12. AAAI 1994:
Seattle, WA, USA
Proceedings of the 12th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Volume 2. Seattle, WA, USA, July 31 - August 4, 1994. AAAI Press, 1994,
ISBN 0-262-61102-3
Neural Networks
Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Belief Revision
Nonmonotonic Reasoning
- Michael Chan, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Sven J. Dickinson:
A New Approach to Tracking 3D Objects in 2D Image Sequences.
960-965 BibTeX
- Timothy Huang, Daphne Koller, Jitendra Malik, Gary H. Ogasawara, B. Rao, Stuart J. Russell, Joseph Weber:
Automatic Symbolic Traffic Scene Analysis Using Belief Networks.
966-972 BibTeX
- Keiji Kanazawa:
Sensible Decisions: Toward a Theory of Decision-Theoretic Information Invariants.
973-978 BibTeX
- David Kortenkamp, Terry E. Weymouth:
Topological Mapping for Mobile Robots Using a Combination of Sonar and Vision Sensing.
979-984 BibTeX
- Michael Lindenbaum, Shai Ben-David:
Applying VC-Dimension Analysis To 3D Object Recognition from Perspective Projections.
985-990 BibTeX
Planning and Scheduling
Causal-Link Planning
Planning Under Uncertainty
Task Network Planning
Qualitative and Model-Based Reasoning
Model-Based Reasoning
Qualitative Reasoning:
Qualitative Reasoning:
Formal Models of Reactive Control
Learning Robotic Agents
Robot Control,
Locomotion and Manipulation
Search and Genetic Algorithms
Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing
Two-Player Games
Spatial Reasoning
Student Abstracts
- Saliha Azzam:
Classification of Noun Phrases into Concepts or Individuals.
1425 BibTeX
- Lisa Ballesteros:
Regression Based Causal Induction with Latent Variable Models.
1426 BibTeX
- Jim Blythe:
Probabilistic Knowledge of External Events in Planning.
1427 BibTeX
- Stefanie Brüninghaus:
DANIEL: Integrating Case-Based and Rule-Based Reasoning in Law.
1428 BibTeX
- Lisa J. Burnell:
Decision-Theoretic Plan Failure Debugging and Repair.
1429 BibTeX
- Vanja Buvac:
Decidability of Contextual Reasoning.
1430 BibTeX
- YaLing Chang:
Simplifying Bayesian Belief Nets while Preserving MPE or MPGE Ordering.
1431 BibTeX
- Yousong Chang, Donald Nute:
Abstract of the Forest Management Advisory Systems.
1432 BibTeX
- Michael H. Coen:
SodaBot: A Software Agent Environment and Construction System.
1433 BibTeX
- Robin Collier:
Empirical Knowledge Representation Generation Using N-Gram Clustering.
1434 BibTeX
- Michael T. Cox:
Case-Based Introspection.
1435 BibTeX
- Diana Cukierman, James P. Delgrande:
Time Units and Calendars.
1436 BibTeX
- Daniel E. Damouth, Edmund H. Durfee:
Local Search in the Coordination of Intelligent Agents.
1437 BibTeX
- Angélica de Antonio, Jesús Cardeñosa, Loïc Martínez Normand:
GKR: A Generic Model of Knowledge Representation.
1438 BibTeX
- John Demiris:
Experiments Towards Robotic Learning by Imitation.
1439 BibTeX
- Rujith de Silva:
Goal-Clobbering Avoidance in Non-Linear Planners.
1440 BibTeX
- Mark Devaney, Ashwin Ram:
Dynamically Adjusting Categories to Accommodate Changing Contexts.
1441 BibTeX
- Surnjani Djoko:
Substructure Discovery Using Minimum Description Length Principle and Background Knowledge.
1442 BibTeX
- Steven K. Donoho, David C. Wilkins:
Exploiting the Ordering of Observed Problem-Solving Steps for Knowledge Base Refinement: An Apprenticeship Approach.
