
Hong Shen

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213EEHong Shen, Shihong Xu: Coordinated En-Route Web Caching in Multiserver Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 58(5): 605-619 (2009)
212EEYingpeng Sang, Hong Shen: Privacy preserving set intersection based on bilinear groups. ACSC 2008: 47-54
211EEHong Shen: Smart Content Delivery on the Internet. ICA3PP 2008: 1
210EEHong Shen, Xiao-Long Yan: Probability Density Estimation over evolving data streams using Tilted Parzen Window. ISCC 2008: 585-589
209EEHui Tian, Hong Shen, Matthew Roughan: Maximizing Networking Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks with Regular Topologies. PDCAT 2008: 211-217
208EEHaibo Zhang, Hong Shen, Yawen Chen, Zonghua Zhang: Balancing energy consumption for uniform data gathering wireless sensor networks. PODC 2008: 436
207 David S. Munro, Hong Shen, Quan Z. Sheng, Henry Detmold, Katrina E. Falkner, Cruz Izu, Paul D. Coddington, Bradley Alexander, Si-Qing Zheng: Eighth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2007), 3-6 December 2007, Adelaide, Australia IEEE Computer Society 2007
206EEHaibo Zhang, Hong Shen: EEGR: Energy-Efficient Geographic Routing inWireless Sensor Networks. ICPP 2007: 67
205EEYawen Chen, Hong Shen: Wavelength Assignment for Directional Hypercube Communications on a Class of WDM Optical Networks. ICPP 2007: 71
204EEHaibo Zhang, Hong Shen, Yasuo Tan: Optimal Energy Balanced Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks. IPDPS 2007: 1-10
203EEShihong Xu, Hong Shen: An Efficient Method for p-Server Coordinated En-Route Web Caching. PDCAT 2007: 113-117
202EEYingpeng Sang, Hong Shen: Privacy Preserving Set Intersection Protocol Secure against Malicious Behaviors. PDCAT 2007: 461-468
201EEWenyu Qu, Masaru Kitsuregawa, Hong Shen, Yingwei Jin: Distribution of mobile agents in vulnerable networks. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(7): 1047-1064 (2007)
200EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen, Francis Y. L. Chin, Weishi Zhang: Multimedia Object Placement for Transparent Data Replication. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 18(2): 212-224 (2007)
199EEChao Peng, Hong Shen: A New Approximation Algorithm for Computing 2-Restricted Disjoint Paths. IEICE Transactions 90-D(2): 465-472 (2007)
198EEZonghua Zhang, Hong Shen: Constructing a Multilayered Boundary to Defend against Intrusive Anomalies. IEICE Transactions 90-D(2): 490-499 (2007)
197EEHaibo Zhang, Hong Shen: Distributed Tuning Attempt Probability for Data Gathering in Random Access Wireless Sensor Networks. AINA (1) 2006: 643-648
196EEWenyu Qu, Hong Shen: The Probability of Success of Mobile Agents When Routing in Faulty Networks. APWeb 2006: 76-84
195EEYawen Chen, Hong Shen, Haibo Zhang: Hypercube Communications on Optical Chordal Ring Networks with Chord Length of Three. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2006: 337-343
194EESi-Qing Zheng, Ashwin Gumaste, Hong Shen: A Rearrangeable Nonblocking Multi-log2N Multicast Switching Network. GLOBECOM 2006
193EEChao Peng, Hong Shen, Naixue Xiong, Laurence Tianruo Yang: Discrete Broadcasting Protocols for Video-on-Demand. HPCC 2006: 642-652
192EEYingpeng Sang, Hong Shen, Yasuo Tan, Naixue Xiong: Efficient Protocols for Privacy Preserving Matching Against Distributed Datasets. ICICS 2006: 210-227
191EEZonghua Zhang, Pin-Han Ho, Xiaodong Lin, Hong Shen: Janus: A Two-Sided Analytical Model for Multi-Stage Coordinated Attacks. ICISC 2006: 136-154
190EEChao Peng, Hong Shen: An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Computing Disjoint QoS Paths. ICN/ICONS/MCL 2006: 10
189EEWenyu Qu, Masaru Kitsuregawa, Keqiu Li, Hong Shen: An Execution Prototype of Mobile Agent-Based Peer-to-Peer Systems. IMSCCS (2) 2006: 330-338
188EEYawen Chen, Hong Shen, Haibo Zhang: Embedding Hypercube Communications on Optical Chordal Ring Networks. LCN 2006: 437-442
187EEYingpeng Sang, Hong Shen, Yasushi Inoguchi, Yasuo Tan, Naixue Xiong: Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey. PDCAT 2006: 315-320
186EEShihong Xu, Hong Shen: An O(nh) Algorithm for Dual-Server Coordinated En-Route Caching in Tree Networks. PDCAT 2006: 399-404
185EEHaibo Zhang, Hong Shen, Hui Tian: Reliable and Real-Time Data Gathering in Multi-hop Linear Wireless Sensor Networks. WASA 2006: 151-162
184EEHui Tian, Hong Shen: Multicast-based inference for topology and network-internal loss performance from end-to-end measurements. Computer Communications 29(11): 1936-1947 (2006)
