
James C. Hoe

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37EEMarkus Püschel, Peter A. Milder, James C. Hoe: Permuting streaming data using RAMs. J. ACM 56(2): (2009)
36EEPeter A. Milder, Franz Franchetti, James C. Hoe, Markus Püschel: Formal datapath representation and manipulation for implementing DSP transforms. DAC 2008: 385-390
35EEEric S. Chung, Eriko Nurvitadhi, James C. Hoe, Babak Falsafi, Ken Mai: A complexity-effective architecture for accelerating full-system multiprocessor simulations using FPGAs. FPGA 2008: 77-86
34EEFranz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko, Peter A. Milder, Srinivas Chellappa, Marek R. Telgarsky, Hao Shen, Paolo D'Alberto, Frédéric de Mesmay, James C. Hoe, José M. F. Moura, Markus Püschel: Domain-specific library generation for parallel software and hardware platforms. IPDPS 2008: 1-5
33EEPatrick Schaumont, Krste Asanovic, James C. Hoe: MEMOCODE 2008 Co-Design Contest. MEMOCODE 2008: 151-154
32EEPaolo D'Alberto, Peter A. Milder, Aliaksei Sandryhaila, Franz Franchetti, James C. Hoe, José M. F. Moura, Markus Püschel, Jeremy R. Johnson: Generating FPGA-Accelerated DFT Libraries. FCCM 2007: 173-184
31EEEric S. Chung, Eriko Nurvitadhi, James C. Hoe, Babak Falsafi, Ken Mai: PROToFLEX: FPGA-accelerated Hybrid Functional Simulator. IPDPS 2007: 1-6
30EEForrest Brewer, James C. Hoe: MEMOCODE 2007 Co-Design Contest. MEMOCODE 2007: 91-94
29EEJangwoo Kim, Nikos Hardavellas, Ken Mai, Babak Falsafi, James C. Hoe: Multi-bit Error Tolerant Caches Using Two-Dimensional Error Coding. MICRO 2007: 197-209
28EEJangwoo Kim, Jared C. Smolens, Babak Falsafi, James C. Hoe: PAI: A Lightweight Mechanism for Single-Node Memory Recovery in DSM Servers. PRDC 2007: 298-305
27EEJohn Wawrzynek, David A. Patterson, Mark Oskin, Shih-Lien Lu, Christoforos E. Kozyrakis, James C. Hoe, Derek Chiou, Krste Asanovic: RAMP: Research Accelerator for Multiple Processors. IEEE Micro 27(2): 46-57 (2007)
26EEPeter Tummeltshammer, James C. Hoe, Markus Püschel: Time-Multiplexed Multiple-Constant Multiplication. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 26(9): 1551-1563 (2007)
25EEPeter A. Milder, Mohammad Ahmad, James C. Hoe, Markus Püschel: Fast and accurate resource estimation of automatically generated custom DFT IP cores. FPGA 2006: 211-220
24EEThomas F. Wenisch, Roland E. Wunderlich, Babak Falsafi, James C. Hoe: Statistical sampling of microarchitecture simulation. IPDPS 2006
23EEThomas F. Wenisch, Roland E. Wunderlich, Babak Falsafi, James C. Hoe: Simulation sampling with live-points. ISPASS 2006: 2-12
22EEJared C. Smolens, Brian T. Gold, Babak Falsafi, James C. Hoe: Reunion: Complexity-Effective Multicore Redundancy. MICRO 2006: 223-234
21EERoland E. Wunderlich, Thomas F. Wenisch, Babak Falsafi, James C. Hoe: Statistical sampling of microarchitecture simulation. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 16(3): 197-224 (2006)
20EEThomas F. Wenisch, Roland E. Wunderlich, Michael Ferdman, Anastassia Ailamaki, Babak Falsafi, James C. Hoe: SimFlex: Statistical Sampling of Computer System Simulation. IEEE Micro 26(4): 18-31 (2006)
19EEGrace Nordin, Peter A. Milder, James C. Hoe, Markus Püschel: Automatic generation of customized discrete fourier transform IPs. DAC 2005: 471-474
18EEThomas F. Wenisch, Roland E. Wunderlich, Babak Falsafi, James C. Hoe: TurboSMARTS: accurate microarchitecture simulation sampling in minutes. SIGMETRICS 2005: 408-409
17EEBrian T. Gold, Jangwoo Kim, Jared C. Smolens, Eric S. Chung, Vasileios Liaskovitis, Eriko Nurvitadhi, Babak Falsafi, James C. Hoe, Andreas Nowatzyk: TRUSS: A Reliable, Scalable Server Architecture. IEEE Micro 25(6): 51-59 (2005)
16EEJared C. Smolens, Brian T. Gold, Jangwoo Kim, Babak Falsafi, James C. Hoe, Andreas Nowatzyk: Fingerprinting: bounding soft-error detection latency and bandwidth. ASPLOS 2004: 224-234
15EEPeter Tummeltshammer, James C. Hoe, Markus Püschel: Multiple constant multiplication by time-multiplexed mapping of addition chains. DAC 2004: 826-829
14EERoland E. Wunderlich, James C. Hoe: In-system FPGA prototyping of an itanium microarchitecture. FPGA 2004: 255
13EEMarkus Püschel, Adam C. Zelinski, James C. Hoe: Custom-optimized multiplierless implementations of DSP algorithms. ICCAD 2004: 175-182
12EERoland E. Wunderlich, James C. Hoe: In-System FPGA Prototyping of an Itanium Microarchitecture. ICCD 2004: 288-294
11EEGrace Nordin, James C. Hoe: Synchronous extensions to operation centric hardware description languages. MEMOCODE 2004: 49-56
10EEJared C. Smolens, Jangwoo Kim, James C. Hoe, Babak Falsafi: Efficient Resource Sharing in Concurrent Error Detecting Superscalar Microarchitectures. MICRO 2004: 257-268
9EEJared C. Smolens, Brian T. Gold, Jangwoo Kim, Babak Falsafi, James C. Hoe, Andreas Nowatzyk: Fingerprinting: Bounding Soft-Error-Detection Latency and Bandwidth. IEEE Micro 24(6): 22-29 (2004)
8EEJames C. Hoe, Arvind: Operation-centric hardware description and synthesis. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 23(9): 1277-1288 (2004)
7EENikolaos Hardavellas, Stephen Somogyi, Thomas F. Wenisch, Roland E. Wunderlich, Shelley Chen, Jangwoo Kim, Babak Falsafi, James C. Hoe, Andreas Nowatzyk: SimFlex: a fast, accurate, flexible full-system simulation framework for performance evaluation of server architecture. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 31(4): 31-34 (2004)
6EEJoydeep Ray, James C. Hoe: High-level modeling and FPGA prototyping of microprocessors. FPGA 2003: 100-107
5EERoland E. Wunderlich, Thomas F. Wenisch, Babak Falsafi, James C. Hoe: SMARTS: Accelerating Microarchitecture Simulation via Rigorous Statistical Sampling. ISCA 2003: 84-95
4EEJoydeep Ray, James C. Hoe, Babak Falsafi: Dual use of superscalar datapath for transient-fault detection and recovery. MICRO 2001: 214-224
3 James C. Hoe, Arvind: Synthesis of Operation-Centric Hardware Descriptions. ICCAD 2000: 511-518
2 James C. Hoe, Arvind: Hardware Synthesis from Term Rewriting Systems. VLSI 1999: 595-619
1 Derek Chiou, Boon Seong Ang, Robert Greiner, Arvind, James C. Hoe, Michael J. Beckerle, James E. Hicks, G. Andrew Boughton: START-NG: Delivering Seamless Parallel Computing. Euro-Par 1995: 101-116

