Volume 28,
Number 1,
January 1995
Binary Critic
Industry Trends
Feature Articles
Computing Practices
Special Report
Software Challenges
Hot Topics
Computer Law
- Irah H. Donner:
Is the Patent Office Correctly Examining Computer-Related Patent Applications? Part 2.
93-94 BibTeX
Open Channel
Volume 28,
Number 2,
February 1995
Binary Critic
Industry Trends
Feature Articles
- Apostolos Dollas, Nick Kanopoulos:
Reducing the Time to Market Through Rapid Prototyping - Guest Editors' Introduction.
14-15 BibTeX
- Peter M. Athanas, A. Lynn Abbott:
Real-Time Image Processing on a Custom Computing Platform.
16-24 BibTeX
- Luiz André Barroso, Sasan Iman, Jaeheon Jeong, Koray Öner, Michel Dubois:
RPM: A Rapid Prototyping Engine for Multiprocessor Systems.
26-34 BibTeX
- Rudy Lauwereins, Marc Engels, Marleen Adé, J. A. Peperstraete:
Grape-II: A System-Level Prototyping Environment for DSP Applications.
35-43 BibTeX
- Tarek Ben Ismail, Ahmed Amine Jerraya:
Synthesis Steps and Design Models for Codesign.
44-52 BibTeX
- Reid A. Baldwin, Moon-Jung Chung:
A Formal Approach to Managing Design Processes.
54-63 BibTeX
Computing Practices
Software Challenges
Hot Topics
Computer Law
Open Channel
Volume 28,
Number 3,
March 1995
Binary Critic
Industry Trends
- Monica Snell:
Analysts Predict $3.79 Billion Market for Visual Development Tools by 1999.
8-9 BibTeX
Feature Articles
- Margaret M. Burnett, David W. McIntyre:
Visual Programming - Guest Editors' Introduction.
14-16 BibTeX
- Alexander Repenning, Tamara Sumner:
Agentsheets: A Medium for Creating Domain-Oriented Languages.
17-25 BibTeX
- Takayuki Dan Kimura, Ajay Apte, Samudra Sengupta, Julie W. Chan:
Form/Formula: A Visual Programming Paradigm for User-Definable User Interfaces.
27-35 BibTeX
- Gabor Karsai:
A Configurable Visual Programming Environment: A Tool for Domain-Specific Programming.
36-44 BibTeX
- Margaret M. Burnett, Marla J. Baker, Carisa Bohus, Paul Carlson, Sherry Yang, Pieter van Zee:
Scaling Up Visual Programming Languages.
45-54 BibTeX
- Gennaro Costagliola, Genoveffa Tortora, Sergio Orefice, Andrea De Lucia:
Automatic Generation of Visual Programming Environments.
56-66 BibTeX
Computing Practices
Hot Topics
Software Challenges
Computer Law
Open Channel
Volume 28,
Number 4,
April 1995
Binary Critic
Intdustry Trends
Computing Practices
Hot Topics
Software Challenges
Computer Law
Open Channel
Volume 28,
Number 5,
May 1995
Binary Critic
Industry Trends
- Arturo A. Rodriguez, Lawrence A. Rowe:
Multimedia Systems and Applications - Guest Editors' Introduction.
20-22 BibTeX
- Borko Furht, Deven Kalra, Frederick L. Kitson, Arturo A. Rodriguez, William E. Wall:
Design Issues for Interactive Television Systems.
25-39 BibTeX
- Jim Gemmell, Harrick M. Vin, Dilip D. Kandlur, P. Venkat Rangan, Lawrence A. Rowe:
Multimedia Storage Servers: A Tutorial.
40-49 BibTeX
- Klara Nahrstedt, Ralf Steinmetz:
Resource Management in Networked Multimedia Systems.
52-63 BibTeX
- Robert Simon, Donald Krieger, Taieb Znati, Raymond Lofink, Robert J. Sclabassi:
Multimedia MedNet: A Medical Collaboration and Consultation System.
65-73 BibTeX
- Beverly Park Woolf, Wendy Hall:
Multimedia Pedagogues: Interactive Systems for teaching and Learning.
74-80 BibTeX
Computer Law
Internet Kiosk
Software Challenges
Open Channel
Volume 28,
Number 6,
June 1995
Binary Critic
Industry Trends
Computing Practices
Special Report
Internet Kiosk
Computer Law
Software Challenges
Open Channel
Volume 28,
Number 7,
July 1995
Binary Critic
Industry Trends
Theme Features:
Virtual Environments
- David R. Pratt, Michael Zyda, Kristen M. Kelleher:
Virtual Reality: In the Mind of the Beholder - Guest Editors' Introduction.
17-19 BibTeX
- John C. Goble, Ken Hinckley, Randy F. Pausch, John W. Snell, Neal F. Kassell:
Two-Handed Spatial Interface Tools for Neurosurgial Planning.
20-26 BibTeX
- Larry F. Hodges, Rob Kooper, Thomas C. Meyer, Barbara O. Rothbaum, Dan Opdyke, Johannes J. de Graaff, James S. Williford, Max M. North:
Virtual Environments for Treating the Fear of Heights.
27-34 BibTeX
- Jon G. Kuhl, Douglas Evans, Yiannis E. Papelis, Richard Romano, Ginger Watson:
The Iowa Driving Simulator: An Immersive Research Environment.
35-41 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Krüger, Christian-A. Bohn, Bernd Fröhlich, Heinrich Schüth, Wolfgang Strauss, Gerold Wesche:
The Responsive Workbench: A Virtual Work Environment.
42-48 BibTeX
- Thomas W. Mastaglio, Robert Callaahan:
A Large-Scale Complex Virtual Environment for Team Training.
