2008 |
50 | | Beverly Park Woolf,
Esma Aïmeur,
Roger Nkambou,
Susanne P. Lajoie:
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 9th International Conference, ITS 2008, Montreal, Canada, June 23-27, 2008, Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
49 | EE | Toby Dragon,
Ivon Arroyo,
Beverly Park Woolf,
Winslow Burleson,
Rana El Kaliouby,
Hoda Eydgahi:
Viewing Student Affect and Learning through Classroom Observation and Physical Sensors.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 29-39 |
2007 |
48 | | Ivon Arroyo,
Kimberly Ferguson,
Jeffrey Johns,
Toby Dragon,
Hasmik Meheranian,
Don Fisher,
Andrew G. Barto,
Sridhar Mahadevan,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Repairing Disengagement With Non-Invasive Interventions.
AIED 2007: 195-202 |
2006 |
47 | | Jeffrey Johns,
Beverly Park Woolf:
A Dynamic Mixture Model to Detect Student Motivation and Proficiency.
AAAI 2006 |
46 | EE | Toby Dragon,
Beverly Park Woolf,
David Marshall,
Tom Murray:
Coaching Within a Domain Independent Inquiry Environment.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006: 144-153 |
45 | EE | Kimberly Ferguson,
Ivon Arroyo,
Sridhar Mahadevan,
Beverly Park Woolf,
Andrew G. Barto:
Improving Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Using Expectation Maximization to Learn Student Skill Levels.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006: 453-462 |
44 | EE | Jeffrey Johns,
Sridhar Mahadevan,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Estimating Student Proficiency Using an Item Response Theory Model.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006: 473-480 |
2005 |
43 | | Ivon Arroyo,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Inferring learning and attitudes from a Bayesian Network of log file data.
AIED 2005: 33-40 |
42 | | Tom Murray,
Kenneth Rath,
Beverly Park Woolf,
David Marshall,
Merle Bruno,
Toby Dragon,
Kevin Kohler,
Matthew Mattingly:
Evaluating Inquiry Learning Through Recognition-Based Tasks.
AIED 2005: 515-522 |
41 | | Beverly Park Woolf,
Tom Murray,
David Marshall,
Toby Dragon,
Kevin Kohler,
Matthew Mattingly,
Merle Bruno,
Dan Murray,
Jim Sammons:
Critical Thinking Environments for Science Education.
AIED 2005: 702-709 |
40 | | Beverly Park Woolf:
Building Intelligent Learning Environments: Bridging Research and Practice.
AIED 2005: 993 |
39 | EE | Roger Nkambou,
Guy Gouardères,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Toward Learning Grid Infrastructures: An Overview of Research on Grid Learning Services.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 19(9-10): 811-824 (2005) |
38 | EE | Beverly Park Woolf,
Chris Eliot:
Customizing the Instructional Grid.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 19(9-10): 825-844 (2005) |
2004 |
37 | EE | Tom Murray,
Beverly Park Woolf,
David Marshall:
Lessons Learned from Authoring for Inquiry Learning: A Tale of Authoring Tool Evolution.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 197-206 |
36 | EE | Ivon Arroyo,
Carole R. Beal,
Tom Murray,
Rena Walles,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Web-Based Intelligent Multimedia Tutoring for High Stakes Achievement Tests.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 468-477 |
35 | EE | Ivon Arroyo,
Tom Murray,
Beverly Park Woolf,
Carole R. Beal:
Inferring Unobservable Learning Variables from Students' Help Seeking Behavior.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 782-784 |
34 | EE | Neil T. Heffernan,
Peter M. Wiemer-Hastings,
Gregory Aist,
Vincent Aleven,
Ivon Arroyo,
Paul Brna,
Mark G. Core,
Martha W. Evens,
Reva Freedman,
Michael Glass,
Arthur C. Graesser,
Kenneth R. Koedinger,
Pamela W. Jordan,
Diane J. Litman,
Evelyn Lulis,
Helen Pain,
Carolyn Penstein Rosé,
Beverly Park Woolf,
Claus Zinn:
Workshop on Dialog-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems: State of the Art and New Research Directions.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 914 |
2003 |
33 | EE | Peter Cassin,
Chris Eliot,
Victor R. Lesser,
Kyle Rawlins,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Ontology Extraction for Educational Knowledge Bases.
AMKM 2003: 297-309 |
32 | EE | Beverly Park Woolf:
Reasoning about Teaching and Learning.
CAEPIA 2003: 1-15 |
2002 |
31 | EE | Beverly Park Woolf,
John Reid,
Neil Stillings,
Merle Bruno,
Dan Murray,
Paula Reese,
Alan Peterfreund,
Kenneth Rath:
A General Platform for Inquiry Learning.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 681-697 |
2001 |
30 | EE | Joseph E. Beck,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Using Rollouts to Induce a Policy from a User Model.