183EEHaibin Kan, Hong Shen: Lower bounds on the minimal delay of complex orthogonal designs with maximal rates. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(3): 383-388 (2006)
182EEHong Shen, Lin Cai, Xuemin Shen: Performance analysis of TFRC over wireless link with truncated link-level ARQ. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(6): 1479-1487 (2006)
181EEHaibin Kan, Xuefei Li, Hong Shen: The Characteristic Generators for a Group Code. IEICE Transactions 89-A(5): 1513-1517 (2006)
180EEXiaohong Jiang, Pin-Han Ho, Hong Shen, Susumu Horiguchi: A Class of Benes-Based Optical Multistage Interconnection Networks for Crosstalk-Free Realization of Permutations. IEICE Transactions 89-B(1): 19-27 (2006)
179EEGui Xie, Hong Shen: A New Fusion Based Blind Logo-Watermarking Algorithm. IEICE Transactions 89-D(3): 1173-1180 (2006)
178EEHui Tian, Hong Shen: An improved algorithm for multicast topology discovery from end-to-end measurements. Int. J. Communication Systems 19(8): 935-953 (2006)
177EEWun-Tat Chan, Francis Y. L. Chin, Yong Zhang, Hong Zhu, Hong Shen, Prudence W. H. Wong: A dynamic programming approach of finding an optimal broadcast schedule in minimizing total flow time. J. Comb. Optim. 11(2): 177-187 (2006)
176EEHui Tian, Hong Shen, Teruo Matsuzawa: Random Walk Routing in WSNs with Regular Topologies. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 21(4): 496-502 (2006)
175EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen, Keishi Tajima, Liusheng Huang: An Effective Cache Replacement Algorithm in Transcoding-Enabled Proxies. The Journal of Supercomputing 35(2): 165-184 (2006)
174EEYawen Chen, Hong Shen, Fangai Liu: Wavelength Assignment for Realizing Parallel FFT on Regular Optical Networks. The Journal of Supercomputing 36(1): 3-16 (2006)
173EEHui Tian, Hong Shen: Hamming Distance and Hop Count Based Classification for Multicast Network Topology Inference. AINA 2005: 267-272
172EEYingpeng Sang, Hong Shen: A Scheme for Testing Privacy State in Pervasive Sensor Networks. AINA 2005: 644-648
171EEWun-Tat Chan, Francis Y. L. Chin, Yong Zhang, Hong Zhu, Hong Shen, Prudence W. H. Wong: Off-Line Algorithms for Minimizing Total Flow Time in Broadcast Scheduling. COCOON 2005: 318-328
170EEHong Shen, Yonggang Shi, Zhigang Peng: Applying Prior Knowledge in the Segmentation of 3D Complex Anatomic Structures. CVBIA 2005: 189-199
169EEHong Shen, Anoop Sarkar: Voting Between Multiple Data Representations for Text Chunking. Canadian Conference on AI 2005: 389-400
168EEZonghua Zhang, Hong Shen: Constructing Multi-Layered Boundary to Defend Against Intrusive Anomalies: An Autonomic Detection Coordinator. DSN 2005: 118-127
167EEWenyu Qu, Di Wu, Keqiu Li, Hong Shen: Dynamically Selecting Distribution Strategies for Web Documents According to Access Pattern. EUC 2005: 518-527
166EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen, Di Wu: Cooperative Determination on Cache Replacement Candidates for Transcoding Proxy Caching. GCC 2005: 1043-1053
165EEHaibo Zhang, Hong Shen, Haibin Kan: Reliability-Latency Tradeoffs for Data Gathering in Random-Access Wireless Sensor Networks. GCC 2005: 701-712
164EEWenyu Qu, Hong Shen, Yingwei Jin: Distribution of Mobile Agents in Vulnerable Networks. GCC 2005: 894-905
163EEChao Peng, Hong Shen: A Localized Algorithm for Minimum-Energy Broadcasting Problem in MANET. GCC 2005: 971-977
162EEWenyu Qu, Hong Shen, Yingwei Jin: Theoretical Analysis on A Traffic-Based Routing Algorithm of Mobile Agents. IAT 2005: 520-526
161EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen, Francis Y. L. Chin: Cooperative Determination on Cache Replacement Candidates for Transcoding Proxy Caching. ICCNMC 2005: 178-187
160EEGui Xie, Hong Shen: Toward improved wavelet-based watermarking using the pixel-wise masking model. ICIP (1) 2005: 689-692
159EEHui Tian, Hong Shen: An Optimal Coverage Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network. ICN (1) 2005: 722-730
158EEZonghua Zhang, Hong Shen: Dynamic Combination of Multiple Host-Based Anomaly Detectors with Broader Detection Coverage and Fewer False Alerts. ICN (2) 2005: 989-996
157EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen, Francis Y. L. Chin: Placement Solutions for Multiple Versions of A Multimedia Object. ISORC 2005: 224-231
156EEZonghua Zhang, Hong Shen: A Brief Observation-Centric Analysis on Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection. ISPEC 2005: 178-191
