4. ICCAL 1992:
Nova Scotia,
Ivan Tomek (Ed.):
Computer Assisted Learning, 4th International Conference, ICCAL '92, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 17-20, 1992, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 601 Springer 1992, ISBN 3-540-55578-1 BibTeX
editor = {Ivan Tomek},
title = {Computer Assisted Learning, 4th International Conference, ICCAL
'92, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 17-20, 1992, Proceedings},
booktitle = {ICCAL},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {601},
year = {1992},
isbn = {3-540-55578-1},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Hermann A. Maurer:
Why Hypermedia Systems Are Important.
1-15 BibTeX
- Lawrence Moore, David Smith:
Project CALC: Calculus as a Laboratory Course.
16-20 BibTeX
- Janet H. Murray, Stuart A. Malone:
The Strucutres of Advanced Multimedia Learning Environments: Reconfiguring Space, Time, Story and Text.
21-33 BibTeX
- Milton W. Petruk:
Adjusting to the Paradigm Shift in Teaching and Learning or: What Do I Do Now???
34-38 BibTeX
- Ben Shneiderman:
Engagement and Construction: Educational Strategies for the Post-TV Era.
39-45 BibTeX
- Beverly Park Woolf:
Building Knowledge-Based Tutors.
46-60 BibTeX
- Lesley Allinson:
Learning Styles and Computer-Based Learning Environments.
61-73 BibTeX
- Alana M. Anoskey, Richard Catrambone:
Text and Graphics in Instructional Design.
74-86 BibTeX
- Albert N. Badre, Margaret Beranek, J. Morgan Morris, John T. Stasko:
Assessing Program Visualization Systems as Instructional Aids.
87-99 BibTeX
- Catherine Balle, Françoise Dubreuil, Bruno Bouret:
At Last! A Computer Aid for the Teaching of Electronics Which Answers All the Nagging Questions About Capacitors.
100-110 BibTeX
- Thierry Beltran, André Péninou:
An Object-Oriented Approach to Produce Educational Hypermedia Software.
111-123 BibTeX
- Koen Bertels, Philip Vanneste, Carlos De Backer:
A Cognitive Model of Programming Knowledge for Procedural Languages.
124-135 BibTeX
- Cynthia A. Brown, Harriet J. Fell, Viera K. Proulx, Richard Rasala:
Programming by Experimentation and Example.
136-147 BibTeX
- Danièle Clément, Claude Viéville, Pierre Vilers:
An Experiment of Cooperative Learning with Hypercard.
148-160 BibTeX
- Thomas Diessel, Axel Lehmann:
An ITS for Engineering Domains: Concept, Design and Application.
161-173 BibTeX
- Uwe Dumslaff, Jürgen Ebert:
Structuring the Subject Matter.
174-186 BibTeX
- William J. Egnatoff:
MIDI Draw: Designing and Impressionistic Medium for Young Musicians, Artists, and Writers.
187-197 BibTeX
- Omar ElHani, Guy Gouardères:
Standardized Architectures for Integrated Open Courseware.
198-211 BibTeX
- Paola Forcheri, Maria Teresa Molfino:
Formal Techniques in Higher Education: A Proposal.
212-225 BibTeX
- Michel Futtersack, Jean-Marc Labat:
QUIZ, a Distributed Intelligent Tutoring System.
225-237 BibTeX
- Joan C. González, Joan J. Sancho, Joan M. Carbó, Alex Patak, Ferran Sanz:
Intelligent Tutorial System in Medicine through an Interactive Testing Program: HyperMIR.
238-246 BibTeX
- Rul Gunzenhäuser, Alfred Zimmermann:
DCE: A Knowledge-Based Tutoring and Advisory System: Tutoring Strategies and Architecture.
247-257 BibTeX
- Raza Hashim, Henry Hamburger:
Discourse Style and Situation Viewpoint for a Conversational Language Tutor.
258-270 BibTeX
- Toshihiro Hayashi, Yoneo Yano:
Open Structured CAI System for Kanji Learning.
