
Jürgen Schlöffel

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15EEPiet Engelke, Ilia Polian, Jürgen Schlöffel, Bernd Becker: Resistive Bridging Fault Simulation of Industrial Circuits. DATE 2008: 628-633
14EERolf Drechsler, Stephan Eggersglüß, Görschwin Fey, Andreas Glowatz, Friedrich Hapke, Jürgen Schlöffel, Daniel Tille: On Acceleration of SAT-Based ATPG for Industrial Designs. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 27(7): 1329-1333 (2008)
13EEValentin Gherman, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, R. D. Mascarenhas, Jürgen Schlöffel, Michael Garbers: Synthesis of irregular combinational functions with large don't care sets. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2007: 287-292
12EERene Krenz-Baath, Andreas Glowatz, Jürgen Schlöffel: Computation and Application of Absolute Dominators in Industrial Designs. European Test Symposium 2007: 137-144
11EEStephan Eggersglüß, Daniel Tille, Görschwin Fey, Rolf Drechsler, Andreas Glowatz, Friedrich Hapke, Jürgen Schlöffel: Experimental Studies on SAT-Based ATPG for Gate Delay Faults. ISMVL 2007: 6
10EEStephan Eggersglüß, Görschwin Fey, Rolf Drechsler, Andreas Glowatz, Friedrich Hapke, Jürgen Schlöffel: Combining Multi-Valued Logics in SAT-based ATPG for Path Delay Faults. MEMOCODE 2007: 181-187
9EEHarald P. E. Vranken, Sandeep Kumar Goel, Andreas Glowatz, Jürgen Schlöffel, Friedrich Hapke: Fault detection and diagnosis with parity trees for space compaction of test responses. DAC 2006: 1095-1098
8EEValentin Gherman, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, Jürgen Schlöffel, Michael Garbers: Deterministic Logic BIST for Transition Fault Testing. European Test Symposium 2006: 123-130
7EEYuyi Tang, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, Piet Engelke, Ilia Polian, Bernd Becker, Jürgen Schlöffel, Friedrich Hapke, Michael Wittke: X-masking during logic BIST and its impact on defect coverage. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 14(2): 193-202 (2006)
6EEAjoy Kumar Palit, Lei Wu, Kishore K. Duganapalli, Walter Anheier, Jürgen Schlöffel: A New, Flexible and Very Accurate Crosstalk Fault Model to Analyze the Effects of Coupling Noise between the Interconnects on Signal Integrity Losses in Deep Submicron Chips. Asian Test Symposium 2005: 22-27
5EEJunhao Shi, Görschwin Fey, Rolf Drechsler, Andreas Glowatz, Friedrich Hapke, Jürgen Schlöffel: PASSAT: Efficient SAT-Based Test Pattern Generation for Industrial Circuits. ISVLSI 2005: 212-217
4EEAjoy Kumar Palit, Volker Meyer, Walter Anheier, Jürgen Schlöffel: ABCD Modeling of Crosstalk Coupling Noise to Analyze the Signal Integrity Losses on the Victim Interconnect in DSM Chips. VLSI Design 2005: 354-359
3EEAbdul Wahid Hakmi, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, Valentin Gherman, Michael Garbers, Jürgen Schlöffel: Implementing a Scheme for External Deterministic Self-Test. VTS 2005: 101-106
2EEAjoy Kumar Palit, Volker Meyer, Walter Anheier, Jürgen Schlöffel: Modeling and Analysis of Crosstalk Coupling Effect on the Victim Interconnect Using the ABCD Network Model. DFT 2004: 174-182
1EEAndreas Herrmann, Erich Barke, Mathias Silvant, Jürgen Schlöffel: PARCOURS - Substrate Crosstalk Analysis for Complex Mixed-Signal-Circuits. PATMOS 2000: 306-315

Coauthor Index

1Walter Anheier [2] [4] [6]
2Erich Barke [1]
3Bernd Becker [7] [15]
4Rolf Drechsler [5] [10] [11] [14]
5Kishore K. Duganapalli [6]
6Stephan Eggersglüß [10] [11] [14]
7Piet Engelke [7] [15]
8Görschwin Fey [5] [10] [11] [14]
9Michael Garbers [3] [8] [13]
10Valentin Gherman [3] [8] [13]
11Andreas Glowatz [5] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14]
12Sandeep Kumar Goel [9]
13Abdul Wahid Hakmi [3]
14Friedrich Hapke [5] [7] [9] [10] [11] [14]
15Andreas Herrmann [1]
16Rene Krenz-Baath [12]
17R. D. Mascarenhas [13]
18Volker Meyer [2] [4]
19Ajoy Kumar Palit [2] [4] [6]
20Ilia Polian [7] [15]
21Junhao Shi [5]
22Mathias Silvant [1]
23Yuyi Tang [7]
24Daniel Tille [11] [14]
25Harald P. E. Vranken [9]
26Michael Wittke [7]
27Lei Wu [6]
28Hans-Joachim Wunderlich [3] [7] [8] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)