1443 BibTeX
- Erik Eilerts:
The KM / KnEd System: An Integrated Approach to Building Large-Scale Multifunctional Knowledge Bases.
1444 BibTeX
- Mark Fasciano:
Situated Agents Can Have Plans.
1445 BibTeX
- Susan Fox, David B. Leake:
Introspective Reasoning in a Case-Based Planner.
1446-1446 BibTeX
- Alexander Franz:
A Statistical Method for Handling Unknown Words.
1447 BibTeX
- Andrew S. Gavin:
Low Computation Vision-Based Navigation for a Martian Rover.
1448 BibTeX
- Terrance Goan, Oren Etzioni:
Learning About Software Errors Via Systematic Experimentation.
1449 BibTeX
- Richard Goodwin:
Reasoning about What to Plan.
1450 BibTeX
- Vanathi Gopalakrishnan, Daniel N. Hennessy, Bruce G. Buchanan, Devika Subramanian:
The Crystallographer's Assistant.
1451 BibTeX
- Lloyd Greenwald, Thomas Dean:
Time-Critical Scheduling in Stochastic Domains.
1452 BibTeX
- Gail Haddock:
Planning for Component-Based Configurations.
1453 BibTeX
- Kyungsook Han, Andrew Gelsey:
The Epistemology of Physical System Modeling.
1454 BibTeX
- Corinne Haouche:
Testing a KBS Using a Conceptual Model.
1455 BibTeX
- Katsutoshi Hirayama, Seiji Yamada, Jun'ichi Toyoda:
A Dynamic Organization in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction.
1456 BibTeX
- Louis J. Hoebel:
Tractable Anytime Temporal Constraint Propagation.
1457 BibTeX
- Keiko Horiguchi:
Processing Pragmatics for Computer-Assisted Language Instruction.
1458 BibTeX
- Damon Horowitz:
Generating Rhythms with Genetic Algorithms.
1459 BibTeX
- Marcus J. Huber, Edmund H. Durfee, Michael P. Wellman:
The Automated Mapping of Plans for Plan Recognition.
1460 BibTeX
- Scott B. Hunter:
Preliminary Studies in Agent Design in Simulated Environments.
1461 BibTeX
- Qiang Ji, Michael M. Marefat, Paul J. A. Lever:
Dempster-Shafer and Bayesian Network for CAD-Based Feature Extraction: A Comparative Investigation and Analysis.
1462 BibTeX
- George H. John:
Finding Multivariate Splits in Decision Trees Using Function Optimization.
1463 BibTeX
- George H. John:
When the Best Move Isn't Optimal: Q-learning with Exploration.
1464 BibTeX
- Leo Joskowicz, Elisha Sacks:
HIPAIR: Interactive Mechanism Analysis and Design Using Configuration Spaces.
1465 BibTeX
- Thomas E. Kammeyer, Richard K. Belew:
Learning Sorting Networks By Grammars.
1466 BibTeX
- Steven P. Ketchpel:
The Formation of Coalitions Among Self-Interested Agents.
1467 BibTeX
- Stephen V. Kowalski:
Learning From Ambiguous Examples.
1468 BibTeX
- Nicholas Kushmerick:
Exploiting the Environment: Urban Navigation as a Case Study.
1469 BibTeX
- David Lee, Michael Recce:
Quantitative Evaluation of the Exploration Strategies of a Mobile Robot.
1470 BibTeX
- Thomas F. McDougal:
Everyday Reasoning Meets Geometry Theorem-Proving.
1471 BibTeX
- John MacIntyre, Peter Smith, John Tait:
Determination of Machine Condition Using Neural Networks.
1472 BibTeX
- Kavi Mahesh:
Building a Parser That can Afford to Interact with Semantics.
1473 BibTeX
- Oded Maron:
Using Errors to Create Piecewise Learnable Partitions.
1474 BibTeX
- C. Medina, L. Pratt, C. Ganesh:
Development of an Intelligent Forensic System for Hair Analysis and Comparison.
1475 BibTeX
- Joël Milgram:
Model-Based Sensor Diagnosis: When Monitoring Should Be Monitored.
