2009 |
71 | EE | Yueguo Chen,
Su Chen,
Yu Gu,
Mei Hui,
Feng Li,
Chen Liu,
Liangxu Liu,
Beng Chin Ooi,
Xiaoyan Yang,
Dongxiang Zhang,
Yuan Zhou:
MarcoPolo: a community system for sharing and integrating travel information on maps.
EDBT 2009: 1148-1151 |
2008 |
70 | EE | Feng Li,
Jingyi Yu,
Jinxiang Chai:
A hybrid camera for motion deblurring and depth map super-resolution.
CVPR 2008 |
69 | EE | Feng Li,
Jamie S. Evans:
Decision Fusion over Noncoherent Fading Multiaccess Channels.
GLOBECOM 2008: 3247-3251 |
68 | EE | Feng Li,
Chunhua Tian,
Rongzeng Cao,
Wei Ding:
An Integer Linear Programming for Container Stowage Problem.
ICCS (1) 2008: 853-862 |
67 | EE | Jie Wu,
Mingming Lu,
Feng Li:
Utility-Based Opportunistic Routing in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks.
ICDCS 2008: 470-477 |
66 | EE | Avinash Srinivasan,
Feng Li,
Jie Wu:
A Novel CDS-Based Reputation Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks.
ICDCS Workshops 2008: 364-369 |
65 | EE | Feng Li,
Xiuping Jia,
Donald Fraser:
Universal HMT based super resolution for remote sensing images.
ICIP 2008: 333-336 |
64 | EE | Feng Li,
Dirk Bartz,
Lixu Gu,
Michel A. Audette:
An iterative classification method of 2D CT head data based on statistical and spatial information.
ICPR 2008: 1-4 |
63 | EE | Wuwei Li,
Yuhong Wang,
Feng Li:
Research on the Cause and Efficiency of Regional Scientific and Technical Output: Evidence from Six Provinces in China.
ISIP 2008: 690-694 |
62 | EE | Chunhua Tian,
Feng Li,
Rongzeng Cao,
Wei Ding:
Service capacity allocation and pricing.
NOMS 2008: 678-681 |
61 | EE | Feng Li,
Chunhua Tian,
Rongzeng Cao,
Shun Jiang:
Value network model for service ecosystem in business environment.
NOMS 2008: 955-958 |
60 | EE | Feng Li,
Jie Wu:
Hit and Run: A Bayesian Game Between Malicious and Regular Nodes in MANETs.
SECON 2008: 432-440 |
59 | EE | Fang Li,
Yihong Li,
Yanchen Wu,
Kai Zhou,
Feng Li,
Xinguang Wang:
Discovery of a User Interests on the Internet.
Web Intelligence 2008: 359-362 |
58 | EE | Chunhua Tian,
Hao Zhang,
Feng Li:
Rule flow logic verification: A simulation based approach.
Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 2951 |
57 | EE | Feng Li,
Shuigeng Zhou:
Challenging More Updates: Towards Anonymous Re-publication of Fully Dynamic Datasets
CoRR abs/0806.4703: (2008) |
56 | EE | Savvas Papagiannidis,
Michael Bourlakis,
Feng Li:
E-fulfilling the e-supply chain of digital print.
IJITM 7(1): 98-112 (2008) |
55 | EE | Feng Li,
Avinash Srinivasan,
Jie Wu:
PVFS: A Probabilistic Voting-based Filtering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IJSN 3(3): 173-182 (2008) |
54 | EE | Avinash Srinivasan,
Feng Li,
Jie Wu,
Minglu Li:
Clique-based group key assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IJSN 3(4): 226-239 (2008) |
53 | EE | Xiangjun Shen,
Shiguang Ju,
Siu-Yeung Cho,
Feng Li:
Mining user hidden semantics from image content for image retrieval.
J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 19(3): 145-164 (2008) |
2007 |
52 | EE | Limin Shen,
Feng Li,
Shangping Ren,
Yunfeng Mu:
Dynamic Composition of Web Service Based on Coordination Model.
APWeb/WAIM Workshops 2007: 317-327 |
51 | EE | Feng Li,
Mingzhe Li,
Rui Lu,
Huahui Wu,
Mark Claypool,
Robert E. Kinicki:
Measuring queue capacities of IEEE 802.11 wireless access points.
BROADNETS 2007: 846-853 |
50 | EE | Feng Li,
Donald Fraser,
Xiuping Jia:
Wavelet Domain Deblurring and Denoising for Image Resolution Improvement.
DICTA 2007: 373-379 |
49 | EE | Feng Li,
Avinash Srinivasan,
Mingming Lu,
Jie Wu:
Uncertainty Mitigation for Utility-Oriented Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.
GLOBECOM 2007: 427-431 |
48 | EE | Limin Shen,
Shangping Ren,
Feng Li,
Yunfeng Mu:
A Time and Interaction Model for Open Distributed Timing Computation.