49-56 BibTeX
- Michael F. Polis, Stephen J. Gifford, David M. McKeown Jr.:
Automating the Construction of Large-Scale Virtual Worlds.
57-65 BibTeX
Special Feature
Hot Topics
Computer Law
- Irah H. Donner:
Intellectual Property Protection for Multimedia Applications, Part 1: So Many Flavors, So Little Time.
92-93 BibTeX
Internet Kiosk
Open Channel
Volume 28,
Number 8,
August 1995
Binary Critic
Industry Trends
Special Feature
- Ted G. Lewis, Dave Power, Bertrand Meyer, Jack Grimes, Mike Potel, Ronald J. Vetter, Phillip A. Laplante, Wolfgang Pree, Gustav Pomberger, Mark D. Hill, James R. Larus, David A. Wood, Hesham El-Rewini, Bruce W. Weide:
Where Is Software Headed? A Virtual Roundtable.
20-32 BibTeX
Feature Articles
Computing Practices
Internet Kiosk
Software Challenges
Hot Topics
Computer Law
- Irah H. Donner:
Intellectual Property Protection for Multimedia Applications, Part 2: Putting the Pieces Together.
99-100 BibTeX
Open Channel
Volume 28,
Number 9,
September 1995
Binary Critic
Industry Trends
Theme Features:
Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems
- Venkat N. Gudivada, Vijay V. Raghavan:
Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems - Guest Editors' Introduction.
18-22 BibTeX
- Myron Flickner, Harpreet S. Sawhney, Jonathan Ashley, Qian Huang, Byron Dom, Monika Gorkani, Jim Hafner, Denis Lee, Dragutin Petkovic, David Steele, Peter Yanker:
Query by Image and Video Content: The QBIC System.
23-32 BibTeX
- Anne Brink, Sherry Marcus, V. S. Subrahmanian:
Heterogeneous Multimedia Reasoning.
33-39 BibTeX
- Virginia E. Ogle, Michael Stonebraker:
Chabot: Retrieval from a Relational Database of Images.
40-48 BibTeX
- Rohini K. Srihari:
Automatic Indexing and Content-Based Retrieval of Captioned Images.
49-56 BibTeX
- Rajiv Mehrotra, James E. Gary:
Similar-Shape Retrieval in Shape Data Management.
57-62 BibTeX
Internet Kiosk
- Hal Berghel:
Using the WWW Test Pattern to check HTML Client Compliance.
63-65 BibTeX
Computer Law
Software Challenges
Hot Topics
- Alexander D. Stoyenko:
Engineering Complex Computer Systems: A Challenge for Computer Types Everywhere - Part 1: Let's Agree On What These Systems Are.
85-86 BibTeX
Open Channel
Volume 28,
Number 10,
October 1995
Binary Critic
- Ted G. Lewis:
Living in Real Time, Side B (Where Will the Brain Power Come From?).
8-10 BibTeX
Industry Trends
- Sowmitri Swamy, Arthur Molin, Burt Covnot:
OO-VHDL: Object-Oriented Extensions to VHDL.
18-26 BibTeX
- Judith D. Ahrens, Noah S. Prywes:
Transition to a Legacy- and Reuse-Based Software Life Cycle.
27-36 BibTeX
- Prithviraj Banerjee, John A. Chandy, Manish Gupta, Eugene W. Hodges IV, John G. Holm, Antonio Lain, Daniel J. Palermo, Shankar Ramaswamy, Ernesto Su:
The Paradigm Compiler for Distributed-Memory Multicomputers.
37-47 BibTeX
Computing Practices
- Hesham El-Rewini, Scott Hamilton, Yen-Ping Shan, Ralph Earle, Skip McGaughey, Abdelsalam Helal, Ravi Badrachalam, Andrew A. Chien, Andrew S. Grimshaw, Byung Suk Lee, Andrew E. Wade, Dave Morse, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Evaggelia Pitoura, Robert V. Binder, Peter Wegner:
Object Technology: A Virtual Roundtable.
58-72 BibTeX
- Judith Gal-Ezer, Catriel Beeri, David Harel, Amiram Yehudai:
A High School Program in Computer Science.
73-80 BibTeX
Computer Law
- John L. Hill:
Publicly Available Specification: A new Paradigm for Developing International Standards.
97-98 BibTeX
Internet Kiosk
Software Challenges
Open Channel
Volume 28,
Number 11,
November 1995
Binary Critic
Industry Trends
Parallel and Distributed Processing Tools
- Cherri M. Pancake, Margaret L. Simmons, Jerry C. Yan:
Performance Evaluation Tools for Parallel and Distributed Systems - Guest Editors' Introduction.
16-19 BibTeX
- Michael T. Heath, Allen D. Malony, Diane T. Rover:
The Visual Display of Parallel Performance Data.
21-28 BibTeX
- Hank Jakiela:
Performance Visualization of a Distributed System: A Case Study.
30-36 BibTeX
- Barton P. Miller, Mark D. Callaghan, Jonathan M. Cargille, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, R. Bruce Irvin, Karen L. Karavanic, Krishna Kunchithapadam, Tia Newhall:
The Paradyn Parallel Performance Measurement Tool.
37-46 BibTeX
- Thomas Fahringer:
Estimating and Optimizing Performance for Parallel Programs.
47-56 BibTeX
- Daniel A. Reed, Keith A. Shields, Will H. Scullin, Luis F. Tawera, Christopher L. Elford:
Virtual Reality and Parallel Systems Performance Analysis.
57-67 BibTeX
Computing Practices
Internet Kiosk
Computer Law
Software Challenges
Open Channel
Volume 28,
Number 12,
December 1995
Binary Critic
Industry Trends
Computing Practices
Internet Kiosk
Hot Topics
Computer Law
Software Challenges
Open Channel
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:53:29 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)