8. MobiHoc 2007:
Evangelos Kranakis, Elizabeth M. Belding, Eytan Modiano (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 8th ACM Interational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, MobiHoc 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, September 9-14, 2007.
ACM 2007, ISBN 978-1-59593-684-4 BibTeX
Link layer design and scheduling
Delay tolerant networks
Sensor network security
- Ronghua Wang, Wenliang Du, Peng Ning:
Containing denial-of-service attacks in broadcast authentication in sensor networks.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Mauro Conti, Roberto Di Pietro, Luigi V. Mancini, Alessandro Mei:
A randomized, efficient, and distributed protocol for the detection of node replication attacks in wireless sensor networks.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Wensheng Zhang, Minh Tran, Sencun Zhu, Guohong Cao:
A random perturbation-based scheme for pairwise key establishment in sensor networks.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
Cross-layer design and analysis
- Olga Goussevskaia, Yvonne Anne Oswald, Roger Wattenhofer:
Complexity in geometric SINR.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Deepti Chafekar, V. S. Anil Kumar, Madhav V. Marathe, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Aravind Srinivasan:
Cross-layer latency minimization in wireless networks with SINR constraints.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Bechir Hamdaoui, Kang G. Shin:
Characterization and analysis of multi-hop wireless MIMO network throughput.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Yuan Yuan, Paramvir Bahl, Ranveer Chandra, Thomas Moscibroda, Yunnan Wu:
Allocating dynamic time-spectrum blocks in cognitive radio networks.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
Routing algorithms
- Liane Lewin-Eytan, Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda:
Maximum-lifetime routing: system optimization & game-theoretic perspectives.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Lucian Popa, Afshin Rostamizadeh, Richard M. Karp, Christos H. Papadimitriou, Ion Stoica:
Balancing traffic load in wireless networks with curveball routing.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Yufang Xi, Edmund M. Yeh:
Distributed algorithms for spectrum allocation, power control, routing, and congestion control in wireless networks.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Song Guo, Oliver W. W. Yang, Victor C. M. Leung:
Approximation algorithms for longest-lived directional multicast communications in WANETs.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
Sensor networks
Wireless network capacity
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:30:32 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)