2008 |
72 | | Robert G. M. Hausmann,
Brett van de Sande,
Kurt VanLehn:
Trialog: How Peer Collaboration Helps Remediate Errors in an ITS.
FLAIRS Conference 2008: 415-420 |
71 | EE | Min Chi,
Kurt VanLehn:
Eliminating the Gap between the High and Low Students through Meta-cognitive Strategy Instruction.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 603-613 |
70 | EE | Robert G. M. Hausmann,
Brett van de Sande,
Kurt VanLehn:
Shall We Explain? Augmenting Learning from Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Peer Collaboration.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 636-645 |
69 | EE | Kurt VanLehn:
The Interaction Plateau: Answer-Based Tutoring < Step-Based Tutoring = Natural Tutoring.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 7 |
68 | EE | Roxana Gheorghiu,
Kurt VanLehn:
XTutor: An Intelligent Tutor System for Science and Math Based on Excel.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 749-751 |
67 | EE | Sung-Young Jung,
Kurt VanLehn:
Bi-directional Search for Bugs: A Tool for Accelerating Knowledge Acquisition for Equation-Based Tutoring Systems.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 758-762 |
2007 |
66 | | Adaeze Nwaigwe,
Kenneth R. Koedinger,
Kurt VanLehn,
Robert G. M. Hausmann,
Anders Weinstein:
Exploring Alternative Methods for Error Attribution in Learning Curves Analysis in Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
AIED 2007: 246-253 |
65 | | Maxim Makatchev,
Kurt VanLehn:
Combining Bayesian Networks and Formal Reasoning for Semantic Classification of Student Utterances.
AIED 2007: 307-314 |
64 | | Min Chi,
Kurt VanLehn:
Accelerated Future Learning via Explicit Instruction of a Problem Solving Strategy.
AIED 2007: 409-416 |
63 | | Robert G. M. Hausmann,
Kurt VanLehn:
Explaining Self-Explaining: A Contrast between Content and Generation.
AIED 2007: 417-424 |
62 | | Min Chi,
Kurt VanLehn:
Domain-Specific and Domain-Independent Interactive Behaviors in Andes.
AIED 2007: 548-550 |
61 | | Min Chi,
Kurt VanLehn:
Porting an Intelligent Tutoring System across Domains.
AIED 2007: 551-553 |
60 | | Scotty D. Craig,
Kurt VanLehn,
Soniya Gadgil,
Micki Chi:
Learning from Collaboratively Observing Videos during Problem Solving with Andes.
AIED 2007: 554-556 |
59 | | Pamela W. Jordan,
Kurt VanLehn:
Rapidly Creating a Tutorial Dialogue System Using the TuTalk Tool Suite.
AIED 2007: 728 |
58 | EE | Kurt VanLehn,
Kenneth R. Koedinger,
Alida Skogsholm,
Adaeze Nwaigwe,
Robert G. M. Hausmann,
Anders Weinstein,
Benjamin Billings:
What's in a Step? Toward General, Abstract Representations of Tutoring System Log Data.
User Modeling 2007: 455-459 |
2006 |
57 | | Pamela W. Jordan,
Maxim Makatchev,
Umarani Pappuswamy,
Kurt VanLehn,
Patricia L. Albacete:
A Natural Language Tutorial Dialogue System for Physics.
FLAIRS Conference 2006: 521-526 |
56 | | Maxim Makatchev,
Kurt VanLehn,
Pamela W. Jordan,
Umarani Pappuswamy:
Representation and Reasoning for Deeper Natural Language Understanding in a Physics Tutoring System.
FLAIRS Conference 2006: 682-687 |
55 | EE | R. Charles Murray,
Kurt VanLehn:
A Comparison of Decision-Theoretic, Fixed-Policy and Random Tutorial Action Selection.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006: 114-123 |
54 | EE | Michael A. Ringenberg,
Kurt VanLehn:
Scaffolding Problem Solving with Annotated, Worked-Out Examples to Promote Deep Learning.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006: 625-634 |
2005 |
53 | | Pamela W. Jordan,
Patricia L. Albacete,
Kurt VanLehn:
Taking Control of Redundancy in Scripted Tutorial Dialogue.
AIED 2005: 314-321 |
52 | | Maxim Makatchev,
Kurt VanLehn:
Analyzing Completeness and Correctness of Utterances Using an ATMS.
AIED 2005: 403-410 |
51 | | Noboru Matsuda,
Kurt VanLehn:
Advanced Geometry Tutor: An intelligent tutor that teaches proof-writing with construction.
AIED 2005: 443-450 |
50 | | Kurt VanLehn,
Collin Lynch,
Kay G. Schulze,
Joel A. Shapiro,
Robert Shelby,
Linwood Taylor,
Donald Treacy,
Anders Weinstein,
Mary Wintersgill:
The Andes Physics Tutoring System: Five Years of Evaluations.
AIED 2005: 678-685 |
49 | | R. Charles Murray,
Kurt VanLehn:
Effects of Dissuading Unnecessary Help Requests While Providing Proactive Help.
