
Daniel C. Lee

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24EEStephen L. Spitler, Daniel C. Lee: Integration of explicit effective-bandwidth-based QoS routing with best-effort routing. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 16(4): 957-969 (2008)
23 Kalyan Kuppuswamy, Daniel C. Lee: Approximate blocking probabilities for multiclass services in wavelength routed all-optical networks. Communications and Computer Networks 2006: 80-85
22EEKalyan Kuppuswamy, Daniel C. Lee: Reduced load approximations for large-scale optical WDM networks offering multiclass services. VALUETOOLS 2006: 48
21EEDaniel C. Lee: Some Compartmentalized Secure Task Assignment Models for Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(12): 1414-1424 (2006)
20EEDaniel C. Lee, Young Hoon Kwon: Performance benefits of uplink packet relay protocols for cellular-like systems: quantitative analysis. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(7): 1569-1574 (2006)
19EELih-feng Tsaur, Daniel C. Lee: Closed-loop architecture and protocols for rapid dynamic spreading gain adaptation in CDMA networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 14(4): 821-834 (2006)
18EEDaniel C. Lee, Stephen L. Spitler: On the M(n)/G/infinity steady-state distribution. Perform. Eval. 63(12): 1157-1164 (2006)
17EEStephen L. Spitler, Daniel C. Lee: Proof of Monotone Loss Rate of Fluid Priority-Queue with Finite Buffer. Queueing Syst. 51(1-2): 77-87 (2005)
16EELih-feng Tsaur, Daniel C. Lee: Closed-loop architecture and protocols for rapid dynamic spreading gain adaptation in CDMA networks. INFOCOM 2004
15EEDaniel C. Lee, Wonseok Baek: Expected file-delivery time of deferred NAK ARQ in CCSDS file-delivery protocol. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(8): 1408-1416 (2004)
14EEDaniel C. Lee, Lih-feng Tsaur: A proof that uncorrelated branch SNRs yield the lowest error rate for MRC receivers operating over Nakagami-m-fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(5): 1474-1476 (2004)
13EEStephen L. Spitler, Daniel C. Lee: Integrating effective-bandwidth-based QoS routing and best effort routing. INFOCOM 2003
12 Lih-feng Tsaur, Daniel C. Lee: CCS-FOSSIL and Dual-Channel System Increasing Channel Capacity Per Dynamic Power Range: MPSK Case. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2003: 10-17
11 Jun-Seong Park, Daniel C. Lee: Enhanced Fixed and Dynamic Code Assignment Policies for OVSF-CDMA Systems. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2003: 620-625
10 Young Hoon Kwon, Daniel C. Lee: On the Performance of Uplink Packet Relay Protocols for CDMA Cellular-like Systems. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2003: 639-645
9EESami J. Habib, Alice C. Parker, Daniel C. Lee: Automated design of hierarchical intranets. Computer Communications 25(11-12): 1066-1075 (2002)
8 Abdella Battou, Bilal Khan, Daniel C. Lee, Spencer Marsh, Sean Mountcastle, David Talmage: CASiNO: component architecture for simulating network objects. Softw., Pract. Exper. 32(11): 1099-1128 (2002)
7EEJitae Shin, Jongwon Kim, Daniel C. Lee, C. C. Jay Kuo: Dynamic Quality of Service Mapping Framework for Relative Service Differentiation-Aware Media Streaming. ITCC 2001: 30-34
6 Daniel C. Lee: Applying perturbation analysis to traffic shaping. Computer Communications 24(9): 798-810 (2001)
5 Daniel C. Lee: Worst Traffic Passing Virtual Frame Regulation: Analysis with Dynamic Programming. Queueing Syst. 38(4): 381-395 (2001)
4 Stephen L. Spitler, Daniel C. Lee: Optimal CAC Satisfying Cell and Call Level QoS Requirements for an ATM Switch with Output Buffering. PDPTA 2000
3EEMyong H. Kang, Ira S. Moskowitz, Daniel C. Lee: A Network Pump. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(5): 329-338 (1996)
2 Daniel C. Lee: On Effects of Arrival Rate and Burstiness in the Queueing System: Analysis of Lb/D/1. Queueing Syst. 22(1-2): 175-188 (1996)
1 Daniel C. Lee, Daniel P. Siewiorek: Functional Test Generation for Pipelined Computer Implementations. FTCS 1991: 60-69

Coauthor Index

1Wonseok Baek [15]
2Abdella Battou [8]
3Sami J. Habib (Sami Habib) [9]
4Myong H. Kang [3]
5Bilal Khan [8]
6JongWon Kim (Jongwon Kim) [7]
7C. C. Jay Kuo [7]
8Kalyan Kuppuswamy [22] [23]
9Young Hoon Kwon [10] [20]
10Spencer Marsh [8]
11Ira S. Moskowitz [3]
12Sean Mountcastle [8]
13Jun-Seong Park [11]
14Alice C. Parker [9]
15Jitae Shin [7]
16Daniel P. Siewiorek [1]
17Stephen L. Spitler [4] [13] [17] [18] [24]
18David Talmage [8]
19Lih-feng Tsaur [12] [14] [16] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)