
Timothy W. Bickmore

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39EETimothy W. Bickmore, Laura M. Pfeifer, Brian W. Jack: Taking the time to care: empowering low health literacy hospital patients with virtual nurse agents. CHI 2009: 1265-1274
38EETimothy W. Bickmore, Sunny Consolvo, Stephen S. Intille: Engagement by design. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4807-4810
37EEDaniel Schulman, Mayur Sharma, Timothy W. Bickmore: The identification of users by relational agents. AAMAS (1) 2008: 105-111
36EETimothy W. Bickmore, Daniel Mauer, Francisco Crespo, Thomas Brown: Negotiating task interruptions with virtual agents for health behavior change. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1241-1244
35EETimothy W. Bickmore, Laura M. Pfeifer, Daniel Schulman, Sepalika Perera, Chaamari Senanayake, Ishraque Nazmi: Public displays of affect: deploying relational agents in public spaces. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3297-3302
34EETimothy W. Bickmore, Daniel Schulman: Practical approaches to comforting users with relational agents. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 2291-2296
33EETimothy W. Bickmore: What Would Jiminy Cricket Do? Lessons from the First Social Wearable. HCI (15) 2007: 12-21
32EETimothy W. Bickmore, Laura M. Pfeifer, Michael K. Paasche-Orlow: Health Document Explanation by Virtual Agents. IVA 2007: 183-196
31EETimothy W. Bickmore, Daniel Mauer, Thomas Brown: Context Awareness in Mobile Relational Agents. IVA 2007: 354-355
30EETimothy W. Bickmore, Daniel Mauer, Francisco Crespo, Thomas Brown: Persuasion, Task Interruption and Health Regimen Adherence. PERSUASIVE 2007: 1-11
29EETimothy W. Bickmore, Daniel Mauer: Modalities for building relationships with handheld computer agents. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 544-549
28EETimothy W. Bickmore, Daniel Schulman: The comforting presence of relational agents. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 550-555
27EETimothy W. Bickmore, Toni Giorgino, Nancy Green, Rosalind W. Picard: Special issue on dialog systems for health communication. Journal of Biomedical Informatics: 465-467 (2006)
26EETimothy W. Bickmore, Toni Giorgino: Health dialog systems for patients and consumers. Journal of Biomedical Informatics: 556-571 (2006)
25EETimothy W. Bickmore, Lisa Caruso, Kerri Clough-Gorr: Acceptance and usability of a relational agent interface by urban older adults. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1212-1215
24EETimothy W. Bickmore, Rosalind W. Picard: Establishing and maintaining long-term human-computer relationships. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 12(2): 293-327 (2005)
23 Nicholas L. Cassimatis, Sean Luke, Simon D. Levy, Ross Gayler, Pentti Kanerva, Chris Eliasmith, Timothy W. Bickmore, Alan C. Schultz, Randall Davis, James A. Landay, Robert C. Miller, Eric Saund, Thomas F. Stahovich, Michael L. Littman, Satinder P. Singh, Shlomo Argamon, Shlomo Dubnov: Reports on the 2004 AAAI Fall Symposia. AI Magazine 26(1): 98-102 (2005)
22EETimothy W. Bickmore, Lisa Caruso, Kerri Clough-Gorr, Tim Heeren: 'It's just like you talk to a friend' relational agents for older adults. Interacting with Computers 17(6): 711-735 (2005)
21EETimothy W. Bickmore, Rosalind W. Picard: Towards caring machines. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1489-1492
20EEClaude Frasson, Kaska Porayska-Pomsta, Cristina Conati, Guy Gouardères, W. Lewis Johnson, Helen Pain, Elisabeth André, Timothy W. Bickmore, Paul Brna, Isabel Fernández de Castro, Stefano A. Cerri, Cleide Jane Costa, James C. Lester, Christine L. Lisetti, Stacy Marsella, Jack Mostow, Roger Nkambou, Magalie Ochs, Ana Paiva, Fábio Paraguaçu, Natalie K. Person, Rosalind W. Picard, Candice Sidner, Angel de Vicente: Workshop on Social and Emotional Intelligence in Learning Environments. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 913
19EETimothy W. Bickmore: Unspoken rules of spoken interaction. Commun. ACM 47(4): 38-44 (2004)
18EEJustine Cassell, Timothy W. Bickmore: Negotiated Collusion: Modeling Social Languageand its Relationship Effects in Intelligent Agents. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 13(1-2): 89-132 (2003)
17EETimothy W. Bickmore: Towards the design of multimodal interfaces for handheld conversational characters. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 788-789
16EEJustine Cassell, Yukiko I. Nakano, Timothy W. Bickmore, Candace L. Sidner, Charles Rich: Non-Verbal Cues for Discourse Structure. ACL 2001: 106-115
