
Esma Aïmeur

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40 Beverly Park Woolf, Esma Aïmeur, Roger Nkambou, Susanne P. Lajoie: Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 9th International Conference, ITS 2008, Montreal, Canada, June 23-27, 2008, Proceedings Springer 2008
39EEEsma Aïmeur, Gilles Brassard, José Manuel Fernandez, Flavien Serge Mani Onana, Zbigniew Rakowski: Experimental Demonstration of a Hybrid Privacy-Preserving Recommender System. ARES 2008: 161-170
38EEAmine Naak, Hicham Hage, Esma Aïmeur: Papyres: A Research Paper Management System. CEC/EEE 2008: 201-208
37EEHicham Hage, Esma Aïmeur: Harnessing Learner's Collective Intelligence: A Web2.0 Approach to E-Learning. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 438-447
36EEEsma Aïmeur, Gilles Brassard, José Manuel Fernandez, Flavien Serge Mani Onana: Alambic : a privacy-preserving recommender system for electronic commerce. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 7(5): 307-334 (2008)
35EEEsma Aïmeur, Flavien Serge Mani Onana, Anita Saleman: HELP: A Recommender System to Locate Expertise in Organizational Memories. AICCSA 2007: 866-874
34EEEsma Aïmeur, Gilles Brassard, Sébastien Gambs: Quantum clustering algorithms. ICML 2007: 1-8
33EESébastien Gambs, Balázs Kégl, Esma Aïmeur: Privacy-preserving boosting. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 14(1): 131-170 (2007)
32EEChokri El Anoun, Hichem Eleuch, Hella Kaffel Ben Ayed, Esma Aïmeur, Farouk Kamoun: Analogy in Making Predictions. Journal of Decision Systems 16(3): 393-416 (2007)
31EEEsma Aïmeur, Flavien Serge Mani Onana: Better control on recommender systems. CEC/EEE 2006: 38
30EEEsma Aïmeur, Gilles Brassard, Sébastien Gambs: Machine Learning in a Quantum World. Canadian Conference on AI 2006: 431-442
29EEEsma Aïmeur, Flavien Serge Mani Onana, Anita Saleman: SPRITS: Secure Pedagogical Resources in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006: 237-247
28EEEsma Aïmeur, Gilles Brassard, José Manuel Fernandez, Flavien Serge Mani Onana: Privacy-preserving demographic filtering. SAC 2006: 872-878
27EEEsma Aïmeur, Gilles Brassard, Flavien Serge Mani Onana: Blind Electronic Commerce. Journal of Computer Security 14(6): 535-559 (2006)
26 Hicham Hage, Esma Aïmeur: Exam Question Recommender System. AIED 2005: 249-257
25EEAlexandre Desmarais-Frantz, Esma Aïmeur: Community Cooperation in Recommender Systems. ICEBE 2005: 229-236
24EEEsma Aïmeur, Gilles Brassard, Sébastien Paquet: Personal Knowledge Publishing: Fostering Interdisciplinary Communication. IEEE Intelligent Systems 20(2): 46-53 (2005)
23EEAmbroise Ncho, Esma Aïmeur: Building a Multi-Agent System for Automatic Negotiation in Web Service Applications. AAMAS 2004: 1466-1467
22EEEsma Aïmeur, Gilles Brassard, Flavien Serge Mani Onana: Blind sales in electronic commerce. ICEC 2004: 148-157
21EEKamal Yammine, Mohammed Abdel Razek, Esma Aïmeur, Claude Frasson: Discovering Intelligent Agent: A Tool for Helping Students Searching a Library. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 720-729
20 Christina Braz, Esma Aïmeur: AuthenLink: A User-Centred Authentication System for a Secure Mobile Commerce. Wireless Information Systems 2004: 1-11
19EEBin Xiao, Esma Aïmeur, José Manuel Fernandez: PCFinder: An Intelligent Product Recommendation Agent for E-Commerce. CEC 2003: 181-
18EEEsma Aïmeur, Bahram Salehian: A Multimedia Training System Applied to Telephony. ICALT 2003: 272-273
17EEFrédéric Geoffroy, Esma Aïmeur, Denis Gillet: A Virtual Assistant for Web-Based Training in Engineering Education. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 301-310
16EEEsma Aïmeur, Gilles Brassard, Hugo Dufort, Sébastien Gambs: CLARISSE: A Machine Learning Tool to Initialize Student Models. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 718-728
15EEYao Hui Lei, Gang Mai, Esma Aïmeur: CBR-Responder, an Automated Customer Service for E-Commerce. ISEC 2001: 127-137
14EEYanping Ma, Esma Aïmeur: Intelligent Agent in Electronic Commerce-XMLFinder. WETICE 2001: 273-278
13EEEsma Aïmeur, Mathieu Vézeau: Short-Term Profiling for a Case-Based Reasoning. ECML 2000: 23-30
12EEEsma Aïmeur: W5 - Case-Based Reasoning in Intelligent Training Systems. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 666
11 Esma Aïmeur, Claude Frasson, Hugo Dufort: Cooperative Learning Strategies for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Applied Artificial Intelligence 14(5): 465-489 (2000)
10 Esma Aïmeur, Kamel Boudina: Financial Analysis by Case Based Reasoning. IEA/AIE 1999: 388-397
9 Simon Bélanger, Marc-André Thibodeau, Esma Aïmeur: Training of the Learner in Criminal Law by Case-Based Reasoning. IEA/AIE 1999: 398-408
8EEMohammad E. Shiri, Esma Aïmeur, Claude Frasson: SARA: A Case-Based Student Modelling System. EWCBR 1998: 425-436
7EEHugo Dufort, Esma Aïmeur, Claude Frasson, Michel Lalonde: Curriculum Evaluation: A Case Study. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 106-115
6EEMohammad E. Shiri, Esma Aïmeur, Claude Frasson: Student Modelling by Case Based Reasoning. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 394-403
5EEClaude Frasson, Louis Martin, Guy Gouardères, Esma Aïmeur: LANCA: A Distance Learning Architecture Based on Networked Cognitive Agents. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 593-603
4EEEsma Aïmeur: Application and Assessment of Cognitive-dissonance Theory in the Learning Process. J. UCS 4(3): 216-247 (1998)
3 Claude Frasson, Thierry Mengelle, Esma Aïmeur, Guy Gouardères: An Actor Based Architecture for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1996: 57-65
2 Esma Aïmeur, Claude Frasson, Carmen Alexe: Towards New Learning Strategies in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. SBIA 1995: 121-130
1 Esma Aïmeur, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia: Elicitation of Taxonomies Based on the Use of Conceptual Graph Operators. ICCS 1993: 361-380

