
W. Lewis Johnson

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75 W. Lewis Johnson, André Valente: Tactical Language and Culture Training Systems: Using Artificial Intelligence to Teach Foreign Languages and Cultures. AAAI 2008: 1632-1639
74EENing Wang, W. Lewis Johnson: The Politeness Effect in an Intelligent Foreign Language Tutoring System. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 270-280
73EEW. Lewis Johnson, Shumin Wu: Assessing Aptitude for Learning with a Serious Game for Foreign Language and Culture. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 520-529
72EENing Wang, W. Lewis Johnson, Richard E. Mayer, Paola Rizzo, Erin Shaw, Heather Collins: The politeness effect: Pedagogical agents and learning outcomes. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 66(2): 98-112 (2008)
71 Prasan Samtani, W. Lewis Johnson: In-game help in the Tactical Language Training System. AIED 2007: 635-637
70 W. Lewis Johnson: Serious Use of a Serious Game for Language Learning. AIED 2007: 67-74
69 W. Lewis Johnson: Tactical Language and Culture Training System: Learn and Author. AIED 2007: 734
68EELora Aroyo, Arthur C. Graesser, W. Lewis Johnson: Guest Editors' Introduction: Intelligent Educational Systems of the Present and Future. IEEE Intelligent Systems 22(4): 20-21 (2007)
67 Zsófia Ruttkay, Elisabeth André, W. Lewis Johnson, Catherine Pelachaud: Evaluating Embodied Conversational Agents, 14.03. - 19.03.2004 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006
66 André Valente, W. Lewis Johnson, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson: The Tactical Language and Culture Training System: A Demonstration. AAAI 2006
65 Kristinn R. Thórisson, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Catherine Pelachaud, Stefan Kopp, Norman I. Badler, W. Lewis Johnson, Stacy Marsella, Brigitte Krenn: Representations for Multimodal Generation: A Workshop Report. AI Magazine 27(1): 108- (2006)
64EERichard E. Mayer, W. Lewis Johnson, Erin Shaw, Sahiba Sandhu: Constructing computer-based tutors that are socially sensitive: Politeness in educational software. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 64(1): 36-42 (2006)
63 Cristina Conati, Benedict du Boulay, Claude Frasson, W. Lewis Johnson, Rosemary Luckin, Erika Martínez-Mirón, Helen Pain, Kaska Porayska-Pomsta, Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez: Motivation and Affect in Educational Software. AIED 2005: 1002-1003
62 W. Lewis Johnson, Carole R. Beal: Iterative Evaluation of a Large-Scale, Intelligent Game for Language Learning. AIED 2005: 290-297
61 W. Lewis Johnson, Richard E. Mayer, Elisabeth André, Matthias Rehm: Cross-Cultural Evaluation of Politeness in Tactics for Pedagogical Agents. AIED 2005: 298-305
60 W. Lewis Johnson, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Stacy Marsella: Serious Games for Language Learning: How Much Game, How Much AI? AIED 2005: 306-313
59 Lei Qu, W. Lewis Johnson: Detecting the Learner's Motivational States in An Interactive Learning Environment. AIED 2005: 547-554
58 Ning Wang, W. Lewis Johnson, Richard E. Mayer, Paola Rizzo, Erin Shaw, Heather Collins: The Politeness Effect: Pedagogical Agents and Learning Gains. AIED 2005: 686-693
57 Carole R. Beal, W. Lewis Johnson, Richard Dabrowski, Shumin Wu: Individualized feedback and simulation-based practice in the Tactical Language Training System: An experimental evaluation. AIED 2005: 747-749
56 Amy L. Baylor, Ronald Cole, Arthur Graesser, W. Lewis Johnson: Pedagogical agent research and development: Next steps and future possibilities. AIED 2005: 985
55EENing Wang, W. Lewis Johnson, Paola Rizzo, Erin Shaw, Richard E. Mayer: Experimental evaluation of polite interaction tactics for pedagogical agents. IUI 2005: 12-19
