
Li Sheng

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26EELi Sheng: A Semantic Vector Retrieval Model for Desktop Documents. CSSE (1) 2008: 682-685
25EEC. Thach Nguyen, Jian Shen, Minmei Hou, Li Sheng, Webb Miller, Louxin Zhang: Approximating the Spanning Star Forest Problem and Its Application to Genomic Sequence Alignment. SIAM J. Comput. 38(3): 946-962 (2008)
24EEMing Gao, Baotong Cui, Li Sheng: Novel Global Asymptotic Stability Conditions for Hopfield Neural Networks with Time Delays. ISNN (1) 2007: 935-940
23EEC. Thach Nguyen, Jian Shen, Minmei Hou, Li Sheng, Webb Miller, Louxin Zhang: Approximating the spanning star forest problem and its applications to genomic sequence alignment. SODA 2007: 645-654
22EEJennie C. Hansen, Eric Schmutz, Li Sheng: The Expected Size of the Rule k Dominating Set. Algorithmica 46(3-4): 409-418 (2006)
21EELi Sheng, Yongming Li: Regular grammars with truth values in lattice-ordered monoid and their languages. Soft Comput. 10(2): 79-86 (2006)
20EEHui Zhang, Jia-Yan Wu, Ze-Sheng Li, Jing-Yao Liu, Li Sheng, Chia-Chung Sun: Dual-level direct dynamics studies on the reaction Cl + CHBr2Cl. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(13): 1421-1426 (2005)
19EEJie Wu, Li Sheng: Deadlock-Free Multicasting in Irregular Networks Using Prefix Routing. The Journal of Supercomputing 31(1): 63-78 (2005)
18EELi Sheng, Ma Guoliang, Hu Weili: Stabilization and optimal control of nonholonomic mobile robot. ICARCV 2004: 1427-1430
17EEJennie C. Hansen, Eric Schmutz, Li Sheng: Probabilistic Analysis of Rule 2 CoRR cs.DM/0408068: (2004)
16EEMordecai J. Golin, Xuerong Yong, Yuanping Zhang, Li Sheng: New upper and lower bounds on the channel capacity of read/write isolated memory. Discrete Applied Mathematics 140(1-3): 35-48 (2004)
15EELi Sheng, Ze-Sheng Li, Jing-Yao Liu, Jing-Fa Xiao, Chia-Chung Sun: Ab initio direct dynamics studies on the reaction of H atom with CH3CH2Cl. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(1): 72-82 (2004)
14EELi Sheng, Ze-Sheng Li, Jing-Yao Liu, Jing-Fa Xiao, Chia-Chung Sun: Theoretical study on the rate constants for the C2H5 + HBr C2H6 + Br reaction. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(3): 423-428 (2004)
13EELi Sheng, Jie Wu: Maximum-shortest-path (MSP) is not optimal for a general N×N torus. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 52(1): 22-25 (2003)
12EEJie Wu, Li Sheng: Deadlock-Free Routing In Irregular Networks Using Prefix Routing. Parallel Processing Letters 13(4): 705-720 (2003)
11EEJian Shen, Li Sheng, Jie Wu: Searching for Sorted Sequences of Kings in Tournaments. SIAM J. Comput. 32(5): 1201-1209 (2003)
10EELi Sheng: 2-Role assignments on triangulated graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1-3(304): 201-214 (2003)
9 V. A. Gurvich, Li Sheng: Camel sequences and quadratic residues. Discrete Applied Mathematics 124(1-3): 73-89 (2002)
8EEJing-Fa Xiao, Ze-Sheng Li, Jing-Yao Liu, Li Sheng, Chia-Chung Sun: DFT and Ab initio direct dynamics studies on the hydrogen abstraction reactions of chlorine atoms with CH4-nFn (n = 1-3). Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(15): 1456-1465 (2002)
7 Jie Wu, Li Sheng: Deadlock-Free Prefix Multicasting in Irregular Networks. ISCA PDCS 2001: 25-30
6EEJie Wu, Li Sheng: An efficient sorting algorithm for a sequence of kings in a tournament. Inf. Process. Lett. 79(6): 297-299 (2001)
5 Li Sheng, Chi Wang, Peisen Zhang: Tagged Probe Interval Graphs. J. Comb. Optim. 5(1): 133-142 (2001)
4EEFred S. Roberts, Li Sheng: How hard is it to determine if a graph has a 2-role assignment? Networks 37(2): 67-73 (2001)
3 Fred S. Roberts, Li Sheng: Phylogeny numbers for graphs with two triangles. Discrete Applied Mathematics 103(1-3): 191-207 (2000)
2EELi Sheng, Jie Wu: A Note on 'A Tight Lower Bound on the Number of Channels Required for Deadlock-Free Wormhole Routing'. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(9): 1005 (2000)
1EEFred S. Roberts, Li Sheng: Phylogeny Numbers. Discrete Applied Mathematics 87(1-3): 213-228 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Baotong Cui [24]
2Ming Gao [24]
3Mordecai J. Golin [16]
4Ma Guoliang [18]
5V. A. Gurvich [9]
6Jennie C. Hansen [17] [22]
7Minmei Hou [23] [25]
8Yongming Li [21]
9Ze-Sheng Li [8] [14] [15] [20]
10Jing-Yao Liu [8] [14] [15] [20]
11Webb Miller [23] [25]
12C. Thach Nguyen [23] [25]
13Fred S. Roberts [1] [3] [4]
14Eric Schmutz [17] [22]
15Jian Shen [11] [23] [25]
16Chia-Chung Sun [8] [14] [15] [20]
17Chi Wang [5]
18Hu Weili [18]
19Jia-Yan Wu [20]
20Jie Wu [2] [6] [7] [11] [12] [13] [19]
21Jing-Fa Xiao [8] [14] [15]
22Xuerong Yong [16]
23Hui Zhang [20]
24Louxin Zhang [23] [25]
25Peisen Zhang [5]
26Yuanping Zhang [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)