
James E. Hicks

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5EEJeffrey Dean, James E. Hicks, Carl A. Waldspurger, William E. Weihl, George Z. Chrysos: ProfileMe: Hardware Support for Instruction-Level Profiling on Out-of-Order Processors. MICRO 1997: 292-302
4 Derek Chiou, Boon Seong Ang, Robert Greiner, Arvind, James C. Hoe, Michael J. Beckerle, James E. Hicks, G. Andrew Boughton: START-NG: Delivering Seamless Parallel Computing. Euro-Par 1995: 101-116
3EEShail Aditya, Christine H. Flood, James E. Hicks: Garbage Collection for Strongly-Typed Languages Using Run-Time Type Reconstruction. LISP and Functional Programming 1994: 12-23
2 James E. Hicks, Derek Chiou, Boon Seong Ang, Arvind: Performance Studies of Id on the Monsoon Dataflow System. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 18(3): 273-300 (1993)
1 Kenneth R. Traub, Gregory M. Papadopoulos, Michael J. Beckerle, James E. Hicks, Jonathan Young: Overview of the Monsoon Project. ICCD 1991: 150-155

Coauthor Index

1Shail Aditya [3]
2Boon Seong Ang [2] [4]
3 Arvind [2] [4]
4Michael J. Beckerle [1] [4]
5G. Andrew Boughton [4]
6Derek Chiou [2] [4]
7George Z. Chrysos [5]
8Jeffrey Dean [5]
9Christine H. Flood [3]
10Robert Greiner [4]
11James C. Hoe [4]
12Gregory M. Papadopoulos [1]
13Kenneth R. Traub [1]
14Carl A. Waldspurger [5]
15William E. Weihl [5]
16Jonathan Young [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)