3. ITS 1996:
Claude Frasson, Gilles Gauthier, Alan M. Lesgold (Eds.):
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Third International Conference, ITS '96, Montréal, Canada, June 12-14, 1996, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1086 Springer 1996, ISBN 3-540-61327-7 BibTeX
editor = {Claude Frasson and
Gilles Gauthier and
Alan M. Lesgold},
title = {Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Third International Conference,
ITS '96, Montr{\'e}al, Canada, June 12-14, 1996, Proceedings},
booktitle = {Intelligent Tutoring Systems},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1086},
year = {1996},
isbn = {3-540-61327-7},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Papers
Architecture for ITS
Authoring and Software Tools for Tutoring
Cognitive Models
Collaborative Learning
- Gerardo Ayala, Yoneo Yano:
Learner Models for Supporting Awareness and Collaboration in a CSCL Environment.
158-167 BibTeX
- Evandro de Barros Costa, Angelo Perkusich:
Modeling the Cooperative Interaction ina Teaching/Learning Situation.
168-176 BibTeX
- Takashi Fuji, Takeshi Tanigawa, Masahisa Kozeni, Masahiro Inui, Takeo Saegusa:
A Case-Based Approach to Collaborative Learning for Systems Analyst Education.
177-186 BibTeX
- Jia-Sheng Heh, Wei-Ting Shu, Jihn-Chang J. Jehng, Tak-Wai Chan:
Design and Development of a Distributed Multi-User Visual Learning Environment.
187-196 BibTeX
- Pascal Leroux, Martial Vivet:
Da la modélisation d'un processus de coopération à la conception de systèmes coopératifs d'apprentissage.
197-205 BibTeX
- Kristine Lund, Michael Baker, Monique Baron:
Modelling Dialogue and Beliefs as a Basis for Generating Guidance in a CSCL Environment.
206-214 BibTeX
- Serge Tadié Guepfu, Bernard Lefebvre, Claude Frasson:
MONACO_T: Un MOdèle à NAture COpérative pour la représentation de Tâches coopérative dans un STI.
215-224 BibTeX
Design Issues
Discovery Environments,
Multimedia and WWW
Empirical Studies,
Evaluation and testing of ITS
Formal Models
Help and Advising Systems
Knowledge Representation in ITS
Learning Environments
Qualitative Reasoning
Real World Applications
- Dominique Leclet, Gérard Weidenfeld:
Un modèle de simulation basée sur une représentation de type "objets - règles" pour l'enseignement des métiers de ventes.
502-511 BibTeX
- John Liddle, Roy Leitch, Keith E. Brown:
Generic Approaches in Developing Practical Intelligent Industrial Training Systems.
512-520 BibTeX
- Jodi Heintz Obradovich, Philip J. Smith, Stephanie Guerlain, Sally Rudmann, Patricia Strohm, Jack W. Smith, Larry Sachs, Rebecca Denning:
The Transfusion Medicine Tutor: Using Expert Systems Technology to Teach Domain-Specific Problem-Solving Skills.
521-530 BibTeX
- Stefan Schewe, Thomas Quak, Bettina Reinhardt, Frank Puppe:
Evaluation of a Knowledge-Based Tutorial Program in Rheumatology - A Part of mandatory Course in Internal Medicine.
531-539 BibTeX
Simulation-Based Learning
Student Modeling
Teaching and Learning Strategies
- Kuo-En Chang, Bea-Chu Chiao, Rong-Shue Hsiao:
A Programming Learning System for Beginners - A Completion Strategy Approach.
623-631 BibTeX
- Reva Freedman, Martha W. Evens:
Generating and Revising Hierarchical Multi-turn Text Plans in an ITS.
632-640 BibTeX
- Sandra Katz, Alan M. Lesgold, Gary Eggan, Linda Greenberg:
Towards the Design of More Effective Advisors for Learning-by-Doing Systems.
641-649 BibTeX
- Eva L. Ragnemalm:
Collaborative Dialogue with a Learning Companion as a Source of Inforamtion on Student Reasoning.
650-658 BibTeX
- Symeon Retails, Helen Pain, Mandy Haggith:
Arguing with the Devil: teaching in Controversial Domains.
659-667 BibTeX
- Brian M. Slator, Harold Cliff Chaput:
Learning by Learning Roles: A Virtual Role-Playing Environment for Tutoring.
668-676 BibTeX
- Chaisak Srisethanil, Nelson C. Baker:
ITS-Engineering: A Domain Independent ITS for Building Engineering Tutors.
677-685 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:26:53 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)