ICA3PP 2007: 83-94 |
47 | EE | Feng Li,
Q. T. Zhang:
Transmission Strategy for MIMO Correlated Rayleigh Fading Channels with Mutual Coupling.
ICC 2007: 1030-1035 |
46 | EE | Feng Li,
Ying Wei:
GTSys: A Mobile Agent Based In-Transit Goods Tracking System.
ICIC (1) 2007: 147-156 |
45 | EE | Ting Chen,
Feng Li:
Analysis of Pi Series and Its Application to Image Encryption.
ICIC (3) 2007: 695-703 |
44 | EE | Feng Li,
Susan M. Kolakowski,
Jeff B. Pelz:
Using Structured Illumination to Enhance Video-Based Eye Tracking.
ICIP (1) 2007: 373-376 |
43 | EE | Shun Jiang,
Chunhua Tian,
Feng Li,
Hao Zhang,
Wei Ding:
A Dynamic Concept Interpretation Approach for OWL Extension.
ICWS 2007: 561-566 |
42 | | Jianwei Shang,
Feng Li,
Yanyan Zhang:
A Secure Distributed Symmetric Key Generation Scheme.
IMECS 2007: 375-379 |
41 | EE | Feng Li,
Jie Wu:
Mobility Reduces Uncertainty in MANETs.
INFOCOM 2007: 1946-1954 |
40 | EE | Xuan Yu,
Feng Li,
Jingyi Yu:
Image-Space Caustics and Curvatures.
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2007: 181-188 |
39 | EE | Feng Li,
Jianwei Shang,
Daxing Li:
A Proactive Secure Multisecret Sharing Threshold Scheme.
SNPD (1) 2007: 105-110 |
38 | EE | Wenyuan Liu,
Yongan Luo,
Yali Si,
Baowen Wang,
Feng Li:
An Off-Line Divisible E-Cash Scheme Based on Smart Card.
SNPD (1) 2007: 799-804 |
37 | EE | Feng Li,
Shihua Zhu,
Lei Wang:
Low-Complex Equalization for Single Carrier Systems Employing Cyclic Prefix over Time-Variant Channels.
IEICE Transactions 90-B(12): 3733-3737 (2007) |
36 | EE | Feng Li:
What is e-business and does it still matter?
IJITM 6(2/3/4): 125-137 (2007) |
35 | EE | Alexis Barlow,
Feng Li:
E-supply chains: understanding current and future opportunities and barriers.
IJITM 6(2/3/4): 286-298 (2007) |
2006 |
34 | EE | Wei Wu,
Feng Li,
Jun Kong,
Lichang Hou,
Bingdui Zhu:
A Bottom-Up OCR System for Mathematical Formulas Recognition.
ICIC (1) 2006: 274-279 |
33 | EE | Mingming Lu,
Feng Li,
Jie Wu:
Incentive Compatible Cost- and Stability-Based Routing in Ad Hoc Networks.
ICPADS (1) 2006: 495-500 |
32 | EE | Feng Li,
Yun Li,
Weiliang Zhao,
Qianbin Chen,
Weiwen Tang:
An adaptive coordinated MAC protocol based on dynamic power management for wireless sensor networks.
IWCMC 2006: 1073-1078 |
31 | EE | Feng Li,
Jie Wu:
A probabilistic voting-based filtering scheme in wireless sensor networks.
IWCMC 2006: 27-32 |
30 | EE | Feng Li,
Maoyu Li,
Zhiqiang Xiao,
Pengfei Zhang,
Jianling Li,
Zhuchu Chen:
Construction of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma 2D/MS repository with Open Source XML Database - Xindice.
BMC Bioinformatics 7: 13 (2006) |
29 | EE | Feng Li,
Jianming Lu,
Xueqin Zhao,
Takashi Yahagi:
Perfect Tracking Control of Nonminimum Phase Systems in Magnetic Levitation System.
IEICE Transactions 89-A(5): 1437-1445 (2006) |
2005 |
28 | EE | Minghong Zhou,
Huaming Liao,
Feng Li:
Schema Adaptation Under Multi-relation Dependencies.
GCC 2005: 511-516 |
27 | EE | Feng Li,
Kyohei Ishihata,
Jianming Lu,
Takashi Yahagi:
Perfect tracking control using multirate control in magnetic levitation system.
ISCAS (5) 2005: 4851-4854 |
26 | EE | Mingzhe Li,
Feng Li,
Mark Claypool,
Robert E. Kinicki:
Weather forecasting: predicting performance for streaming video over wireless LANs.
NOSSDAV 2005: 33-38 |
25 | EE | Feng Li,
Jae Chung,
Mingzhe Li,
Huahui Wu,
Mark Claypool,
Robert E. Kinicki:
Application, Network and Link Layer Measurements of Streaming Video over a Wireless Campus Network.
PAM 2005: 189-202 |
24 | EE | Zhichao Li,
Pilian He,
Feng Li,
Ming Lei:
Improving Searching Performance Based on Semantic Correlativity in Peer to Peer Network.
