3. ISPW 1986:
Mark Dowson (Ed.):
Proceedings of the Third International Software Process Workshop (ISPW '86), November 1986, Beckenridge, Colorado, USA.
IEEE Computer Society 1986 BibTeX
editor = {Mark Dowson},
title = {Proceedings of the Third International Software Process Workshop
(ISPW '86), November 1986, Beckenridge, Colorado, USA},
booktitle = {ISPW},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
year = {1986},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Peter Farrell-Vinay:
An approach to axioms of the iteration process.
13-17 BibTeX
- Colin Tully:
Software process model and iteration.
18-21 BibTeX
- Jack C. Wileden:
Incremental development and iteration in the software process.
22-25 BibTeX
- Watts S. Humphrey:
Classes of process iteration.
26-28 BibTeX
- M. M. Lehman:
Modes of evolution.
29-32 BibTeX
- Steve Huseth, Don Vines:
Describing the software process.
33-35 BibTeX
- Cees J. Koomen:
Iterations, learning and the detailing step paradigm.
36-39 BibTeX
- Barry W. Boehm, Frank C. Belz:
Reasoning about iteration: a cost-benefit approach.
40-44 BibTeX
- Dewayne E. Perry:
The iteration mechanism in the inscape environment.
49-52 BibTeX
- Bill Curtis:
Models of iteration in software development.
53-56 BibTeX
- Jeff Conklin, David Bridgeland:
Beyond macro-iteration: an organic model of system design.
57-60 BibTeX
- W. Lewis Johnson:
Specification via scenarios and views.
61-63 BibTeX
- Gerhard Chroust:
Backtracking in software process model.
64-68 BibTeX
- Michael Buckley, Charles A. Frisch, Doyt L. Perry:
Hierarchical control of software devlopment.
69-74 BibTeX
- Leon J. Osterweil:
Software processes are software too.
79-80 BibTeX
- William E. Riddle, Lloyd G. Williams:
Modelling software development in the large.
81-84 BibTeX
- Richard N. Taylor:
Concurrency and software process model.
85-86 BibTeX
- Samuel T. Redwine Jr.:
The software development process as a fault-tolerant system.
87-91 BibTeX
- Maarten Boasson:
Software design and complexity.
92-96 BibTeX
- Martyn A. Ould, Clive Roberts:
Modelling iteration in the software process.
101-104 BibTeX
- Allen Goldberg, C. Cordell Green, Wolfgang Polak, Richard Jüllig:
Iteration in the software process.
105-108 BibTeX
- Gene F. Hoffnagle:
Process iteration modelling and mechanization.
109-113 BibTeX
- Neil M. Goldman:
Software prototyping by progressive annotation.
114-117 BibTeX
- David P. Schwartz:
Software evolution management.
118-120 BibTeX
- Elaine J. Weyuker:
Managing testing of iteratively developed software.
121-123 BibTeX
- Kouichi Kishida:
Evolution of a testbed.
124-128 BibTeX
- Anthony Finkelstein:
Making formal specifications dynamic objects.
133-136 BibTeX
- Martin S. Feather:
An incremental approach to construting, explaining and maintaining specifications.
137-140 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:26:15 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)