Volume 41,
Number 1,
Volume 41,
Number 2,
Volume 41,
Number 3,
- Roberto De Prisco, Alfredo De Santis:
On the Data Expansion of the Huffman Compression Algorithm.
137-144 BibTeX
- Antonino Mazzeo, Nicola Mazzocca, Stefano Russo, Carlo Savy, Valeria Vittorini:
Formal Specification of Concurrent Systems: A Structured Approach.
145-162 BibTeX
- Anton Biasizzo, Alenka Zuzek, Franc Novak:
Sequential Diagnosis with Asymmetrical Tests.
163-170 BibTeX
- Leqiang Bai, Hiroyuki Ebara, Hideo Nakando, Hajime Maeda:
Fault-Tolerant Broadcasting on the Arrangement Graph.
171-184 BibTeX
- Jamel Tayeb, Özgür Ulusoy, Ouri Wolfson:
A Quadtree-Based Dynamic Attribute Indexing Method.
185-200 BibTeX
- Alois Panholzer, Helmut Prodinger:
Towards a More Precise Analysis of an Algorithm to Generate Binary Trees: A Tutorial.
201-204 BibTeX
Volume 41,
Number 4,
Volume 41,
Number 5,
- W. Paul Cockshott, Douglas R. McGregor, John Wilson:
High-Performance Operations Using a Compressed Database Architecture.
283-296 BibTeX
- Maarten van Steen, Franz J. Hauck, Gerco Ballintijn, Andrew S. Tanenbaum:
Algorithmic Design of the Globe Wide-Area Location Service.
297-310 BibTeX
- Theo P. van der Weide, T. W. C. Huibers, Patrick van Bommel:
The Incremental Searcher Satisfaction Model for Information Retrieval.
311-318 BibTeX
- Stuart G. Hoggar, Lindsey Menzies:
Fractal Compression and the Jigsaw Property I.
319-336 BibTeX
- Roberto Baldoni, Roberto Beraldi, Ravi Prakash:
Slotted-FIFO Communcation for Asynchronous Distributed Systems.
337-349 BibTeX
- Robert M. Hierons:
Adaptive Testing of a Deterministic Implementation Against a Nondeterministic Finite State Machine.
349-355 BibTeX
Volume 41,
Number 6,
Volume 41,
Number 7,
- R. Benjamin, B. Gladman, Brian Randell:
Protecting IT Systems from Cyber Crime.
429-443 BibTeX
- Harold W. Thimbleby, Stuart Anderson, Paul A. Cairns:
A Framework for Modelling Trojans and Computer Virus Infection.
444-458 BibTeX
- Luc Moreau, Wendy Hall:
On the Expressiveness of Links in Hypertext Systems.
459-473 BibTeX
- Pasi Fränti, Timo Hatakka:
Context Model Automata for Text Compression.
474-485 BibTeX
- Stuart E. Mitchell, Andy J. Wellings, Alexander B. Romanovsky:
Distributed Atomic Actions in Ada 95.
486-502 BibTeX
- Andrea Sanna, Paolo Montuschi, Massimo Rossi:
A Flexible Algorithm for Multiprocessor Ray Tracing.
503-516 BibTeX
Volume 41,
Number 8,
Special Issue on Clustering and Classification
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:52:44 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)