Coauthor Index

1Carmen Alexe [2]
2Chokri El Anoun [32]
3Hella Kaffel Ben Ayed [32]
4Simon Bélanger [9]
5Kamel Boudina [10]
6Gilles Brassard [16] [22] [24] [27] [28] [30] [34] [36] [39]
7Christina Braz [20]
8Alexandre Desmarais-Frantz [25]
9Hugo Dufort [7] [11] [16]
10Hichem Eleuch [32]
11José Manuel Fernandez [19] [28] [36] [39]
12Claude Frasson [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [11] [21]
13Sébastien Gambs [16] [30] [33] [34]
14Jean-Gabriel Ganascia [1]
15Frédéric Geoffroy [17]
16Denis Gillet [17]
17Guy Gouardères [3] [5]
18Hicham Hage [26] [37] [38]
19Farouk Kamoun [32]
20Balázs Kégl [33]
21Susanne P. Lajoie [40]
22Michel Lalonde [7]
23Yao Hui Lei [15]
24Yanping Ma [14]
25Gang Mai [15]
26Louis Martin [5]
27Thierry Mengelle [3]
28Amine Naak [38]
29Ambroise Ncho [23]
30Roger Nkambou [40]
31Flavien Serge Mani Onana [22] [27] [28] [29] [31] [35] [36] [39]
32Sébastien Paquet [24]
33Zbigniew Rakowski [39]
34Mohammed Abdel Razek [21]
35Bahram Salehian [18]
36Anita Saleman [29] [35]
37Mohammad E. Shiri [6] [8]
38Marc-André Thibodeau [9]
39Mathieu Vézeau [13]
40Beverly Park Woolf [40]
41Bin Xiao [19]
42Kamal Yammine [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)