
John J. Granacki

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5EEChiu-Hsien Chan, Jack Wills, Jeff LaCoss, John J. Granacki, John Choma Jr.: A Novel Variable-Gain Micro-Power Band-Pass Auto-Zeroing CMOS Amplifier. ISCAS 2007: 337-340
4EEXiang Fang, Jack Wills, John J. Granacki, Jeff LaCoss, Artak Arakelian, James D. Weiland: Novel Charge-Metering Stimulus Amplifier for Biomimetic Implantable Prosthesis. ISCAS 2007: 569-572
3EEJeffrey T. Draper, Jacqueline Chame, Mary W. Hall, Craig S. Steele, Tim Barrett, Jeff LaCoss, John J. Granacki, Jaewook Shin, Chun Chen, Chang Woo Kang, Ihn Kim Gokhan: The architecture of the DIVA processing-in-memory chip. ICS 2002: 14-25
2 Kiran Bondalapati, Pedro C. Diniz, Phillip Duncan, John J. Granacki, Mary W. Hall, Rajeev Jain, Heidi E. Ziegler: DEFACTO: A Design Environment for Adaptive Computing Technology. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 570-578
1EEJohn J. Granacki, David Knapp, Alice C. Parker: The ADAM advanced design automation system: overview, planner and natural language interface. DAC 1985: 727-730

Coauthor Index

1Artak Arakelian [4]
2Tim Barrett [3]
3Kiran Bondalapati [2]
4Jacqueline Chame [3]
5Chiu-Hsien Chan [5]
6Chun Chen [3]
7John Choma Jr. [5]
8Pedro C. Diniz [2]
9Jeffrey T. Draper [3]
10Phillip Duncan [2]
11Xiang Fang [4]
12Ihn Kim Gokhan [3]
13Mary W. Hall [2] [3]
14Rajeev Jain [2]
15Chang Woo Kang [3]
16David Knapp [1]
17Jeff LaCoss [3] [4] [5]
18Alice C. Parker [1]
19Jaewook Shin [3]
20Craig S. Steele [3]
21James D. Weiland [4]
22Jack Wills [4] [5]
23Heidi E. Ziegler [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)