AIED 2005: 887-889 |
48 | EE | Umarani Pappuswamy,
Dumisizwe Bhembe,
Pamela W. Jordan,
Kurt VanLehn:
A Supervised Clustering Method for Text Classification.
CICLing 2005: 704-714 |
47 | | Umarani Pappuswamy,
Dumisizwe Bhembe,
Pamela W. Jordan,
Kurt VanLehn:
A Multi-Tier NL-Knowledge Clustering for Classifying Students' Essays.
FLAIRS Conference 2005: 566-571 |
46 | EE | H. Chad Lane,
Kurt VanLehn:
Intention-based scoring: an approach to measuring success at solving the composition problem.
SIGCSE 2005: 373-377 |
2004 |
45 | | H. Chad Lane,
Kurt VanLehn:
A Dialogue-Based Tutoring System for Beginning Programming.
FLAIRS Conference 2004 |
44 | EE | Maxim Makatchev,
Pamela W. Jordan,
Umarani Pappuswamy,
Kurt VanLehn:
Abductive Proofs as Models of Students' Reasoning about Qualitative Physics.
ICCM 2004: 166-171 |
43 | EE | Pamela W. Jordan,
Maxim Makatchev,
Kurt VanLehn:
Combining Competing Language Understanding Approaches in an Intelligent Tutoring System.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 346-357 |
42 | EE | Diane J. Litman,
Carolyn Penstein Rosé,
Katherine Forbes-Riley,
Kurt VanLehn,
Dumisizwe Bhembe,
Scott Silliman:
Spoken Versus Typed Human and Computer Dialogue Tutoring.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 368-379 |
41 | EE | Kurt VanLehn,
Dumiszewe Bhembe,
Min Chi,
Collin Lynch,
Kay G. Schulze,
Robert Shelby,
Linwood Taylor,
Donald Treacy,
Anders Weinstein,
Mary Wintersgill:
Implicit Versus Explicit Learning of Strategies in a Non-procedural Cognitive Skill.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 521-530 |
40 | EE | Maxim Makatchev,
Pamela W. Jordan,
Kurt VanLehn:
Modeling Students' Reasoning About Qualitative Physics: Heuristics for Abductive Proof Search.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 699-709 |
39 | EE | Noboru Matsuda,
Kurt VanLehn:
GRAMY: A Geometry Theorem Prover Capable of Construction.
J. Autom. Reasoning 32(1): 3-33 (2004) |
38 | EE | Maxim Makatchev,
Pamela W. Jordan,
Kurt VanLehn:
Abductive Theorem Proving for Analyzing Student Explanations to Guide Feedback in Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
J. Autom. Reasoning 32(3): 187-226 (2004) |
2003 |
37 | EE | Carolyn Penstein Rosé,
Antonio Roque,
Dumisizwe Bhembe,
Kurt VanLehn:
A Hybrid Approach to Content Analysis for Automatic Essay Grading.
HLT-NAACL 2003 |
36 | EE | H. Chad Lane,
Kurt VanLehn:
Coached program planning: dialogue-based support for novice program design.
SIGCSE 2003: 148-152 |
35 | EE | Kurt VanLehn:
The Advantages of Explicitly Representing Problem Spaces.
User Modeling 2003: 3 |
34 | EE | Noboru Matsuda,
Kurt VanLehn:
Modeling Hinting Strategies for Geometry Theorem Proving.
User Modeling 2003: 373-377 |
2002 |
33 | EE | Kurt VanLehn,
Pamela W. Jordan,
Carolyn Penstein Rosé,
Dumisizwe Bhembe,
Michael Böttner,
Andy Gaydos,
Maxim Makatchev,
Umarani Pappuswamy,
Michael A. Ringenberg,
Antonio Roque,
Stephanie Siler,
Ramesh Srivastava:
The Architecture of Why2-Atlas: A Coach for Qualitative Physics Essay Writing.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 158-167 |
32 | EE | Kurt VanLehn,
Collin Lynch,
Linwood Taylor,
Anders Weinstein,
Robert Shelby,
Kay G. Schulze,
Donald Treacy,
Mary Wintersgill:
Minimally Invasive Tutoring of Complex Physics Problem Solving.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 367-376 |
31 | EE | Carolyn Penstein Rosé,
Dumisizwe Bhembe,
Antonio Roque,
Stephanie Siler,
Ramesh Srivastava,
Kurt VanLehn:
A Hybrid Language Understanding Approach for Robust Selection of Tutoring Goals.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 552-561 |
30 | EE | Cristina Conati,
Abigail S. Gertner,
Kurt VanLehn:
Using Bayesian Networks to Manage Uncertainty in Student Modeling.
User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 12(4): 371-417 (2002) |
2001 |
29 | EE | Cristina Conati,
Kurt VanLehn:
Providing adaptive support to the understanding of instructional material.
IUI 2001: 41-47 |
28 | | Arthur C. Graesser,
Kurt VanLehn,
Carolyn Penstein Rosé,
Pamela W. Jordan,
Derek Harter:
Intelligent Tutoring Systems with Conversational Dialogue.