54EEPaola Rizzo, Hyokyeong Lee, Erin Shaw, W. Lewis Johnson, Ning Wang, Richard E. Mayer: A Semi-automated Wizard of Oz Interface for Modeling Tutorial Strategies. User Modeling 2005: 174-178
53EELei Qu, Ning Wang, W. Lewis Johnson: Using Learner Focus of Attention to Detect Learner Motivation Factors. User Modeling 2005: 70-73
52EEW. Lewis Johnson, Paola Rizzo, Wauter Bosma, Sander Kole, Mattijs Ghijsen, Herwin van Welbergen: Generating Socially Appropriate Tutorial Dialog. ADS 2004: 254-264
51EEZsófia Ruttkay, Elisabeth André, W. Lewis Johnson, Catherine Pelachaud: 04121 Abstracts Collection -- Evaluating Embodied Conversational Agents. Evaluating Embodied Conversational Agents 2004
50EELei Qu, Ning Wang, W. Lewis Johnson: Choosing when to interact with learners. IUI 2004: 307-309
49EEW. Lewis Johnson, Carole R. Beal, Anna Fowles-Winkler, Ursula Lauper, Stacy Marsella, Shrikanth Narayanan, Dimitra Papachristou, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson: Tactical Language Training System: An Interim Report. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 336-345
48EEW. Lewis Johnson, Paola Rizzo: Politeness in Tutoring Dialogs: "Run the Factory, That's What I'd Do". Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 67-76
47EEClaude Frasson, Kaska Porayska-Pomsta, Cristina Conati, Guy Gouardères, W. Lewis Johnson, Helen Pain, Elisabeth André, Timothy W. Bickmore, Paul Brna, Isabel Fernández de Castro, Stefano A. Cerri, Cleide Jane Costa, James C. Lester, Christine L. Lisetti, Stacy Marsella, Jack Mostow, Roger Nkambou, Magalie Ochs, Ana Paiva, Fábio Paraguaçu, Natalie K. Person, Rosalind W. Picard, Candice Sidner, Angel de Vicente: Workshop on Social and Emotional Intelligence in Learning Environments. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 913
46EEErin Shaw, Catherine LaBore, Yuan-Chun Chiu, W. Lewis Johnson: Animating 2D Digital Puppets with Limited Autonomy. Smart Graphics 2004: 1-10
45EEPaul Scerri, David V. Pynadath, W. Lewis Johnson, Paul S. Rosenbloom, Mei Si, Nathan Schurr, Milind Tambe: A prototype infrastructure for distributed robot-agent-person teams. AAMAS 2003: 433-440
44EEW. Lewis Johnson: Interaction tactics for socially intelligent pedagogical agents. IUI 2003: 251-253
43EEW. Lewis Johnson, Erin Shaw, Andrew Marshall, Catherine LaBore: Evolution of user interaction: the case of agent adele. IUI 2003: 93-100
42EERichard Angros, W. Lewis Johnson, Jeff Rickel, Andrew Scholer: Learning domain knowledge for teaching procedural skills. AAMAS 2002: 1372-1378
41EEPaola Rizzo, Erin Shaw, W. Lewis Johnson: An Agent That Helps Children to Author Rhetorically-Structured Digital Puppet Presentations. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 903-912
40EERandall W. Hill Jr., Jonathan Gratch, W. Lewis Johnson, Chris Kyriakakis, Catherine LaBore, Richard Lindheim, Stacy Marsella, David Miraglia, Ben Moore, Jackie Morie, Jeff Rickel, Marcus Thiébaux, Larry Tuch, Richard Whitney, Jay Douglas, William R. Swartout: Toward the holodeck: integrating graphics, sound, character and story. Agents 2001: 409-416
39 W. Lewis Johnson: Animated Pedagogical Agents for Education Training and Edutainment. ICALT 2001: 501
38EEW. Lewis Johnson: Pedagogical Agents for Web-Based Learning. Web Intelligence 2001: 43
37 W. Lewis Johnson: Pedagogical Agent Research at CARTE. AI Magazine 22(4): 85-94 (2001)
36EEStacy Marsella, W. Lewis Johnson, Catherine LaBore: Interactive pedagogical drama. Agents 2000: 301-308
35EERajaram Ganeshan, W. Lewis Johnson, Erin Shaw, Beverly P. Wood: Tutoring Diagnostic Problem Solving. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 33-42
