
Donglai Dai

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8EELiqun Cheng, John B. Carter, Donglai Dai: An Adaptive Cache Coherence Protocol Optimized for Producer-Consumer Sharing. HPCA 2007: 328-339
7EEDonglai Dai, Dhabaleswar K. Panda: Exploiting the Benefits of Multiple-Path Network DSM Systems: Architectural Alternatives and Performance Evaluation. IEEE Trans. Computers 48(2): 236-244 (1999)
6EEFederico Silla, Manuel P. Malumbres, José Duato, Donglai Dai, Dhabaleswar K. Panda: Impact of Adaptivity on the Behaviour of Networks of Workstations under Bursty Traffic. ICPP 1998: 88-95
5 Jie Wu, Eduardo B. Fernández, Donglai Dai: Optimal Fault-Secure Scheduling. Comput. J. 41(4): 207-222 (1998)
4EEDonglai Dai, Dhabaleswar K. Panda: How Much Does Network Contention Affect Distributed Shared Memory Performance?. ICPP 1997: 454-
3EEDonglai Dai, Dhabaleswar K. Panda: How Can We Design Better Networks for DSM Systems? PCRCW 1997: 171-184
2EEDhabaleswar K. Panda, Debashis Basak, Donglai Dai, Ram Kesavan, Rajeev Sivaram, Mohammad Banikazemi, Vijay Moorthy: Simulation of Modern Parallel Systems: A CSIM-based Approach. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 1013-1020
1 Donglai Dai, Dhabaleswar K. Panda: Reducing Cache Invalidation Overheads in Wormhole Routed DSMs Using Multidestination Message Passing. ICPP, Vol. 1 1996: 138-145

Coauthor Index

1Mohammad Banikazemi [2]
2Debashis Basak [2]
3John B. Carter [8]
4Liqun Cheng [8]
5José Duato [6]
6Eduardo B. Fernández [5]
7Ram Kesavan [2]
8Manuel P. Malumbres [6]
9Vijay Moorthy [2]
10Dhabaleswar K. Panda [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
11Federico Silla [6]
12Rajeev Sivaram [2]
13Jie Wu [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)