
Alice C. Parker

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56EEChangsoo Jeong, Alice C. Parker: 3D Tree-Structured Object Tracking for Autonomous Ground Vehicles. CRV 2007: 266-273
55 Alice C. Parker, Aaron K. Friesz, Afshaneh Pakdaman: Towards a Nanoscale Artificial Cortex. CDES 2006: 227-241
54EESami J. Habib, Alice C. Parker: Exploring network topology evolution through evolutionary computations. GECCO 2006: 779-780
53 Suhrid A. Wadekar, Alice C. Parker: Interconnect-based system-level energy and power prediction to guide architecture exploration. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 12(4): 373-380 (2004)
52EESami J. Habib, Alice C. Parker: i-CAD: A Rapid Prototyping CAD Tool for Intranet Design. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2003: 16-
51EESami J. Habib, Alice C. Parker, Daniel C. Lee: Automated design of hierarchical intranets. Computer Communications 25(11-12): 1066-1075 (2002)
50EESami J. Habib, Alice C. Parker: Computer-aided system integration for data-intensive multimedia applications (poster session). ACM Multimedia 2000: 379-381
49EESuhrid A. Wadekar, Alice C. Parker, C. P. Ravikumar: Freedom: Statistical Behavioral Estimation of System Energy and Power. VLSI Design 1998: 30-36
48EEDong-Hyun Heo, Alice C. Parker, C. P. Ravikumar: An Evolutionary Approach to System Redesign. VLSI Design 1998: 359-
47EEYosef Gavriel Tirat-Gefen, Diógenes Cecilio da Silva Jr., Alice C. Parker: Incorporating Imprecise Computation into System-Level Design of Application-Specific Heterogeneous Multiprocessors. DAC 1997: 58-63
46EEDong-Hyun Heo, Alice C. Parker, C. P. Ravikumar: Rapid Synthesis of Multi-Chip Systems. VLSI Design 1997: 62-68
45EEY. G. DeCastelo-Vide-e-Souza, Miodrag Potkonjak, Alice C. Parker: Optimal ILP-Based Approach for Throughput Optimization Using Simultaneous Algorithm/Architecture Matching and Retiming. DAC 1995: 113-118
44EEKayhan Küçükçakar, Alice C. Parker: A methodology and design tools to support system-level VLSI design. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 3(3): 355-369 (1995)
43EEPravil Gupta, Chih-Tung Chen, J. C. DeSouza-Batista, Alice C. Parker: Experience with Image Compression Chip Design using Unified System Construction Tools. DAC 1994: 250-256
42EEShiv Prakash, Alice C. Parker: Synthesis of application-specific multiprocessor systems including memory components. VLSI Signal Processing 8(2): 97-116 (1994)
41EEZia Iqbal, Miodrag Potkonjak, Sujit Dey, Alice C. Parker: Critical Path Minimization Using Retiming and Algebraic Speed-Up. DAC 1993: 573-577
40 Miodrag Potkonjak, Sujit Dey, Zia Iqbal, Alice C. Parker: High Performance Embedded System Optimization Using Algebraic and Generalized Retiming Techniques. ICCD 1993: 498-504
39EEYung-Hua Hung, Alice C. Parker: High-Level Synthesis with Pin Constraints for Multiple-Chip Designs. DAC 1992: 231-234
38EERajiv Jain, Alice C. Parker, Nohbyung Park: Predicting system-level area and delay for pipelined and nonpipelined designs. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 11(8): 955-965 (1992)
37EEKayhan Küçükçakar, Alice C. Parker: CHOP: A Constraint-Driven System-Level Partitioner. DAC 1991: 514-519
36EEAlice C. Parker, Pravil Gupta, Agha Hussain: The Effects of Physical Design Characteristics on the Area-Performance Tradeoff Curve. DAC 1991: 530-534
35EEJen-Pin Weng, Alice C. Parker: 3D Scheduling: High-Level Synthesis with Floorplanning. DAC 1991: 668-673
34EEShiv Prakash, Alice C. Parker: Synthesis of Application-Specific Multiprocessor Architectures. DAC 1991: 8-13
33EEDavid W. Knapp, Alice C. Parker: The ADAM design planning engine. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 10(7): 829-846 (1991)
32EEKayhan Küçükçakar, Alice C. Parker: Data Path Tradeoffs Using MABAL. DAC 1990: 511-516
31EERajiv Jain, Kayhan Küçükçakar, Mitch J. Mlinar, Alice C. Parker: Experience with ADAM Synthesis System. DAC 1989: 56-61
30EEFadi J. Kurdahi, Alice C. Parker: Techniques for area estimation of VLSI layouts. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 8(1): 81-92 (1989)
29EEMichael C. McFarland, Alice C. Parker, Raul Camposano: Tutorial on High-Level Synthesis. DAC 1988: 330-336
28EERajiv Jain, Alice C. Parker, Nohbyung Park: Module Selection for Pipelined Synthesis. DAC 1988: 542-547
27 Nohbyung Park, Alice C. Parker: Theory of Clocking for Maximum Execution Overlap of High-Speed Digital Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(6): 678-690 (1988)
26EENohbyung Park, Alice C. Parker: Sehwa: a software package for synthesis of pipelines from behavioral specifications. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 7(3): 356-370 (1988)
25EEFadi J. Kurdahi, Alice C. Parker: REAL: a program for REgister ALlocation. DAC 1987: 210-215
24EERajiv Jain, Alice C. Parker, Nohbyung Park: Predicting Area-Time Tradeoffs for Pipelined Design. DAC 1987: 35-41
23EEJohn J. Granacki Jr., Alice C. Parker: PHRAN-SPAN: A Natural Language Interface for System Specifications. DAC 1987: 416-422
22 John J. Granacki Jr., Alice C. Parker, Yigal Arens: Understanding System Specifications Written in Natural Language. IJCAI 1987: 688-691
21EENohbyung Park, Alice C. Parker: Sehwa: a program for synthesis of pipelines. DAC 1986: 454-460
20EEAlice C. Parker, Jorge T. Pizarro, Mitch J. Mlinar: MAHA: a program for datapath synthesis. DAC 1986: 461-466
19EEFadi J. Kurdahi, Alice C. Parker: PLEST: a program for area estimation of VLSI integrated circuits. DAC 1986: 467-473
18EEDavid Knapp, Alice C. Parker: A design utility manager: the ADAM planning engine. DAC 1986: 48-54
17EESarma Sastry, Alice C. Parker: Stochastic Models for Wireability Analysis of Gate Arrays. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 5(1): 52-65 (1986)
16EENohbyung Park, Alice C. Parker: Synthesis of optimal clocking schemes. DAC 1985: 489-495
15EEJohn J. Granacki, David Knapp, Alice C. Parker: The ADAM advanced design automation system: overview, planner and natural language interface. DAC 1985: 727-730
14EEHamideh Afsarmanesh, Dennis McLeod, David Knapp, Alice C. Parker: An Extensible Object-Oriented Approach to Databases for VLSI/CAD. VLDB 1985: 13-24
13 Michael C. McFarland, Alice C. Parker: An Abstract Model of Behavior for Hardware Descriptions. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(7): 621-637 (1983)
12EELouis J. Hafer, Alice C. Parker: A Formal Method for the Specification, Analysis, and Design of Register-Transfer Level Digital Logic. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 2(1): 4-18 (1983)
11 Louis J. Hafer, Alice C. Parker: Automated Synthesis of Digital Hardware. IEEE Trans. Computers 31(2): 93-109 (1982)
10EEAndrew W. Nagle, Richard J. Cloutier, Alice C. Parker: Synthesis of Hardware for the Control of Digital Systems. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 1(4): 201-212 (1982)
9EEAlice C. Parker, Wayne T. Wilner: Microprogramming: the challenges of VLSI. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1981: 63-68
8 Alice C. Parker, John J. Wallace: SLIDE: An I/O Hardware Descriptive Language. IEEE Trans. Computers 30(6): 423-439 (1981)
7 William E. Burr, Dennis R. Allison, Alice C. Parker, Charles B. Silio Jr., A. Brinton Cooper: Bus System for the Military Computer Family. IEEE Computer 12(4): 11-22 (1979)
6 Alice C. Parker, Andrew W. Nagle: Description and Simulation of Microcode Execution. ISCA 1978: 159-165
5 Alice C. Parker, Louis J. Hafer: The Application of a Hardware Descriptive Language for Design Automation. Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology 1978: 349-355
4 Paul E. Dworak, Alice C. Parker, Richard Blum: The Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Sound Generation System. ISCA 1977: 153-158
3 Alice C. Parker, Andrew W. Nagle: Hardware/Software Tradeoffs in A Variable Word Width, Variable Queue Length Buffer Memory. ISCA 1977: 159-164
2 James W. Gault, Alice C. Parker: The Design of a User-Programmable Digital Interface. ISCA 1976: 121
1 Paul E. Dworak, Alice C. Parker: An Input Interface for Real-Time Digital Sound Generation System. ISCA 1976: 68-73