Coauthor Index

1Mohammad Ahmad [25]
2Anastasia Ailamaki (Anastassia Ailamaki, Ailamaki Natassa) [20]
3Boon Seong Ang [1]
4 Arvind [1] [2] [3] [8]
5Krste Asanovic [27] [33]
6Michael J. Beckerle [1]
7G. Andrew Boughton [1]
8Forrest Brewer [30]
9Srinivas Chellappa [34]
10Shelley Chen [7]
11Derek Chiou [1] [27]
12Eric S. Chung [17] [31] [35]
13Paolo D'Alberto [32] [34]
14Babak Falsafi [4] [5] [7] [9] [10] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [28] [29] [31] [35]
15Michael Ferdman [20]
16Franz Franchetti [32] [34] [36]
17Brian T. Gold (Brian Gold) [9] [16] [17] [22]
18Robert Greiner [1]
19Nikolaos Hardavellas (Nikos Hardavellas) [7] [29]
20James E. Hicks [1]
21Jeremy R. Johnson [32]
22Jangwoo Kim [7] [9] [10] [16] [17] [28] [29]
23Christoforos E. Kozyrakis (Christos Kozyrakis) [27]
24Vasileios Liaskovitis [17]
25Shih-Lien Lu [27]
26Ken Mai [29] [31] [35]
27Frédéric de Mesmay [34]
28Peter A. Milder [19] [25] [32] [34] [36] [37]
29José M. F. Moura [32] [34]
30Grace Nordin [11] [19]
31Andreas Nowatzyk [7] [9] [16] [17]
32Eriko Nurvitadhi [17] [31] [35]
33Mark Oskin [27]
34David A. Patterson [27]
35Markus Püschel [13] [15] [19] [25] [26] [32] [34] [36] [37]
36Joydeep Ray [4] [6]
37Aliaksei Sandryhaila [32]
38Patrick Schaumont [33]
39Hao Shen [34]
40Jared C. Smolens [9] [10] [16] [17] [22] [28]
41Stephen Somogyi [7]
42Marek R. Telgarsky [34]
43Peter Tummeltshammer [15] [26]
44Yevgen Voronenko [34]
45John Wawrzynek [27]
46Thomas F. Wenisch [5] [7] [18] [20] [21] [23] [24]
47Roland E. Wunderlich [5] [7] [12] [14] [18] [20] [21] [23] [24]
48Adam C. Zelinski [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)