Fire Model in Networks of Workstations. CANPC 1999: 1-15
47EEJie Wu, Hailan Li: On calculating connected dominating set for efficient routing in ad hoc wireless networks. DIAL-M 1999: 7-14
46EEJie Wu, Dharma P. Agrawal: Guest Editors' Introduction: Challenges in Designing Fault-Tolerant Routing in Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 10(10): 961-963 (1999)
45EEJie Wu: Fault-Tolerant Adaptive and Minimal Routing in Mesh-Connected Multicomputers Using Extended Safety Levels. ICDCS 1998: 428-435
44EEJie Wu, Yuanyuan Yang: The Postal Network: A Versatile Interconnection Topology. ICPP 1998: 612-619
43EESongluan Cang, Jie Wu: Minimizing Total Communication Distance of Time-Step Optimal Broadcast in Mesh Networks. IPPS/SPDP 1998: 10-17
42 Ke Huang, Jie Wu, Eduardo B. Fernández: A Generalized Forward Recovery Checkpointing Scheme. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 623-643
41 Jie Wu, Eduardo B. Fernández, Donglai Dai: Optimal Fault-Secure Scheduling. Comput. J. 41(4): 207-222 (1998)
40 Jie Wu, Guanghui Guo: Fault Tolerance Measures for m-Ary n-Dimensional Hypercubes Based on Forbidden Faulty Sets. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(8): 888-893 (1998)
39EEJie Wu: Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Routing in Cube-Based Multicomputers Using Safety Vectors. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 9(4): 321-334 (1998)
38 Yueming Li, Si-Qing Zheng, Jie Wu: An Optical Interconnection Structure Based on the Dual of a Hypercube. Informatica (Slovenia) 22(4): (1998)
37 Jie Wu, Eduardo B. Fernández, Yingqui Lo: Embedding of Binomial Treas in Hypercubes with Link Faults. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 54(1): 49-74 (1998)
36 Jie Wu: Fault-Tolerant Communications in Cube-Based Multiple-Bus Systems. Parallel Processing Letters 8(3): 307-320 (1998)
35EEJie Wu, Eduardo B. Fernández, Yingquiu Luo: Embedding of binomial trees in hypercubes with link faults. ICPP 1997: 96-99
34 Jie Wu: Dimension-Exchange-Based Global Load Balancing on Injured Hypercubes. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 9(1): 41-61 (1997)
33 Jie Wu: Reliable Unicasting in Faulty Hypercubes Using Safety Levels. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(2): 241-247 (1997)
32 Jie Wu, Ke Huang: The Balanced Hypercube: A Cube-Based System for Fault-Tolerant Applications. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(4): 484-490 (1997)
31EEJie Wu: Extended Fibonacci Cubes. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 8(12): 1203-1210 (1997)
30 Ke Huang, Jie Wu: Fault-Tolerant Resource Placement in Balanced Hypercubes. Inf. Sci. 99(3-4): 159-172 (1997)
29 Jie Wu, Haifeng Qian: Multitriangle: A Constant Node Degree Interconnection Network. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 8(2): 187- (1997)
28 Jie Wu: A Fault-Tolerant Distributed Unicasting Scheme for Cube-Based Multicomputers. ICDCS 1996: 166-174
27 Jie Wu: An Optimal Routing Policy for Mesh-Connected Topologies. ICPP, Vol. 1 1996: 267-270
26 Haifeng Qian, Jie Wu: Enhanced Fibonacci Cubes. Comput. J. 39(4): 331-345 (1996)
25EEHaifeng Qian, Jie Wu: Unicast, Multicast, and Broadcast on Enhanced Fibonacci Cubes. ICCCN 1995: 158