155EEFrancis Y. L. Chin, Qiangfeng Zhang, Hong Shen: k-Recombination Haplotype Inference in Pedigrees. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 985-993
154EEYawen Chen, Hong Shen: An Improved Scheme of Wavelength Assignment for Parallel FFT Communication Pattern on a Class of Regular Optical Networks. NPC 2005: 189-196
153EEHui Tian, Hong Shen, Teruo Matsuzawa: Developing Energy-Efficient Topologies and Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks. NPC 2005: 461-469
152EEHaibo Zhang, Hong Shen, Huichuan Duan: An Automatic and Robust Algorithm for Segmentation of Three-dimensional Medical Images. PDCAT 2005: 1044-1048
151EEQing Gong, Hong Shen: Toward Blind Logo Watermarking in JPEG-Compressed Images. PDCAT 2005: 1058-1062
150EEHaibin Kan, Hong Shen: The maximal rates of more general complex orthogonal designs. PDCAT 2005: 177-180
149EEHui Tian, Hong Shen, Teruo Matsuzawa: RandomWalk Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks. PDCAT 2005: 196-200
148EEYawen Chen, Hong Shen: Wavelength Assignment for Parallel FFT Communication Pattern on Linear Arrays by Lattice Embedding. PDCAT 2005: 220-224
147EEMingjun Xiao, Liusheng Huang, Yonglong Luo, Hong Shen: Privacy Preserving ID3 Algorithm over Horizontally Partitioned Data. PDCAT 2005: 239-243
146EEWenyu Qu, Hong Shen, Xavier Défago: A Survey of Mobile Agent-Based Fault-Tolerant Technology. PDCAT 2005: 446-450
145EEYingpeng Sang, Hong Shen, Zonghua Zhang: An Efficient Protocol for the Problem of Secure Two-party Vector Dominance. PDCAT 2005: 488-492
144EEZonghua Zhang, Hong Shen, Xavier Défago, Yingpeng Sang: A Brief Comparative Study on Analytical Models of Computer System Dependability and Security. PDCAT 2005: 493-497
143EEHuaxi Gu, Zengji Liu, Guochang Kang, Hong Shen: A New Routing Method to Tolerate both Convex and Concave. PDCAT 2005: 714-719
142EELiusheng Huang, Hong Zhong, Hong Shen, Yonglong Luo: An Efficient Multiple-Precision Division Algorithm. PDCAT 2005: 971-974
141EEYingwei Jin, Hong Shen, Keqiu Li, Zhongxian Chi: Solution to Multi-objective Fuzzy Optimization Dynamic Programming with Uncertain Information. PDCAT 2005: 979-984
140EEYingwei Jin, Hong Shen, Keqiu Li, Zhongxian Chi: A New Solution to Non-structural System Group Decision-making Problems. PDCAT 2005: 985-988
139EEWenyu Qu, Keqiu Li, Hong Shen, Yingwei Jin, Takashi Nanya: The Cache Replacement Problem for Multimedia Object Caching. SKG 2005: 26
138EEKeqiu Li, Wenyu Qu, Hong Shen, Di Wu, Takashi Nanya: Two Cache Replacement Algorithms Based on Association Rules and Markov Models. SKG 2005: 28
137 Qing Gong, Hong Shen: Covert Communication Through JPEG-Compressed Images. VISION 2005: 110-116
136EEKeqiu Li, Keishi Tajima, Hong Shen: Cache Replacement for Transcoding Proxy Caching. Web Intelligence 2005: 500-507
135EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen, Francis Y. L. Chin, Si-Qing Zheng: Optimal methods for coordinated enroute web caching for tree networks. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 5(3): 480-507 (2005)
134EEWenyu Qu, Hong Shen, John Sum: New analysis on mobile agents based network routing. Appl. Soft Comput. 6(1): 108-118 (2005)
133EEZonghua Zhang, Hong Shen: Application of online-training SVMs for real-time intrusion detection with different considerations. Computer Communications 28(12): 1428-1442 (2005)
132EEGui Xie, Hong Shen: Highly scalable, low-complexity image coding using zeroblocks of wavelet coefficients. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 15(6): 762-770 (2005)
131EEHaibin Kan, Hong Shen: A counterexample for the open problem on the minimal delays of orthogonal designs with maximal rates. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(1): 355-359 (2005)
130EEHaibin Kan, Hong Shen: A relation between the Characteristic Generators of a linear code and its dual. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(3): 1199-1202 (2005)
129EEHaibin Kan, Hong Shen: Trellis Properties of Product Codes. IEICE Transactions 88-A(1): 353-358 (2005)
128EEHaibin Kan, Hong Shen: Some Trellis Properties on Lattices. IEICE Transactions 88-A(7): 1979-1986 (2005)
127EEHaibin Kan, Hong Shen: The Bases Associated with Trellises of a Lattice. IEICE Transactions 88-A(7): 2030-2033 (2005)
126EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen: Optimal Methods for Proxy Placement in Coordinated En-Route Web Caching. IEICE Transactions 88-B(4): 1458-1466 (2005)
125EEWenyu Qu, Hong Shen, John Sum: Stochastic analysis of mobile agent-based e-shopping. IJEB 3(3/4): 339-355 (2005)
124EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen: Optimal methods for object management in coordinated en-route web caching for tree networks and autonomous systems. IJHPCN 3(4): 211-218 (2005)
123EEStanley P. Y. Fung, Francis Y. L. Chin, Hong Shen: Online scheduling of unit jobs with bounded importance ratio. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 16(3): 581-598 (2005)
122EEQiangfeng Zhang, Francis Y. L. Chin, Hong Shen: Minimum Parent-Offspring Recombination Haplotype Inference in Pedigrees. T. Comp. Sys. Biology 2: 100-112 (2005)
121EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen: Coordinated enroute multimedia object caching in transcoding proxies for tree networks. TOMCCAP 1(3): 289-314 (2005)
120 Kim-Meow Liew, Hong Shen, Simon See, Wentong Cai, Pingzhi Fan, Susumu Horiguchi: Parallel and Distributed Computing: Applications and Technologies, 5th International Conference, PDCAT 2004, Singapore, December 8-10, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
119EEZonghua Zhang, Hong Shen: Online Training of SVMs for Real-time Intrusion Detection. AINA (1) 2004: 568-573
118EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen: Coordinated En-Route Web Caching in Transcoding Proxies. APWeb 2004: 772-781
117EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen: Transcoding Proxy Placement in En-Route Web Caching. CNSR 2004: 276-285
116EEZonghua Zhang, Hong Shen: Suppressing False Alarms of Intrusion Detection Using Improved Text Categorization Method. EEE 2004: 163-166
115EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen: Optimal Placement of Web Proxies for Tree Networks. EEE 2004: 479-486
114EEChao Peng, Hong Shen: A Storage-Aware Scheduling Scheme for VOD (Short Version). GCC 2004: 803-806
113EEWenyu Qu, Hong Shen: Mobile Agent-Based Execution Modelling. HIS 2004: 148-153
112EEWenyu Qu, Hong Shen: Analysis of Mobile Agents' Fault-Tolerant Behavior. IAT 2004: 377-380
111 Wenyu Qu, Hong Shen, John Sum: Further Analysis on the Application of Mobile Agents in Network Routing. ICETE (1) 2004: 204-212
110EEGui Xie, Hong Shen: A highly scalable speck image coder. ICIP 2004: 1297-1300
109 Gui Xie, Hong Shen: Robust wavelet-based blind image watermarking against geometrical attacks. ICME 2004: 2051-2054
108EEFei Li, Shile Zhang, Xin Wang, Xiangyang Xue, Hong Shen: Vote-Based Clustering Algorithm in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICOIN 2004: 13-23
107EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen: Coordinated En-Route Transcoding Caching for Tree Networks. ICPADS 2004: 109-
106EEYuanyuan Zhang, Yasushi Inoguchi, Hong Shen: A Dynamic Task Scheduling Algorithm for Grid Computing System. ISPA 2004: 578-583
105EEWenyu Qu, Hong Shen: Some Analysis on Mobile-Agent Based Network Routing. ISPAN 2004: 12-17
104EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen: Proxy Placement in Coordinated En-Route Transcoding Caching for Tree Networks. ISPAN 2004: 226-231
103EEHui Tian, Hong Shen: Multicast-Based Inference of Network-Internal Loss Performance. ISPAN 2004: 288-293
102EEHui Tian, Hong Shen: Mobile Agents Based Topology Discovery Algorithms and Modelling. ISPAN 2004: 502-507
101EEHong Shen, Lichen Liang, Min Shao, Shuping Qing: Tracing Based Segmentation for the Labeling of Individual Rib Structures in Chest CT Volume Data. MICCAI (2) 2004: 967-974
100EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen, Keishi Tajima: Cache Design for Transcoding Proxy Caching. NPC 2004: 187-194
99EEChao Peng, Hong Shen: Storage-Aware Harmonic Broadcasting Protocol for Video-on-Demand. PDCAT 2004: 349-353
98EEHui Tian, Hong Shen: Lossy Link Identification for Multicast Network. PDCAT 2004: 416-419
97EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen: Dynamically Selecting Distribution Strategies for Web Documents According to Access Pattern. PDCAT 2004: 554-557
96EEWenyu Qu, Hong Shen: Analysis of Mobile Agents' Fault-Tolerant Behavior. PDCAT 2004: 582-585
95EEYingpeng Sang, Hong Shen, Pingzhi Fan: Novel Impostors Detection in Keystroke Dynamics by Support Vector Machine. PDCAT 2004: 666-669
94EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen: An Improved GreedyDual Cache Document Replacement Algorithm. Web Intelligence 2004: 457-460
93EEAndrew Chi-Sing Leung, John Sum, Hong Shen, Jie Wu, Gilbert H. Young: Analysis and Design of an Agent Searching Algorithm for e-Marketplaces. Cluster Computing 7(1): 85-90 (2004)