15EETimothy W. Bickmore, Justine Cassell: Relational agents: a model and implementation of building user trust. CHI 2001: 396-403
14EEJustine Cassell, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Timothy W. Bickmore: BEAT: the Behavior Expression Animation Toolkit. SIGGRAPH 2001: 477-486
13EEJustine Cassell, Timothy W. Bickmore, Lee Campbell, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Hao Yan: More than just a pretty face: conversational protocols and the affordances of embodiment. Knowl.-Based Syst. 14(1-2): 55-64 (2001)
12EEJustine Cassell, Timothy W. Bickmore, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Hao Yan: More than just a pretty face: affordances of embodiment. IUI 2000: 52-59
11EEJustine Cassell, Timothy W. Bickmore: External manifestations of trustworthiness in the interface. Commun. ACM 43(12): 50-56 (2000)
10EEJustine Cassell, Timothy W. Bickmore, Mark Billinghurst, Lee Campbell, K. Chang, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Hao Yan: Embodiment in Conversational Interfaces: Rea. CHI 1999: 520-527
9 Timothy W. Bickmore, Andreas Girgensohn, Joseph W. Sullivan: Web Page Filtering and Re-Authoring for Mobile Users Comput. J. 42(6): 534-546 (1999)
8EETimothy W. Bickmore, Linda K. Cook, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Joseph W. Sullivan: Animated Autonomous Personal Representatives. Agents 1998: 8-15
7EETimothy W. Bickmore, Bill N. Schilit: Digestor: Device-Independent Access to the World Wide Web. Computer Networks 29(8-13): 1075-1082 (1997)
6 Timothy W. Bickmore, Robert E. Filman: MultiLex, A Pipelined Lexical Analyzer. Softw., Pract. Exper. 27(1): 25-32 (1997)
5EENicholas V. Findler, Timothy W. Bickmore: On the Concept of Causality and a Causal Modeling System for Scientific and Engineering Domains, CAMUS. Applied Artificial Intelligence 10(5): 455-487 (1996)
4EENicholas V. Findler, Timothy W. Bickmore, Laurie H. Ihrig, Wai Wan Tsang: A Note on the comparison of five heuristic optimization techniques of a certain class of decision trees. Inf. Sci. 53(1-2): 89-100 (1991)
3 Linda K. Cook, D. A. Hinkle, Timothy W. Bickmore: Planning for the manufacturing domain: Long-term and reactive scheduling. Expert Planning Systems 1990: 8-10
2 Steven A. Vere, Timothy W. Bickmore: A basic agent. Computational Intelligence 6: 41-60 (1990)
1 Nicholas V. Findler, Timothy W. Bickmore, Robert F. Cromp: A General-Purpose Man-Machine Environment with Special Reference to Air Traffic Control. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 23(6): 587-603 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Elisabeth André [20]
2Shlomo Argamon (Shlomo Argamon-Engelson, Sean P. Engelson) [23]
3Mark Billinghurst [10]
4Paul Brna [20]
5Thomas Brown [30] [31] [36]
6Lee Campbell [10] [13]
7Lisa Caruso [22] [25]
8Justine Cassell [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [18]
9Nicholas L. Cassimatis [23]
10Isabel Fernández de Castro [20]
11Stefano A. Cerri [20]
12K. Chang [10]
13Elizabeth F. Churchill [8]
14Kerri Clough-Gorr [22] [25]
15Cristina Conati [20]
16Sunny Consolvo [38]
17Linda K. Cook [3] [8]
18Cleide Jane Costa [20]
19Francisco Crespo [30] [36]
20Robert F. Cromp [1]
21Randall Davis [23]
22Shlomo Dubnov [23]
23Chris Eliasmith [23]
24Robert E. Filman [6]
25Nicholas V. Findler [1] [4] [5]
26Claude Frasson [20]
27Ross Gayler [23]
28Toni Giorgino [26] [27]
29Andreas Girgensohn [9]
30Guy Gouardères [20]
31Nancy Green [27]
32Tim Heeren [22]
33D. A. Hinkle [3]
34Laurie H. Ihrig [4]
35Stephen S. Intille [38]
36Brian W. Jack [39]
37W. Lewis Johnson [20]
38Pentti Kanerva [23]
39James A. Landay [23]
40James C. Lester [20]
41Simon D. Levy [23]
42Christine L. Lisetti [20]
43Michael L. Littman [23]
44Sean Luke [23]
45Stacy Marsella [20]
46Daniel Mauer [29] [30] [31] [36]
47Rob Miller (Robert C. Miller) [23]
48Jack Mostow [20]
49Yukiko I. Nakano [16]
50Ishraque Nazmi [35]
51Roger Nkambou [20]
52Magalie Ochs [20]
53Michael K. Paasche-Orlow [32]
54Helen Pain [20]
55Ana Paiva [20]
56Fábio Paraguaçu [20]
57Sepalika Perera [35]
58Natalie K. Person [20]
59Laura M. Pfeifer [32] [35] [39]
60Rosalind W. Picard [20] [21] [24] [27]
61Kaska Porayska-Pomsta [20]
62Charles Rich [16]
63Eric Saund [23]
64Bill N. Schilit [7]
65Daniel Schulman [28] [34] [35] [37]
66Alan C. Schultz [23]
67Chaamari Senanayake [35]
68Mayur Sharma [37]
69Candace L. Sidner [16]
70Candice Sidner [20]
71Satinder P. Singh [23]
72Thomas F. Stahovich [23]
73Joseph W. Sullivan [8] [9]
74Wai Wan Tsang [4]
75Steven A. Vere [2]
76Angel de Vicente [20]
77Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson [10] [12] [13] [14]
78Hao Yan [10] [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)