24EEHaifeng Qian, Eduardo B. Fernández, Jie Wu: A combined functional and object-oriented approach to software design. ICECCS 1995: 167-174
23 Jie Wu: Unicasting in Faulty Hypercubes Using Safety Levels. ICPP (3) 1995: 132-136
22 Jie Wu: Safety Levels-An Efficient Mechanism for Achieving Reliable Broadcasting in Hypercubes. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(5): 702-706 (1995)
21 Jie Wu, Kejun Yao: A Limited-Global-Informatin-Based Multicasting Scheme for Faulty Hypercubes. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(9): 1162-1167 (1995)
20 Jie Wu, Kejun Yao: Reliability Optimization of Concurrent Software with Redundancy. Informatica (Slovenia) 19(3): (1995)
19EELarry Brown, Jie Wu: Snooping fault-tolerant distributed shared memories. Journal of Systems and Software 29(2): 149-165 (1995)
18 Jie Wu: Tight Bounds on the Number of l-Nodes in a Faulty Hypercube. Parallel Processing Letters 5: 321-328 (1995)
17 Eduardo B. Fernández, Jie Wu, Minjie H. Fernandez: User Group Structures in Object-Oriented Database Authorization. DBSec 1994: 57-76
16 Larry Brown, Jie Wu: Dynamic Snooping in a Fault-Tolerant Distributed Shared Memory. ICDCS 1994: 218-226
15 Jie Wu: Dimension-Exchange-Based Load Balancing on Injured Hypercubes. ICPP (3) 1994: 88-91
14EEJie Wu, Eduardo B. Fernández: Using Petri Nets for the Design of Conversation Boundaries in Fault-Tolerant Software. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 5(10): 1106-1112 (1994)
13 Jie Wu: An Optimal Fault-Tolerant Nonredundant Broadcasting Scheme in Injured Hypercubes. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 22(2): 295-313 (1994)
12EEJie Wu, Y. Wang, Eduardo B. Fernández: A uniform approach to software and hardware fault tolerance. Journal of Systems and Software 26(2): 117-127 (1994)
11 Jie Wu, Kejun Yao: Multicasting in Injured Hypercubes Using Limited Global Information. SPDP 1993: 548-555
10EEJace W. Krull, Jie Wu, Andres M. Molina: Evaluation of a Fault Tolerant Distributed Broadcast Algorithm in Hypercube Multicomputers. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1992: 459-466
9 Jie Wu, Eduardo B. Fernández: Broadcasting in Faulty Cube-Connected-Cycles with Minimum Recovery Time. CONPAR 1992: 833-834
8 Ke Huang, Jie Wu: Balanced Hypercubes. ICPP (1) 1992: 80-84
7 Jie Wu: Fault-Tolerant Nonredundant Broadcasting in Hypercubes. ICPP (3) 1992: 23-26
6 Jie Wu, Eduardo B. Fernández: Reliable Broadcasting in Faulty Hypercube Computers. SRDS 1992: 122-129
5EEJie Wu, Eduardo B. Fernández, Ruiguang Zhang: Some extensions to the lattice model for computer security. Computers & Security 11(4): 357-369 (1992)
4 Zhonggang Li, Jie Wu: A Multidestination Routing Scheme for Hypercube Multiprocessors. ICPP (3) 1991: 290-291
3 Jeng-Horng Her, Jie Wu, Thomas B. Rall, Thomas W. Sturgill, M. J. Weber: Sequence of pp42/MAP kinase, a serine/threonine kinase regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation. Nucleic Acids Research 19(13): 3743 (1991)
2 Jie Wu, Eduardo B. Fernández: The Extended G-Network, a Fault-Tolerant Interconnection Network for the Multiprocessors. PARBASE / Architectures 1990: 250-259
