24. ICPP 1995:
USA - Volume 3
Kyle Gallivan (Ed.):
Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Parallel Processing,
August 14-18,
USA. Volume III:
Algorithms & Applications. CRC Press,
ISBN 0-8493-2617-6
Imaging Applications
- Hoi Man Yip, Sai Chung Yeung, Ishfaq Ahmad, Ting-Chuen Pong:
Building Surfaces from Three-Dimensional Image Data on the Intel Paragon.
1-8 BibTeX
- Tong-Yee Lee, C. S. Raghavendra, John B. Nicholas:
AN Efficient Sort-Last Polygon Rendering Scheme on 2-D Mesh Parallel Computers.
9-16 BibTeX
- Venkatavasu Bokka, Himabindu Gurla, Stephan Olariu, James L. Schwing:
Antipodality-Based Time-Optimal Computation on Meshes with Multiple Broadcasting.
17-20 BibTeX
- Min Tan, Janet M. Siegel, Howard Jay Siegel:
Parallel Implementations of Block-Based Motion Vector Estimation for Video Compression on the MasPar MP-1 and PASM.
21-24 BibTeX
Irregular Algorithms
Numerical Applications
Control Applications
- Harald H. Richter, R. Cole, M. Fitzek, K. Lüddecke, G. Neu, Gerhard Raupp, W. Woyke, D. Zasche, T. Zehetbauer:
The Distributed Real-Time Control System of a Tokamak Fusion Device.
76-84 BibTeX
- Chang-Yu Wang, Albert Mo Kim Cheng:
Increasing Production System Parallelism via Synchronization Minimazation and Check-Ahead Conflict Resolution.
85-92 BibTeX
- Donald O. Hamnes, Anand Tripathi:
Feedback Based Adaptive Risk Control Protocols in Parallel Discrete Event Simulation.
93-96 BibTeX
Graph Algorithms
Algorithms on Networks-I
Nonnumerical Algorithms
- Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Sartaj Sahni:
Sorting and Selection on Distributed Memory Bus Computers.
151-154 BibTeX
- Antonio Fernández, Nancy Eleser, Kemal Efe:
Generalized Algorithm for Parallel Sorting on Product Networks.
155-159 BibTeX
- Keok-Kee Lee, Peter J. Varman:
Prefetching and I/O Parallelism in Multiple Disk Systems.
160-163 BibTeX
- Sajal K. Das, Falguni Sarkar, Maria Cristina Pinotti:
Conflict-Free Path Access of Trees in Parallel Memory Systems with Application to Distributed Heap Implementation.
164-167 BibTeX
- Darrell R. Ulm, Johnnie W. Baker:
Solving a Two-Dimensional Knapsack Problem on a Mesh with Multiple Buses.
168-171 BibTeX
- Venkatavasu Bokka, Himabindu Gurla, Stephan Olariu, James L. Schwing, Larry Wilson:
A Framework for Solving Geometric Problems on Enhanced Meshes.
172-175 BibTeX
Algorithms on Networks - II
Partitioning and Scheduling
- Evgenia Smirni, Emilia Rosti, Giuseppe Serazzi, Lawrence W. Dowdy, Kenneth C. Sevcik:
Performance Gains from Leaving Idle Processors in Multiprocessor Systems.
203-210 BibTeX
- Michael E. Wazlowski, Aaron Smith, Ricardo Citro, Harvey F. Silverman:
Performing Log-Scale Addition on a Distributed Memory MIMD Multicomputer with Reconfigurable Computing Capabilities.
211-214 BibTeX
- Laxmi N. Bhuyan, Sumon Shahed, Yeimkuan Chang:
Partitioning an Arbitrary Multicomputer Architecture.
215-219 BibTeX
- Hyuk-Jae Lee, José A. B. Fortes:
Conditions of Blocked BLAS-like Algorithms for Data Alignment and Communication Minimization.
220-223 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:21:02 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)