
José Halloy

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7EEJesus Millor, José Halloy, Jean-Marc Amé, Jean-Louis Deneubourg: Individual Discrimination Capability and Collective Choice in Social Insects. ANTS Workshop 2006: 167-178
6EENikolaus Correll, Grégory Sempo, Yuri López de Meneses, José Halloy, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Alcherio Martinoli: SwisTrack: A Tracking Tool for Multi-Unit Robotic and Biological Systems. IROS 2006: 2185-2191
5EENikolaus Correll, Grégory Sempo, Yuri López de Meneses, José Halloy, J.-L. Denebourg, Alcherio Martinoli: SwisTrack: A Tracking Tool for Multi-Unit Robotic and Biological Systems. IROS 2006
4EEGrégory Sempo, Stéphanie Depickère, Jean-Marc Amé, Claire Detrain, José Halloy, Jean-Louis Deneubourg: Integration of an Autonomous Artificial Agent in an Insect Society: Experimental Validation. SAB 2006: 703-712
3EEJean-Marc Amé, Jesus Millor, José Halloy, Grégory Sempo, Jean-Louis Deneubourg: Collective Decision-Making Based on Individual Discrimination Capability in Pre-social Insects. SAB 2006: 713-724
2 Fabrice Saffre, José Halloy, Jean-Louis Deneubourg: Steering and Evaluating Autonomic Deployment of Service Components in a P2P Network. ITSSA 2(3): 315-318 (2006)
1EEFabrice Saffre, José Halloy, Jean-Louis Deneubourg: The Ecology of the Grid. ICAC 2005: 378-379

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Marc Amé [3] [4] [7]
2Nikolaus Correll [5] [6]
3J.-L. Denebourg [5]
4Jean-Louis Deneubourg [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
5Stéphanie Depickère [4]
6Claire Detrain [4]
7Alcherio Martinoli [5] [6]
8Yuri López de Meneses [5] [6]
9Jesus Millor [3] [7]
10Fabrice Saffre [1] [2]
11Grégory Sempo [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)