1EEJie Wu, Eduardo B. Fernández: A Simplification of a Conversation Design Scheme Using Petri Nets. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(5): 658-660 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Karl Aberer [128] [134] [145] [163] [196] [199]
2Manish Agarwal [155] [168]
3Dharma P. Agrawal [46]
4Tiranuch Anantvalee [267]
5Robert M. Blair [65]
6William S. Branham [65]
7Larry Brown [16] [19]
8David L. Burk [287]
9Songluan Cang [43] [51]
10Jiannong Cao [71] [73] [84] [113] [152] [162] [178] [183] [190] [227] [259]
11Ionut Cardei [292] [315]
12Mihaela Cardei [169] [180] [198] [205] [206] [209] [213] [215] [284] [290] [300] [302] [316]
13Alvin T. S. Chan [71]
14Edward Chan [233]
15Keith C. C. Chan [183]
16Ai Chen [64] [93] [106] [110]
17Daoxu Chen [152]
18Guihai Chen [184] [233] [247]
19Honghui Chen [223] [252]
20Xiao Chen [298]
21Yifeng Chen [178]
22Yu Chen [254] [255]
23Yiu-ming Cheung [304]
24Joon Ho Cho [155] [168]
25Weijun Cui [313]
26Donglai Dai [41]
27Fai Dai [212]
28Fei Dai [78] [86] [95] [104] [108] [113] [121] [122] [127] [131] [138] [139] [140] [141] [151] [154] [158] [160] [165] [174] [176] [179] [180] [182] [204] [205] [209] [210] [211] [214] [232] [243] [265] [285] [286] [289]
29Qing Dai [130] [159] [175] [176]
30Sajal K. Das [162]
31Susanta Datta [75] [83]
32Charles DeLisi [114] [144] [167] [216]
33Stacy L. Dial [65]
34Qiulin Ding [146]
35Kemei Du [124]
36Hong Fang [65]
37Eduardo B. Fernández [1] [2] [5] [6] [9] [12] [14] [17] [24] [35] [37] [41] [42] [181] [239]
38Minjie H. Fernandez [17]
39Gian Luigi Ferrari (GianLuigi Ferrari) [162]
40Weiming Fu [236] [256] [271] [272]
41Feng Gao [58] [173]
42Lixin Gao [155] [168]
43Ming Gao [72]
44Joshua Gervin [288]
45Zaiwu Gong [313]
46Deke Guo [223] [252]
47Guanghui Guo [40]
48Fusen He [48] [77]
49Yanxiang He [178] [202]
50Jeng-Horng Her [3]
51Kevin Ho [240] [281]
52Pik Wan Michelle Ho [120]
53Dustin T. Holloway [167]
54Jinfeng Hu [261]
55Zhenjun Hu [144] [167] [216]
56Chun Huang [158]
57Juncheng Huang [274]
58Ke Huang [8] [30] [32] [42]
59Oscar H. Ibarra [87]
60Mohammad Ilyas [239]
61Imad Jawhar [161] [170] [177] [201] [218]
62Chuanyi Ji [90]
63Weijia Jia [73] [113] [193] [197] [208]
64Xiaohua Jia [202]
65Bo-Nan Jiang [135]
66Hualiang Jiang [287]
67Zhen Jiang [89] [94] [99] [117] [126] [137] [150] [153] [172] [189] [207] [219] [232] [251] [277] [282] [298] [299] [307]
68Patrick Juliano [63]
69Markad V. Kamath [217] [314]
70Simon Kasif [114]
71Fabius Klemm [145]
72Robert Kline [219] [232] [307]
73Jennifer Krantz [307]
74Jace W. Krull [10]
75Andrew Chi-Sing Leung (Chi-Sing Leung) [100] [143]
76Chengfa Li [184] [247]
77Dongsheng Li [186]
78Feng Li [221] [229] [253] [269] [278] [279] [294] [306] [310]
79Hailan Li [47] [57] [61]
80Jing Li [227] [259]
81Minglu Li [198] [242] [258] [278] [283] [316]
82Qiang Li [148]
83Xiuqi Li [191] [194] [220] [234] [241] [257] [274] [280]
84Yi-Guo Li [317]
85Yong Li [303]
86You Li [312]
87Yueming Li [38]
88Zhongcheng Li [58] [173]
89Zhonggang Li [4]
90Xiaola Lin [73] [113]
91Bisheng Liu [273]
92Cong Liu [235] [249] [291] [292] [295] [296]
93Fengyu Liu [147]
94Ke Liu [287]
95Yanni Ellen Liu [270]
96Yingqui Lo [37]
97Wei Lou [81] [98] [125] [132] [149] [156] [214] [244] [299]
98Mingming Lu [198] [206] [228] [229] [266] [269] [310] [311] [316]
99Xicheng Lu [186]