AI Magazine 22(4): 39-52 (2001) |
2000 |
27 | | Gilles Gauthier,
Claude Frasson,
Kurt VanLehn:
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 5th International Conference, ITS 2000, Montréal, Canada, June 19-23, 2000, Proceedings
Springer 2000 |
26 | EE | Abigail S. Gertner,
Kurt VanLehn:
Andes: A Coached Problem Solving Environment for Physics.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 133-142 |
25 | EE | R. Charles Murray,
Kurt VanLehn:
DT Tutor: A Decision-Theoretic, Dynamic Approach for Optimal Selection of Tutorial Actions.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 153-162 |
24 | EE | Cristina Conati,
Kurt VanLehn:
Further Results from the Evaluation of an Intelligent Computer Tutor to Coach Self-Explanation.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 304-313 |
23 | EE | Reva Freedman,
Carolyn Penstein Rosé,
Michael A. Ringenberg,
Kurt VanLehn:
ITS Tools for Natural Language Dialogue: A Domain-Independent Parser and Planner.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 433-442 |
22 | EE | Kurt VanLehn,
Reva Freedman,
Pamela W. Jordan,
R. Charles Murray,
Remus Osan,
Michael A. Ringenberg,
Carolyn Penstein Rosé,
Kay G. Schulze,
Robert Shelby,
Donald Treacy,
Anders Weinstein,
Mary Wintersgill:
Fading and Deepening: The Next Steps for Andes and other Model-Tracing Tutors.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 474-483 |
21 | EE | Patricia L. Albacete,
Kurt VanLehn:
The Conceptual Helper: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Teaching Fundamental Physics Concepts.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 564-573 |
20 | EE | Noboru Matsuda,
Kurt VanLehn:
A Reification of a Strategy for Geometry Theorem Proving.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 660 |
1998 |
19 | | Abigail S. Gertner,
Cristina Conati,
Kurt VanLehn:
Procedural Help in Andes: Generating Hints Using a Bayesian Network Student Model.
AAAI/IAAI 1998: 106-111 |
18 | EE | Kurt VanLehn,
Zhendong Niu,
Stephanie Siler,
Abigail S. Gertner:
Student Modeling from Conversational Test Data: A Bayesian Approach Without Priors.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 434-443 |
17 | | Kurt VanLehn:
Analogy Events: How Examples are Used During Problem Solving.
Cognitive Science 22(3): 347-388 (1998) |
1996 |
16 | | Kurt VanLehn:
Conceptual and Meta Learning During Coached Problem Solving.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1996: 29-47 |
1995 |
15 | EE | Joel D. Martin,
Kurt VanLehn:
Student assessment using Bayesian nets.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 42(6): 575-591 (1995) |
1994 |
14 | | Randolph M. Jones,
Kurt VanLehn:
Acquisition of Children's Addition Strategies: A Model of Impasse-Free, Knowledge-Level Learning.
Machine Learning 16(1-2): 11-36 (1994) |
1993 |
13 | | Kurt VanLehn,
Randolph M. Jones:
Better Learners Use Analogical Problem Solving Sparingly.
ICML 1993: 338-345 |
1991 |
12 | | Kurt VanLehn,
Randolph M. Jones:
Learning Physics Via Explanation-Based Learning of Correctness and Analogical Search Control.
ML 1991: 110-114 |
11 | | Randolph M. Jones,
Kurt VanLehn:
A Computational Model of Acquisition for Children's Addtion Strategies.
ML 1991: 65-69 |
10 | | Beverly Park Woolf,
Elliot Soloway,
William J. Clancey,
Kurt VanLehn,
Daniel D. Suthers:
Knowledge-Based Environments for Teaching and Learning - Workshop Report.
AI Magazine 11(5): 74-77 (1991) |
9 | | Kurt VanLehn:
Rule Acquisition Events in the Discovery of Problem-Solving Strategies.
Cognitive Science 15(1): 1-47 (1991) |
1989 |
8 | | Kurt VanLehn:
Discovering Problem Solving Strategies: What Humans Do and Machines Don't (Yet).
ML 1989: 215-217 |
7 | | Kurt VanLehn,
William Ball,
Bernadette Kowalski:
Non-LIFO Execution of Cognitive Procedures.
Cognitive Science 13(3): 415-465 (1989) |
6 | | Kurt VanLehn:
Efficient Specialization of Relational Concepts.
Machine Learning 4: 99-106 (1989) |
1987 |
5 | | Kurt VanLehn:
Learning one Subprocedure per Lesson.
Artif. Intell. 31(1): 1-40 (1987) |
4 | | Kurt VanLehn,
William Ball:
A Version Space Approach to Learning Context-free Grammars.
Machine Learning 2(1): 39-74 (1987) |
1986 |
3 | | Kurt VanLehn:
John R. Anderson, The Architecture of Cognition.
Artif. Intell. 28(2): 235-240 (1986) |
1985 |
2 | | Kurt VanLehn:
R. S. Michalski, J. G. Carbonell and T. M. Mitchell, Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach.
Artif. Intell. 25(2): 233-236 (1985) |
1983 |
1 | | Kurt VanLehn:
Human Procedural Skill Acquisition: Theory, Model and Psychological Validation.
AAAI 1983: 420-423 |