
Jeff Rickel

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28 William R. Swartout, Jonathan Gratch, Randall W. Hill Jr., Eduard H. Hovy, Stacy Marsella, Jeff Rickel, David R. Traum: Toward Virtual Humans. AI Magazine 27(2): 96-108 (2006)
27 Thomas Rist, Ruth Aylett, Daniel Ballin, Jeff Rickel: Intelligent Agents, 4th International Workshop, IVA 2003, Kloster Irsee, Germany, September 15-17, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
26EEDavid R. Traum, Jeff Rickel, Jonathan Gratch, Stacy Marsella: Negotiation over tasks in hybrid human-agent teams for simulation-based training. AAMAS 2003: 441-448
25EEDasarathi Sampath, Jeff Rickel: Modelling Accessibility of Embodied Agents for Multi-modal Dialogue in Complex Virtual Worlds. IVA 2003: 119-126
24EEGonzalo Méndez, Jeff Rickel, Angélica de Antonio: Steve Meets Jack: The Integration of an Intelligent Tutor and a Virtual Environment with Planning Capabilities. IVA 2003: 325-332
23EEJonathan Gratch, Paul E. Debevec, Dick Lindheim, Frederic H. Pighin, Jeff Rickel, William R. Swartout, David R. Traum, Jackie Morie: Hollywood Meets Simulation: Creating Immersive Training Environments at the ICT. VR 2003: 303
22EERandall W. Hill Jr., Jonathan Gratch, Stacy Marsella, Jeff Rickel, William R. Swartout, David R. Traum: Virtual Humans in the Mission Rehearsal Exercise System. KI 17(4): 5- (2003)
21EERichard Angros, W. Lewis Johnson, Jeff Rickel, Andrew Scholer: Learning domain knowledge for teaching procedural skills. AAMAS 2002: 1372-1378
20EEDavid R. Traum, Jeff Rickel: Embodied agents for multi-party dialogue in immersive virtual worlds. AAMAS 2002: 766-773
19EECharles Rich, Neal Lesh, Andrew Garland, Jeff Rickel: A plug-in architecture for generating collaborative agent responses. AAMAS 2002: 782-789
18EEJeff Rickel, Neal Lesh, Charles Rich, Candace L. Sidner, Abigail S. Gertner: Collaborative Discourse Theory as a Foundation for Tutorial Dialogue. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 542-551
17EEJeff Rickel, Stacy Marsella, Jonathan Gratch, Randall Hill, David R. Traum, William R. Swartout: Toward a New Generation of Virtual Humans for Interactive Experiences. IEEE Intelligent Systems 17(4): 32-38 (2002)
16EEJonathan Gratch, Jeff Rickel, Elisabeth André, Justine Cassell, Eric Petajan, Norman I. Badler: Creating Interactive Virtual Humans: Some Assembly Required. IEEE Intelligent Systems 17(4): 54-63 (2002)
15EEDaniel Ballin, Jeff Rickel, Daniel Thalmann: Graphical Autonomous Virtual Humans - Editorial. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 13(5): (2002)
14EERandall W. Hill Jr., Jonathan Gratch, W. Lewis Johnson, Chris Kyriakakis, Catherine LaBore, Richard Lindheim, Stacy Marsella, David Miraglia, Ben Moore, Jackie Morie, Jeff Rickel, Marcus Thiébaux, Larry Tuch, Richard Whitney, Jay Douglas, William R. Swartout: Toward the holodeck: integrating graphics, sound, character and story. Agents 2001: 409-416
13EEJim R. Davies, Abigail S. Gertner, Neal Lesh, Charles Rich, Candace L. Sidner, Jeff Rickel: Incorporating tutorial strategies into an intelligent assistant. IUI 2001: 53-56
12EEJeff Rickel: Intelligent Virtual Agents for Education and Training: Opportunities and Challenges. IVA 2001: 15-22
11 Edward John Kazlauskas, Maged Dessouky, Jeff Rickel, W. Lewis Johnson: A Web-based Factory teaching System: Design and Development. WebNet 2000: 740-741
10EEClark Elliott, Jeff Rickel, James C. Lester: Lifelike Pedagogical Agents and Affective Computing: An Exploratory Synthesis. Artificial Intelligence Today 1999: 195-211
9EEJeff Rickel, W. Lewis Johnson: Animated Agents for Procedural Training in Virtual Reality: Perception, Cognition, and Motor Control. Applied Artificial Intelligence 13(4-5): 343-382 (1999)
8EEJeff Rickel, W. Lewis Johnson: STEVE: A Pedagogical Agent for Virtual Reality. Agents 1998: 332-333
7EECarol Horwitz, Jeff Rickel, Allen Munro, Craig Hall, Randy Stiles, Helen M. Gigley: ITS Technologies in Virtual Environments: Can We Harness the Synergy? Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 617
6 W. Lewis Johnson, Jeff Rickel, Randy Stiles, Allen Munro: Integrating Pedagogical Agents into Virtual Environments. Presence 7(6): 523-546 (1998)
5 Jeff Rickel, W. Lewis Johnson: Integrating Pedagogical Capabilities in a Virtual Environment Agents. Agents 1997: 30-38
4EEJeff Rickel, Bruce W. Porter: Automated Modeling of Complex Systems to Answer Prediction Questions. Artif. Intell. 93: 201-260 (1997)
3EEW. Lewis Johnson, Jeff Rickel: Steve: an animated pedagogical agent for procedural training in virtual environments. SIGART Bulletin 8(1-4): 16-21 (1997)
2 Jeff Rickel, Bruce W. Porter: Automated Modeling for Answering Prediction Questions: Selecting the Time Scale and System Boundary. AAAI 1994: 1191-1198
1 Richard Herrod, Jeff Rickel: Knowledge-Based Simulation of a Glass Annealing Process: An AI Application in the Glass Industry. AAAI 1986: 800-804