271-282 BibTeX
- Lois Ann Hesser, Robert P. Hogan, Al P. Mizell:
The Sum of the Parts Is Greater Than the Whole in Online Graduate Education.
283-293 BibTeX
- Kazuyoshi Hidaka:
Development of GeoBlock: A Micro-World for Learning and Teaching Geometry.
294-306 BibTeX
- Luke Hohmann, Mark Guzdial, Elliot Soloway:
SODA: A Computer Aided Design Environment for the Doing and Learning of Software Design.
307-319 BibTeX
- David Jackson, Michael A. Bell:
A Graphical CAL Author Language.
320-331 BibTeX
- Donna M. Kaminski:
A Knowledge Base Approach to Learning to Program in Prolog.
332-342 BibTeX
- Sandra Katz, Alan M. Lesgold, Gary Eggan, Maria Gordin, Linda Greenberg:
Self-Adjusting Curriculum Planning in Sherlock II.
343-355 BibTeX
- Philip A. Lawson:
Integrating an Educational Simulation into a Logic Design Course.
356-366 BibTeX
- Moon-Chuen Lee:
An Algorithm Animation Programming Environment.
367-379 BibTeX
- Jun Li, Allen A. Rovick, Joel A. Michael:
ABASE: A Hypermedia-based Tutoring and Authoring System.
380-390 BibTeX
- Huang Lianjing:
A Tool for Developing Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
391-391 BibTeX
- R. Lilly:
Applying Computer Models of Phonological Competence to C.A.L.L..
392-404 BibTeX
- Lori A. Livingston:
Vigilance in a Long-Term Cognitive Computing Task: The Effects of Subject Strategy and Screen Colour on Performance.
405-416 BibTeX
- Chendong Lu, Douglas Frye:
Mastering the Machine: A Comparison of the Mouse and Touch Screen for Children's Use of Computers.
417-427 BibTeX
- Pierre Marcenac:
An Authoring System for ITS Which Is Based on a Generic Level of Tutoring Strategies.
428-440 BibTeX
- Joel A. Michael, Allen A. Rovick, Martha W. Evens, Leemseop Shim, Chong Woo, Nakhoon Kim:
The Uses of Multiple Student Inputs in Modeling and Lesson Planning in CAI and ICAI Programs.
441-452 BibTeX
- Max Mühlhäuser, Joachim Schaper:
Project NESTOR: New Approaches to Cooperative Multimedia Authoring/Learning.
453-465 BibTeX
- Tomasz Müldner, R. Blondon:
Design and Implementation of Courseware for Teaching Programming Languages.
466-477 BibTeX
- Tomasz Müldner, M. Elammari:
OBJECTOR: Yet Another Authoring System.
478-490 BibTeX
- Roderick I. Nicolson:
Design and Evaluation of the SUMIT Intelligent Tutoring Assistant for Arithmetic.
491-502 BibTeX
- Roderick I. Nicolson, Angela J. Fawcet:
Spelling Remediation for Dyslexic Children Using the Selfspell Programs.
503-515 BibTeX
- Roderick I. Nicolson, Adrian J. Simpson:
Using HyperCard to Create a Flexible Learning Package for Statistics: Costs, Benefits and Effectiveness.
516-528 BibTeX
- Thierry Nodenot:
Educational Software Engineering: A Methodology Based on Cooperative Developments.
529-541 BibTeX
- Ryo Okamoto, Yoneo Yano:
Environmental CAL for Conversation Pattern Learning.
542-554 BibTeX
- Brigitte de La Passardiére, Aude Dufresne:
Adaptive Navigational Tools for Educational Hupermedia.
555-567 BibTeX
- Kudang B. Seminar, Robert N. Robson:
A Tool for Storing and Exploring Ideas.
568-580 BibTeX
- Julita Vassileva:
Dynamic CAL-Courseware Generation Within an ITS-Shell Architecture.
581-591 BibTeX
- Eve Wilson, Ian Lindley, Simon Pullen:
CALLGUIDE: Using Programmable Hypertext as a Shell for CALL Programs.
592-615 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:16:30 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)