1476 BibTeX
- Debasis Mitra:
Theoreticai and Experimental Studies of Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problem.
1477 BibTeX
- Kenneth Moorman, Ashwin Ram:
A Theory of Reading.
1478 BibTeX
- Shubha S. Nerur:
A Hybrid Parallel IDA Search.
1479 BibTeX
- Madhura Nirkhe:
Time-Situated Reasoning within Tight Deadlines and Realistic Space and Computation Bounds.
1480 BibTeX
- David C. Noelle, Garrison W. Cottrell:
Integrating Induction & Instruction: Connectionist Advice Taking.
1481 BibTeX
- DoKyeong Ok:
A Comparison of Reinforcement Learning Methods for Automatic Guided Vehicle Scheduling.
1482 BibTeX
- Julio Ortega:
Making the Most of What You've Got: Using Models and Data to Improve Learning Rate and Prediction Accuracy.
1483 BibTeX
- M. Alicia Pérez:
Learning Quality-Enhancing Control Knowledge.
1484 BibTeX
- Mike Perkowitz, Oren Etzioni:
Database Learning for Software Agents.
1485 BibTeX
- Nancy E. Reed:
Diagnosing Multiple Interacting Defects with Combination Descriptions.
1486 BibTeX
- W. Scott Neal Reilly:
Building Emotional Characters for Interactive Drama.
1487 BibTeX
- Warren Sack:
On the Computation of Point of View.
1488 BibTeX
- Mahendra Sekaran, Sandip Sen:
Multi-Agent Learning in Non-Cooperative Domains.
1489 BibTeX
- Onn Shehory:
Coalition Formation Methods in Multi-Agent Environments.
1490 BibTeX
- Vishal Sikka:
Integrating Specialized Procedures in Proof Systems.
1491 BibTeX
- Raja Sooriamurthi, David B. Leake:
Towards Situated Explanation.
1492 BibTeX
- Eleni Stroulia:
Reflective Reasoning and Learning.
1493 BibTeX
- C. Vasudevan:
Case-Based Reasoning for Weather Prediction.
1494 BibTeX
- José M. Vidal, Edmund H. Durfee:
Agent Modeling Methods Using Limited Rationality.
1495 BibTeX
- Xuemei Wang:
Learning by Observation and Practice: A Framework for Automatic Acquisition of Planning Operators.
1496 BibTeX
- Mike Wessler:
A Modular Visual Tracking System.
1497 BibTeX
- Mike Williamson, Steve Hanks:
Utility-Directed Planning.
1498 BibTeX
- Hong Xiang, Brahm P. Verma, Gerrit Hoogenboom:
Fuzzy Irrigation Decision Support System.
1499 BibTeX
- Holly A. Yanco:
Synthetic Robot Language Development.
1500 BibTeX
- Liu Zhang, Donald Potter:
Computer Simulation of Statistics and Educational Measurement StatSim: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Statistics.
1501 BibTeX
Video Program
- Barbara Hayes-Roth, N. Serdar Uckun, Jan Eric Larsson, David Gaba, Juliana Barr, Jane Chien:
Guardian: A Prototype Intelligent Agent for Intensive-Care Monitoring.
1503 BibTeX
- Randolph M. Jones:
Dynamic Generation of Complex Behavior.
1504 BibTeX
- Leo Joskowicz, Elisha Sacks:
HIPAIR: Interactive Mechanism Analysis and Design Using Configuration Spaces.
1505 BibTeX
- Pattie Maes, Trevor Darrell, Bruce Blumberg, Alex Pentland:
ALIVE: Artificial Life Interactive Video Environment.
1506 BibTeX
- Jack Mostow, Alexander G. Hauptmann, Steven F. Roth, Matthew Kane, Adam Swift, Lin Lawrence Chase, Bob Weide:
A Reading Coach that Listens: (Edited) Video Transcript.
1507 BibTeX
- David Rosenthal:
Machine Rhythm.
1508 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:55:29 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)