Coauthor Index

1Elisabeth André [16]
2Richard Angros [21]
3Ruth Aylett [27]
4Norman I. Badler [16]
5Daniel Ballin [15] [27]
6Justine Cassell [16]
7Jim R. Davies [13]
8Paul E. Debevec [23]
9Maged Dessouky [11]
10Jay Douglas [14]
11Clark Elliott [10]
12Andrew Garland [19]
13Abigail S. Gertner [13] [18]
14Helen M. Gigley [7]
15Jonathan Gratch [14] [16] [17] [22] [23] [26] [28]
16Craig Hall [7]
17Richard Herrod [1]
18Randall Hill [17]
19Randall W. Hill Jr. [14] [22] [28]
20Carol Horwitz [7]
21Eduard H. Hovy [28]
22Angélica de Antonio Jiménez (Angélica de Antonio) [24]
23W. Lewis Johnson [3] [5] [6] [8] [9] [11] [14] [21]
24Edward John Kazlauskas [11]
25Chris Kyriakakis [14]
26Catherine LaBore [14]
27Neal Lesh [13] [18] [19]
28James C. Lester [10]
29Dick Lindheim [23]
30Richard Lindheim [14]
31Stacy Marsella [14] [17] [22] [26] [28]
32Gonzalo Méndez [24]
33David Miraglia [14]
34Ben Moore [14]
35Jackie Morie [14] [23]
36Allen Munro [6] [7]
37Eric Petajan [16]
38Frederic H. Pighin [23]
39Bruce W. Porter [2] [4]
40Charles Rich [13] [18] [19]
41Thomas Rist [27]
42Dasarathi Sampath [25]
43Andrew Scholer [21]
44Candace L. Sidner [13] [18]
45Randy Stiles [6] [7]
46William R. Swartout [14] [17] [22] [23] [28]
47Daniel Thalmann [15]
48Marcus Thiébaux [14]
49David R. Traum [17] [20] [22] [23] [26] [28]
50Larry Tuch [14]
51Richard Whitney [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)