92 Keqiu Li, Hong Shen: Proxy placement problem for coordinated en-route transcoding proxy caching. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 19(6): (2004)
91EEJiuyong Li, Hong Shen, Rodney W. Topor: Mining Informative Rule Set for Prediction. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 22(2): 155-174 (2004)
90EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen: Optimal Methods for Object Placement in En-Route Web Caching for Tree Networks and Autonomous Systems. GCC (2) 2003: 263-270
89EEHaibin Kan, Hong Shen, Hong Zhu: The Closest Vector Problem on Some Lattices. GCC (2) 2003: 446-449
88EEGui Xie, Hong Shen: Broadcast in a MANET Based on the Beneficial Area. ISHPC 2003: 360-367
87EEKeqiu Li, Hong Shen: An Optimal Method for Coordinated En-route Web Object Caching. ISHPC 2003: 368-375
86EEHui Tian, Hong Shen: An Improved Algorithm of Multicast Topology Inference from End-to-End Measurements. ISHPC 2003: 376-384
85EEKe Deng, Hong Shen: Self-projecting Time Series Forecast - An Online Stock Trend Forecast System . ISPA 2003: 28-43
84EEGui Xie, Hong Shen: Automatic Remote-Sensing Images Registration by Matchingy Close-regions. ISPA 2003: 316-328
83EEJohn Sum, Hong Shen, Andrew Chi-Sing Leung, Gilbert H. Young: Analysis on a Mobile Agent-Based Algorithm for Network Routing and Management. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 14(3): 193-202 (2003)
82EEHong Shen, Charles V. Stewart, Badrinath Roysam, Gang Lin, Howard L. Tanenbaum: Frame-Rate Spatial Referencing Based on Invariant Indexing and Alignment with Application to Online Retinal Image Registration. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 25(3): 379-384 (2003)
81EEXiaohong Jiang, Hong Shen, Md. Mamun-ur-Rashid Khandker, Susumu Horiguchi: Blocking behaviors of crosstalk-free optical Banyan networks on vertical stacking. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 11(6): 982-993 (2003)
80EEFrancis Y. L. Chin, Hong Shen, Fu Lee Wang: Transversal of disjoint convex polygons. Inf. Process. Lett. 85(1): 55-60 (2003)
79EEHong Shen, Yijie Han, Yi Pan, David J. Evans: Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Multiselection on Mesh-Connected Computers. Int. J. Comput. Math. 80(2): 165-179 (2003)
78EEJacir Luiz Bordim, Koji Nakano, Hong Shen: Sorting on Single-Channel Wireless Sensor Networks. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 14(3): 391-403 (2003)
77EEYen-Chun Lin, Hong Shen: Foreword. The Journal of Supercomputing 24(3): 227-228 (2003)
76EEJie Li, Yi Pan, Hong Shen: More Efficient Topological Sort Using Reconfigurable Optical Buses. The Journal of Supercomputing 24(3): 251-258 (2003)
75EEJohn Sum, Hong Shen, Gilbert H. Young, Jie Wu, Chi-Sing Leung: Analysis on Extended Ant Routing Algorithms for Network Routing and Management. The Journal of Supercomputing 24(3): 327-340 (2003)
74EEXiaohong Jiang, Hong Shen, Md. Mamun-ur-Rashid Khandker, Susumu Horiguchi: Vertically Stacked Benes Networks for Crosstalk-Free Permutation. CW 2002: 255-260
73EEAaron Harwood, Hong Shen: Random Hierarchies that Facilitate Self-Organization. ISPAN 2002: 111-
72EEJacir Luiz Bordim, Koji Nakano, Hong Shen: Sorting on Single-Channel Wireless Sensor Networks. ISPAN 2002: 153-158
71EEXiaohong Jiang, Hong Shen, Md. Mamun-ur-Rashid Khandker, Susumu Horiguchi: A New Scheme to Realize Crosstalk-free Permutations in Optical MINs with Vertical Stacking. ISPAN 2002: 341-
70EEJiuyong Li, Rodney W. Topor, Hong Shen: Construct robust rule sets for classification. KDD 2002: 564-569
69EEYijie Han, Yi Pan, Hong Shen: Sublogarithmic Deterministic Selection on Arrays with a Reconfigurable Optical Bus. IEEE Trans. Computers 51(6): 702-707 (2002)
68EEShao Dong Chen, Hong Shen, Rodney W. Topor: Permutation-Based Range-Join Algorithms on N-Dimensional Meshes. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 13(4): 413-431 (2002)
67EEJiuyong Li, Hong Shen, Rodney W. Topor: Mining the optimal class association rule set. Knowl.-Based Syst. 15(7): 399-405 (2002)
66 Shao Dong Chen, Hong Shen, Rodney W. Topor: An efficient algorithm for constructing Hamiltonian paths in meshes. Parallel Computing 28(9): 1293-1305 (2002)
65EEHong Shen, Charles V. Stewart, Badrinath Roysam, Gang Lin, Howard L. Tanenbaum: Frame-Rate Spatial Referencing Based on Invariant Indexing and Alignment with Application to Laser Retinal Surgery. CVPR (1) 2001: 79-86
64EEJiuyong Li, Hong Shen, Rodney W. Topor: Mining the Smallest Association Rule Set for Predictions. ICDM 2001: 361-368