User Modeling 2001: 210-212 |
29 | EE | Ivon Arroyo,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Improving Student Models by Reasoning about Cognitive Ability, Emotions and Gender.
User Modeling 2001: 265-267 |
2000 |
28 | | Joseph Beck,
Beverly Park Woolf,
Carole R. Beal:
ADVISOR: A Machine Learning Architecture for Intelligent Tutor Construction.
AAAI/IAAI 2000: 552-557 |
27 | EE | Mia Stern,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Adaptive Content in an Online Lecture System.
AH 2000: 227-238 |
26 | | Joseph E. Beck,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Reasoning from Data Rather than Theory.
FLAIRS Conference 2000: 34-39 |
25 | EE | Ivon Arroyo,
Joseph Beck,
Beverly Park Woolf,
Carole R. Beal,
Klaus Schultz:
Macroadapting Animalwatch to Gender and Cognitive Differnces with Respect to Hint Interactivity and Symbolism.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 574-583 |
24 | EE | Joseph Beck,
Beverly Park Woolf:
High-Level Student Modeling with Machine Learning.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 584-593 |
1998 |
23 | EE | Mia Stern,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Curriculum Sequencing in a Web-Based Tutor.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 574-583 |
22 | EE | Joseph E. Beck,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Using a Learning Agent with a Student Model.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 6-15 |
21 | EE | Beverly Park Woolf,
Mia Stern:
Workshop I - Intelligent Tutoring Systems on the Web.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 621 |
1996 |
20 | | Christopher Rhodes Eliot III,
Beverly Park Woolf:
A Simulation-Based Tutor that Reasons about Multiple Agents.
AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 409-415 |
19 | | Christopher Rhodes Eliot III,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Iterative Development and Validation of a Simulation-Based Medical Tutor.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1996: 540-549 |
18 | | Mia Stern,
Joseph Beck,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Adaptation of Problem Presentation and Feedback in an Intelligent Mathematics Tutor.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1996: 605-613 |
17 | | Beverly Park Woolf:
Intelligent Multimedia Tutoring Systems.
Commun. ACM 39(4): 30-31 (1996) |
1995 |
16 | | Beverly Park Woolf,
Wendy Hall:
Multimedia Pedagogues: Interactive Systems for teaching and Learning.
IEEE Computer 28(5): 74-80 (1995) |
15 | | Chris Eliot,
Beverly Park Woolf:
An Adaptive Student Centered Curriculum for an Intelligent Training System.
User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 5(1): 67-86 (1995) |
1992 |
14 | | Thomas J. Murray,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Results of Encoding Knowledge with Tutor Construction Tools.
AAAI 1992: 17-23 |
13 | | Daniel D. Suthers,
Beverly Park Woolf,
Matthew Cornell:
Steps from Explanation Planning to Model Construction Dialogues.
AAAI 1992: 24-30 |
12 | | Beverly Park Woolf:
Building Knowledge-Based Tutors.
ICCAL 1992: 46-60 |
11 | | Tom Murray,
Beverly Park Woolf:
Tools for Teacher Participation in ITS Design.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1992: 593-600 |
1991 |
10 | | Matthew Cornell,
Beverly Park Woolf,
Daniel D. Suthers:
Using ``Live Information'' in a Multimedia Framework.
AAAI Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Interfaces 1991: 307-327 |
9 | | Beverly Park Woolf,
Elliot Soloway,
William J. Clancey,
Kurt VanLehn,
Daniel D. Suthers:
Knowledge-Based Environments for Teaching and Learning - Workshop Report.
AI Magazine 11(5): 74-77 (1991) |
8 | | Tom Murray,
Beverly Park Woolf:
A Knowledge Acquisition Tool for Intelligent Computer Tutors.
SIGART Bulletin 2(2): 9-21 (1991) |
1987 |
7 | | Beverly Park Woolf,
Pat Cunningham:
Building a Community Memory for Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
AAAI 1987: 82-89 |
6 | | Beverly Park Woolf,
Thomas J. Murray:
A Framework for Representing Tutorial Discourse.
IJCAI 1987: 189-193 |
5 | | Beverly Park Woolf:
Representing complex knowledge in an intelligent machine tutor.
Computational Intelligence 3: 45-55 (1987) |
4 | | Beverly Park Woolf,
Pat Cunningham:
Multiple Knowledge Sources in Intelligent Teaching Systems.
IEEE Expert 2(2): 41-54 (1987) |
1986 |
3 | | Beverly Park Woolf,
Darrell Blegen,
Johan Jansen,
Arie Verloop:
Teaching a Complex Industrial Process.
AAAI 1986: 722-729 |
1984 |
2 | | Beverly Park Woolf,
David D. McDonald:
Context-Dependent Transitions in Tutoring Discourse.
AAAI 1984: 355-361 |
1 | | Beverly Park Woolf,
David D. McDonald:
Building a Computer Tutor: Design Issues.
IEEE Computer 17(9): 61-73 (1984) |