100Xueshan Luo [223] [252]
101Yingquiu Luo [35]
102ZhiHui Lv [187] [200] [236] [256] [271] [272] [273] [303] [312]
103Junchao Ma [299]
104Xiaohu Ma [262]
105Spyros S. Magliveras [181] [239]
106Joe Mellor [167]
107Joseph C. Mellor [144]
108Yinghua Min [58] [173]
109Liu Ming [120]
110Carrie L. Moland [65]
111Andres M. Molina [10]
112Koji Nakano [87] [136]
113Michael D. Noseworthy [314]
114Stephan Olariu [66] [87] [88] [109]
115Yi Pan [260]
116Floyd Patterson [205]
117Roger Perkins [65]
118W. F. Skip Poehlman [217] [314]
119Victor Ponce [257]
120Fang Qi [193]
121Haifeng Qian [24] [25] [26] [29]
122ZhengDing Qiu [148] [224] [225] [226] [275]
123Martin Rajman [145]
124Thomas B. Rall [3]
125Elyse Rosenbaum [62] [63]
126Boris Roussev [74] [203]
127Jishou Ruan [246]
128Jamil A. Shaikh [118]
129Yifeng Shao [308]
130Daniel M. Sheehan [65]
131Hong Shen [100] [143]
132Jian Shen [102]
133Jingkang Shen [287]
134Jiong Shen [317]
135Xiangjun Shen [262]
136Huanye Sheng [192] [263]
137Li Sheng [54] [67] [69] [102] [103] [111] [164]
138Leming M. Shi [65]
139Douglas H. Sieglaff [288]
140Julio Solano [118]
141Avinash Srinivasan [237] [268] [269] [278] [279] [306]
142Ivan Stojmenovic [72] [75] [83] [97] [118] [142]
143Thomas W. Sturgill [3]
144John Sum (Pui-Fai Sum, J. P. F. Sum) [100] [115] [116] [143] [240] [281]
145Dongmei Sun [148] [226] [275]
146Jia-Guang Sun (Jiaguang Sun) [188]
147Wei Tang [250]
148Yuan Yan Tang [304]
149Joshua Teitelbaum [237]
150Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman [188]
151Xusheng Tian [90]
152Weida Tong [65]
153C. K. Michael Tse (Chi K. Michael Tse, C. K. Tse, Chi Kong Tse) [120]
154Wanqing Tu [197] [208]
155Anna Wang [254] [255]
156Chunyang Wang [305]
157Dajin Wang [92] [166] [189] [282]
158Dong Wang [192] [263]
159Guojun Wang [183]
160Jinling Wang [227] [259]
161Xianbing Wang [84]
162Y. Wang [12]
163Yun Wang [309]
164M. J. Weber [3]
165Bing Wu [97] [181] [222] [239]
166Changfu Wu [123]
167Allen Wynn [50]
168Dong Xiang [64] [93] [106] [110] [188] [260]
169Jigang Xie [225]
170Xiaohui S. Xie [288]
171Bing Xiong [287]
172Hui Xiong [250]
173Jun (Jim) Xu [220]
174Tinghui Xu [264]
175Siqing Xue [297]
176Takuji Yamada [167]
177Guozheng Yan [305]
178QingHong Yan [245]
179Chunlin Yang [133]
180Peiying Yang [254]
181Shuhui Yang [157] [171] [180] [185] [190] [205] [209] [213] [231] [238] [242] [243] [265] [276] [284] [285] [286] [300] [302]
182Wenlong Yang [305]
183Yinying Yang [290]
184Yuanyuan Yang [44] [60]
185Kejun Yao [11] [20] [21]
186Mao Ye [184] [233] [247]
187Xinge You [304]
188Gilbert H. Young [100] [143]
189Hongliang Yu [261]
190Jiadi Yu [258] [283]
191Lianzhi Yu [305]
192Quan Yuan [292] [301] [315]
193Peng Zan [305]
194Chune Zhang [226]
195Jianying Zhang [230]
196Kun Zhang [261]
197Lifan Zhang [183]
198Ning Zhang [245] [246]
199Ruiguang Zhang [5]
200Shiyong Zhang [187] [200] [256] [271] [272] [273] [303] [312]
201Tao Zhang [245] [246]
202Xinhua Zhang [255]
203Yueli Zhang [260]
204Jing Zhao [261]
205Si-Qing Zheng (S. Q. Zheng) [38] [52]
206Weimin Zheng [261]
207Shi Zhong [250] [280]
208YiPing Zhong [200] [236] [256] [271] [272] [273] [303] [312]
209Dan Zhou [124] [129]
210Jingyang Zhou [152]
211Lianying Zhou [147]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)