
Amy L. Baylor

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18EEAmy L. Baylor, Soyoung Kim: The Effects of Agent Nonverbal Communication on Procedural and Attitudinal Learning Outcomes. IVA 2008: 208-214
17 Rinat B. Rosenberg-Kima, E. Ashby Plant, Amy L. Baylor, Celeste E. Doerr: Changing Attitudes and Performance with Computer-generated Social Models. AIED 2007: 51-58
16 Eric Hamilton, Amy L. Baylor, Mark Chavez, Ronald Cole, Chris DiGiano, Andy Hurford, Michael J. Jacobson, Manu Kapur, Leo Lee, Richard Lesh, Manuel Lima, Philip Vahey: Assessment of Group and Individual Learning through Intelligent Visualization (AGILeViz). AIED 2007: 714
15EERinat B. Rosenberg-Kima, Amy L. Baylor, E. Ashby Plant, Celeste E. Doerr: The Importance of Interface Agent Visual Presence: Voice Alone Is Less Effective in Impacting Young Women's Attitudes Toward Engineering. PERSUASIVE 2007: 214-222
14EEAmy L. Baylor, Rinat B. Rosenberg-Kima, E. Ashby Plant: Interface agents as social models: the impact of appearance on females' attitude toward engineering. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 526-531
13EEMiyoung Lee, Amy L. Baylor: Designing Metacognitive Maps for Web-Based Learning. Educational Technology & Society 9(1): 344-348 (2006)
12 Amy L. Baylor, E. Ashby Plant: Pedagogical agents as social models for engineering: The influence of agent appearance on female choice. AIED 2005: 65-72
11 Amy L. Baylor, Daniel Warren, Sanghoon Park, E. Shen, Roberto Perez: The impact of frustration-mitigating messages delivered by an interface agent. AIED 2005: 73-79
10 Amy L. Baylor, Soyoung Kim, Chanhee Son, Miyoung Lee: Designing effective nonverbal communication for pedagogical agents. AIED 2005: 744-746
9 Daniel Warren, E. Shen, Sanghoon Park, Amy L. Baylor, Roberto Perez: Adult Learner Perceptions of Affective Agents: Experimental Data and Phenomenological Observations. AIED 2005: 944-946
8 Suzanne J. Ebbers, Amy L. Baylor: Observational Learning from Social Model Agents: Examining the Inherent Processes. AIED 2005: 958
7 Amy L. Baylor, Ronald Cole, Arthur Graesser, W. Lewis Johnson: Pedagogical agent research and development: Next steps and future possibilities. AIED 2005: 985
6EEAmy L. Baylor: Preliminary design guidelines for pedagogical agent interface image. IUI 2005: 249-250
5EEHong Gao, Amy L. Baylor, E. Shen: Designer Support for Online Collaboration and Knowledge Construction. Educational Technology & Society 8(1): 69-79 (2005)
4EEAmy L. Baylor, Yanghee Kim: Pedagogical Agent Design: The Impact of Agent Realism, Gender, Ethnicity, and Instructional Role. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 592-603
3EEAmy L. Baylor: The impact of three pedagogical agent roles. AAMAS 2003: 928-929
2 Amy L. Baylor: Cognitive Requirements for Agent-Based Learning Environments. ICALT 2001: 462-463
1 Amy L. Baylor: Disorientation on the Web-Adventure or Distraction? WebNet 1998

Coauthor Index

1Mark Chavez [16]
2Ronald Cole [7] [16]
3Chris DiGiano [16]
4Celeste E. Doerr [15] [17]
5Suzanne J. Ebbers [8]
6Hong Gao [5]
7Arthur Graesser [7]
8Eric Hamilton [16]
9Andy Hurford [16]
10Michael J. Jacobson [16]
11W. Lewis Johnson [7]
12Manu Kapur [16]
13Soyoung Kim [10] [18]
14Yanghee Kim [4]
15Leo Lee [16]
16Miyoung Lee [10] [13]
17Richard Lesh [16]
18Manuel Lima [16]
19Sanghoon Park [9] [11]
20Roberto Perez [9] [11]
21E. Ashby Plant [12] [14] [15] [17]
22Rinat B. Rosenberg-Kima [14] [15] [17]
23E. Shen [5] [9] [11]
24Chanhee Son [10]
25Philip Vahey [16]
26Daniel Warren [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)