63 Aaron Harwood, Hong Shen: Flow Generation for IP/ATM Label-Switched Routing over Random Networks. IPDPS 2001: 16
62 Shao Dong Chen, Hong Shen, Rodney W. Topor: Efficient Permutation-Based Range-Join Algorithms on N-Dimensional Meshes. IPDPS 2001: 19
61EEJiuyong Li, Hong Shen, Rodney W. Topor: Mining Optimal Class Association Rule Set. PAKDD 2001: 364-375
60EEYi Pan, Si-Qing Zheng, Keqin Li, Hong Shen: An Improved Generalization of Mesh-Connected Computers with Multiple Buses. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 12(3): 293-305 (2001)
59EEWeifa Liang, Richard P. Brent, Hong Shen: Fully Dynamic Maintenance of k-Connectivity in Parallel. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 12(8): 846-864 (2001)
58 Hong Shen, Badrinath Roysam, Charles V. Stewart, James N. Turner, Howard L. Tanenbaum: Optimal scheduling of tracing computations for real-time vascular landmark extraction from retinal fundus images. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 5(1): 77-91 (2001)
57 Aaron Harwood, Hong Shen: A New Family of Extremal Interconnection Networks. Journal of Interconnection Networks 2(4): 421-444 (2001)
56 Hong Shen, Sam Lor, Piyush Maheshwari: An Architecture-Independent Graphical Tool for Automatic Contention-Free Process-to-Processor Mapping. The Journal of Supercomputing 18(2): 115-139 (2001)
55EEYi Pan, Si-Qing Zheng, Keqin Li, Hong Shen: Semigroup and Prefix Computations on Improved Generalized Mesh-Connected Computers with Multiple Buses. IPDPS 2000: 251-256
54EEAaron Harwood, Hong Shen: Batched Circuit Switched Routing for Efficient Service of Requests. ISPAN 2000: 30-35
53 Hong Shen, John Sum, Gilbert H. Young, Susumu Horiguchi: Efficient Algorithms for On-line Communication in Optical WDM Networks (Preliminary Version). PDPTA 2000
52 Hong Shen, John Sum, Gilbert H. Young, Susumu Horiguchi: Efficient Dynamic Group Membership Updating for On-Line Communication in Optical WDM Networks (Preliminary Version). PDPTA 2000
51 Hong Shen, Francis Y. L. Chin: Selection and Multiselection on Multi-Dimensional Meshes. PDPTA 2000
50EEJoseph Kee-Yin Ng, Shu Hua Xiong, Hong Shen: A multi-server video-on-demand system with arbitrary-rate playback support. Journal of Systems and Software 51(3): 217-227 (2000)
49EELi Shen, Hong Shen, Ling Cheng, Paul Pritchard: Fast Association Discovery in Derivative Transaction Collections. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 2(2): 147-160 (2000)
48EEHong Shen: Optimal Multiselection in Hypercubes. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 14(3): 203-212 (2000)
47 Sven Venema, Hong Shen, Francis Suraweera: NC Algorithms for the Single Most Vital Edge Problem with Respect to All Pairs Shortest Paths. Parallel Processing Letters 10(1): 51-58 (2000)
46EEHong Shen, Keqin Li, Si-Qing Zheng: Separators Are as Simple as Cutsets. ASIAN 1999: 347-358
45 Jiuyong Li, Hong Shen, Rodney W. Topor: An Adaptive Method of Numerical Attribute Merging for Quantitative Association Rule Mining. ICSC 1999: 41-50
44EEHong Shen: Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Selection and Multiselection on Mesh-Connected Computers. IPPS/SPDP 1999: 426-430
43EEHong Shen, Keqin Li, Yi Pan, Si-Qing Zheng: Efficient Algorithms for Fault-Tolerant Communication in Optical WDM Networks. ISPAN 1999: 119-124
42 Jiuyong Li, Hong Shen, Paul Pritchard: Mining Significant Association Rules (Short Version). PDPTA 1999: 1458-1461
41 Hong Shen: Fast Parallel Subset Statistics and Its Applications in Data Mining. PDPTA 1999: 1476-1480
40 Aaron Harwood, Hong Shen: A Treatise on Physical Information Processing. PDPTA 1999: 1530-1536
39 Jiuyong Li, Hong Shen, Paul Pritchard: Knowledge Network Based Association Discovery (Preliminary Version). PDPTA 1999: 1558-1563
38EEAaron Harwood, Hong Shen: A Method of Trading Diameter for Reduced Degree to Construct Low Cost Interconnection Networks. SAC 1999: 474-480
37EEHong Shen: Finding the k Most Vital Edges with Respect to Minimum Spanning Tree. Acta Inf. 36(5): 405-424 (1999)
36EEHong Shen, Francis Y. L. Chin, Yi Pan: Efficient Fault-Tolerant Routing in Multihop Optical WDM Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 10(10): 1012-1025 (1999)
35 Ali Can, Hong Shen, James N. Turner, Howard L. Tanenbaum, Badrinath Roysam: Rapid automated tracing and feature extraction from retinal fundus images using direct exploratory algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 3(2): 125-138 (1999)