SKG 2005: 20 |
23 | EE | Jon Gretarsson,
Feng Li,
Mingzhe Li,
Ashish Samant,
Huahui Wu,
Mark Claypool,
Robert E. Kinicki:
Performance analysis of the intertwined effects between network layers for 802.11g transmissions.
WMuNeP 2005: 123-130 |
22 | EE | Alexis Barlow,
Feng Li:
Online value network linkages: integration, information sharing and flexibility.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 4(2): 100-112 (2005) |
21 | EE | Kenji Suzuki,
Feng Li,
Shusuke Sone,
Kunio Doi:
Computer-aided diagnostic scheme for distinction between benign and malignant nodules in thoracic low-dose CT by use of massive training artificial neural network.
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 24(9): 1138-1150 (2005) |
20 | EE | Qian Zhu,
Jianhua Yao,
Shengang Yuan,
Feng Li,
Haifeng Chen,
Wei Cai,
Quan Liao:
Superstructure Searching Algorithm for Generic Reaction Retrieval.
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 45(5): 1214-1222 (2005) |
2004 |
19 | | Feng Li,
Qiang Li,
Masahito Aoyama,
Junji Shiraishi,
Hiroyuki Abe,
Kenji Suzuki,
Roger Engelmann,
Shusuke Sone,
Heber MacMahon,
Kunio Doi:
Usefulness of computerized scheme for differentiating benign from malignant lung nodules on high-resolution CT.
CARS 2004: 946-951 |
18 | EE | John Y. Fong,
Randy Acklin,
John Roscher,
Feng Li,
Cindy Laird,
Cezary Pietrzyk:
Nonvolatile Repair Caches Repair Embedded SRAM and New Nonvolatile Memories.
DFT 2004: 347-355 |
17 | EE | Feng Li,
Junzhou Luo,
Yinying Yang,
Ye Zhu,
Teng Ma:
A Dynamic Grid Authorization Mechanism with Result Feedback.
GCC 2004: 867-870 |
16 | EE | Ming Zhang,
Dongqing Yang,
Zhi-Hong Deng,
Sai Wu,
Feng Li,
Shiwei Tang:
WebGIS-RBDL - A Rare Book Digital Library Supporting Spatio-Temporary Retrieval.
ICADL 2004: 255-265 |
15 | EE | Qingyun Dai,
Ning Bi,
Daren Huang,
Dvaid Zhang,
Feng Li:
M-band wavelets application to palmprint recognition based on texture features.
ICIP 2004: 893-896 |
14 | EE | Feng Li,
Jiaxiong Peng:
Double random field models for remote sensing image segmentation.
Pattern Recognition Letters 25(1): 129-139 (2004) |
2003 |
13 | EE | Feng Li,
Junzhou Luo:
A Security Policy Implementation Model in Computational GRID.
GCC (1) 2003: 1021-1025 |
12 | EE | Shengwu Xiong,
Weiwu Wang,
Feng Li:
A New Genetic Programming Approach in Symbolic Regression.
ICTAI 2003: 161- |
11 | EE | Ying Wei,
Feng Li:
Case-Based Reasoning: An Intelligent Approach Applied for Financial Crises Warning.
IDEAL 2003: 939-943 |
2002 |
10 | | Rahim Ghasemiyeh,
Feng Li:
Introduction to Information Technology and its Effects on Organisational Control.
ICEIS 2002: 1122-1125 |
9 | | Rahim Ghasemiyeh,
Feng Li:
Information Technology and Control.
ICWI 2002: 829-829 |
2001 |
8 | EE | Feng Li,
Zongkai Lin,
Yuchai Guo,
Jintao Li:
A Workflow System for Supporting Group Activities of an Enterprise.
CSCWD 2001: 440-443 |
7 | | Rahim Ghasemiyeh,
Feng Li:
Information Technology and New Forms of Organisations.
WebNet 2001: 405-409 |
2000 |
6 | EE | Feng Li,
Peng-Yung Woo:
The coding principle and method for automatic recognition of Jia Gu Wen characters.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 53(2): 289-299 (2000) |
5 | EE | Howard Williams,
Jason Whalley,
Feng Li:
Interoperability and Electronic Commerce: A New Policy Framework for Evaluating Strategic Options.
J. Computer-Mediated Communication 5(3): (2000) |
1999 |
4 | EE | Feng Li,
Howard Williams:
New Collaboration between Firms: The Role of Interorganizational Systems.
HICSS 1999 |
3 | EE | Feng Li,
Howard Williams:
Interfirm collaboration through interfirm networks.
Inf. Syst. J. 9(2): 103-116 (1999) |
1995 |
2 | EE | Xin-Lun Zhou,
Xing-Cheng Hua,
Feng Li:
A method of Jia Gu Wen recognition based on a two-level classification.
ICDAR 1995: 833-836 |
1994 |
1 | | Feng Li,
Andrew Gillespie:
Team Telework: An Emergent Form of Work Organization.
Transforming Organizations with Information Technology 1994: 397-418 |