
Catherine LaBore

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4EEErin Shaw, Catherine LaBore, Yuan-Chun Chiu, W. Lewis Johnson: Animating 2D Digital Puppets with Limited Autonomy. Smart Graphics 2004: 1-10
3EEW. Lewis Johnson, Erin Shaw, Andrew Marshall, Catherine LaBore: Evolution of user interaction: the case of agent adele. IUI 2003: 93-100
2EERandall W. Hill Jr., Jonathan Gratch, W. Lewis Johnson, Chris Kyriakakis, Catherine LaBore, Richard Lindheim, Stacy Marsella, David Miraglia, Ben Moore, Jackie Morie, Jeff Rickel, Marcus Thiébaux, Larry Tuch, Richard Whitney, Jay Douglas, William R. Swartout: Toward the holodeck: integrating graphics, sound, character and story. Agents 2001: 409-416
1EEStacy Marsella, W. Lewis Johnson, Catherine LaBore: Interactive pedagogical drama. Agents 2000: 301-308

Coauthor Index

1Yuan-Chun Chiu [4]
2Jay Douglas [2]
3Jonathan Gratch [2]
4Randall W. Hill Jr. [2]
5W. Lewis Johnson [1] [2] [3] [4]
6Chris Kyriakakis [2]
7Richard Lindheim [2]
8Stacy Marsella [1] [2]
9Andrew Marshall [3]
10David Miraglia [2]
11Ben Moore [2]
12Jackie Morie [2]
13Jeff Rickel [2]
14Erin Shaw [3] [4]
15William R. Swartout [2]
16Marcus Thiébaux [2]
17Larry Tuch [2]
18Richard Whitney [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)