An Extensible Object-Oriented Approach to Databases for VLSI/CAD.

Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Dennis McLeod, David Knapp, Alice C. Parker: An Extensible Object-Oriented Approach to Databases for VLSI/CAD. VLDB 1985: 13-24
  author    = {Hamideh Afsarmanesh and
               Dennis McLeod and
               David Knapp and
               Alice C. Parker},
  editor    = {Alain Pirotte and
               Yannis Vassiliou},
  title     = {An Extensible Object-Oriented Approach to Databases for VLSI/CAD},
  booktitle = {VLDB'85, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Very
               Large Data Bases, August 21-23, 1985, Stockholm, Sweden},
  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
  year      = {1985},
  pages     = {13-24},
  ee        = {db/conf/vldb/AfsarmaneshMKP85.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/vldb/85},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


This paper describes an approach to the specification and modeling of information associated with the design and evolution of VLSI components. The approach is characterized by combined structural and behavioral descriptions of a component. Database modeling requirements specific to the VLSI design domain are considered and techniques to address them are described. An extensible object-oriented information management framework, the 3DIS (3 Dimensional Information Space), is presented. The framework has been adapted to capture the underlying semantics of the application environment by the addition of new abstraction primitives. An example 3DIS database for a VLSI design system is presented.

Copyright © 1985 by the VLDB Endowment. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the VLDB copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by the permission of the Very Large Data Base Endowment. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or special permission from the Endowment.

Online Paper

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

CDROM Version: Load the CDROM "Volume 1 Issue 4, VLDB '75-'88" and ... DVD Version: Load ACM SIGMOD Anthology DVD 1" and ... BibTeX

Printed Edition

Alain Pirotte, Yannis Vassiliou (Eds.): VLDB'85, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, August 21-23, 1985, Stockholm, Sweden. Morgan Kaufmann 1985
Contents BibTeX


[Afsarmanesh 84]
[Afsarmanesh 85a]
[Afsarmanesh 85b]
[Batory 84]
Don S. Batory, Won Kim: Modeling Concepts for VLSI CAD Objects (Abstract). SIGMOD Conference 1985: 446 BibTeX
[Bushnell 83]
[Davis 82]
Randall Davis, Howard E. Shrobe, Walter Hamscher, Kären Wieckert, Mark Shirley, Steve Polit: Diagnosis Based on Description of Structure and Function. AAAI 1982: 137-142 BibTeX
[Director 81]
[Dittrich 85]
[Eastman 80]
[Granacki 85]
[Katz 82]
[Knapp 83]
[Knapp 85]
[McLeod 83]
[Parker 84]
[Wong 79]

Referenced by

  1. Qing Li, Dennis McLeod: Conceptual Database Evolution Through Learning in Object Databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(2): 205-224(1994)
  2. Magdi M. A. Morsi, Shamkant B. Navathe: Application and System Prototyping Via an Extensible Object-Oriented Environment. ER 1993: 24-33
  3. Magdi M. A. Morsi, Shamkant B. Navathe, Hyoung-Joo Kim: An Extensible Object-Oriented Database Testbed. ICDE 1992: 150-157
  4. Rakesh Agrawal, S. Buroff, Narain H. Gehani, Dennis Shasha: Object Versioning in Ode. ICDE 1991: 446-455
  5. Shuguang Hong, Fred J. Maryanski: Using a Meta Model to Represent Object-Oriented Data Models. ICDE 1990: 11-19
  6. Erik Malmborg: Design of the User-Interface for an Object-Oriented Statistical Data-Base. SSDBM 1988: 314-326
  7. Jorge F. Garza, Won Kim: Transaction Management in an Object-Oriented Database System (Invited Paper). SIGMOD Conference 1988: 37-45
  8. Jay Banerjee, Won Kim, Kyung-Chang Kim: Queries in Object-Oriented Databases. ICDE 1988: 31-38
  9. Kyung-Chang Kim, Won Kim, Darrell Woelk, Alfred G. Dale: Acyclic Query Processing in Object-Oriented Databases. ER 1988: 329-346
  10. Martin Hardwick: Why Rose is Fast: Five Optimizations in the Design of an Experimental Database System for CAD/CAM Applications. SIGMOD Conference 1987: 292-298
  11. Jay Banerjee, Won Kim, Hyoung-Joo Kim, Henry F. Korth: Semantics and Implementation of Schema Evolution in Object-Oriented Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1987: 311-322
  12. Won Kim, Darrell Woelk, Jorge F. Garza, Hong-Tai Chou, Jay Banerjee, Nat Ballou: Enhancing the Object-Oriented Concepts for Database Support. ICDE 1987: 291-292
  13. David Hung-Chang Du, Subbarao Ghanta: A Framework for Efficient IC/VLSI CAD Databases. ICDE 1987: 619-625
  14. Michael Stonebraker, Lawrence A. Rowe: The Design of Postgres. SIGMOD Conference 1986: 340-355
  15. Randy H. Katz, Ellis E. Chang, Rajiv Bhateja: Version Modeling Concepts for Computer-Aided Design Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1986: 379-386
  16. Amihai Motro: Assuring Retrievability from Unstructured Databases by Contexts. ICDE 1986: 426-433
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