Volume 39,
Number 1,
Volume 39,
Number 2,
Volume 39,
Number 3,
Volume 39,
Number 4,
Volume 39,
Number 5,
Volume 39,
Number 6,
- John A. Mariani, Tom Rodden:
Cooperative Information Sharing: Developing a Shared Object Service.
455-470 BibTeX
- David B. Skillicorn:
Using Distributed Hypermedia for Collaborative Learning in Universities.
471-482 BibTeX
- Jonathan M. Nash, Peter M. Dew, Martin E. Dyer:
A Scalable Shared Queue on a Distributed Memory Machine.
483-495 BibTeX
- Oliver E. Theel, Brett D. Fleisch:
The Boundary-Restricted Coherence Protocol for Scalable and Highly Available Distributed Shared Memory Systems.
496-510 BibTeX
- Chung-Ming Huang, Ye-In Chang, Duen-Tay Huang:
Reverse Protocol Verification: Concept, Algorithm and Application.
511-524 BibTeX
- Yen-Min Huang, Chinya V. Ravishankar:
URPC: A Toolkit for Prototyping Remote Procedure Calls.
525-540 BibTeX
- Panayiotis Bozanis, Nectarios Kitsios, Christos Makris, Athanasios K. Tsakalidis:
Red-Blue Intersection Reporting for Objects of Non-Constant Size.
541-546 BibTeX
- Bohdan S. Majewski, Nicholas C. Wormald, George Havas, Zbigniew J. Czech:
A Family of Perfect Hashing Methods.
547-554 BibTeX
Volume 39,
Number 7,
- Jon Agar:
The Provision of Digital Computers to British Universities up to the Flowers Report (1966).
630-642 BibTeX
Volume 39,
Number 8,
Volume 39,
Number 9,
- Peter M. Fenwick:
The Burrows-Wheeler Transform for Block Sorting Text Compression: Principles and Improvements.
731-740 BibTeX
- Kristina L. Verco, Michael J. Wise:
Plagiarism à la Mode: A Comparison of Automated Systems for Detecting Suspected Plagiarism.
741-750 BibTeX
- Mahes Visvalingam, Dominic A. Varley, Chris Wright:
A Cognitive Approach to Road Recognition with Novel Feature Indicators.
751-756 BibTeX
- Ing-Ray Chen, Chi-Ming Chen:
Threshold-Based Admission Control Policies for Multimedia Servers.
757-766 BibTeX
- Ing-Ray Chen, Ding-Chau Wang:
Analysis of Replicated Data with Repair Dependency.
767-779 BibTeX
- Jordi Tubella, Antonio González, E. Elias:
The Multipath Architecture for Prolog Programs.
780-792 BibTeX
- Patrick van Bommel, Paul J. M. Frederiks, Theo P. van der Weide:
Object-Oriented Modelling Based on Logbooks.
793-799 BibTeX
- Jixin Ma, Brian Knight:
A Reified Temporal Logic.
800-807 BibTeX
- Graham M. Seed, Doug E. R. Clark, Jonathan R. Corney, R. Tuttle, Gordon Little:
Object-Oriented Graph-Based Geometric Feature Recognition.
808-811 BibTeX
Volume 39,
Number 10,
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:52:44 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)