34 Edward John Kazlauskas, Maged Dessouky, Jeff Rickel, W. Lewis Johnson: A Web-based Factory teaching System: Design and Development. WebNet 2000: 740-741
33EEErin Shaw, W. Lewis Johnson, Rajaram Ganeshan: Pedagogical Agents on the Web. Agents 1999: 283-290
32EERogelio Adobbati, W. Lewis Johnson, Stacy Marsella: PESCE: A Visual Generator for Software Understanding. IUI 1999: 195
31EEAli Erdem, W. Lewis Johnson: Task Orientation and Tailoring of Interactive Software Explanations. WCRE 1999: 145-156
30EEJeff Rickel, W. Lewis Johnson: Animated Agents for Procedural Training in Virtual Reality: Perception, Cognition, and Motor Control. Applied Artificial Intelligence 13(4-5): 343-382 (1999)
29EEW. Lewis Johnson: Letter from the Chair. Intelligence 10(2): 6 (1999)
28EEAli Erdem, W. Lewis Johnson, Stacy Marsella: Task Oriented Software Understanding. ASE 1998: 230-239
27EEJeff Rickel, W. Lewis Johnson: STEVE: A Pedagogical Agent for Virtual Reality. Agents 1998: 332-333
26EEStacy Marsella, W. Lewis Johnson: An Instructor's Assistant for Team-Training in Dynamic Mulit-Agent Vitual Worlds. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 464-473
25EEMilind Tambe, W. Lewis Johnson, Wei-Min Shen: Adaptive agent tracking in real-world multiagent domains: a preliminary report. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 48(1): 105-124 (1998)
24 W. Lewis Johnson, Jeff Rickel, Randy Stiles, Allen Munro: Integrating Pedagogical Agents into Virtual Environments. Presence 7(6): 523-546 (1998)
23 Jeff Rickel, W. Lewis Johnson: Integrating Pedagogical Capabilities in a Virtual Environment Agents. Agents 1997: 30-38
22 W. Lewis Johnson, Ali Erdem: Interactive Explanation of Software Systems. Autom. Softw. Eng. 4(1): 53-75 (1997)
21EEW. Lewis Johnson, Jeff Rickel: Steve: an animated pedagogical agent for procedural training in virtual environments. SIGART Bulletin 8(1-4): 16-21 (1997)
20 W. Lewis Johnson, Tyler Blake, Erin Shaw: Automated management and delivery of distance courseware. WebNet 1996
19 W. Lewis Johnson, Ali Erdem: Interactive Explanation of Software Systems. KBSE 1995: 155-164
18 Milind Tambe, W. Lewis Johnson, Randolph M. Jones, Frank V. Koss, John E. Laird, Paul S. Rosenbloom, Karl Schwamb: Intelligent Agents for Interactive Simulation Environments. AI Magazine 16(1): 15-39 (1995)
17 W. Lewis Johnson: A Review of Participating in Explanatory Dialogues: Interpreting and Responding to Questions in Context. AI Magazine 16(2): 88-90 (1995)
16 W. Lewis Johnson: Agents that Learn to Explain Themselves. AAAI 1994: 1257-1263
15 Randall W. Hill Jr., W. Lewis Johnson: Situated Plan Attribution for Intelligent Tutoring. AAAI 1994: 499-505
14 Kevin Benner, Martin S. Feather, W. Lewis Johnson, Lorna A. Zorman: Utilizing Scenarios in the Software Development Process. Information System Development Process 1993: 117-134
13EEW. Lewis Johnson, Kevin Benner, David R. Harris: Developing Formal Specifications from Informal Requirements. IEEE Expert 8(4): 82-90 (1993)
12EEW. Lewis Johnson, Martin S. Feather, David R. Harris: Representation and Presentation of Requirements Knowledge. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 18(10): 853-869 (1992)
11 W. Lewis Johnson, Martin S. Feather, David R. Harris: The KBSA Requirements/Specifications Facet: ARIES. KBSE 1991: 48-56
10 W. Lewis Johnson, David R. Harris: Sharing and Reuse of Requirements Knowledge. KBSE 1991: 57-66
9 W. Lewis Johnson: J. Psotka, L. D. Massey and S. A. Mutter, eds., Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lessons Learned. Artif. Intell. 48(1): 125-134 (1991)