34 Li Shen, Hong Shen, Ling Cheng: New Algorithms for Efficient Mining of Association Rules. Inf. Sci. 118(1-4): 251-268 (1999)
33 Hong Shen, Weifa Liang, Joseph Kee-Yin Ng: Efficient Computation Of Frequent Itemsets In A Subcollection Of Multiple Set Families. Informatica (Slovenia) 23(4): (1999)
32EELi Shen, Hong Shen: Mining Flexible Multiple-Level Association Rules in All Concept Hierarchies (Extended Abstract). DEXA 1998: 786-795
31EEWeifa Liang, Hong Shen: Multicasting and Broadcasting in Large WDM Networks. IPPS/SPDP 1998: 365-369
30 Sven Venema, Hong Shen, Francis Suraweera: NC Algorithms for the Single Most Vital Edge Problem with Respect to All Pairs Shortest Paths. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 464-471
29 Hong Shen, Keqin Li, Yi Pan, Gilbert H. Young, Shiqing Zhang: Performing Analysis for Dynamic Tree Embedding in k-Partite Networks by a Random Walk. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 50(1/2): 144-156 (1998)
28 Keqin Li, Yi Pan, Hong Shen, Gilbert H. Young, Si-Qing Zheng: Lower Bounds for Dynamic Tree Embedding in Bipartite Networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 53(2): 119-143 (1998)
27 Piyush Maheshwari, Hong Shen: An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Partitioning Parallel Programs. Parallel Computing 24(5-6): 893-909 (1998)
26EEHong Shen: Fast Parallel Algorithm for Finding the kth Longest Path in A Tree*. APDC 1997: 164-169
25EEHong Shen: Efficient parallel multiselection on hypercubes. ISPAN 1997: 338-343
24EEHong Shen, Keqin Li, Yi Pan, Gilbert H. Young, Si-Qing Zheng: Performance analysis for dynamic tree embedding in k-partite networks by random walk. ISPAN 1997: 451-457
23 Si-Qing Zheng, Keqin Li, Yi Pan, Hong Shen, Gilbert H. Young: A Partitionability of Interconnection Networks. PDPTA 1997: 1349-1355
22 Keqin Li, Yi Pan, Hong Shen, Si-Qing Zheng: A Study of Average-Case Speedup and Scalability of Parallel Computations on Static Networks. PDPTA 1997: 1362-
21 Hong Shen: Improved Parallel Algorithms for Finding the Most Vital Edge of A Graph with Respect to Minimum Spanning Tree. PDPTA 1997: 1705-1710
20 Hong Shen: Improved Parallel Algorithms for Finding the Most Vital Edge of A Graph with Respect to Minimum Spanning Tree. PDPTA 1997: 795-800
19 Sarnath Ramnath, Hong Shen: A Centroid Labeling Technique and its Application to Path Selection in Trees (Extended Abstract). WADS 1997: 368-377
18EEHong Shen, David J. Evans, Jia Jane You: Fault-tolerant Multicast with Traffic-balancing in Hypercubes *. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 11(3-4): 287-298 (1997)
17 Hong Shen: Optimal Parallel Multiselection on EREW PRAM. Parallel Computing 23(13): 1987-1992 (1997)
16EEHong Shen, Weifa Liang: Efficient Enumeration of all Minimal Separators in a Graph. Theor. Comput. Sci. 180(1-2): 169-180 (1997)
15EEHong Shen: Optimal Algorithms for Generalized Searching in Sorted Matrices. Theor. Comput. Sci. 188(1-2): 221-230 (1997)
14EEHong Shen: Fault-tolerant multicast with traffic-balancing in hypercubes. ISPAN 1996: 415-421
13EEWeifa Liang, Brendan D. McKay, Hong Shen: NC Algorithms for Dynamically Solving the all Pairs Shortest Paths Problem and Related Problems. Inf. Process. Lett. 58(3): 149-155 (1996)
12EEHong Shen, Sarnath Ramnath: Optimal Parallel Selection in Sorted Matrices. Inf. Process. Lett. 59(3): 117-122 (1996)
11EESven Venema, Hong Shen, Francis Suraweera: NC Algorithms for the Single Most Vital Edge Problem with Respect to Shortest Path. Inf. Process. Lett. 60(5): 243-248 (1996)
10EEHong Shen, David J. Evans: A New Method for Generating Integer Compositions in Parallel. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 9(1-2): 101-109 (1996)
9 Shao Dong Chen, Hong Shen, Rodney W. Topor: Efficient Parallel Permutation-Based Range-Join Algorithms on Mesh-Connected Computers. ASIAN 1995: 225-238
8 Cyril U. Orji, Hong Shen, Anestis A. Toptsis: The Redundant PB-tree. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 344-351
7 Hong Shen: Efficient Parallel k-Set Chain Range-Join in Hypercubes. Comput. J. 38(3): 217-226 (1995)
6 Hong Shen: An Efficient Permutation-Based Parallel Algorithm for Range-Join in Hypercubes. Parallel Computing 21(2): 303-313 (1995)
5 Hong Shen: Efficient Message Routing in Psigamtau-network. Applications in Parallel and Distributed Computing 1994: 309-318
4 Shao Dong Chen, Hong Shen, Rodney W. Topor: An Efficient Permutation-Based Parallel Range-Join Algorithm on N-Dimensional Torus Computers. Inf. Process. Lett. 52(1): 35-38 (1994)
