
Joon Ho Cho

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14EEYoung Geon Yoo, Joon Ho Cho: Asymptotic Analysis of CP-SC-FDE and UW-SC-FDE in Additive Cyclostationary Noise. ICC 2008: 1410-1414
13EEYoung Yun Kang, Sang Hyun Mo, Joon Ho Cho: Joint ML Estimation of Channel and RF Chain Responses with Noisy Side Information. WCNC 2008: 215-220
12EEJoon Ho Cho, Qu Zhang, Lixin Gao: A comparison of frequency-division systems to code-division systems in overloaded channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(2): 289-298 (2008)
11EEJoon Ho Cho: Multiuser Constrained Water-Pouring for Continuous-Time Overloaded Gaussian Multiple-Access Channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(4): 1437-1459 (2008)
10EEYeo Hun Yun, Joon Ho Cho: A Design of Optimal Overlay System Inducing Zero Interference to Legacy Systems. GLOBECOM 2007: 1462-1466
9EEJoon Ho Cho: Joint Transmitter and Receiver Optimization for Continuous-Time Overloaded Gaussian Multiple-Access Channels. ICC 2007: 845-850
8EEYeon Kyoon Jeong, Joon Ho Cho, James S. Lehnert: An asymptotic analysis of band-limited DS/SSMA communication systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(2): 759-766 (2006)
7EEJoon Ho Cho, Yeon Kyoon Jeong, James S. Lehnert: Linear suppression of wideband data-like interference in DS/SS communications. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(5): 973-983 (2005)
6EEYeon Kyoon Jeong, Joon Ho Cho, James S. Lehnert: Performance bounds on chip-matched-filter receivers for bandlimited DS/SSMA communications. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(1): 131-141 (2005)
5EEJoon Ho Cho, Wen Gao: Continuous-Time Equivalents of Welch Bound Equality Sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(9): 3176-3185 (2005)
4EEManish Agarwal, Lixin Gao, Joon Ho Cho, Jie Wu: Energy Efficient Broadcast in Wireless Ad hoc Networks with Hitch-hiking. MONET 10(6): 897-910 (2005)
3EEManish Agarwal, Joon Ho Cho, Lixin Gao, Jie Wu: Energy Efficient Broadcast in Wireless Ad hoc Networks with Hitch-hiking. INFOCOM 2004
2EEJoon Ho Cho: Joint transmitter and receiver optimization in additive cyclostationary noise. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(12): 3396-3405 (2004)
1 Joon Ho Cho, James S. Lehnert: An optimal signal design for band-limited asynchronous DS-CDMA Communications. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(5): 1172-1185 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Manish Agarwal [3] [4]
2Lixin Gao [3] [4] [12]
3Wen Gao [5]
4Yeon Kyoon Jeong [6] [7] [8]
5Young Yun Kang [13]
6James S. Lehnert [1] [6] [7] [8]
7Sang Hyun Mo [13]
8Jie Wu [3] [4]
9Young Geon Yoo [14]
10Yeo Hun Yun [10]
11Qu Zhang [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)