8EEW. Lewis Johnson, Martin S. Feather, David R. Harris: Integrating domain knowledge, requirements, and specifications. Journal of Systems Integration 1(3-4): 283-320 (1991)
7 W. Lewis Johnson, Martin S. Feather: Building an Evolution Transformation Library. ICSE 1990: 238-248
6 W. Lewis Johnson: Understanding and Debugging Novice Programs. Artif. Intell. 42(1): 51-97 (1990)
5 W. Lewis Johnson: Deriving Specifications from Requirements. ICSE 1988: 428-438
4 W. Lewis Johnson: Specification via scenarios and views. ISPW 1986: 61-63
3 W. Lewis Johnson, Elliot Soloway: PROUST: Knowledge-Based Program Understanding. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11(3): 267-275 (1985)
2 W. Lewis Johnson, Elliot Soloway: Intention-Based Diagnosis of Programming Errors. AAAI 1984: 162-168
1 W. Lewis Johnson, Elliot Soloway: PROUST: Knowledge-Based Program Understanding. ICSE 1984: 369-380

Coauthor Index

1Rogelio Adobbati [32]
2Elisabeth André [47] [51] [61] [67]
3Richard Angros [42]
4Lora Aroyo [68]
5Norman I. Badler [65]
6Amy L. Baylor [56]
7Carole R. Beal [49] [57] [62]
8Kevin Benner [13] [14]
9Timothy W. Bickmore [47]
10Tyler Blake [20]
11Wauter Bosma [52]
12Benedict du Boulay [63]
13Paul Brna [47]
14Isabel Fernández de Castro [47]
15Stefano A. Cerri [47]
16Yuan-Chun Chiu [46]
17Ronald Cole [56]
18Heather Collins [58] [72]
19Cristina Conati [47] [63]
20Cleide Jane Costa [47]
21Richard Dabrowski [57]
22Maged Dessouky [34]
23Jay Douglas [40]
24Ali Erdem [19] [22] [28] [31]
25Martin S. Feather [7] [8] [11] [12] [14]
26Anna Fowles-Winkler [49]
27Claude Frasson [47] [63]
28Rajaram Ganeshan [33] [35]
29Mattijs Ghijsen [52]
30Guy Gouardères [47]
31Arthur Graesser [56]
32Arthur C. Graesser [68]
33Jonathan Gratch [40]
34David R. Harris [8] [10] [11] [12] [13]
35Randall W. Hill Jr. [15] [40]
36Randolph M. Jones [18]
37Edward John Kazlauskas [34]
38Sander Kole [52]
39Stefan Kopp [65]
40Frank V. Koss [18]
41Brigitte Krenn [65]
42Chris Kyriakakis [40]
43Catherine LaBore [36] [40] [43] [46]
44John E. Laird [18]
45Ursula Lauper [49]
46Hyokyeong Lee [54]
47James C. Lester [47]
48Richard Lindheim [40]
49Christine L. Lisetti [47]
50Rosemary Luckin [63]
51Stacy Marsella [26] [28] [32] [36] [40] [47] [49] [60] [65]
52Andrew Marshall [43]
53Erika Martínez-Mirón [63]
54Richard E. Mayer [54] [55] [58] [61] [64] [72]
55David Miraglia [40]
56Ben Moore [40]
57Jackie Morie [40]
58Jack Mostow [47]
59Allen Munro [24]
60Shrikanth Narayanan [49]
61Roger Nkambou [47]
62Magalie Ochs [47]
63Helen Pain [47] [63]
64Ana Paiva [47]
65Dimitra Papachristou [49]
66Fábio Paraguaçu [47]
67Catherine Pelachaud [51] [65] [67]
68Natalie K. Person [47]
69Rosalind W. Picard [47]
70Kaska Porayska-Pomsta [47] [63]
71David V. Pynadath [45]
72Lei Qu [50] [53] [59]
73Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez [63]
74Matthias Rehm [61]
75Jeff Rickel [21] [23] [24] [27] [30] [34] [40] [42]
76Paola Rizzo [41] [48] [52] [54] [55] [58] [72]
77Paul S. Rosenbloom [18] [45]
78Zsófia Ruttkay [51] [67]
79Prasan Samtani [71]
80Sahiba Sandhu [64]
81Paul Scerri [45]
82Andrew Scholer [42]
83Nathan Schurr [45]
84Karl Schwamb [18]
85Erin Shaw [20] [33] [35] [41] [43] [46] [54] [55] [58] [64] [72]
86Wei-Min Shen [25]
87Mei Si [45]
88Candice Sidner [47]
89Elliot Soloway [1] [2] [3]
90Randy Stiles [24]
91William R. Swartout [40]
92Milind Tambe [18] [25] [45]
93Marcus Thiébaux [40]
94Kristinn R. Thórisson [65]
95Larry Tuch [40]
96André Valente [66] [75]
97Angel de Vicente [47]
98Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson [49] [60] [65] [66]
99Ning Wang [50] [53] [54] [55] [58] [72] [74]
100Herwin van Welbergen [52]
101Richard Whitney [40]
102Beverly P. Wood [35]
103Shumin Wu [57] [73]
104Lorna A. Zorman [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)