Coauthor Index

1Hamideh Afsarmanesh [14]
2Dennis R. Allison [7]
3Yigal Arens [22]
4Richard Blum [4]
5William E. Burr [7]
6Raul Camposano [29]
7Chih-Tung Chen [43]
8Richard J. Cloutier [10]
9A. Brinton Cooper [7]
10Y. G. DeCastelo-Vide-e-Souza [45]
11J. C. DeSouza-Batista [43]
12Sujit Dey [40] [41]
13Paul E. Dworak [1] [4]
14Aaron K. Friesz [55]
15James W. Gault [2]
16John J. Granacki [15]
17John J. Granacki Jr. [22] [23]
18Pravil Gupta [36] [43]
19Sami J. Habib (Sami Habib) [50] [51] [52] [54]
20Louis J. Hafer [5] [11] [12]
21Dong-Hyun Heo [46] [48]
22Yung-Hua Hung [39]
23Agha Hussain [36]
24Zia Iqbal [40] [41]
25Rajiv Jain [24] [28] [31] [38]
26Changsoo Jeong [56]
27David Knapp [14] [15] [18]
28David W. Knapp [33]
29Kayhan Küçükçakar [31] [32] [37] [44]
30Fadi J. Kurdahi [19] [25] [30]
31Daniel C. Lee [51]
32Michael C. McFarland [13] [29]
33Dennis McLeod [14]
34Mitch J. Mlinar [20] [31]
35Andrew W. Nagle [3] [6] [10]
36Afshaneh Pakdaman [55]
37Nohbyung Park [16] [21] [24] [26] [27] [28] [38]
38Jorge T. Pizarro [20]
39Miodrag Potkonjak [40] [41] [45]
40Shiv Prakash [34] [42]
41C. P. Ravikumar [46] [48] [49]
42Sarma Sastry [17]
43Charles B. Silio Jr. [7]
44Diógenes Cecilio da Silva Jr. [47]
45Yosef Gavriel Tirat-Gefen [47]
46Suhrid A. Wadekar [49] [53]
47John J. Wallace [8]
48Jen-Pin Weng [35]
49Wayne T. Wilner [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)