3 Hong Shen: A High Performance Interconnection Network for Multiprocessor Systems. Parallel Computing 19(9): 993-1001 (1993)
2 Hong Shen: Improved universal k-selection in hypercubes. Parallel Computing 18(2): 177-184 (1992)
1 Torben Hagerup, Hong Shen: Improved Nonconservative Sequential and Parallel Integer Sorting. Inf. Process. Lett. 36(2): 57-63 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Bradley Alexander [207]
2Jacir Luiz Bordim [72] [78]
3Richard P. Brent [59]
4Lin X. Cai (Lin Cai) [182]
5Wentong Cai [120]
6Ali Can [35]
7Wun-Tat Chan (Joseph Wun-Tat Chan) [171] [177]
8Shao Dong Chen [4] [9] [62] [66] [68]
9Yawen Chen [148] [154] [174] [188] [195] [205] [208]
10Ling Cheng [34] [49]
11Zhongxian Chi [140] [141]
12Francis Y. L. Chin [36] [51] [80] [122] [123] [135] [155] [157] [161] [171] [177] [200]
13Paul D. Coddington [207]
14Xavier Défago [144] [146]
15Ke Deng [85]
16Henry Detmold [207]
17Huichuan Duan [152]
18David J. Evans [10] [18] [79]
19Katrina E. Falkner [207]
20Pingzhi Fan (Pingzhi Z. Fan) [95] [120]
21Stanley P. Y. Fung [123]
22Qing Gong [137] [151]
23Huaxi Gu [143]
24Ashwin Gumaste [194]
25Torben Hagerup [1]
26Yijie Han [69] [79]
27Aaron Harwood [38] [40] [54] [57] [63] [73]
28Pin-Han Ho [180] [191]
29Susumu Horiguchi [52] [53] [71] [74] [81] [120] [180]
30Liusheng Huang [142] [147] [175]
31Yasushi Inoguchi [106] [187]
32Cruz Izu [207]
33Xiaohong Jiang [71] [74] [81] [180]
34Yingwei Jin [139] [140] [141] [162] [164] [201]
35Haibin Kan [89] [127] [128] [129] [130] [131] [150] [165] [181] [183]
36Guochang Kang [143]
37Md. Mamun-ur-Rashid Khandker [71] [74] [81]
38Masaru Kitsuregawa [189] [201]
39Andrew Chi-Sing Leung (Chi-Sing Leung) [75] [83] [93]
40Fei Li [108]
41Jie Li [76]
42Jiuyong Li [39] [42] [45] [61] [64] [67] [70] [91]
43Keqin Li [22] [23] [24] [28] [29] [43] [46] [55] [60]
44Keqiu Li [87] [90] [92] [94] [97] [100] [104] [107] [115] [117] [118] [121] [124] [126] [135] [136] [138] [139] [140] [141] [157] [161] [166] [167] [175] [189] [200]
45Xuefei Li [181]
46Lichen Liang [101]
47Weifa Liang [13] [16] [31] [33] [59]
48Kim-Meow Liew [120]
49Gang Lin [65] [82]
50Xiaodong Lin [191]
51Yen-Chun Lin [77]
52Fangai Liu [174]
53Zengji Liu [143]
54Sam Lor [56]
55Yonglong Luo [142] [147]
56Piyush Maheshwari [27] [56]
57Teruo Matsuzawa [149] [153] [176]
58Brendan D. McKay [13]
59David S. Munro [207]
60Koji Nakano [72] [78]
61Takashi Nanya [138] [139]
62Joseph Kee-Yin Ng [33] [50]
63Cyril U. Orji [8]
64Yi Pan [22] [23] [24] [28] [29] [36] [43] [55] [60] [69] [76] [79]
65Chao Peng [99] [114] [163] [190] [193] [199]
66Zhigang Peng [170]
67Paul Pritchard [39] [42] [49]
68Shuping Qing [101]
69Wenyu Qu [96] [105] [111] [112] [113] [125] [134] [138] [139] [146] [162] [164] [167] [189] [196] [201]
70Sarnath Ramnath [12] [19]
71Matthew Roughan [209]
72Badrinath Roysam [35] [58] [65] [82]
73Yingpeng Sang [95] [144] [145] [172] [187] [192] [202] [212]
74Anoop Sarkar [169]
75Simon See [120]
76Min Shao [101]
77Li Shen [32] [34] [49]
78Xuemin Shen (Sherman X. Shen) [182]
79Quan Z. Sheng (Michael Sheng) [207]
80Yonggang Shi [170]
81Charles V. Stewart [58] [65] [82]
82John Sum (Pui-Fai Sum, J. P. F. Sum) [52] [53] [75] [83] [93] [111] [125] [134]
83Francis Suraweera [11] [30] [47]
84Keishi Tajima [100] [136] [175]
85Yasuo Tan [187] [192] [204]
86Howard L. Tanenbaum [35] [58] [65] [82]
87Hui Tian [86] [98] [102] [103] [149] [153] [159] [173] [176] [178] [184] [185] [209]
88Rodney W. Topor [4] [9] [45] [61] [62] [64] [66] [67] [68] [70] [91]
89Anestis A. Toptsis [8]
90James N. Turner [35] [58]
91Sven Venema [11] [30] [47]
92Fu Lee Wang [80]
93Xin Wang [108]
94Prudence W. H. Wong [171] [177]
95Di Wu [138] [166] [167]
96Jie Wu [75] [93]
97Mingjun Xiao [147]
98Gui Xie [84] [88] [109] [110] [132] [160] [179]
99Naixue Xiong [187] [192] [193]
100Shu Hua Xiong [50]
101Shihong Xu [186] [203] [213]
102Xiangyang Xue [108]
103Xiao-Long Yan [210]
104Laurence Tianruo Yang [193]
105Jane You (Jia Jane You) [18]
106Gilbert H. Young [23] [24] [28] [29] [52] [53] [75] [83] [93]
107Haibo Zhang [152] [165] [185] [188] [195] [197] [204] [206] [208]
108Qiangfeng Zhang [122] [155]
109Shile Zhang [108]
110Shiqing Zhang [29]
111Weishi Zhang [200]
112Yong Zhang [171] [177]
113Yuanyuan Zhang [106]
114Zonghua Zhang [116] [119] [133] [144] [145] [156] [158] [168] [191] [198] [208]
115Si-Qing Zheng (S. Q. Zheng) [22] [23] [24] [28] [43] [46] [55] [60] [135] [194] [207]
116Hong Zhong [142]
117Hong Zhu [89] [171] [177]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)